Interface IMimeMultipart

All Known Implementing Classes:
DominoRichTextItem, MimeMultipart

public interface IMimeMultipart

This interface represents a multi-part MIME item.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getContentAsText()
          Return the text content as simple text.
 long getContentLength()
          Returns the content length for the file
 java.lang.String getHTML()
          Returns an HTML representation of the MIME
 java.lang.String getItemName()
          Returns the name of the name of the rich text item which holds this Mime
 long[] getMimeLengths()
          Returns an array of content lengths for the files
 IMimePart[] getMimeParts()
          Returns an array of IMimeParts
 java.lang.String[] getMimeTypes()
          Returns an array of content types for the files
 boolean isHTMLConverted()
          Returns true if the HTML is the result of a conversion that requires a user prompt
 boolean isSameAs(IMimeMultipart rval)
          Returns the position
 void setHTMLConverted(boolean isConverted)
          Specifies if the HTML is the result of a conversion that requires a user prompt

Method Detail


java.lang.String[] getMimeTypes()
Returns an array of content types for the files


long[] getMimeLengths()
Returns an array of content lengths for the files


IMimePart[] getMimeParts()
Returns an array of IMimeParts


long getContentLength()
Returns the content length for the file


java.lang.String getItemName()
Returns the name of the name of the rich text item which holds this Mime


java.lang.String getHTML()
Returns an HTML representation of the MIME


java.lang.String getContentAsText()
Return the text content as simple text.


boolean isSameAs(IMimeMultipart rval)
Returns the position


boolean isHTMLConverted()
Returns true if the HTML is the result of a conversion that requires a user prompt


void setHTMLConverted(boolean isConverted)
Specifies if the HTML is the result of a conversion that requires a user prompt