ARI0400E | Invalid input parameter entered. Parameter = parm |
Explanation: The DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) or the Termination transaction (CIRT) or the Resource Adapter Add Connections Transaction (CIRA) or the Resource Adapter Remove Connections Transaction (CIRR) or the Resource Adapter Display Transaction (CIRD) or the Resource Adapter Change Default Server Transaction (CIRC) detected an incorrect input parameter.
parm is the parameter which was not valid. For CIRB, parm may be PASSWORD, NOLINKS, DEFUID, RMID, LANGID, or DBNAME. For CIRT, parm may be PASSWORD, MODE, or INTERVAL. For CIRA, parm may be PASSWORD, NOLINKS, DEFUID, OR DBNAME. For CIRR, parm may be PASSWORD, MODE, INTERVAL, OR DBNAME. For CIRC, parm may be DBNAME.
PASSWORD and DEFUID must be character strings from 1 to 8 characters with no imbedded blanks. The character string for PASSWORD which is input to CIRT or CIRR must match the password of at least one server enabled by CIRB or CIRA. PASSWORD must be preceded by one or more blanks.
NOLINKS must be a decimal value between 0 and 64.
RMID must be a decimal value between 0 and 63.
MODE must be either the character string NORMAL or the character string QUICK.
INTERVAL must be a decimal value between 0 and 3 600.
DBNAME must be 1 to 18 characters.
The delimiter between parameters is a comma or one or more blanks.
System Action: The transaction ends.
Operator Response: Reissue the transaction with the correct input parameters. Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual for more information about the input parameters.
ARI0401I | DB2 Server for VSE Online Resource Adapter is already present in this partition. |
Explanation: The DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) was entered to initialize the DB2 Server for VSE Online Resource Adapter. The CIRB transaction detected that the Resource Adapter was already initialized and active or is being initialized within the partition. Only one Resource Adapter may be active within a CICS/VSE partition.
Operator Response: In general, do nothing. If CIRB was entered to modify the initialization parameter (for example, increase the number of paths to the database manager), first enter the DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Termination transaction (CIRT) to terminate the active resource adapter. After CIRT disables the resource adapter (message ARI0413I is displayed), reenter CIRB with the new input parameters.
If CIRB was entered to add connections to another application server, use the CIRA transaction to do this.
ARI0402E | CICS/VSE load of &1 . failed. |
Explanation: The DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) attempted to load one of the phase/load modules ARI0OLRM or ARICMOD. In this message &1. will be either ARI0OLRM or ARICMOD. CICS/VSE was not able to locate either ARI0OLRM or ARICMOD.
System Action: The CIRB transaction ends.
Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Verify that the program named ARI0OLRM or ARICMOD is correctly defined to CICS/VSE and is in an accessible library phase member. See the DB2 Server for VSE Program Directory.
ARI0403E | Error attempting to use CICS/VSE service. CICS/VSE service = service. EIBRCODE = return-code. [TS queue name = queue-name.] [Target database = db-name.] |
Explanation: The DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) or the Resource Adapter Terminate transaction (CIRT) or the Resource Adapter Add Connections transaction (CIRA) or the Resource Adapter Remove Connections transaction (CIRR) or the Resource Adapter Display transaction (CIRD) or the Resource Adapter Change Default Server transaction (CIRC) or the DB2 Server for VSE Bind transaction (CBND) or the DSQx transaction (DSQG, DSQU, DSQQ, DSQD) encountered the error while using the EXEC CICS interface.
service defines the service/command which was executed. Use the CICS/VSE manuals listed in the System Programmer Response to map the value for service to the CICS/VSE EIBFN code. The EIBFN code may be used as an aid in interpreting the value for return-code.
return-code is the CICS/VSE return code (EIBRCODE).
queue-name is the CICS/VSE temporary storage queue that the CICS/VSE service was trying to work with for the CBND, DSQQ, DSQG, DSQU, and DSQD transactions.
db-name is the name of the target database server for the CBND process.
System Action: The transaction continues if the CICS/VSE service is DELAY, RELEASE or DISABLE. Otherwise, the transaction ends.
User Response: If the CICS/VSE service is 'READQTS', the EIBRCODE is X'020000000000' and the TS queue name is 'NLSLKEY', run CIRB before reissuing the failing transaction.
Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Correct the CICS/VSE problem and reissue the failing transaction. See the CICS/VSE Application Programming Reference manual for a description of the EIBRCODE. If the CICS/VSE service was EXTRACT, ENABLE, or DISABLE, refer to the CICS/VSE System Programming Reference manual.
ARI0404E | Unable to allocate storage in the CICS/VSE partition. Requested size = size. |
Explanation: The DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) or the Resource Adapter Add Connections Transaction (CIRA) or the Resource Adapter Remove Connections Transaction (CIRR) or the Resource Adapter Termination Transaction (CIRT) was not able to obtain the storage required for execution.
size defines the number of bytes which were required.
System Action: The transaction ends.
Operator Response: Either reissue the CIRB or CIRA transaction after providing CICS/VSE with a larger partition or reissue the CIRB or CIRA transaction with a smaller value for the NOLINKS input parameter or fewer server names. For CIRR or CIRT, reissue the transaction when fewer transactions are running.
Note: | For details on the storage requirements, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE System Administration manual. |
ARI0405E | RMID input parameter is not unique. |
Explanation: The DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) attempted to log on to the system communication facility with the name ARIxOLRM, where x was the RMID input parameter. The communications facility returned a code indicating that ARIxOLRM was not unique in the system. This condition will occur for an installation which executes multiple CICS/VSE partitions, each with access to the database manager, and does not specify a unique RMID input parameter to CIRB.
System Action: The CIRB transaction ends.
Operator Response: Reenter the CIRB transaction with a unique RMID.
ARI0406E | Error in using system communications facility. Request = request . Return Code = return-code . Reason Code = reason-code .. |
Explanation: The DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Begin Transaction (CIRB) or the Resource Adapter Terminate Transaction (CIRT) or the Resource Adapter Add Connections Transaction (CIRA) or the Resource Adapter Remove Connections Transaction (CIRR) encountered an error condition while using the system communication facility. Additionally, the online support may encounter this error.
request identifies the VSE XPCC request code.
return-code identifies the DB2 Server for VSE return code.
reason-code identifies the reason code from the system communication facilities of the operating system.
See Chapter 19, DB2 Server for VSE Reason Codes for a description of the codes provided with this message.
System Action: The CIRB or CIRA transaction ends. The CIRT or CIRR transaction attempts to continue the shutdown process and then ends. If the DB2 Server for VSE online support encountered the communications error, it internally activates CIRR for termination in QUICK mode. CIRR generates the error message.
Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Correct the communication error.
Note: | If the communication error was because of a problem in the database manager partition and a dump was written to SYSLST or SYSLOG, the dump contains information necessary for correcting the problem. |
ARI0407E | Error in attempting to execute SQL. SQLCODE = sqlcode . SQLERRD1 = errd1 . SQLERRD2 = errd2 . |
Explanation: The DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Begin Transaction (CIRB) or the Resource Adapter Add Connections Transaction (CIRA) encountered an error attempting to execute SQL.
sqlcode, errd1, and errd2 is the return code information. Refer to Chapter 17, SQLCODEs for an explanation of the error.
System Action: The CIRB or CIRA transaction bypasses the server that had the error and continues processing the next server in the server name list.
Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Correct the SQL error and reissue the CIRB or CIRA transaction.
Note: | If the SQLCODE is -560 or -561, the CICS/VSE APPLID, which defaults to DBDCCICS, does not have the proper authorization. See the DB2 Server for VSE Program Directory. |
ARI0408E | Insufficient number of links specified. NOLINKS = links SERVER = server-name. |
Explanation: The DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) or the Resource Adapter Add Connections Transaction (CIRA) was executed with a NOLINKS input parameter that was too small.
links specifies the minimum number of links required for recovery.
server-name specifies the server that was being accessed.
System Action: The CIRB transaction or CIRA transaction bypasses the server that had the error and continues processing the next server in the server name list.
Operator Response: Reexecute the CIRB or CIRA transaction with NOLINKS greater than or equal to links.
ARI0410I | Resource Adapter ARI0OLRM is enabled. |
Explanation: The DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) successfully completed the initialization process. Online access is now allowed to the database manager.
System Action: The CIRB transaction ends.
Operator Response: Do nothing unless it is necessary to terminate online access to the database manager. When termination is necessary, enter the CIRT transaction.
ARI0411I | Resource Adapter is not enabled. |
Explanation: The DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Termination transaction (CIRT) or the Resource Adapter Display Transaction (CIRD) or the Resource Adapter Add Connections Transaction (CIRA) or the Resource Adapter Remove Connections Transaction (CIRR) was entered. It was determined that the Resource Adapter was not initialized. Either the Resource Adapter was not initialized or a previous execution of CIRT or CIRR terminated the Resource Adapter.
System Action: The CIRT or CIRD or CIRA or CIRR transaction ends.
ARI0412I | Resource Adapter ARI0OLRM is disabling. |
Explanation: The DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Remove Connections Transaction (CIRR) determined that the termination process was already active because of a previous invocation of CIRT or CIRR.
System Action: The CIRR transaction ends. The termination process continues to execute under the original invocation of CIRT or CIRR.
ARI0413I | Resource Adapter ARI0OLRM is disabled. |
Explanation: The DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Termination transaction (CIRT) or the Resource Adapter Remove Connections Transaction (CIRR) successfully completed the termination process.
System Action: The CIRT or CIRR transaction ends.
Operator Response: Do nothing unless it is necessary to initialize online access to the database manager. In that case, enter the CIRB transaction.
ARI0414A | Retry the disable transaction tran. Application transactions are accessing the Resource Adapter. [SERVER = server-name.] |
Explanation: The DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Termination transaction (CIRT) or the DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Remove Connections transaction (CIRR) was not able to continue because applications were accessing the database manager or because the applications which previously accessed the database manager were still active. This causes the resource adapter to delay for a time interval (INTERVAL input parameter to CIRT or CIRR) as had been indicated by either message ARI0425I, ARI0465I, ARI0426I, or ARI0469I. The delay interval has completed and the conditions indicated by ARI0425I, ARI0465I, ARI0426I, or ARI0469I still exist.
tran is the transaction identifier CIRT or CIRR.
server-name is the server that is still being accessed or transactions which accessed it before are still active.
System Action: The CIRT or CIRR transaction terminates thus freeing the terminal for system programmer action. Other servers in the list which did not display this message are disabled.
Operator Response: After all transactions which are or were accessing the database manager have terminated, the CIRT or CIRR transaction should be reentered. You may do one of the following:
ARI0415D | Database server &1. is not ready. Enter &2. or CANCEL. |
Explanation: The database manager was not started in multiple user mode before the application issued an SQL request. &2. is either WAIT or RETRY.
Operator Response: If a DB2 Server for VSE partition is to be accessed, reply with either WAIT or CANCEL. A reply of WAIT implies that you will be starting a DB2 Server for VSE partition and that the resource adapter should wait until the database manager is ready. Reply with CANCEL if a DB2 Server for VSE partition cannot be started.
For Guest Sharing, reply with RETRY after the database server has been started. If RETRY is entered and the server is not ready, this message is displayed again. Reply with CANCEL if the database server cannot be started.
ARI0416E | Invalid input. Enter WAIT or CANCEL. |
Explanation: You replied to message ARI0415D with other than WAIT or CANCEL. A maximum of five attempts to reply WAIT or CANCEL will be allowed. After five attempts the system will cancel the request.
Operator Response: Reply with either WAIT or CANCEL.
ARI0417I | Application is waiting for cross-partition link. |
Explanation: The DB2 Server for VSE Batch Resource Adapter tried to connect to a cross-partition communications link but a link was not available.
Note: | If this message occurs frequently, it indicates a high degree of contention for the cross-partition links established for the partition. This contention could be reduced by increasing the number of available links when the database manager is restarted. |
ARI0418A | Application server server-name is not ready. Retry the enable transaction tran after the application server starts. |
Explanation: The DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) or the Resource Adapter Add Connections Transaction (CIRA) is not able to access the server server-name. Either the database manager has not been started or it has not yet completed its initialization process.
tran is the transaction identifier CIRB or CIRA.
System Action: The CIRB or CIRA transaction bypasses the server that had the error and continues processing the next server in the server name list.
Operator Response: Reenter the CIRB transaction or CIRA for the servers that were not started after the database manager has completed its initialization. If the CIRB transaction was used and it established connections to at least one server then the CIRA transaction must be used to establish the connections to the servers that failed.
ARI0419A | The database manager does not have enough cross-partition links. The enable transaction tran requires num-links more links to server server-name. |
Explanation: The NOLINKS input parameter to the DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) or the Resource Adapter Add Connections transaction (CIRA) is too large. The database manager, server-name, either was not started with enough links or the links are now allocated to other applications or subsystems.
tran is the transaction identifier CIRB or CIRA.
num-links indicates additional number of links required.
server-name indicates the server that had the insufficient number of links.
System Action: The CIRB or CIRA transaction bypasses the server that had the error and continues processing the next server in the server name list.
Operator Response: Either reenter CIRB or CIRA when more links become available, or reenter CIRB or CIRA with a smaller NOLINKS input parameter for the server that had the error.
ARI0420E | Operating System storage management failure. Operating System Return Code = return-code |
Explanation: The DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) or the Resource Adapter Add Connections transaction (CIRA) or the Resource Adapter Remove Connections transaction (CIRR) or the Resource Adapter Termination transaction (CIRT) encountered a storage error.
return-code is the return code from the operating system.
System Action: If the storage request was to GET storage, the transaction ends. If the storage request was to FREE storage, the transaction continues.
Operator Response: Correct the storage management error and reissue the transaction. The VSE/ESA System Services return codes are in the IBM VSE/ESA System Macros Reference manual under the discussion of the GETVIS/FREEVIS macro instructions.
ARI0421I | DISABLE escalated from NORMAL to QUICK for server server-name. |
Explanation: The DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Termination transaction (CIRT) or the Resource Adapter Remove Connections transaction (CIRR) was entered with the input parameter QUICK. A previous activation of CIRT or CIRR was with the NORMAL option.
System Action: The termination process continues in QUICK mode.
ARI0422E | DB2 Server for VSE online support had a storage failure. Return Code = return-code. Storage Length = length. Storage Location = X'location.' |
Explanation: While terminating a logical unit of work, the DB2 Server for VSE online support encountered a storage error attempting to free storage used for the application's messages to the database manager. (In this case, the message exceeded 1028 bytes in length and could not fit into the normal message buffer which was allocated, thus causing the temporary need for a larger storage requirement.) The Return Code value return-code is the return code from the VSE FREEVIS macro. length is the length of storage represented as a decimal value. location is the storage location represented as a hexadecimal value.
System Action: The DB2 Server for VSE online support internally activates the Resource Adapter Remove Connections transaction (CIRR). CIRR writes the above message. If the server that had the error in the only one that has connections, then the online support is disabled when the server is disabled. If there are connections to other servers, then the online support remains active and only the server with the error is disabled.
Operator Response: Correct the storage error. Re-establish connections to the server with the CIRB transaction if the online support was disabled or with the CIRA transaction if the online support is still active.
ARI0423A | Use the SHOW and FORCE commands to COMMIT or ROLLBACK the following units of work: |
ARI0424I | User ID = userid Agent Identifier = agent Server = server-name. |
Explanation: This message can be displayed in the CICS partition or in the database manager partition.
CICS Partition
After a system or subsystem failure, the Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) or the Resource Adapter Add Connections transaction (CIRA) detected that the indicated logical units of work must be committed or rolled back.
Database Manager Partition
After a system or subsystem failure, the database manager detected logical units of work that must be committed or rolled back. These units of work cannot be resolved automatically by the Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) or the Resource Adapter Add Connections transaction (CIRA).
userid is the established DB2 Server for VSE user ID for the logical unit of work.
agent is the agent identifier which should be used with the FORCE command.
server-name is the server that the agent belongs to.
System Action:
CICS Partition
The CIRB or CIRA transaction bypasses the server that had the error and continues processing the next server in the server name list.
Database Manager Partition
The Database manager comes up and an in-doubt agent has been created.
Operator Response: Use the SHOW CONNECT command to obtain more information about the logical units of work. Then use the FORCE command to commit or rollback the logical units of work.
In general, the logical units of work should be committed because the application had attempted a COMMIT which was interrupted by the system or subsystem failure. However, if the application was updating multiple resources (for example, DB2 Server for VSE resources, DL/I resources, and CICS resources), the installation database administrator should be consulted to determine the action. (See message ARI0232E for more information.)
After all logical units of work are resolved with a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK, reenter the CIRB or CIRA transaction, if this message was issued in the CICS partition.
ARI0425I | Online LUWs are still active for server server-name. |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter Termination transaction (CIRT) or the Resource Adapter Remove Connections transaction (CIRR) was executed with the input parameter NORMAL. Since some online applications are still accessing the database manager, the termination process must be delayed.
server-name is the server that is still being accessed.
System Action: The CIRT or CIRR transaction will delay for a time interval, as specified by the INTERVAL input parameter. After the delay, the process will again attempt to terminate. If it finds that transactions are still accessing the database manager or transactions which previously accessed the database manager are still active, CIRT or CIRR will issue a retry message (see ARI0414A), and terminate in order to free the terminal.
Operator Response: Do nothing until the retry message ARI0414A is displayed.
ARI0426I | The disable transaction tran must delay for a interval-second time interval before it retries the EXEC CICS DISABLE interface. |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter Termination transaction (CIRT) or Resource Adapter Remove Connections transaction (CIRR) has terminated all communications to the database manager and had attempted to disable the online support. However, the EXEC CICS DISABLE interface has returned a code indicating that transactions which had previously accessed the database manager are still active.
tran is the transaction identifier CIRT or CIRR.
interval is the delay time interval in seconds (INTERVAL input parameter).
System Action: The CIRT or CIRR transaction uses the EXEC CICS DELAY interface with the keyword INTERVAL equal to the value specified as an input parameter. After the delay, it will again attempt to use the EXEC CICS DISABLE interface to disable the resource adapter. If the disable attempt fails, the transaction will issue a retry message (see ARI0414A), and terminate in order to free the terminal.
Operator Response: Do nothing until the retry message ARI0414A is displayed.
ARI0427A | DB2 Server for VSE online support detected an error during synchronization. SQLCODE = sqlcode SQLERRD1 = errd1 SQLERRD2 = errd2 SERVER = server-name |
Explanation: After encountering the conditions indicated by sqlcode, errd1, and errd2, the DB2 Server for VSE online support internally activated the Resource Adapter Remove Connections transaction (CIRR) for the named server in QUICK mode. CIRR wrote the above message.
sqlcode, errd1, and errd2 is the SQL return information. Refer to Chapter 17, SQLCODEs for an explanation of the error. server-name is the application server that reported the problem.
Operator Response: Use the SHOW CONNECT and FORCE commands to COMMIT or ROLLBACK any units which are prepared for COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Then, enter the CIRB or CIRA transaction to reactivate the connections to the server.
ARI0430I | No transaction timing displayed because of the state of TOD clock. |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter display information transaction (CIRD) encountered an error during a STORE CLOCK operation. The clock is not set.
System Action: The internal timer in the CIRD transaction is set to 0. CIRD display output will not display the time value until the Online Resource Adapter is restarted with the Time-Of-Day clock working properly.
ARI0431E | Unable to allocate storage in the CICS/VSE partition. Transaction = CIRD. Return Code = nn . The CIRD transaction is terminated. |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter display information transaction (CIRD) encountered an error while requesting virtual storage. The meanings of the Return Code values (nn) are:
System Action: The CIRD transaction ends.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Take action according to the Return Code value:
ARI0432E | Unable to free the storage in the CICS/VSE partition. Transaction = CIRD. Return Code = nn . |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter display information transaction (CIRD) encountered an error while trying to free virtual storage. Any Return Code value (nn) indicates an internal error and is the return code from the VSE FREEVIS macro.
System Action: The CIRD transaction ends.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI0433E | CICS/VSE end-of-task exit is not supported. The CIRD transaction is terminated. |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter display information transaction (CIRD) needs the CICS/VSE End of Task Exit support, which is not now supported in your installation.
System Action: The CIRD transaction ends.
Operator Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: If CIRD display information is desired, you must install the CICS/VSE restart resynchronization transactions. Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE Program Directory for details.
ARI0434E | Local task storage (RMLO) identified by CICS/VSE was not found on chain for server server-name. |
Explanation: During the process of unchaining a task local control block (RMLO), the RMLO passed by CICS/VSE to be deleted from the active task chain was not found in the chain. This condition can result when an application program overlays CICS/VSE storage or DB2 Server for VSE storage.
System Action: The CIRR transaction is invoked internally to remove the connections to server-name. If connections to other servers exist, they remain active.
Operator Response: Use the appropriate transaction, CIRB or CIRA, to re-establish connections to the server. If the problem persists, make a record of what went wrong and notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Ensure that any newly installed application programs are not overlaying CICS/VSE or DB2 Server for VSE storage. If the problem persists, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI0435I | tran transaction WRITEQ of queue-name failed. WRITEQ return code = return-code. |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) unsuccessfully wrote the DBNAME or NLSKEY to the temporary storage queue ARIDBNAM or NLSLKEY and ended with a WRITEQ error, or the Resource Add Connections transaction (CIRA) or Resource Adapter Remove Connections transaction (CIRR) failed to write the DBNAME to the temporary storage queue ARIDBNAM and ended with a WRITEQ error. queue-name is the queue id and return-code is the WRITEQ error code. tran is the transaction identifier CIRB or CIRA.
System Action: If the WRITEQ is for NLSLKEY, CIRB terminates. If it is for DBNAME, CIRB or CIRA or CIRR continues to enable the Online Resource Adapter. The ARIDBNAM queue is used by ISQL to identify the default target application server on the ISQL sign-on screen.
Operator Response: Report this message to the system programmer for further investigation.
System Programmer Response: Investigate the WRITEQ error by analyzing the WRITEQ return code, and perform corrective action.
ARI0436E | Automatic restart resynchronization failed. The CICS log does not contain information for an in-doubt logical unit of work. Connections to server server-name are not established. |
Explanation: During automatic restart resynchronization processing, CICS/VSE encountered a logical unit of work that the database manager indicated needed to be resolved. However, the information needed to resolve the logical unit of work was not on the CICS/VSE log. This generally results from a CICS/VSE coldstart following a system failure. If a CICS/VSE coldstart did not occur after the last system failure, the CICS/VSE log or the DB2 Server for VSE log data has been damaged. This could be the result of an application that inadvertently overlaid the DB2 Server for VSE resource adapter in CICS/VSE storage.
This message is followed by messages ARI0423A and ARI0424I, which identify the logical units of work (agents) that need to be resolved. These agents must be resolved (with the FORCE command) before the CIRB or CIRA transaction can be run successfully.
System Action: The CIRB or CIRA transaction bypasses the server that had the error and continues processing the next server in the server name list.
Operator Response: Refer to the OPERATOR ACTION for messages ARI0423A and ARI0424I.
ARI0438E | Automatic restart resynchronization failed. A logical unit of work that DB2 Server for VSE indicated needed to be resolved was not identified by the CICS/VSE log as needing resolution. |
Explanation: During automatic restart resynchronization processing, CICS/VSE encountered a logical unit of work that the database manager indicated needed to be resolved. However, information in the CICS/VSE log indicated that the logical unit of work did not need to be resolved. CICS/VSE cannot resolve the logical unit of work; it treats this condition as an error condition.
This condition can occur when an application program overlays a CICS/VSE log buffer, or when a DB2 Server for VSE log buffer is destroyed. Or, the CICS/VSE log or the DB2 Server for VSE log may have been damaged.
This condition also occurs when the automatic restart synchronization is invoked more than once. If CIRB or CIRA is used to start connections to a server that had in-doubt units of work, those in-doubt units of work are resolved and CICS destroys the log buffer. If CIRA is invoked again for another server that has in-doubt units of work, there is no more record of them in the CICS/VSE log buffer and this message is displayed.
This message follows messages ARI0423A and ARI0424I which identify the logical units of work (agents) that need to be resolved. These agents must be resolved before the CIRB or CIRA transaction can be run successfully.
System Action: The CIRB or CIRA transaction bypasses the server that had the error without establishing connections to it and continues processing the next server in the server name list.
Operator Response: Refer to the OPERATOR ACTION for messages ARI0423A and ARI0424I.
System Programmer Response: Ensure that any newly installed application programs are not overlaying CICS/VSE or DB2 Server for VSE storage. If the problem persists, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI0442E | A non-DB2 Server for VSE message has been received. The Resource Adapter has severed the communication path. |
Explanation: The resource adapter received a non-DB2 Server for VSE message.
System Action: The resource adapter terminated the communication path.
Operator Response: If you are unable to determine the cause of the problem, retry the application program. If the problem repeats, collect pertinent information and notify the system programmer.
Programmer Response: Make a record of the error and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI0444E | &1 transaction DELETEQ of &2. failed. DELETEQ return code = &3A. |
Explanation: The transaction &1 tried to delete the ARIDBNAM temporary storage queue and ended with a DELETEQ error. &2. is the queue ID and &3A. is the DELETEQ error code.
System Action: The transaction &1 continues to disable the Online Resource Adapter regardless of the DELETEQ error.
Operator Response: Report this message to the system programmer for further investigation.
System Programmer Response: Investigate the DELETEQ error by analyzing the DELETEQ return code. If the ARIDBNAM queue still exists, try deleting the queue again by using the CICS-supplied transaction.
ARI0445E | Storage failure occurred while attempting to free storage
acquired to support a blocked request.
Identifier = &1 FREEVIS Return Code = &2 Storage Length = &3 Storage Location = &4 |
Explanation: The database manager encountered an error when attempting to free storage used in support of a BLOCK request.
System Action: The Resource Adapter Remove Connections transaction (CIRR) is internally activated which terminates connections to the current server. CIRR writes the above message. The current server is identified by messages issued from the Resource Adapter Display transaction (CIRD) which is internally activated by CIRR.
Operator Response: Correct the storage error and then reinitialize connections to the server with the CIRA transaction. If online support was terminated as a result of the storage error, use the CIRB transaction to reinitialize connections to the server.
ARI0446E | Error in attempting to execute function. Modname = modname. Return code = retcode. |
Explanation: A Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) or a Resource Adapter Add Connections transaction (CIRA) was entered to allow access to a remote server. An attempt was made to load the phase modname, but the load failed.
System Action: The Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) or the Resource Adapter Add Connections transaction (CIRA) bypasses all remote application servers. Online access to remote application servers is not enabled.
User Response: Refer this message to your DB2 Server for VSE Database Administrator.
Database Administrator Action: Determine whether or not you require your application requester to initiate DRDA conversation. If so, recreate the phase modname. Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE System Administration manual.
ARI0450I | DB2 Server for VSE online support has an entry point of entry-point. RMGL at pointer. [DRDA online support entry point at entry-point2.] |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) has completed and online access to the database manager is activated. This message is displayed as a debug aid.
entry-point is the entry point of the DB2 Server for VSE Online Support.
pointer is the pointer to the global control block RMGL.
entry-point2 is the entry point of the DB2 Server for VSE Online DRDA Router.
System Action: The CIRB transaction ends.
ARI0452I | EXTNAME = external name.
RDBMS = dbname server version STATUS = status TIME = time LU = luname TPN = tpn |
Explanation: This is the normal DB2 Server for VSE response to SQLQRY.
ARI0453I | The transaction name transaction cannot be started at this time. Please try later. |
Explanation: A CICS resource used by the Online Resource Adapter is currently held by either the Begin transaction (CIRB), the Termination transaction (CIRT), the Add Connections transaction (CIRA), the Remove Connections transaction (CIRR) or the Display Information transaction (CIRD).
System Action: The invoked transaction is cancelled. The transaction holding the resource continues to execute.
User Response: Try the transaction again at a later time. Usually the resource is held for a few moments.
Operator Response: Try the transaction again at a later time. Usually the resource is held for a few moments. During the initialization process, if you suspect a problem and the CIRT transaction failed to terminate the process, then the CIRB transaction can be purged by using a CICS command. After purging the CIRB transaction, the CIRT transaction must be issued to perform the Online Resource Adapter final cleanup.
ARI0454I | Connections to server-name established. RMCV at address. |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) was entered to initialize the DB2 Server for VSE Online Resource Adapter or the Resource Add Connections transaction (CIRA) was entered. The CIRB or CIRA transaction completed successfully and online access is now allowed to the application server.
System Action: The CIRB or CIRA transaction continues processing the next server in the server name list.
Operator Response: Do nothing unless it is necessary to terminate online access to the application server. When termination is necessary, enter the CIRT transaction.
If CIRB was entered to modify the initialization parameter (for example, increase the number of paths to the DB2 Server for VSE system), first enter the DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter Termination transaction (CIRT) to terminate the active resource adapter. After CIRT disables the resource adapter (message ARI0413I is displayed), reenter CIRB with the new input parameters.
ARI0455I | {Connections | Online access} to server-name {are | is} disabled. |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter Termination transaction (CIRT) was entered to disable the DB2 Server for VSE Online Resource Adapter or the Resource Adapter Remove Connections transaction (CIRR) was entered to disable the connections to a local application server or to disable online access to a remote application server.
System Action: The CIRT or CIRR transaction continues processing the next server in the server name list.
Operator Response: Do nothing unless it is necessary to re-establish online access to the application server. Use the CIRB transaction to re-establish online access if the online resource adapter has been terminated. If the online resource adapter is still active, use the CIRA transaction to re-establish online access to the application server.
ARI0456I | Connections to server-name do not exist. |
Explanation: Three scenarios are possible.
System Action: If the CIRC transaction was entered it ends and the default server is not changed. If the CIRR transaction was entered it bypasses the server that had the error and continues processing the next server in the server name list. If the CIRD transaction was entered it ends.
Operator Response: If the CIRC transaction was entered, the CIRA transaction can be used to establish connections to the desired server. When the connections have been successfully established the CIRC transaction can be run to change the default server.
If the CIRR transaction was entered, determine the correct server name and retry the CIRR transaction.
If the CIRD transaction was entered, determine the correct server name and retry the CIRD transaction.
ARI0457W | Connections to server-name already exist. |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) or the Resource Add Connections transaction (CIRA) was entered to establish connections to an application server. Connections to that server already existed because of a previous invocation of CIRB or CIRA or because the server-name was listed more than once in the server-name list of the CIRB or CIRA transaction.
System Action: The existing connections remain. The CIRB or CIRA transaction bypasses the server that had the error and continues processing the next server in the server name list.
Operator Response: No action is required. If the connections to that server need to be changed they must first be removed using CIRR or CIRT and then re-established using CIRA or CIRB.
ARI0458I | The default server is server-name. |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) was entered to initialize the DB2 Server for VSE Online Resource Adapter. This message identifies the name of the default application server.
System Action: The CIRB transaction continues processing the next server in the server name list.
ARI0459I | The new default server is server-name. The previous default server was server-name. |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter Change transaction (CIRC) was entered to change the default application server to server-name. The default server was successfully changed to the new value. The previous value is displayed for information only.
System Action: The CIRC transaction ends. The default server is changed.
ARI0460W | {Connections | Online access} to the default server server-name {have | has} been disabled. |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter Termination transaction (CIRT) was entered or the Resource Adapter Remove Connections transaction (CIRR) was entered to terminate the connections to the default local server or to terminate the online access to the default remote server.
System Action: The CIRR or CIRT transaction continues processing the next server in the server name list. The default server is inaccessible.
Operator Response: The CIRB transaction can be used to re-establish the connections if the online resource adapter is not active or the CIRA transaction can be used to re-establish the connections if the online resource adapter is still active or the CIRC transaction can be used to specify a new default server if the online resource adapter is still active.
If the lost connections were the last ones, then the online resource adapter has been disabled. In this case the CIRB transaction must be used to start the online resource adapter.
ARI0461E | Connections to server-name are already being disabled. |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter Termination transaction (CIRT) or the Resource Adapter Remove Connections transaction (CIRR) was entered to terminate the connections to server-name but a previous invocation of CIRT or CIRR was already entered for server-name.
System Action: The CIRT or CIRR transaction continues to process any remaining servers before ending.
ARI0462E | Connections to server server-name could not be established. |
Explanation: The Resource Add Connections transaction (CIRA) or the Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) was entered to establish connections to server server-name but was unsuccessful.
System Action: If a server name list was specified, the CIRB or CIRA transaction continues processing the other servers in the list until it is finished if the error was not severe. If the error was severe so that processing cannot continue, the remaining servers in the server name list will not be processed and the CIRB or CIRA transaction ends.
This message is also issued for the remaining servers in the list which were not processed because a previous server encountered a severe error.
If no server name list was specified or the failing server was the last one in the list then the CIRB or CIRA transaction ends.
Operator Response: Previous messages issued should indicate what error occurred that prevented the connections from being established. Refer these messages to your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Correct the error and reissue the CIRB or CIRA command.
ARI0463I | The DISABLE transaction tran must delay for a interval-second interval before attempting the disable. |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter Termination transaction (CIRT) or the Resource Adapter Remove Connections transaction (CIRR) was entered to disable connections but was unsuccessful. Check previously displayed messages ARI0425I, ARI0465I, or ARI0469I to determine which servers could not be disabled.
tran is the transaction identifier CIRT or CIRR.
interval is the delay interval in seconds (INTERVAL input parameter).
System Action: The CIRT or CIRR transaction will delay for the time interval specified. After the delay, the process will again attempt to terminate. If it finds that transactions are still accessing at least one of the servers to be disabled, or that transactions which previously accessed at least one of the servers to be disabled are still active, CIRT or CIRR will issue a retry message (see ARI0414A) and terminate in order to free the terminal.
Operator Response: Do nothing until the retry message ARI0414A is displayed.
ARI0464E | Connections to server-name could not be disabled because the password is invalid. |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter Remove Connections transaction (CIRR) or the Resource Adapter Termination transaction (CIRT) attempted to disable the connections to server-name but could not because the password supplied was not the same as the password that was used to initially enable the connections to server-name.
System Action: The CIRR or CIRT transaction continues processing the next server in the server-name list.
Operator Response: Reissue the CIRR or CIRT transaction with the correct password.
ARI0465I | Transactions are still active for server server-name. |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter Termination transaction (CIRT) or the Resource Adapter Remove Connections transaction (CIRR) has terminated all communications to the server server-name. However, transactions which had previously accessed the server are still active.
server-name is the server that is still being accessed.
System Action: The CIRT or CIRR transaction will delay for a time interval as specified by the INTERVAL input parameter. After the delay, it will again attempt to terminate. If transactions are still active, CIRT or CIRR will issue a retry message (see ARI0414A), and terminate in order to free the terminal.
Operator Response: Do nothing until the retry message ARI0414A is displayed.
ARI0466E | CICS restart resynchronization is not available. The tran transaction is ended. |
Explanation: The Resource Add Connections transaction (CIRA) or Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) detected that the CICS restart resynchronization transaction CRSY is not enabled.
tran is the CIRA or CIRB transaction.
System Action: The CIRA or CIRB transaction ends.
Operator Response: Enable the CICS restart resynchronization transaction CRSY. Then reissue the CIRA or CIRB transaction.
System Programmer Response: Ensure that CICS restart resynchronization support has been installed properly. See the DB2 Server for VSE Program Directory for more details.
ARI0467I | RMCV for remote server server_name established. RMCV at XXXXXXXX. |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) was entered to initialize the DB2 Server for VSE Online Resource Adapter or the Resource Adapter Add Connections transaction (CIRA) was entered. The CIRB or CIRA transaction completed successfully and online access is now allowed to the remote application server.
System Action: The CIRB or CIRA transaction continues processing the next server in the server name list.
Operator Response: Do nothing unless it is necessary to terminate online access to the remote application server. When termination is necessary, enter the CIRT transaction.
ARI0468I | DISABLE changed from QUICK to NORMAL for remote server server-name. |
Explanation: A Resource Adapter Terminate transaction (CIRT) or a Resource Adapter Remove Connections transaction (CIRR) was entered using QUICK mode, but QUICK mode is not supported for a remote server. The transaction has converted the QUICK mode to NORMAL, and will process the shutdown in a NORMAL mode.
System Action: Shutdown continues. NORMAL shutdown will complete only when all the conversations to the remote server are deallocated.
ARI0469I | APPC conversations are still active for server server_name. |
Explanation: A Resource Adapter Terminate transaction (CIRT) or a Resource Adapter Remove Connections transaction (CIRR) was entered to terminate online access to a remote server, but there are still active conversations for the server.
System Action: The CIRT or CIRR transaction will delay for a time interval as specified by the INTERVAL input parameter. After the delay, it will again attempt to terminate. If conversations are still active, CIRT or CIRR will issue a retry message (see ARI0414A), and terminate in order to free the terminal.
Operator Response: Do nothing until the retry message ARI0414A is displayed.
ARI0470E | Trace file OPEN failed. Reason Code = nn . Return Code = nn . |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter trace is being initialized before application execution. An error occurred when the database manager attempted to open the trace output file on tape unit or CMS minidisk. The Reason Code value is the Primary Error Code. The Return Code value is the Secondary Error Code. For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 20, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.
System Action: The trace facility remains inactive and the application continues to execute.
Operator Response: For corrective action, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 20, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.
System Programmer Response: See the Operator Response.
ARI0471I | Trace is ON. |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter trace parameters have been successfully processed. The trace is now active with trace output going to a tape unit or a CMS minidisk.
System Action:
ARI0472E | Trace file CLOSE failed. Reason Code = nn . Return Code = nn . |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter Trace is being turned off during application termination. When the system attempted to close the trace output file on a tape unit or a CMS minidisk, a termination error occurred. The Reason Code value is the Primary Error Code. The Return Code value is the Secondary Error Code. For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 20, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.
System Action: Trace shutdown is completed. DB2 Server for VSE Resource Adapter trace is in the OFF state. Assume that the trace tape or minidisk file was not closed and is not fully processable (see below).
Operator Response: Report the problem (message) to your system programmer. Include any CMS minidisk or tape unit error messages displayed by CMS.
You can run the DB2 Server for VSE Trace Formatter Utility Program (ARIMTRA). It will format and output all trace data up to the point of failure. At that point, it may end because of a lack of tape/minidisk CLOSE recording or an unreadable record on the tape/minidisk.
System Programmer Response: For corrective action, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 20, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.
ARI0473I | Trace is OFF. |
Explanation: The Resource Adapter Trace is inactive and the trace output file is closed on a tape unit or a CMS minidisk.
System Action: The trace output file is closed.
Operator Response: None required.
ARI0480I | The user has not signed on. |
Explanation: An Update User SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQU) or a Delete SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQD) was entered, but the signed-on userid is not available, or the update was not successful. If message ARI0486E is displayed, the update failed.
System Action: Processing ends. The SQLGLOB parameters are not updated.
User Response: Retry the transaction from a valid userid.
ARI0481I | The following {user | global} SQLGLOB parameters have been
replaced [for user userid]:
CHARNAME = charname. QRYBLKSIZE = qryblksize. DBCS = dbcs. SYNCPOINT = syncpoint. CCSIDSBCS = ccsidsbcs. CCSIDMIXED = ccsidmixed. CCSIDDBCS = ccsiddbcs. TRACERA = tracera. TRACEDRRM = tracedrrm. TRACECONV = traceconv. COMMPROTO = commproto. |
Explanation: An Update User SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQU) or an Update Global SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQG) was entered, and the update completed successfully. The displayed SQLGLOB parameter values have been replaced with the new values.
System Action: |The user or global SQLGLOB parameters are replaced with the new |values. The new values will remain in effect until:
explicitly changed through:
Explanation: An Update User SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQU) or an Update Global SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQG) was entered, and the update completed successfully. The displayed SQLGLOB parameter values have been saved in the SQLGLOB file.
|System Action: The user or global SQLGLOB parameters are replaced with the new values. |The new values will remain in effect until:
|explicitly changed through: |
ARI0483I | The {user | global} SQLGLOB parameters [for user
userid] are:
CHARNAME = charname. QRYBLKSIZE = qryblksize. DBCS = dbcs. SYNCPOINT = syncpoint. CCSIDSBCS = ccsidsbcs. CCSIDMIXED = ccsidmixed. CCSIDDBCS = ccsiddbcs. TRACERA = tracera. TRACEDRRM = tracedrrm. TRACECONV = traceconv. COMMPROTO = commproto. |
Explanation: A Query SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQQ) was entered. If the userid parameter was specified, and user SQLGLOB parameters exist for the specified userid, then the user SQLGLOB parameters are displayed. Otherwise, the global SQLGLOB parameters are displayed.
System Action: The SQLGLOB parameters are displayed.
Explanation: A Delete User SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQD) was entered, and completed successfully.
System Action: The user SQLGLOB parameters for the signed-on userid are deleted. |Any subsequent DRDA connections done on behalf of this signed-on userid will use the global SQLGLOB parameters.
ARI0485I | The {global | user} SQLGLOB parameters [for user userid] do not exist. |
Explanation: A Query SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQQ) was entered for a specified userid, but the user SQLGLOB parameters for the specified userid do not exist. Either a previous DSQU transaction was not executed to create the user SQLGLOB parameters, or a previous DSQD transaction deleted the user SQLGLOB parameters. Alternatively, an Update User SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQU) was entered without all parameters specified, or a Delete User SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQD) was entered, and the global SQLGLOB record does not exist.
System Action: Processing ends.
User Response: Retry the transaction without the userid parameter to display the global SQLGLOB parameters. If user SQLGLOB parameters are desired, use the DSQU transaction to create them.
ARI0486E | {DSQG | DSQU | DSQD | DSQQ} cannot be completed successfully. |
Explanation: An Update Global SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQG) or an Update User SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQU) or a Delete User SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQD) or a Query SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQQ) was entered, but could not complete successfully.
System Action: Processing ends.
User Response: Refer to previous error messages for the cause of the error. If the problem persists, notify your System Programmer.
System Programmer Response: Refer to the previously displayed error messages for the cause of the error.
ARI0487E | The SQLGLOB file does not exist. |
Explanation: An Update Global SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQG) or an Update User SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQU) or a Delete User SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQD) or a Query SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQQ) was entered, but failed because the SQLGLOB file could not be found.
System Action: Processing ends.
User Response: Notify your System Programmer.
System Programmer Response: Recreate the SQLGLOB file using the IBM-supplied job control program ARISGDEF.
ARI0488D | The global SQLGLOB parameters will be used when the user SQLGLOB
parameters are deleted.
Are you sure you want to delete the user SQLGLOB parameters for user userid? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes). |
Explanation: A Delete User SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQD) was entered. Confirmation of the delete is required.
System Action: Processing is halted until a response is entered. If a 1 is entered, the delete continues. If a 0 is entered, processing ends.
User Response: Reply with 1 (Yes) to confirm the delete, or 0 (No) to cancel the operation.
ARI0489E | The {CCSIDS | CCSIDM | CCSIDG} of CHARNAME = charname in the ARISCCSD phase is not in the expected format. |
Explanation: A record was found in the ARISCCSD phase for the charname value, but the record does not contain valid data.
System Action: Processing ends.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Recreate the ARISCCSD phase using the IBM-supplied job control program ARISCNVD. Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE Program Directory.
ARI0490E | An unauthorized change has been made to the SQLGLOB file, which may have altered the {user | global} SQLGLOB parameters [for user userid]. |
Explanation: |An Update User SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQU) or an Update |Global SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQG) or a Query SQLGLOB Parameters |transaction (DSQQ) or a Delete User SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQD) was |entered or the SQLGLOB File Batch Update/Query Program (ARIRBGUD) was |executed. The transaction found that the SQLGLOB VSAM file had been |changed, but not through DSQU or DSQG or the batch update/query |program. The SQLGLOB values may have been altered, and should not be |used.
System Action: Processing ends.
User Response: |Use the DSQU transaction (for user SQLGLOB parameters) or the DSQG |transaction (for global SQLGLOB parameters) or execute the job ARIRBGUD (for |batch update for both global and user SQLGLOB parameters) specifying all |parameters to replace all of the entries in the SQLGLOB file.
ARI0491E | You have not entered any parameters for the {DSQG | DSQU} transaction. Please try again. |
Explanation: The Update Global SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQG) or the Update User SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQU) was entered with no parameters specified. You must specify at least one parameter.
System Action: Processing ends.
User Response: Reenter the desired transaction with the proper parameters.
ARI0492I | An unauthorized change has been made to the SQLGLOB file, which may have altered the {user | global} SQLGLOB parameters [for user userid]. These parameters will be replaced. |
Explanation: An Update User SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQU) or an Update Global SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQG) was entered with all parameters specified. The transaction found that the SQLGLOB VSAM file had been changed, but not through |DSQU, DSQG or the SQLGLOB File Batch Update/Query Program |(ARIRBGUD). The SQLGLOB values may have been altered. This message is displayed for information purposes only, since all the SQLGLOB values will be replaced by the transaction.
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: No action required.
ARI0493I | DSQD operation has been cancelled. |
Explanation: You entered 0 (NO) when DSQD prompted you to confirm the delete request.
System Action: No action is taken.
ARI0494E | Invalid input parameter entered. Parameter = parm. |
Explanation: An Update User SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQU) or an Update Global SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQG) or a Query SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQQ) was entered with an incorrect parameter, or a Delete User SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQD) was entered with a parameter.|This message can also be received from the SQLGLOB File Batch Update |program (ARICBGUD).
System Action: Processing ends.
User Response: Correct or remove the parameter and retry the transaction.
ARI0495E | Write error trace file. Reason Code = response code. |
Explanation: When the DB2 for VSE Online Resource Adapter attempted to write trace data to the trace output file, an access error occurred. The Reason Code value is the CICS/VSE response code (EIBRCODE) returned after the Online Resource Adapter attempted to write trace data to a transient data queue.
System Action: Any further Online Resource Adapter trace output is disabled.
User Response: Save this message and give it to your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Refer to the CICS/VSE Application Programming Reference manual for a description of the EIBRCODE.
ARI0496I | An unauthorized change has been made to the SQLGLOB file, which may have altered the user SQLGLOB parameters for user userid. |
Explanation: A Delete User SQLGLOB Parameters transaction (DSQD) was entered. The transaction found that the SQLGLOB VSAM file had been changed, but not through |DSQU, DSQG or the SQLGLOB File Batch Update/Query Program |(ARIRBGUD). The SQLGLOB values may have been altered. This message is displayed for information purposes only, since all the user SQLGLOB values will be deleted by the transaction.
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: No action required.
ARI0497E | The DRDA facility has not been installed. Processing of server server_name is bypassed. |
Explanation: A Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) or a Resource Adapter Add Connections transaction (CIRA) was entered to allow online access to a remote server, but the DRDA AR support has not been enabled.
System Action: The Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) or the Resource Adapter Add Connections transaction (CIRA) bypasses all remote application servers. Online access to remote application servers are not enabled.
User Response: Contact your database administrator to enable the DRDA AR support.
Database Administrator Action: Determine whether or not you require your application requester to initiate DRDA conversation. If so, enable the DRDA facility by running the job |ARIS715D. Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE System Administration manual for complete details. If this message was preceded by message ARI0446E or ARI0498E, recreate the phase mentioned in these messages. Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE System Administration manual for complete details.
ARI0498E | The phase phase is empty. |
Explanation: A Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) or a Resource Adapter Add Connections transaction (CIRA) was entered to allow online access to a remote server. An attempt was made to access the phase phase, but the phase contains no records.
System Action: Processing ends. The Resource Adapter Begin transaction (CIRB) or the Resource Adapter Add Connections transaction (CIRA) bypasses all remote application servers. Online access to remote application servers are not enabled.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Recreate the phase phase. Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE System Administration manual.