ARI2900E | Language &1. cannot be accessed. Reason Code = nn. |
Explanation: Either the national language name has been misspelled, or the language specified on the SET LANGUAGE command cannot be accessed because of one of the following reasons:
&1. is the language identifier.
System Action: An attempt to set language &1. failed, because the language specified could not be found.
User Response: Make sure that the language identifier is correct and the requested language is supported on your system.
An INSERT may have been made into table SYSLANGUAGE during a DB2 Server for VSE session. You must bring the DB2 Server for VSE machine down and bring it up again in order for the inserted language IDs in SYSLANGUAGE to be recognized.
ARI2901I | Warning: The database manager cannot access the default language &1.. English will be used instead. Reason Code = nn. |
Explanation: The message file for the language currently set in VM could not be loaded and the attempt to set the DB2 Server for VSE default language also failed. The English message repository is used instead. Reason codes have the following meaning:
ARI2902E | There is no message file that the database manager can access. |
Explanation: This message appears when all of the following conditions have been met:
The failure was due to one of the following reasons:
This message is always issued in English.
System Action: Subcomponent initialization is cancelled.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Ensure that the phase corresponding to the LANGID parameter is available, or the phase corresponding to the default language is available, or the phase corresponding to AMENG is available (Phase name: ARIMS001). Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE Program Directory and DB2 Server for VSE System Administration manual for more information on installing a language on your system.
ARI2903E | Error loading Resource Adapter. SQLCODE = &1A |
Explanation: Resource adapter could not be loaded. This message is always issued in English.
System Action: Subcomponent initialization is cancelled.
User Response: Notify your System Programmer.
Programmer Response: Correct the problem indicated by the SQLCODE value. For more information, see Chapter 17, SQLCODEs.
ARI2904I | Warning: DBCS language &1. is not supported on the VSE operator console. The database manager uses English or the previous language. |
Explanation: The operator console cannot use a double-byte character set (DBCS). &1. is the language identifier.
User Response: Check that the correct language is specified and that the requested language is supported on your system. For more information on "National Languages" see either the DB2 Server for VSE System Administration manual or the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.
ARI2905E | The command command is not supported when using the DRDA protocol. |
Explanation: You are accessing a remote application server and have attempted to use the specified command against this application server. The command is available only against a local application server.
System Action: Command processing failed.
User Response: Enter another command.
ARI2906I | The only valid isolation level is CS when the DRDA protocol is used. Isolation level of CS is now in effect. |
Explanation: If the DRDA protocol is used, the isolation level defaults to cursor stability (CS). The SET ISOLATION command cannot be used to change the isolation level.
System Action: The SET ISOLATION command is ignored.
User Response: You may continue with another command.
ARI2908I | XPCCB, IJBXRUSR = aabbccccddeeeeee |
Explanation: For VSE Guest-Sharing users, this message displays secondary return codes captured in the IJBXRUSR field within the XPCCB control block. These return codes can be used to diagnose XPCC communication problems while communicating with APPC/VM in a Guest-Sharing environment. Refer to the VM/ESA: Connectivity Planning, Administration, and Operation manual for an explanation of the APPC/VM return codes.
aabbccccddeeeeee is a 16-byte hexadecimal string with the following formats:
The next 14 bytes are APPC/VM error data, external interrupt information:
System Programmer Response: Ensure that the VSE Guest system is properly installed for Guest-Sharing. Refer to IBM VSE/ESA Installation, or for a brief description, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE Program Directory.
ARI2909I | Warning: An error in the conversation has been detected. Please wait for the data capture completion message to appear before taking further action. DUMPID = &1. |
Explanation: An error has been detected in either the communication partner's datastream or internally in DB2 Server for VSE distributed flow processing.
System Action: System information is dumped to SYSLST. The dump identifier may be used to correlate this message to the SYSLST dump file.
User Response: Wait until completion message ARI2910I is displayed, and then notify your system programmer.
Do not erase any SYSLST files that may exist.
System Programmer Response: This message indicates that an error has occurred during distributed flow processing, and diagnostic error information has been dumped to SYSLST. Save the SYSLST file containing the dump identified by the dump identifier in the message and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI2910I | Data capture process completed successfully. Please notify your
system programmer.
[Job Name = jobname Job Number = jobnumber] |
Explanation: The data capture process referred to in message ARI2909I is completed.
ARI2911E | An internal error has occurred in the data capture process. Notify your system programmer. [DUMPID =dumpid.] [IPWSEGM =code.] |
Explanation: An error has occurred during the data capture process. This indicates a serious system problem.
System Action: Process of data capture is interrupted. A SYSLST file containing partial data may or may not exist.
User Response: Notify your system programmer. Do NOT erase any SYSLST files that may exist.
System Programmer Response: This message indicated that a DB2 Server for VSE internal error has occurred during data capture. There may or may not be a SYSLST file containing a partial dump identified by the dump identifier in the message. Save this file if it exists. Contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI2912E | Error reading NETID from SNA NETID file. |
Explanation: You have specified PROTOCOL=AUTO which requires a NETID value. An error occurred when the SQLSTART EXEC tried to retrieve the NETID value from the SNA NETID file on the production disk.
System Action: Database startup is terminated because the NETID is a required parameter for DRDA protocol.
User Response: Check the existence of the SNA NETID file on the production disk. If it is not found or corrupted, then recreate the file with the correct NETID value and rerun the EXEC.
ARI2913I | Character translation table for CHARNAME = charname cannot be found. The character translation table for INTERNATIONAL will be used. |
Explanation: If this message is displayed by ISQL, DBSU, or the Preprocessors: the row with the CHARNAME value cannot be found in the ARISSCRD phase, or the phase cannot be accessed, or the phase does not exist or is empty. If the CHARNAME value is 'unknown', an error has occurred while retrieving the GLOBAL variable CHARNAME from the SQLGLOB file.
If this message is not displayed by ISQL, DBSU, or the Preprocessors: if the CHARNAME value is 'unknown', the row where SQLOPTION=CHARNAME cannot be found in the SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS catalog table. Otherwise, the row where NAME=charname cannot be found in the SYSTEM.SYSCHARSETS catalog table.
System Action: Processing continues. The character translation table for INTERNATIONAL will be used.
User Response: If the CHARNAME value is 'unknown', and this message is issued by ISQL, DBSU, or the Preprocessors, use the DSQU transaction to create a new user record with the desired SQLGLOB values. If the SQLGLOB file is not found, or cannot be accessed, notify your system programmer.
Contact your system programmer if the specified CHARNAME cannot be found in the ARISSCRD phase, or the phase does not exist, or the phase cannot be accessed, or if this message is not issued by ISQL, DBSU, or the Preprocessors.
System Programmer Response: If the SQLGLOB file is not found, or cannot be accessed, recreate the SQLGLOB file using the IBM-supplied ARISGDEF job control program.
Check that the row corresponding to the CHARNAME value exists in the ARISSCRD phase, or in the system catalog table SYSTEM.SYSCHARSETS. If the row is in SYSTEM.SYSCHARSETS but does not exist in the phase, or the phase does not exist or is empty, recreate the ARISSCRD phase. If the row does not exist in the SYSCHARSETS table, add the row to the table and then recreate the ARISSCRD phase. Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE Program Directory.
If this message is issued other than by ISQL, DBSU, or the Preprocessors, and the row is missing from the system catalog table, insert a row with the correct values into the table. If the catalog table that needs updating is SYSTEM.SYSCHARSETS, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE System Administration manual for information on updating this catalog table.
ARI2914E | An error occurred with the MACRO name while accessing the file file. Return code = rc. |
Explanation: An error occurred with the MACRO while accessing the file file that is required for character translation support or for CCSID support. file may have one of the following values: ARISCCSD PHASE, ARISSTRD PHASE or ARISSCRD PHASE. The return code value is the MACRO return code.
System Action: Processing terminates.
User Response: Contact your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Refer to the VSE/ESA System Macros Reference for an explanation of the return code and correct the problem. If the problem cannot be corrected, contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI2920E | Application Identifier resolution error. Detection point = &1.. Return Code = &2A.. |
Explanation: An error was detected when trying to resolve the Application Identifier of the application server. The error is related to a specific operation or entity of the DBNAME Directory service.
&1. is the function or entity in which the error was found.
&2A. is the error code returned from the DBNAME Directory Service or set by the service caller.
This message is displayed by the caller of the DBNAME Directory
Service. For more information, see the DB2 Server
for VSE Messages and Codes manual.
Detection Point (&1.) | Return Code (&2A.) | Explanation |
LOAD | CDLOAD RC | CDLOAD of DBNAME Directory Service failed. Refer to VSE CDLOAD return codes for corrective actions. |
SEARCH | 4 | The search with DBNAME or TPN does not have a match. |
SEARCH | 8 | The parameter list was incorrectly set up. Report this error to the designated support group for your installation. |
SEARCH | 12 | The DBNAME Directory is invalid. The DBNAME Directory could have
been corrupted.
APPLID | 8 | The APPLID in the DBNAME Directory is invalid for a DB2 Server for VSE
server. The database manager startup failed.
System Action: If this message is issued from the database manager, the initialization of the database manager ends. Otherwise, the issuer of this message terminates itself.
Operator Response: Record the error detection point, the return code, and the issuing partition for problem determination.
System Programmer Response: Refer to the specific error explanation above for corrective actions.