Class UIViewPager

  extended by javax.faces.component.UIComponent
      extended by javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase
          extended by javax.faces.component.UIPanel
              extended by
                  extended by
                      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
FacesAttrsObject, FacesComponent, ThemeControl, javax.faces.component.StateHolder

public class UIViewPager
extends XspPager
implements FacesComponent

A control that navigates pages of data. Also known as a pager, this control can be positioned either in the header or footer of views. Not intended to be subclassed.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase
javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.AggregatedIterator, javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.UnmodifiableIterator
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponent
javax.faces.component.UIComponent.StateMap, javax.faces.component.UIComponent.StateMapEntry
Field Summary
static java.lang.String COMPONENT_TYPE
static java.lang.String RENDERER_TYPE
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase
Fields inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponent
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void buildContents(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, FacesComponentBuilder builder)
          Build the component children and facets, the default implementation is usually:
builder.buildAll(context, this, true); // includeFacets=true
 java.lang.String getFor()
           Return the value of the for property.
 java.lang.String getHideDisabledButtons()
           Return the value of the hideDisabledButtons property.
 java.lang.String getImageGotoAlt()
           Return the value of the imageGotoAlt property.
 java.lang.String getImageGotoButton()
           Return the value of the imageGotoButton property.
 java.lang.String getLocation()
           Return the value of the location property.
 java.lang.String getPanelPosition()
           Return the value of the panelPosition property.
 java.lang.String getSrcFirst()
           Return the value of the srcFirst property.
 java.lang.String getSrcLast()
           Return the value of the srcLast property.
 java.lang.String getSrcNext()
           Return the value of the srcNext property.
 java.lang.String getSrcPrevious()
           Return the value of the srcPrevious property.
 java.lang.String getTabindex()
           Return the value of the tabindex property.
 java.lang.String getType()
           Return the value of the type property.
 java.lang.String getUseButtons()
           Return the value of the useButtons property.
 void initAfterContents(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
          Perform component initialization after it's children and facets are added.
 void initBeforeContents(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
          Perform component initialization before its children and facets are added.
 boolean isEnableAjax()
           Return the value of the enableAjax property.
 void restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext _context, java.lang.Object _state)
 java.lang.Object saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext _context)
 void setEnableAjax(boolean enableAjax)
           Set the value of the enableAjax property.
 void setFor(java.lang.String _for)
           Set the value of the for property.
 void setHideDisabledButtons(java.lang.String hideDisabledButtons)
           Set the value of the hideDisabledButtons property.
 void setImageGotoAlt(java.lang.String imageGotoAlt)
           Set the value of the imageGotoAlt property.
 void setImageGotoButton(java.lang.String imageGotoButton)
           Set the value of the imageGotoButton property.
 void setLocation(java.lang.String location)
           Set the value of the location property.
 void setPanelPosition(java.lang.String panelPosition)
           Set the value of the panelPosition property.
 void setSrcFirst(java.lang.String srcFirst)
           Set the value of the srcFirst property.
 void setSrcLast(java.lang.String srcLast)
           Set the value of the srcLast property.
 void setSrcNext(java.lang.String srcNext)
           Set the value of the srcNext property.
 void setSrcPrevious(java.lang.String srcPrevious)
           Set the value of the srcPrevious property.
 void setTabindex(java.lang.String tabindex)
           Set the value of the tabindex property.
 void setType(java.lang.String type)
           Set the value of the type property.
 void setUseButtons(java.lang.String useButtons)
           Set the value of the useButtons property.
Methods inherited from class
getAriaLabel, getDir, getLang, getOuterStyleClass, getPageCount, getRole, getStyle, getStyleClass, getTitle, isAlwaysCalculateLast, isPartialExecute, isPartialRefresh, setAlwaysCalculateLast, setAriaLabel, setDir, setLang, setOuterStyleClass, setPageCount, setPartialExecute, setPartialRefresh, setRole, setStyle, setStyleClass, setTitle
Methods inherited from class
addAttr, broadcast, createPagerState, findSharedDataPagerParent, getAttrs, getFamily, getLayout, getRowCount, getStyleKitFamily, gotoFirst, gotoLast, gotoNext, gotoPage, gotoPrevious, processDecodes, queueEvent, setAttrs, setLayout, setValueBinding
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase
_xspCleanTransientData, _xspGetReadOnlyObj, _xspGetRendererData, _xspRemoveReadOnlyObj, _xspRemoveRendererData, _xspSetIdUnchecked, _xspSetReadOnlyObj, _xspSetRendererData, addFacesListener, decode, encodeBegin, encodeChildren, encodeEnd, findComponent, getAttributes, getChildCount, getChildren, getClientId, getFacesContext, getFacesListeners, getFacet, getFacetCount, getFacets, getFacetsAndChildren, getId, getParent, getRenderer, getRendererType, getRendersChildren, getValueBinding, isRendered, isTransient, processRestoreState, processSaveState, processUpdates, processValidators, removeFacesListener, restoreAttachedState, saveAttachedState, setId, setParent, setRendered, setRendererType, setTransient
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponent
_xspGetStateId, _xspGetStateMap, _xspRestoreAttribute, _xspRestoreState, _xspSaveState, invokeOnComponent, isVisitable, markInitialState, setControlState, visitTree
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String COMPONENT_TYPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String RENDERER_TYPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public UIViewPager()
Method Detail


public void buildContents(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context,
                          FacesComponentBuilder builder)
                   throws javax.faces.FacesException
Description copied from interface: FacesComponent
Build the component children and facets, the default implementation is usually:
builder.buildAll(context, this, true); // includeFacets=true

Specified by:
buildContents in interface FacesComponent
buildContents in class UIPager


public void initAfterContents(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
                       throws javax.faces.FacesException
Description copied from interface: FacesComponent
Perform component initialization after it's children and facets are added.

Specified by:
initAfterContents in interface FacesComponent
initAfterContents in class UIPager


public void initBeforeContents(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
                        throws javax.faces.FacesException
Description copied from interface: FacesComponent
Perform component initialization before its children and facets are added.

Specified by:
initBeforeContents in interface FacesComponent
initBeforeContents in class UIPager


public boolean isEnableAjax()

Return the value of the enableAjax property. Contents:

Enables AJAX behavior on the pager. Setting this property to true, means that all requests for different pages, are done through AJAX and no longer fire of a standard submit.


public void setEnableAjax(boolean enableAjax)

Set the value of the enableAjax property.


public java.lang.String getFor()

Return the value of the for property. Contents:

Holds the id of the Table that this pager is to effect

getFor in class XspPager


public void setFor(java.lang.String _for)

Set the value of the for property.

setFor in class XspPager


public java.lang.String getHideDisabledButtons()

Return the value of the hideDisabledButtons property. Contents:

Specifies whether unused buttons should be hidden or not


public void setHideDisabledButtons(java.lang.String hideDisabledButtons)

Set the value of the hideDisabledButtons property.


public java.lang.String getImageGotoAlt()

Return the value of the imageGotoAlt property. Contents:

Alternate textual description of the Goto Button.


public void setImageGotoAlt(java.lang.String imageGotoAlt)

Set the value of the imageGotoAlt property.


public java.lang.String getImageGotoButton()

Return the value of the imageGotoButton property. Contents:

Represents a URL to the image that should appear on the "Goto" button of the Goto Navigator (pager).


public void setImageGotoButton(java.lang.String imageGotoButton)

Set the value of the imageGotoButton property.


public java.lang.String getLocation()

Return the value of the location property. Contents:

Indicates if there is to be a pager present in the cell above the table data, or below the table data (valid values are top and bottom).If it is intended that the pager be located outside of the view panel, some where else on the page, then the standard data table pager can be used in its place, as the location (and panelPosition properties will be ignored).


public void setLocation(java.lang.String location)

Set the value of the location property.


public java.lang.String getPanelPosition()

Return the value of the panelPosition property. Contents:

Specifies where in the specified location, the pager should appear. Valid values are top, left, right and bottom. If the pager and the view title are set to the same position, the title will always be to the left of the pager.

getPanelPosition in class XspPager


public void setPanelPosition(java.lang.String panelPosition)

Set the value of the panelPosition property.

setPanelPosition in class XspPager


public java.lang.String getSrcFirst()

Return the value of the srcFirst property. Contents:

The URL to an image representing the first button


public void setSrcFirst(java.lang.String srcFirst)

Set the value of the srcFirst property.


public java.lang.String getSrcLast()

Return the value of the srcLast property. Contents:

The URL to an image representing the last button


public void setSrcLast(java.lang.String srcLast)

Set the value of the srcLast property.


public java.lang.String getSrcNext()

Return the value of the srcNext property. Contents:

The URL to an image representing the next button


public void setSrcNext(java.lang.String srcNext)

Set the value of the srcNext property.


public java.lang.String getSrcPrevious()

Return the value of the srcPrevious property. Contents:

The URL to an image representing the previous button


public void setSrcPrevious(java.lang.String srcPrevious)

Set the value of the srcPrevious property.


public java.lang.String getTabindex()

Return the value of the tabindex property. Contents:

Indicates where this control is located in the tab order of the page. Value must be an integer between 0 and 32,767. If the value is left blank, the tab order will inherit the browser's default order.


public void setTabindex(java.lang.String tabindex)

Set the value of the tabindex property.


public java.lang.String getType()

Return the value of the type property. Contents:

The type property specifies how the pager should look, the pager internally creates to different types of pagers, a goto pager, and a deluxe pager, the user can specify the type to affect which of these two pagers will be visible, the valid values are "goto", "navigator" or "both", which will show the goto pager only, the deluxe pager only, or both the goto and deluxe pagers respectively. Default is "both".


public void setType(java.lang.String type)

Set the value of the type property.


public java.lang.String getUseButtons()

Return the value of the useButtons property. Contents:

Render text buttons instead of images


public void setUseButtons(java.lang.String useButtons)

Set the value of the useButtons property.


public java.lang.Object saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext _context)
Specified by:
saveState in interface javax.faces.component.StateHolder
saveState in class XspPager


public void restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext _context,
                         java.lang.Object _state)
Specified by:
restoreState in interface javax.faces.component.StateHolder
restoreState in class XspPager