
Property Editor Support Classes.


Interface Summary
ICompositeEditorOptions An interface that provides support to the CompositeEditor class.
ITableEditorValuePopulator A populator interface used in conjunction with the TableEditor class.
PropertyEditorUpdateListener Used to avoid notification of model edits that occur from property editors.

Class Summary
CompositeEditorLayout A Layout object that is used in conjunction with the CompositeEditor control.
DialogButton A custom implementation of the standard SWT button control.
EditorLabelProvider Label provider for objects of type EditorDescription.
EditorRegistry A singleton registry that reads the Eclipse extension point registry and stores information relating to all contributed PropertyEditor extensions.
EditorRegistry.Category A category by which the property editor can be grouped.
EditorRegistry.ClassEditorDescription A concrete implementation of
EditorRegistry.EditorDescription An abstract description of the editor as defined in the extension point
EditorTreeContentProvider Provides a categorized list of Property Editors.
MemberCompositeEditorOptions Composite editor options specific to a particular IMember.
MenuButton A custom button that when clicked will pop up a menu as defined by the associated composite editor.

Package Description

Property Editor Support Classes.

The classes and interfaces that are used in conjunction with the Property Editors to provide the given functionality.