Interface FacesSaveBehaviour

All Known Implementing Classes:
UICommandButton, UICommandEx2, UIEventHandler, XspCommandButton, XspEventHandler

public interface FacesSaveBehaviour

Implemented by the Button and Event Handler controls, used after the action is processed to check whether the data sources on the page should be saved, uses the "save" property in the All Properties tab of those controls.

Method Summary
 boolean doSave(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, javax.faces.event.ActionEvent event, java.lang.Object outcome)
          Return true if a save should be performed.

Method Detail


boolean doSave(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context,
               javax.faces.event.ActionEvent event,
               java.lang.Object outcome)
Return true if a save should be performed.

context -
event -
outcome -
true if navigation should be performed