
Interface Summary
ICustomControl Custom control interface that allows for ids to be associated UI controls.

Class Summary
CustomButton An extension of the standard SWT Button class that can ONLY be of type PUSH, CHECK, RADIO or TOGGLE.
CustomCanvas An extension of the standard SWT Canvas.
CustomCheckBox An extension of the standard SWT Button class that can ONLY be of type CHECK.
CustomCombo An extension of the standard SWT Combo class that allows the user to set the width of the control in columns, where a column is the average width of a character.
CustomComposite An extension of the standard SWT Composite class.
CustomLabel An extension of the standard SWT Label class.
CustomList An extension of the standard SWT List class that allows the user to set the width of the control in columns and the height in rows (where a column is the average width of a character, and a row is the average height).
CustomRadioButton An extension of the standard SWT Button class that can ONLY be of type RADIO.
CustomTable An extension of the standard SWT Table class.
This class automatically takes care of many of the sizing issues that are normally associated with SWT Tables, such as sizing columns appropriately.
CustomTableColumn An extension of the standard SWT TableColumn class.
CustomText An extension of the standard SWT Text class.
CustomToggleButton An extension of the standard SWT Button class that can ONLY be of type TOGGLE.
CustomTooltip A custom abstract tooltip control.
CustomTree An extension of the standard SWT Tree clas.
CustomTreeColumn An extension of the standard SWT TreeColumn class.