
XPages Complex Panels API Classes.


Interface Summary
IComplexPanel A complex panel that is used to represent information that is not known when the parent composite is being created.
IComplexPanelFactory A factory interface whose subclasses create complex property panels.
IComplexPropertiesPanel Used by the ComplexPropertyDialog.

Class Summary
ComplexPanelComposite A composite that can be used to render panels for any given tag and uri.
ComplexPanelRegistry An Eclipse plug-in registry reader that reads the registry information for the extension point.
ConverterValidatorMatcherRegistry A registry that is used by Domino Designer to maintain relationships between XPage converters and validators.
DynamicPanel A default implementation of IComplexPanel.

Package Description

XPages Complex Panels API Classes.

This packages contains classes that allow users to create panels within panels dynamically. For instance if a particular panel is used to describe an outter tag, but it is desirable to have that panel perform operations on an inner tag without changing focus then a ComplexComposite can be used to render an inner panel based on the inner tag. The classic use cases for such a Composite is when dealing with Converters, Validators and Data Sources. The classes in this package are used in conjunction with the extension point.