Step 10--Tailoring QMF NLF for a Workstation Database Server (optional)

QMF support for Workstation Database Server is optional. You need to perform the steps described in this step only if you intend to run a Workstation Database Server as an application server for your QMF NLF.

Before you install a QMF NLF into a Workstation Database Server from OS/390, you need to verify that you have followed the steps needed to install the QMF base product into your Workstation Database Server database. The installation of a QMF NLF requires that the outbound Workstation Database Server ID has SYSADM authority. For more information about installing QMF into a Workstation Database Server, see Tailoring QMF for Workstation Database Servers.

Check the step completion codes in the system messages. Completion messages can be found in the SYSTSPRT or the SYSTERM output, as indicated. SYSPRINT provides additional diagnostic information for IBM support.

Step 10A--Create QMF NLF control tables in a Workstation Database Server

This step creates QMF NLF command synonym tables and profile rows in a Workstation Database Server.

  1. Edit QMF720.SDSQSAPE(DSQ1nDJ2).
  2. Verify and change, if necessary, the default values for the installation parameters in the job's instream procedure:
    //DSQ1TBJ4 PROC RGN='2048K',               Job-step region size
    //             QMFTPRE='QMF720',           Prefix for QMF target libraries
    //             DB2EXIT='DSN710.SDSNEXIT',  Exit DB2 library name
    //             DB2LOAD='DSN710.SDSNLOAD'   DB2 program library name
  3. Change DSN in SYSTEM(DSN) to your DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem ID.
  4. Submit job QMF720.SDSQSAPE(DSQ1nDJ2).
  5. Check for a return code of 0 or 4. Review SYSTERM for completion messages.

    Do not proceed if the return code is other than zero or four. Examine SYSTSPRT or SYSPRINT for error messages. Perform corrective actions and then re-run this job.

Step 10B--Create QMF NLF sample tables in a Workstation Database Server

This step creates the QMF NLF sample tables in a Workstation Database Server.

  1. Edit QMF720.SDSQSAPE(DSQ1nDJ4).
  2. Verify and change, if necessary, the default values for the installation parameters in the job's instream procedure:
    //DSQ1TBJ4 PROC RGN='2048K',               Job-step region size
    //             QMFTPRE='QMF720',           Prefix for QMF target libraries
    //             DB2EXIT='DSN710.SDSNEXIT',  Exit DB2 library name
    //             DB2LOAD='DSN710.SDSNLOAD'   DB2 program library name
  3. Change DSN in SYSTEM(DSN) to your DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem ID.
  4. Submit job QMF720.SDSQSAPE(DSQ1nDJ4).
  5. Check for a return code of 0 or 4. Review SYSTERM for completion messages.

    Do not proceed if the return code is other than zero or four. Examine SYSTSPRT or SYSPRINT for error messages. Perform corrective actions and rerun the job.

Deleting QMF NLF from a Workstation Database Server

This section describes how to delete QMF NLF from a Workstation Database Server.

Deleting QMF from a Workstation Database Server

This step should be run only if you are re-installing QMF into a Workstation Database Server that already contains QMF.

Attention: This step will delete the QMF NLF command synonym tables and system profile rows from a Workstation Database Server.
  1. Edit QMF720.SDSQSAPE(DSQ1nDX1).
  2. Verify and change, if necessary, the default values for the installation parameters in the job's instream procedure:
    //DSQ1TBJ4 PROC RGN='2048K',               Job-step region size
    //             QMFTPRE='QMF720',           Prefix for QMF target libraries
    //             DB2EXIT='DSN710.SDSNEXIT',  Exit DB2 library name
    //             DB2LOAD='DSN710.SDSNLOAD'   DB2 program library name
  3. Change DSN in SYSTEM(DSN) to your DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem ID.
  4. Submit job QMF720.SDSQSAPE(DSQ1nDX1).
  5. Check for a return code of 0 or 4. Review SYSTERM for completion messages.

    Do not proceed if the return code is other than zero or four. Examine SYSTSPRT or SYSPRINT for error messages. Perform corrective actions and rerun the job.

Deleting QMF NLF sample tables from a Workstation Database Server

This step should be run only if you are reinstalling the QMF NLF into a Workstation Database Server that already contains the QMF NLF.

This step will drop and create all QMF NLF sample tables and tablespace from a Workstation Database Server.

  1. Edit QMF720.SDSQSAPE(DSQ1nDX2).
  2. Verify and change, if necessary, the default values for the installation parameters in the job's instream procedure:
    //DSQ1TBJ4 PROC RGN='2048K',               Job-step region size
    //             QMFTPRE='QMF720',           Prefix for QMF target libraries
    //             DB2EXIT='DSN710.SDSNEXIT',  Exit DB2 library name
    //             DB2LOAD='DSN710.SDSNLOAD'   DB2 program library name
  3. Change DSN in SYSTEM(DSN) to your DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem ID.
  4. Submit job QMF720.SDSQSAPE(DSQ1nDX2).
  5. Check for a return code of 0 or 4. Review SYSTERM for completion messages.

    Examine SYSTSPRT or SYSPRINT for error messages. Perform corrective actions and then re-run this job.

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