Interface FacesValidatorDefinition

All Superinterfaces:
FacesComplexDefinition, FacesDefinition, FacesExtensibleNode

public interface FacesValidatorDefinition
extends FacesComplexDefinition

Note ValidatorDefinitions don't have to appear as a tag in an xsp file. e.g. The definition for the tag xp:validator is a <@link}, but the definition for the validator with id javax.faces.Length is a ValidatorDefinition.

ValidatorDefinitions are referenced from the xp:validator tag's validatorId attribute.

The validator attribute on an EditableValueHoldercan be set to a method binding string, in which does not reference the registered validators.

ValidatorDefinitions can also appear as a tag in the xsp file.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getValidatorId()
Methods inherited from interface
getAllowBindingSince, getComplexId
Methods inherited from interface
getDefaultFacesProperty, getDefaultProperty, getDefinedInlinePropertyNames, getDefinedPropertyNames, getFile, getFirstDefaultPrefix, getGroupTypeRefs, getId, getJavaClass, getNamespaceUri, getParent, getProperty, getPropertyNames, getReferenceId, getSince, getTagName, isDefinedProperty, isGroupProperty, isProperty, isTag
Methods inherited from interface
getExtension, setExtension

Method Detail


java.lang.String getValidatorId()
Returns the validatorId.