Interface FacesPageProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
UIInclude, UIIncludeComposite, UIViewRootEx, UIViewRootEx2

public interface FacesPageProvider

A UIComponent that can act as an alias for the root of a page during the createView phase. The methods from this interface are invoked in the generated XPage .java file, in the initIncluderAsRoot method. The implementations will usually either handle the functionality themselves (as with setBeforePageLoad(MethodBinding)) or will pass the parameters up to the actual page root control (as with addResource(Resource)). This interface is only published because it is used in the generated .java file. It is not intended for 3rd parties to provide their own implementations, as the interface methods change frequently, so their implementation would break when upgrading to a more recent release. Not intended to be subclassed.

Method Summary
 void addNavigationRule(NavigationRule rule)
          Add a NavigationRule instance to the root of the control tree.
 void addResource(Resource resource)
          Add a Resource instance to the root of the control tree.
 void setAcl(ACL acl)
          Set the ACL
 void setAfterPageLoad(javax.faces.el.MethodBinding afterPageLoad)
          Triggered after a page is loaded, or where it is set on an included custom control, triggered after the custom control is included.
 void setAfterRenderResponse(javax.faces.el.MethodBinding afterRenderResponse)
          A server-only event triggered after the render response phase of the JSF lifecycle.
 void setAfterRestoreView(javax.faces.el.MethodBinding afterRestoreView)
          A server-only event triggered after the restore view phase of the JSF lifecycle.
 void setBeforePageLoad(javax.faces.el.MethodBinding beforePageLoad)
          Triggered before a page is loaded, or where it is set on an included custom control, triggered before the custom control is included.
 void setBeforeRenderResponse(javax.faces.el.MethodBinding beforeRenderResponse)
          A server-only event triggered before the render response phase of the JSF lifecycle.
 void setDojoForm(boolean dojoForm)
 void setDojoParseOnLoad(boolean dojoParseOnLoad)
          Flag to indicate whether or not the Dojo parser should run when the page is loaded in the web browser or client, defaults to false, will be set on the root of the control tree.
 void setDojoTheme(boolean dojoTheme)
          Flag to indicate whether or not the Dojo theme resources (CSS files) should be loaded, defaults to false, will be set on the root of the control tree.
 void setEnableModifiedFlag(boolean enableModifiedFlag)
 void setModifiedControl(java.lang.String modifiedControl)
 void setModifiedMessage(java.lang.String modifiedMessage)
 void setOnClientLoad(java.lang.String onClientLoad)
          Sets the client JavaScript that was set for the onClientLoad event in the All Properties tab of the XPages Editor's Properties view, which is unusual because events are normally handled in the Events view.
 void setPageBaseUrl(ViewRootBaseUrl pageBaseUrl)
 void setPageManifest(java.lang.String pageManifest)

Method Detail


void addResource(Resource resource)
Add a Resource instance to the root of the control tree.

resource -


void addNavigationRule(NavigationRule rule)
Add a NavigationRule instance to the root of the control tree.

rule -


void setAfterPageLoad(javax.faces.el.MethodBinding afterPageLoad)
Triggered after a page is loaded, or where it is set on an included custom control, triggered after the custom control is included.

afterPageLoad - afterPageLoad the afterPageLoad to set


void setOnClientLoad(java.lang.String onClientLoad)
Sets the client JavaScript that was set for the onClientLoad event in the All Properties tab of the XPages Editor's Properties view, which is unusual because events are normally handled in the Events view.

onClientLoad - client JavaScript to execute when the page loads in the client or browser


void setBeforePageLoad(javax.faces.el.MethodBinding beforePageLoad)
Triggered before a page is loaded, or where it is set on an included custom control, triggered before the custom control is included.

beforePageLoad - the beforePageLoad to set


void setAfterRenderResponse(javax.faces.el.MethodBinding afterRenderResponse)
A server-only event triggered after the render response phase of the JSF lifecycle. Since it does not occur during processing of the control tree for the phase, the event will not have access to data published by controls in the XPage.

afterRenderResponse - the afterRenderResponse.


void setAfterRestoreView(javax.faces.el.MethodBinding afterRestoreView)
A server-only event triggered after the restore view phase of the JSF lifecycle. Since it does not occur during processing of the control tree for the phase, the event will not have access to data published by controls in the XPage. There is no "before restore view" phase because these event actions are saved in the view control tree, so the action would not be available before the control tree is restored.

afterRestoreView - the afterRenderResponse to be set.


void setBeforeRenderResponse(javax.faces.el.MethodBinding beforeRenderResponse)
A server-only event triggered before the render response phase of the JSF lifecycle. Since it does not occur during processing of the control tree for the phase, the event will not have access to data published by controls in the XPage.

beforeRenderResponse - The beforeRenderResponse to set.


void setDojoTheme(boolean dojoTheme)
Flag to indicate whether or not the Dojo theme resources (CSS files) should be loaded, defaults to false, will be set on the root of the control tree.

dojoTheme - true is the dojo theme should be used


void setDojoParseOnLoad(boolean dojoParseOnLoad)
Flag to indicate whether or not the Dojo parser should run when the page is loaded in the web browser or client, defaults to false, will be set on the root of the control tree.

dojoParseOnLoad - true is the dojo parser should be triggered on load


void setEnableModifiedFlag(boolean enableModifiedFlag)


void setModifiedMessage(java.lang.String modifiedMessage)


void setModifiedControl(java.lang.String modifiedControl)


void setDojoForm(boolean dojoForm)


void setPageBaseUrl(ViewRootBaseUrl pageBaseUrl)


void setPageManifest(java.lang.String pageManifest)


void setAcl(ACL acl)
Set the ACL