You can run this step after the QMF product has been tailored for CICS as described in Tailoring QMF for CICS. If you are migrating from QMF 3.1, you need to run all the steps except Step 9Da--update CICS control tables (CICS V2 only). (For information on CICS migration considerations, see Installing and Managing QMF for OS/390.)
The database plan ID and authorization ID for a transaction are specified in the DB2 resource control table (RCT). For example, to specify a transaction ID of "QMFn" and an authorization ID of "DEPT1", add the following statement:
QMF ships a sample RCT entry located in QMF720.SDSQSAPn(DSQ1nRCT).
After the RCT is updated with information describing the QMF transaction to DB2, you must then regenerate your RCT.
QMF uses the CICS command-level application programming interface to operate under CICS. You must link-edit QMF with the exec interface modules DFHEAI and DFHEAI0 before you can run any QMF programs. To include CICS interface modules DFHEAI and DFHEAI0, you must run this step each time you apply QMF service.
This job link-edits QMF NLF modules with CICS command level support modules DFHEAI and DFHEAI0.
The job used in this step is QMF720.SDSQSAPn(DSQ1nLNK). Change the job statement to conform to your installation. Change, if necessary, the values for the installation parameters in the job's instream procedure:
Parameter name | Description of value | Default |
QMFTPRE | The prefix name of the QMF target libraries | QMF720 |
REG | The job-step region size | 4096 |
OUTC | The job output class | * |
CLOAD | The name of the CICS load library | CICS.LOADLIB |
After completing this job, examine the listing and ensure that all modules have been link-edited successfully.
The job used in this step is QMF720.SDSQSAPn(DSQ1nGLK). Change the job statement to conform to your installation. Change, if necessary, the values for the installation parameters in the job's instream procedure:
Parameter name | Description of value | Default |
QMFTPRE | The prefix name of the QMF target libraries | QMF720 |
REG | The job-step region size | 4096 |
OUTC | The job output class | * |
CLOAD | The name of the CICS load library | CICS.LOADLIB |
CMACS | The name of the CICS macro library | CICS.MACLIB |
SUFFIX | The CICS ASM Translator suffix | 1$ |
ASMBLR | The name of the Assembler | IEV90 |
WPRL | The name of the work volume unit | SYSDA |
The job used in this step is QMF720.SDSQSAPn(DSQ1nADM). Change the job statement to conform to your installation. Change, if necessary, the values for the installation parameters in the job's instream procedure.
Parameter name | Description of value | Default |
QMFTPRE | The prefix name of the QMF target libraries | QMF720 |
REG | The job-step region size | 2048 |
GDDM | The name of the GDDM ADMF data set | GDDM.ADMF |
Before you can run the NLF/QMF feature under CICS, QMF entries must be defined as follows:
Describes the QMF panel file that contains NLF/QMF help and screen definitions. Add or copy member DSQ1nFCT (in library QMF720.SDSQSAPn) into existing FCT entries on your CICS system.
Describes the QMF transaction name for this NLF/QMF. Add or copy member DSQ1nPCT (in library QMF720.SDSQSAPn) into existing PCT entries on your CICS system.
Describes the QMF programs that contain NLF/QMF constants and messages. Add or copy member DSQ1nPPT (in library QMF720.SDSQSAPn) into existing PPT entries on your CICS system.
After you include or copy members into your CICS system, assemble and link-edit.
Before you can run the NLF/QMF feature under CICS, QMF entries must be defined in the CICS system definition file (CSD).
The job used in this step is QMF720.SDSQSAPn(DSQ1nCSD). Change the job statement to conform to your installation. Change, if necessary, the values for the installation parameters in the job's instream procedure:
Parameter name | Description of value | Default |
QMFTPRE | The prefix name of the QMF target libraries | QMF720 |
REG | The job-step region size | 2048 |
OUTC | The job output class | * |
CLOAD | THe name of the CICS load library | CICS.LOADLIB |
CCSD | The name of the CICS CSD data set | CICS.DFHCSD |
The QMF panel file must be added to the existing JCL that is used to start the CICS region containing QMF. Add the following statement:
where n is the NLF character.
Run the IVP as indicated in Step 33 (for CICS)--Run the IVP, changing the following names:
where n is the NLF character.
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