
Component classes.


Interface Summary
FacesAjaxComponent Implemented by UIComponents which can handle Ajax requests and return a valid response.
FacesAutoForm This interface is implemented by components that can automatically create a form, and is used to ensure the automatic form is not used when a manually created form is present in the control tree, used by the UIFormEx implementation.
FacesComponent This interface is implemented by components that want to Perform some initialization after they are created Want to build their own children
FacesDataIterator This is a base class for data iterators, like UIData or UIDataIterator.
FacesInputComponent Implemented by the extended UIInput component.
FacesInputFiltering Implemented by EditableValueHolder controls with an HtmlFilterIn property.
FacesNestedDataTable Unit:
FacesOutputFiltering Implemented by ValueHolder controls with an "htmlFilter" property, implementations usually delegate to the htmlFilter property or if it is not set, a default filter name may be used instead.
FacesPageIncluder Similar to FacesComponent, except used by a page includer control to build the contents of the included page (as opposed to the FacesComponent methods which build the control contents in the outer page).
FacesPageProvider A UIComponent that can act as an alias for the root of a page during the createView phase.
FacesParentReliantComponent This interface tags a UIComponent that depends on it's direct parent in some way, and will not behave the same if a panel is inserted between it and its normal parent.
FacesPropertyProvider This interface tags a class that can contain compositeData through a PropertyMap.
FacesRefreshableComponent A NamingContainer that can be refreshed by one of it's children.
FacesRowIndex This is a base class for data iterators, like UIData or UIDataIterator that have a current RowIndex property, this is used by DataSources computing their beanId.
FacesSaveBehaviour Implemented by the Button and Event Handler controls, used after the action is processed to check whether the data sources on the page should be saved, uses the "save" property in the All Properties tab of those controls.

Class Summary
FacesEventWrapper Used by controls that publish var(s), to ensure the vars are published during the invokeApplication (action-handling) phase of the lifecycle, when the event originates from some descendant control of the var-publishing control.
UICallback The Editable Area control, corresponding to the xp:callback tag in the XPage source.
UIColumnEx Not intended to be subclassed.
UICommandButton Not intended to be subclassed.
UICommandEx2 Not intended to be subclassed.
UIComponentTag Not intended to be subclassed.
UIDataColumn This is a technical class used to publish the properties available in UIColumn.
UIDataEx Extends UIData to delegate to ApplicationEx.createDataModel(Object) to create the data model, and adds other functionalities needed by the Data Table and View Panel controls.
UIDataIterator Iterates over a data set with its children creating only one instance of the children.
UIDateTimeHelper Abstract Date time picker component that handles creating the internal components required to render the date time picker.
UIEventHandler An Abstract Component that is used to apply event handling to its parent component.
UIFileDownload Abstract File Download Component which handles creating all the internal components used to display the file available for downloading.
UIFileDownload.DownloadVb Unit:
UIFileuploadEx Abstract File Upload Component Not intended to be subclassed.
UIFormEx The superclass of XspForm (corresponding to the xp:form tag, used in the XPage source when the XPage root tag has createForm="false").
UIGraphicEx Not intended to be subclassed.
UIInclude XPages Container Controls - Include Page.
UIIncludeComposite The panel-like control used to include a custom control page.
UIInputCheckbox Not intended to be subclassed.
UIInputEx The input control base implementation, that is intended to be subclassed.
UIInputRadio Not intended to be subclassed.
UIInputRichText Not intended to be subclassed.
UIInputText Abstract Input Text Component which adds password functionality.
UIMessageEx Not intended to be subclassed.
UIMessagesEx Not intended to be subclassed.
UIOutputLink Not intended to be subclassed.
UIOutputText Abstract Output Component that adds Label functionality.
UIPager Not intended to be subclassed.
UIPagerControl Not intended to be subclassed.
UIPanelEx XPages Container Controls - Panel.
UIPassThroughTag Represents a template tag from the source page, this is used directly within in the compiled XPage .java file, there is no subclass.
UIPassThroughTag.TagAttribute TagAttribute class represents on attribute defined on a pass through tag.
UIPassThroughText Represents template text from the source page Not intended to be subclassed.
UIPlatformEvent External event handler
UIRepeat This is the xp:repeat tag when repeatControls="true", when the check box "Create controls at page creation" is checked.
UIRepeatContainer This Class is used directly by the UIRepeat Component class and should not be used independently.
UIScriptCollector UIScriptCollector is a UIComponent that wraps other components on a JSF page.
UISection Not intended to be subclassed.
UISelectItemEx This is the xp:selectItem tag used in the XPage source.
UISelectItemsEx This is the xp:selectItems tag used in the XPage source; in the XPages editor, select a Combo Box, Values tab, click Add Formula Item to create an xp:selectItems tag.
UISelectListbox Not intended to be subclassed.
UITabbedPanel Not intended to be subclassed.
UITabPanel Not intended to be subclassed.
UITypeAhead Abstract AJAX type ahead control for an existing input text.
UIViewColumn By default, the rendererType property must be set to "" This value can be changed by calling the setRendererType() method.
UIViewColumnHeader Abstract View Column Header Component used in conjunction with the viewColumn on a viewPanel This adds additional functionality such as sorting and checkboxes.
UIViewPager A control that navigates pages of data.
UIViewPanel Abstract View Panel Component used to render table data in a feature rich convenient form.
UIViewRootEx Superclass of UIViewRootEx (the xp:view tag, the XPage root control).
UIViewRootEx.StateMapImpl Not intended to be used except by the XPages runtime.
UIViewRootEx2 Not intended to be subclassed.
UIViewRootEx2.StateMapImpl2 Not intended to be used except by the XPages runtime.
UIViewTitle Not intended to be subclassed.

Package Description

Component classes.