DB2 Server for VSE: Messages and Codes

Chapter 20. Sequential File Errors

This section describes the causes and suggests corrective actions for error messages due to errors encountered by the DB2 Server for VSE system while processing sequential input or output files in a VSE system. The error messages are displayed on the system operator console or in a SYSLST print file.

Problem Determination Notes for VSAM Access of Sequential Files (Log Archive Files):

Problem Determination Notes for SAM Access:

Primary-Secondary Error Code Pairs

In the following list, the Primary Error Code is listed first, and the Secondary Error Code is listed second. For any pair of codes not listed, see the "Other" item at the end of the list.

12 0
An uncorrectable I/O error occurred while reading (GET macro) or writing (PUT macro) a SAM file.

Corrective Action: Get the I/O error message (0Pnn PIOCS message) from the system operator. Take the corrective action recommended or suggested by the I/O error message. You may need help from your VSE or system programmer to resolve the problem. Depending on the type of I/O error, you may be able to recover by using a different hardware I/O device or by using a different tape or DASD volume.

24 12
The database file could not be opened because the partition did not have enough virtual storage.

Corrective Action: Either change the program's parameters so that it requires less virtual storage, or run the program in a larger partition. If you are running the program with the database manager in single user mode, you may be able to run the program in a smaller partition by running the database manager in multiple user mode (if the failing program can be run in multiple user mode). You may need help from your VSE or system programmer.

24 16
The database file could not be opened because the partition CDLOAD anchor table is full. (This table is used by the VSE/Advanced Functions CDLOAD macro instruction.)

Corrective Action: Save the error message and any other error messages. Request help from your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: If the program is being run with the database manager in single user mode, you may be able to eliminate this problem by running it with the database manager in multiple user mode.

VSE/VSAM consumes a lot of CDLOAD anchor table space. If the failure is in the DB2 Server for VSE database partition, consider moving SVA-eligible VSAM phases to the VSE/Advanced Functions Shared Virtual Area (SVA). If the problem persists, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

24 32
The database file could not be opened because the VSE/Advanced Functions GETVIS macro instruction detected a main storage hardware error.

Corrective Action: Report this problem to the hardware service person at your installation.

28 0
VSE/Advanced Functions data management detected a wrong-length record while reading the file (using a GET macro instruction).

Corrective Action: Ensure that the program is reading the file it expects. Ensure that (where applicable) the correct blocksize, record format, and logical record length were specified for the file. If the program requires a specific blocksize, logical record length, maximum logical record length, or record format, ensure that the input file meets these specifications. Check the program that created the file to ensure that it used the correct blocksize, (maximum) logical record length, and record format. If you find no inconsistencies, ask the system programmer to determine the service level of the database manager and report this problem to the designated support group for your installation.

36 4
In opening a DB2 Server for VSE accounting output tape file, archive tape file, or trace output tape file, the tape unit could not be dynamically assigned (VSE/Advanced Functions ASSIGN macro instruction). The assignment was not done because the VSE supervisor had no free Logical Unit Block (LUB) entry to allocate to the file.

If this occurs for any other file (or not on open), it is a DB2 Server for VSE or VSE system error.

Corrective Action: Either reconfigure the job control for the failing program or run it in a partition with more programmer logical units available. If you do not have such a partition, request that your VSE system programmer generate a new VSE supervisor with a partition containing more programmer logical units. (The number of programmer logical units is controlled by the BGPGR or FnPGR parameter of the VSE/Advanced Functions IOTAB supervisor generation macro instruction.)

36 8
In opening a DB2 Server for VSE accounting output tape file, archive tape file, or trace output tape file, the tape unit could not be dynamically assigned (VSE/Advanced Functions ASSIGN macro instruction). The assignment was not done because the specified tape unit address (cuu) was not found in the VSE supervisor PUB table; that is, the cuu is not known to the VSE system.

If this occurs for any other file (or not on open), it is a DB2 Server for VSE or VSE system error.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the system operator entered a valid tape unit cuu address. If a valid tape unit cuu was entered by the system operator (in a reply to message ARI073A, ARI295A, ARI299A, or ARI092A, or by the TRACE ON command), refer the problem to your VSE system programmer. The system programmer should ensure that the tape unit is defined to the VSE system by using the initial program load (IPL) ADD command.

36 12
In opening a DB2 Server for VSE accounting output tape file, archive tape file, or trace output tape file, the tape unit could not be dynamically assigned (VSE/Advanced Functions ASSIGN macro instruction). The assignment was not done because the specified tape unit address (cuu) was defined in the VSE supervisor PUB table as a device other than a tape unit.

If this occurs for any other file (or not on open), it is a DB2 Server for VSE or VSE system error.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the system operator entered a valid tape unit cuu address. If a valid tape unit cuu was entered by the system operator (in a reply to message ARI0073A, ARI0295A, ARI0299A, or ARI0092A, or by the TRACE ON command), refer the problem to your VSE system programmer. The system programmer should ensure that the tape unit is defined to the VSE system by using the initial program load (IPL) ADD command.

36 16
In opening a DB2 Server for VSE accounting output tape file, archive tape file, or trace output tape file, the tape unit could not be dynamically assigned (VSE/Advanced Functions ASSIGN macro instruction). The assignment was not done because the specified tape unit address (cuu) is down (due to the VSE/Advanced Functions DVCDN job control command).

If this occurs for any other file (or not on open), it is a DB2 Server for VSE or VSE system error.

Corrective Action: If the tape unit is no longer inoperative or off-line for service, enter the VSE/Advanced Functions DVCUP job control command to make the tape unit available for program use. Otherwise the system operator must select a different tape unit for the tape file.

36 40
In opening or closing a DB2 Server for VSE accounting output tape file, archive tape file, or trace output tape file, the tape unit could not be dynamically assigned or unassigned (VSE/Advanced Functions ASSIGN macro instruction). The action was not taken because the partition did not have enough virtual storage.

Corrective Action: Either change the program's parameters so that the it requires less virtual storage, or run the program in a larger partition. If you are running a program with the database manager in single user mode, you may be able to run the program in a smaller partition by running the database manager in multiple user mode (if the failing program can be run in multiple user mode). You may need help from your VSE or system programmer.

36 44
In closing a DB2 Server for VSE accounting output tape file, archive tape file, or trace output file, the tape unit could not be dynamically unassigned (VSE/Advanced Functions ASSIGN macro instruction). The unassignment was not made because the specified tape unit (cuu) has not been previously assigned.

This is a DB2 Server for VSE or VSE system error if the specified tape unit remained assigned.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the specified tape unit is no longer assigned. Otherwise, contact the designated support group for your installation.

36 48
In opening a DB2 Server for VSE accounting output tape file, archive tape file, or trace output file, the tape unit could not be dynamically assigned (VSE/Advanced Functions ASSIGN macro instruction). The assignment was not made because the specific tape unit (cuu) is currently owned by another partition.

If this occurs for any other file (or not on OPEN), it is a DB2 Server for VSE or VSE system error.

Corrective Action: The system operator must select a tape unit which is not currently assigned to any partition when entering the cuu for the accounting tape file, the archive tape file, or the trace tape file.

36 52
In opening a DB2 Server for VSE accounting output tape file, archive tape file, or trace output file, the tape unit could not be dynamically assigned (VSE/Advanced Functions ASSIGN macro instruction). The assignment was not made because the specified tape unit (cuu) is currently assigned to a system logical unit (for example, SYSLST).

If this occurs for any other file (or not on OPEN), it is a DB2 Server for VSE or VSE system error.

48 0
An error occurred while processing an READ MEMBER statement in a SYSIPT file. Message ARI0068E describing the error condition has been displayed on the system operator console and on SYSLST. Refer to that message for further explanation.

Corrective Action: Refer to the corrective action for message ARI0068E.

52 0
The disk output file has filled all space allocated to it (including any secondary allocations if the VSE/VSAM Space Management for SAM feature is being used). No more output can be written to the file. Some output has already been lost because it could not be written to the file.

Corrective Action: Allocate more disk space to the disk output file and rerun the program.

DB2 Server for VSE or VSE system error.

Corrective Action: Save the error message and any other error messages displayed and give the material to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Determine the service level of the database manager and report this problem to the designated support group for your installation.

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