DB2 Server for VSE: Messages and Codes

Chapter 6. ARI4000-ARI4599 DB2 Server for VSE Control Messages

ARI4000EInvalid input parameter entered. Parameter = parm.

Explanation: The DAXP or the DAXT transaction detected an incorrect input parameter.

parm is the parameter which was not valid. For DAXP, parm may be PASSWORD, LANGID, or SERVER_NAME. For DAXT, parm may be PASSWORD, MODE, INTERVAL, or SERVER_NAME.

PASSWORD must be a character string of 1 to 8 characters with no imbedded blanks. The character string for PASSWORD, which is input to DAXT, must be the same string that the AXE transaction used to autostart the DRDA TRUE which the DAXT transaction is disabling. PASSWORD must be preceded by one or more blanks.

LANGID must be a character string of 1 to 5 characters with no imbedded blanks. It must be one of AMENG, UCENG, FRANC, GER, KANJI, or HANZI.

SERVER_NAME must be a character string of 1 to 18 characters with no imbedded blanks. The server APPLID corresponding to SERVER_NAME (found in the DBNAME directory) must be within the range 'SYSARI00' to 'SYSARI09' or 'SYSARI0A' to 'SYSARI0Z'.

MODE must be either the character string NORMAL or the character string QUICK.

INTERVAL must be a decimal value between 0 and 3600.

The delimiter between parameters is a comma or one or more blanks. Commas must be used for null parms.

System Action: The DAXP or DAXT transaction ends.

Operator Response: Reissue the DAXP or DAXT transaction with the correct input parameters. Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE System Administration manual for more information about the input parameters.

ARI4001EDRDA TRUE TRUE-name is already present in this partition.

Explanation: The AXE transaction was autostarting DRDA TRUE support TRUE-name, but detected that the DRDA TRUE is already enabled and active within the partition. Only one DRDA TRUE with the name TRUE-name may be active within a CICS/VSE partition.

TRUE-name is the name of the DRDA TRUE support the AXE transaction is autostarting.

System Action: The AXE transaction ends the enabling of the DRDA TRUE.

Operator Response: Stop and restart CICS.

ARI4002ECICS/VSE load of module-name failed [for DRDA TRUE TRUE-name]. Resp = resp1. Resp2 = resp2.

Explanation: CICS/VSE was not able to load module-name in one of the following situations:

module-name will be either ARICDRAD, ARICDR2, or the name of a DB2 Server for VSE message repository.

TRUE-name is the name of the DRDA TRUE support the AXE transaction is autostarting.

resp is the CICS/VSE EIBRESP number.

resp2 is the CICS/VSE EIBRESP2 number.

System Action: The DAXP or DAXT transaction ends. The AXE transaction ends the enabling of the DRDA TRUE.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Verify that the program named ARICDRAD or ARICDR2 or the DB2 Server for VSE message repository is correctly defined to CICS/VSE and that its phase is in an accessible library. See the DB2 Server for VSE System Administration manual.

ARI4003EError in attempting to use CICS/VSE service [for DRDA TRUE TRUE-name]. CICS/VSE service = service. EIBRCODE = return-code.

Explanation: The DAXP transaction, the DAXT transaction, or the AXE transaction while autostarting DRDA TRUE support TRUE-name, encountered an error while using the EXEC CICS interface.

TRUE-name is the name of the DRDA TRUE support the AXE transaction is autostarting.

service defines the CICS/VSE service/command which was executed. Use the CICS/VSE manuals listed in the System Programmer Response below for this message to map the value for service to the CICS/VSE EIBFN code. The EIBFN code may be used as an aid in interpreting the value for return-code.

return-code is the CICS/VSE return (EIBRCODE).

System Action: The DAXP or DAXT transaction ends. The AXE transaction ends the enabling of the DRDA TRUE.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the CICS/VSE problem and reissue the DAXP or DAXT transaction. See the CICS/VSE Application Programming Reference, SC33-0713, for a description of the EIBRCODE. If the CICS/VSE service was EXTRACT, ENABLE, START, or DISABLE refer to "System commands" in the CICS/VSE System Programming Reference, SC33-0711.

ARI4004EUnable to allocate storage in the CICS/VSE partition [for DRDA TRUE TRUE-name]. Requested size = size.

Explanation: The DAXP transaction, the DAXT transaction, or the AXE transaction while autostarting DRDA TRUE support TRUE-name, was not able to obtain the storage required for execution.

TRUE-name is the name of the DRDA TRUE support the AXE transaction is autostarting.

size defines the number of bytes which were required.

System Action: The DAXP or DAXT transaction ends. The AXE transaction ends the enabling of the DRDA TRUE.

Operator Response: Provide CICS/VSE with a larger partition.

ARI4005EThe attempt to log on to the system communication facility failed. The name name is not unique in the system.

Explanation: While autostarting the DRDA TRUE support, the AXE transaction attempted to log on to the system communication facility with the name name. The system communication facility returned a code indicating that the name name was not unique in the system.

name is the name of the application identified to the system communication facility.

System Action: The AXE transaction ends the enabling of the DRDA TRUE.

Operator Response: Determine why name is not unique in the system communications facility and correct it.

It may be necessary to stop and restart CICS.

ARI4006EError in using system communications facility for DRDA TRUE TRUE-name. Request=request. Return Code = return-code. Reason Code = reason-code.

Explanation: One of the following situations has occurred:

TRUE-name is the name of the DRDA TRUE support.

request identifies the VSE XPCC request code.

return-code identifies the DB2 Server for VSE return code.

reason-code identifies the reason code from the system communication facilities of the operating system.

See Chapter 19, DB2 Server for VSE Reason Codes for a description of the codes provided with this message.

System Action: If the AXE transaction encountered the communications error, it ends the enabling of the DRDA TRUE. If the DRDA TRUE support encountered the communications error, it internally activates DAXT for termination. DAXT generates the error message.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the communication error.

Note: If the communication error was because of a problem in the DB2 Server for VSE partition and a dump was written to SYSLST or SYSLOG, the dump contains information necessary for correcting the problem.

ARI4007EError attempting to execute SQL by DRDA TRUE TRUE-name. SQL = sql request. SQLCODE = sqlcode. SQLERRD1 = errd1. SQLERRD2 = errd2.

Explanation: While autostarting DRDA TRUE support TRUE-name, the AXE transaction encountered an error attempting to execute SQL.

TRUE-name is the name of the DRDA TRUE support the AXE transaction is autostarting.

sql request is the SQL request being executed.

sqlcode, errd1, and errd2 are the return code information. Refer to Chapter 17, SQLCODEs for an explanation of the error.

System Action: The AXE transaction ends the enabling of the DRDA TRUE.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your DB2 Server for VSE system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the SQL error.

ARI4008ESever server-name is not ready.

Explanation: While autostarting DRDA TRUE support, the AXE transaction could not connect to the application server for which the DRDA TRUE support was being autostarted. Either the application server has not been started or it has not yet completed its initialization process.

server-name is the name of the application server for which the DRDA TRUE support was being autostarted.

System Action: The AXE transaction ends the enabling of the DRDA TRUE.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your DB2 Server for VSE database administrator.

Database Administrator Action: Start the application server with SYNCPNT = "Y".

ARI4009EVSE EXTRACT macro failed for DRDA TRUE TRUE-name. Operating system return code = return-code.

Explanation: While autostarting DRDA TRUE support, the AXE transaction issued a VSE EXTRACT request to obtain the partition start and end addresses. The EXTRACT request failed.

TRUE-name is the name of the DRDA TRUE support the AXE transaction is autostarting.

return-code is the return code from the operating system.

System Action: The AXE transaction ends the enabling of the DRDA TRUE.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Save this message and report this problem to the designated support group for your installation.

ARI4010IThe following DRDA TRUE support enabling parameters have been saved: LANGID = langid. SERVER_NAME = server-name. SERVER_APPLID = server-applid. These parameters will be used by the AXE transaction when it autostarts DRDA TRUE support.

Explanation: The DAXP transaction has saved the default settings for the DRDA TRUE of application server server-name.

langid is the DAXP LANGID parameter.

server-name is the DAXP SERVER_NAME parameter.

server-applid is the server APPLID of the DAXP SERVER_NAME parameter.

System Action: The default settings will be used by the AXE transaction the next time it autostarts the DRDA TRUE support for this server.

ARI4011IThe tran transaction cannot be started at this time. The resource res is not available. Please try later.

Explanation: A CICS resource used by DB2 Server for VSE for the DRDA TRUE is currently held by either the AXE transaction while autostarting DRDA TRUE support or the DAXT transaction.

tran is the transaction identifier of the invoked transaction.

res is the name of the resource to be enqueued.

System Action: The invoked transaction is cancelled. The transaction holding the resource continues to execute.

Operator Response: Try the transaction again at a later time. Usually the resource is held for a few moments.

ARI4012IThe disable transaction tran must delay for a interval- second interval before it retries EXEC CICS DISABLE for DRDA TRUE TRUE-name.

Explanation: The DAXT transaction was disabling a DRDA TRUE. However, EXEC CICS DISABLE has returned a code indicating that AXE transactions are still active.

tran is the transaction identifier DAXT.

interval is the delay time interval in seconds (INTERVAL input parameter).

TRUE-name is the name of the DRDA TRUE to be disabled.

System Action: The DAXT transaction issues EXEC CICS DELAY with the keyword INTERVAL equal to the value specified as an input parameter. After the delay, it will again attempt to issue EXEC CICS DISABLE. If the disable attempt fails, DAXT will issue a retry message (see message ARI4013A) and terminate in order to free the terminal. If the disable attempts succeeds, DAXT will issue a disable done message (see message ARI0191I) and terminate.

Operator Response: Do nothing until the retry message ARI4013A is displayed, or the disable done message ARI0191I is displayed.

ARI4013ARetry the disable transaction tran. Application transactions are accessing the DRDA TRUE for server-name.

Explanation: The DAXT transaction was not able to continue because the EXEC CICS DISABLE interface indicated that AXE transactions which previously accessed DB2 Server for VSE were still active. This causes the DAXT transaction to delay for a time interval (INTERVAL input parameter to DAXT) as had been indicated by message ARI4012I. The delay interval has completed but the condition still exists.

tran is the transaction identifier DAXT.

server-name is the name of the application server for which we are disabling the DRDA TRUE support.

System Action: The DAXT transaction ends.

Operator Response: After all AXE transactions which are or were accessing DB2 Server for VSE have terminated, the DAXT transaction should be reentered.

ARI4014ESystem error occurred in the DRDA TRUE TRUE-name. Internal shutdown of the DRDA TRUE is starting. Errnum = enum.

Explanation: An internal system error occurred within the DRDA TRUE TRUE-name.

TRUE-name is the name of the DRDA TRUE which encountered an internal system error.

enum is the error number used to identify what error had occurred in the DRDA TRUE support.

System Action: The DRDA TRUE began to terminate itself by internally activating the DAXT transaction. DAXT wrote the message.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your DB2 Server for VSE system programmer.

ARI4015EA DAXP entry was found for server name server-name but its APPLID does not match the AXE transaction APPLID. DAXP server APPLID = dapplid. AXE server APPLID = aapplid.

Explanation: While enabling the DRDA TRUE support for application server server-name, the AXE transaction detected an error when it was using the DRDA TRUE defaults set by the DAXP transaction for this application server. The server APPLID determined by the DAXP transaction is different from the server APPLID determined by the AXE transaction. This situation will happen when the DB2 Server for VSE DBNAME Directory and the DAXP parameters are out of sync.

server-name is the name of the application server for whom the AXE transaction is autostarting the DRDA TRUE support.

dapplid is the APPLID of the application server as determined by the DAXP transaction.

aapplid is the APPLID of the application server as determined by the AXE transaction.

System Action: The AXE transaction ends the enabling of the DRDA TRUE.

Operator Response: Reissue the DAXP transaction.

ARI4016IThe following DRDA TRUE support enabling parameters have been replaced: LANGID = langid. SERVER_NAME = server-name. SERVER_APPLID = server-applid.

Explanation: The DAXP transaction was issued for an application server for which a previous DAXP transaction had been issued. The new DAXP parameters override the previous DAXP parameters. This message is followed by message ARI4010I.

langid is the previous DAXP LANGID parameter.

server-name is the previous DAXP SERVER_NAME parameter.

server-applid is the server APPLID of the previous DAXP SERVER_NAME parameter.

System Action: The new DAXP parameters will be used by the AXE transaction the next time it autostarts the DRDA TRUE support for the application server.

ARI4017EGuest sharing is not allowed in a DRDA 2 environment. Server APPLID = server-applid.

Explanation: The DAXP transaction was issued for an application server whose APPLID is not within the range 'SYSARI00' to 'SYSARI09' or 'SYSARI0A' to 'SYSARI0Z'. A DRDA2 application requester can only request access to a DB2 Server for VSE application server. Requests for connection to a VM application server (via Guest Sharing) will be rejected.

server-applid is the server APPLID of the DAXP SERVER_NAME parameter.

System Action: The DAXP transaction ends.

ARI4018AUse the database manager SHOW and FORCE commands to commit or rollback the following units

of work:

ARI4019I SERVER_NAME = server-name. USER ID = user id. AGENT IDENTIFIER = N.

Explanation: This message can be displayed in the CICS partition or in the database manager partition.

CICS Partition

While autostarting DRDA TRUE support and performing TRUE resynchronization, the AXE transaction was informed by CICS/VSE that a logical unit of work it is trying to resynchronize is lost due to CICS cold start or that a logical unit of work should not be resynchronized because it should not be in-doubt.

Database Manager Partition

After a system or subsystem failure, the database manager detected logical units of work that must be committed or rolled back. These units of work are DRDA2 in-doubt units of work and cannot be resolved automatically by the DRDA TRUE resynchronization support.

server-name is the name of the application server that owns the logical unit of work.

user id is the established DB2 Server for VSE user ID for the logical unit of work.

N is the agent identifier which should be used with the FORCE command.

System Action: The LUW remains unsynchronized with the sync point manager. The LUW still appears when SHOW INDOUBT command is issued.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your DB2 Server for VSE database administrator.

Database Administrator Action: Use the database manager SHOW CONNECT command to obtain more information about the logical units of work. Then use the database manager FORCE command to commit or rollback the logical units of work.

In order to clear each LUW from SHOW INDOUBT display, it is necessary to use the RESET INDOUBT command.

Manual intervention is necessary, before RESET INDOUBT is issued, to ensure that the LUW is in a consistent state at all sites where the LUW has been distributed. This may require intervention at this database manager, or possibly at other database managers.

ARI4020EThe DRDA TRUE TRUE-name detected an error during synchronization. SQLCODE = sqlcode. SQLERRD1 = errd1. SQLERRD2 = errd2.

Explanation: The DRDA TRUE support detected an error while processing a rollback request or phase 2 of a 2-phase commit request.

TRUE-name is the name of the DRDA TRUE that detected the synchronization error.

sqlcode, errd1, and errd2 is the SQL return information. Refer to Chapter 17, SQLCODEs for an explanation of the error.

System Action: The DRDA TRUE is not terminated. CICS/VSE communicates the error back to the DRDA2 application requester's sync point manager.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your DB2 Server for VSE database administrator.

Database Administrator Action: Manual intervention is necessary to ensure that the LUW is in a consistent state at all sites where the LUW has been distributed. This may require intervention at this database manager, or possibly at other database managers.

ARI4024IDRDA TRUE is disabling for server server-name.

Explanation: The DAXT transaction started to disable the DRDA TRUE support for an application server.

server-name is the name of the application server for which Distributed Unit of Work support is to be disabled.

System Action: The DAXT transaction continues with the process of disabling the DRDA TRUE support.

Database Administrator Action: Watch to make sure that no error messages appear after ARI4024I.

ARI4025EDAXP table overflow encountered. The new DRDA TRUE support enabling parameters have not been saved.

Explanation: The DAXT transaction was trying to save the new DRDA TRUE enabling parameters in a table, but detected an overflow condition.

System Action: The DAXP transaction terminates and the new DRDA TRUE enabling parameters are not saved.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your DB2 Server for VSE system programmer.

ARI4026EProduct key validation failed. Return code = rc.

Explanation: A valid product license key is not found or is invalid. A valid key is |required to run DB2 Server for VSE. The possible values for the return |code are: |

| 8
|The key is not found or the key that was found is invalid.

|The key validation routine is not loaded. |

|System Action: The system is not started.

|User Response: Report this error to your system programmer.

|System Programmer Response: Obtain and install a valid key for the product. A valid key can be |obtained by contacting your IBM representative. Instructions for |installing the key are found in the DB2 Server for VSE |Program Directory.

ARI4027WThere are n days(s) left in the evaluation period for the product DB2/VSE.

Explanation: A valid license key has not been installed for this product. The |evaluation period will expire after the specified number of days. The |product is enabled for a limited period of time. When the evaluation |period has expired, it will not execute until a license key for the product is |installed.

|System Action: Processing continues.

|User Response: Report this error to your system programmer.

|System Programmer Response: Obtain and install a valid key for the product. A valid key can be |obtained by contacting your IBM representative. Instructions for |installing the key are found in the DB2 Server for VSE |Program Directory.

ARI4100ITCI/IP service initialized from {DBNAME DIRECTORY/TCPPORT/WELL KNOWN PORT}. TCP/IP Port is port-number.

Explanation: |The TCP/IP service was successfully initialized by the application |server.

|TCP/IP service can be initialized from the Dbname Directory, |TCPPORT, or the Well Known Port, 446. If it is Dbname Directory, then |the port number was determined by a lookup in the Dbname Directory. If |it is TCPPORT, then the port number was taken from the TCPPORT parameter |specified during database startup or in the START TCPIP operator |command. If it is WELL KNOWN PORT, it means TCPPORT is not specified |either during startup or in the Dbname Directory. The predefined well |known port number, 446, is used.

System Action: |The application server listens for TCP/IP connect requests on the |port identified in port-number. The application server is able |to handle both SNA connections and TCP/IP connections.

ARI4102IUnable to initialize TCP/IP service.

Explanation: |The application was unable to initialize TCP/IP services because |access to TCP/IP for VSE was not available.

System Action: |The application system continues, but it can only accept SNA |connections.

Operator Response: |Report this error to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: |If TCP/IP services are required, make sure that TCP/IP for VSE is |available and running, and the two-digit ID number specified for the SYSPARM= |parameter in the OPTION statement of the application server startup job |control is correct. Once the error condition is resolved, issue the |START TCPIP operator command to restart TCP/IP support. If TCP/IP |services are not required, ignore this message or start the application server |with the TCPPORT=0 parameter to bypass the TCP/IP initialization.

ARI4103ITCP/IP service service-name failed. Return code = n.

Explanation: |A TCP/IP function was performed but an error occurred during the |execution of the function. service-name identifies the |function and n is the return code that was received.

System Action: |The system continues.

Operator Response: |Report this error to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: |Take corrective action, if necessary, based on the function and |return code received.

|The description of the function and the explanation of the return |code reported by this message can be found in the VSE/ESA Version 2 |Release 3 Enhancement manual. |

ARI4109EWhile trying to process an external security manager request through the RACROUTE macro, an error occurred.
Function = function
SAF Return Code = X'return code'
ESM Return Code = X'return code'
ESM Reason Code = X'reason code'

Explanation: The application server issued the RACROUTE macro to authenticate a |userid. The RACROUTE macro responded with the information described in |the message.

|System Action: Authentication of the userid failed. For REQUEST=VERIFY, SECTYPE |remains at ESM and processing continues. For REQUEST=STAT, SECTYPE is |changed to DB2.

|System Programmer Response: Correct the problem with the external security manager. For more |information about the return codes and reason codes, see Workbook for |External Security Managers/Resource Managers.

ARI4110EESM function ESM function failed. Return code = return code

Explanation: The application server was performing function ESM function and |encountered an error. return code indicates the error that |occurred.

|System Action: Processing continues.

|System Programmer Response: Report this error to the designated support group for your |installation.

ARI4111IUnable to find host-name in IPINITnn file.

Explanation: The application server attempted to search the IPINITnn file for the |value identified by host-name.

|System Action: The system continues, the application server will discontinue TCP/IP Only |initialization. The application server will only be able to accept SNA |connections.

|Programmer Response: |Report this message to your system programmer.

|System Programmer Response: Determine if an entry for host-name should be defined to the |IPINITnn file. Add the entry if it is required.

ARI4112ITCPPORT nnnnn is invalid. It must be in the range from n1 to n2.

Explanation: An invalid port number was specified in the START TCPIP TCPPORT operator |command, nnnnn is the port number specified. |


n1 is the lower limit (or minimum) for the correct parameter |value.


n2 is the upper limit (or maximum) for the correct parameter |value. |

|System Action: The system continues, the application server ignores the restart TCP/IP |request. The application server will only be able to accept SNA |connections.

|Operator Response: Retry the command by specifying a valid port number.

ARI4113ITCP/IP support for the database manager was never enabled. Start request is ignored.

Explanation: The START TCPIP operator command was issued while the TCP/IP support |initialization process was never invoked during application server |startup. The restart process is relying on the TCP/IP agent structure |previously created during application server initialization. Without |the agent structure, restart process cannot be performed. This is the |case where either TCPPORT = 0 was specified or RMTUSERS = 0 was |specified.

|System Action: The system continues, the application server ignores the restart TCP/IP |request. The application server will only be able to accept SNA |connections.

|Operator Response: Report this error to your system programmer.

|System Programmer Response: Restart the application server by specifying a valid TCPPORT parameter if |TCP/IP support is desired.

ARI4114ITCP/IP support for the database manager is still active. Start request is ignored.

Explanation: The START TCPIP operator command was issued, but the TCP/IP support for the |application server is still active.

|System Action: The system continues, the application server ignores the restart TCP/IP |request.

|Operator Response: Issue the START TCPIP command only after TCP/IP support for the application |server went down abnormally.

ARI4115ITCP/IP support for the database server is disabled.

Explanation: TCP/IP support for the application server is disabled. This could be |the result of a severe error detected during the execution of a TCP/IP |function. The listener socket of the application server is closed and |no new TCP/IP connect request can be accepted. The application server |will only be able to accept SNA connections.

|For the error situation encountered, there should be a preceding message |that describes the error. Refer to the corresponding message and take |action accordingly.

|System Action: The system continues, but no TCP/IP support is available.

|Operator Response: Report this error to your system programmer.

|System Programmer Response: Take correction action, if necessary, based on the function and return code |received in the preceding error message. Once the error condition is |resolved, issue the START TCPIP operator command to restart TCP/IP support if |TCP/IP communication for the application server is desired.

START PROC successful for
START PROC successful for
proc-name for AUTHID authid.

Explanation: The stored procedure referenced has been started successfully.

System Action: Processing of the operator command has completed.

START PROC failed for proc-name.
Reason Code reason-code.
START PROC failed for proc-name for
AUTHID authid.
Reason Code reason-code.

Explanation: Processing of the command failed. Possible reason codes are:

The procedure is not found.

A wildcard is used improperly in the procedure name.

A wildcard is found in the authid.

The procedure name specified is a keyword.

The authid specified is a keyword.

System Action: The operator command is not processed.

Operator Response: Correct the error and issue the command again.

Stored procedure proc-name is
already started.
Stored procedure proc-name for
AUTHID authid is already

Explanation: The stored procedure referenced was started by a previous START PROC command.

System Action: Processing of the operator command has ended.

Stored procedure proc-name is not
Stored procedure proc-name for
AUTHID authid is not
Wildcard is used improperly in stored
procedure name proc-name.
Wildcard is used improperly in
AUTHID authid for stored procedure
Stored procedure
name proc-name is
a keyword.
AUTHID authid for
stored procedure
name proc-name is a keyword.
ACTION action specified is invalid.
Only QUEUE and REJECT are valid.

Explanation: This message provides information about an error that occurred when an operator command was issued. It indicates that either

  1. The procedure specified was not found in the cached information from SYSTEM.SYSROUTINES
  2. Invalid information was entered.

System Action: Processing of the operator command has ended.

Operator Response: Correct the source of the error and issue the command again.

STOP PROC successful for
STOP PROC successful for proc-name
for AUTHID authid.

Explanation: The stored procedure referenced has been stopped successfully.

System Action: Processing of the operator command has completed.

New calls to stored procedure
proc-name will
be action-code.
New calls to stored procedure
proc-name with AUTHID authid
will be action-code.

Explanation: This message is displayed when a stored procedure is stopped. It indicates how subsequent CALLs to that procedure will be handled.

The name of the stored procedure

The authorization ID associated with the stored procedure


System Action: The STOP PROC command has completed successfully for the procedure indicated.

STOP PROC failed for proc-name.
Reason code reason-code.
STOP PROC failed for proc-name
for AUTHID authid.
Reason code reason-code.

Explanation: Processing of the command failed. Possible reason codes are:

The procedure is not found.

A wildcard is used improperly in the procedure name.

A wildcard is found in authid.

The procedure name specified is a keyword.

The authid specified is a keyword.

Action specified is invalid. Only QUEUE and REJECT are valid.

System Action: Processing of the operator command has ended.

Operator Response: Correct the error and issue the command again.

ARI4158E Error in operator command oper-cmd. Reason code reason-code.

Explanation: Processing of the command failed. Possible reason codes are:

The stored procedure is not found.

A wildcard is used improperly in the procedure name.

A wildcard is found in authid.

The procedure name specified is a keyword.

The authid specified is a keyword.

Stored procedure server is not defined.

Stored procedure server group is not defined.

A wildcard is used improperly in the stored procedure server name.

A wildcard is used improperly in the stored procedure server group name.

The stored procedure server name specified is a keyword.

The stored procedure server group name specified is a keyword.
oper-cmd   The operator command issued.

System Action: Processing of the operator command has ended.

Operator Response: Correct the error and issue the command again.

Stored procedure proc-name is
already stopped.
Stored procedure proc-name for
AUTHID authid
is already stopped.

Explanation: The stored procedure referenced was stopped by a previous STOP PROC command.

System Action: Processing of the operator command continues.

ARI4160EOperator command oper-cmd has insufficient number of input parameters.

Explanation: The command entered did not use the correct syntax.

oper-cmd   The operator command issued.

Operator Response: Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual for the syntax diagram for the command.

ARI4161EOperator command oper-cmd has too many input parameters.

Explanation: The command entered did not use the correct syntax.

oper-cmd   The operator command issued.

System Action: Processing of the operator command has terminated.

Operator Response: Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual for the syntax diagram for the command.

ARI4162IStored procedure server serv-name has been started.

Explanation: The stored procedure server serv-name is able to accept SQL CALL statements to run stored procedures associated with this server.

System Action: Operator command complete successfully. Processing continues.

Stored procedure server
serv-name is not defined.
Stored procedure server group
serv-group-name is not defined.
Wildcard is used improperly in stored
procedure server name serv-name.
Wildcard is used improperly in stored
procedure server group name
Stored procedure server name
serv-name is a keyword.
Stored procedure server group name
serv-group-name is a keyword.

Explanation: This message provides information about an error that occurred when an operator command was issued. It indicates that either

  1. The stored procedure server specified was not found in the cached information from SYSTEM.SYSPSERVERS
  2. Invalid information was entered.

System Action: Processing of the operator command terminates.

Operator Response: Correct the error and issue the command again.

ARI4164IStored procedure server serv-name is already started.

Explanation: The stored procedure server serv-name was started by a previous START PSERVER command.

System Action: Processing of the operator command has ended.

ARI4165ISTART PSERVER cannot be processed for server-name because it has a status of status.

Explanation: Only a stored procedure server that is currently stopped can be started. Possible values for status are:

System Action: Processing of the operator command terminates.

Operator Response:

Unable to acquire storage for a
pseudoagent for server server-name.
Unable to acquire storage for an
XPCC control
block for server

Explanation: In VM, when START PSERVER is issued, the database manager allocates the pseudoagent structure to be used for the connection between the database manager and the stored procedure server. In VSE, when START PSERVER is issued, the database manager allocates an XPCC control block to be used for the connection between the database manager and the stored procedure server. In either case, if storage for the structure is not available, the START PSERVER command cannot complete.

System Action: Processing of the operator command terminates.

Operator Response: Try the command again later. Since storage utilization on the database manager varies depending on the number of active agents and their activities, storage may become available, enabling the command to complete.

Database Administrator Action:

Consider whether the amount of storage available to the database manager needs to be increased.

START PSERVER for serv-name
Reason code reason-code.
serv-group-name failed.
Reason code reason-code.

Explanation: Processing of the command failed. Possible reason codes are:

Stored procedure server serv-name is not defined.

Stored procedure server group serv-group-name is not defined.

The database manager is not able to acquire a pseudoagent for the stored procedure server.

The database manager is not able to allocate an XPCC control block for the stored procedure server.

START PSERVER cannot be issued for a stored procedure server that has a status of STARTING.

START PSERVER cannot be issued for a stored procedure server that has a status of STOPPING.

Wildcard is used improperly in stored procedure server name serv-name.

Wildcard is used improperly in stored procedure server group name serv-group-name.

Stored procedure server name serv-name specified is a keyword.

Stored procedure server group name serv-group-name specified is a keyword.

System Action: Processing of the operator command has ended.

Operator Response: This message is preceded by an informational message that indicates the reason for the error. Follow the instructions given in the Operator Response for the informational message.

ARI4168ISTART PSERVER operator command timed out.

Explanation: The START PSERVER command did not complete in the amount of time specified by the initialization parameter PTIMEOUT. Either:

System Action: Processing of the operator command terminates.

System Programmer Response: If the connection failed, use the diagnostic information displayed to determine the source of the problem and correct the error.

Database Administrator Action:

If no error occurred during the attempt to connect to the stored procedure server, consider whether the PTIMEOUT value should be increased.

Stored Procedure proc-name has
exceeded the maximum number of
abends allowed. It has been stopped
successfully. New calls will be
Stored Procedure proc-name for
AUTHID authid has exceeded the
maximum number of abends allowed.
It has been stopped successfully.
New calls will be rejected.

Explanation: A stored procedure has exceeded the number of allowed abnormal terminations as defined by PROCMXAB init parameter.

System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended.

Operator Response: Issue START PROC command to restart the procedure.

Programmer Response: Determine the reason for stored procedure abend.

Cannot action stored procedure
proc-name The cache structure
is currently being updated by another
Cannot action stored procedure
proc-name for AUTHID authid
The cache structure is currently
being updated by
another agent.
Cannot action stored procedure server serv-name
The cache structure is currently
being updated by another agent.

Explanation: The cache structure is currently being updated by another agent.

System Action: Processing of the operator command has ended.

Operator Response: Issue the command again at a later time

Stored procedure server serv-name
has been stopped.
It can be implicitly started.
Stored procedure server serv-name
has been stopped. It cannot be
implicitly started.

Explanation: Stored procedure server serv-name has been deactivated as requested by a STOP PSERVER or SQLEND command.

System Action: Processing of the operator command is complete.

ARI4172IStored procedure server serv-name is already stopped.

Explanation: The stored procedure server serv-name was stopped by a previous STOP PSERVER command.

System Action: Processing of the operator command terminates.

Stored procedure server serv-name is
waiting for stored procedure
proc-name to finish.
Stored procedure server serv-name is
waiting for stored procedure
proc-name with AUTHID
authid to finish.

Explanation: The STOP PSERVER command was issued for a stored procedure server that is currently running a stored procedure.

System Action: When the stored procedure finishes, the database manager will stop the stored procedure server.

Operator Response: If you must stop the stored procedure server immediately, issue the STOP PSERVER command again, specifying the QUICK option.

STOP PSERVER for serv-name failed.
Reason code reason-code.
serv-group-name failed.
Reason code reason-code.

Explanation: Processing of the command failed. Possible reason codes are:

The definition of the stored procedure server serv-name is not found.

The definition of the stored procedure server group serv-group-name is not found.

A wildcard is used improperly in stored procedure server name serv-name.

A wildcard is used improperly in stored procedure server group name serv-group-name.

The stored procedure server name serv-name specified is a keyword.

The stored procedure server group name serv-group-name specified is a keyword.

System Action: Processing of the operator command has ended.

Operator Response: Correct the error and issue the command again.

ARI4175IThe cach-name cache is loaded at load-address.

Explanation: cach-name is the name of the cache loaded by the database manager.

load-address is the storage address (expressed in hexadecimal) where the cache was loaded.

System Action: Processing continues.

System Programmer Response: You may want to note the address for use in any potential problem determination.

ARI4598EYou cannot DELETE the system default record from the SQLGLOB file.

Explanation: The ARICBGUD Batch Program has been requested to delete the system default |record (userid=*SYSDEF*). This is not allowed. It can only be |queried or updated.

|System Action: The input record is ignored. The program will process the next input |record.

ARI4599EInvalid COMMAND given, must be 'Q'(Query), 'U'(Update), or 'D'(Delete).

Explanation: The ARICBGUD Batch Program to update the SQLGLOB file has been given an |invalid command code. The code must be either 'Q', |'U', or 'D', for Query, Update, or Delete, |respectively.

|System Action: The input record is ignored. The program will process the next input |record.

|Programmer Response: |Correct the invalid command code and resubmit the input record.

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