DB2 Server for VM: System Administration

Primary Database Machines

Why Add a Database Machine?

The descriptions throughout this manual assume there is only one DB2 Server for VM production minidisk, which is owned by the SQLMACH machine and supports all activity on a VM system. This minidisk contains the SQLFDEF files that identify the databases; the SQLDBN files that identify the database machines and the databases they access; the bootstrap modules that identify where DB2 Server for VM code is to be loaded; and all the code that the database manager needs to run daily. Because it describes the environment, it changes as your environment changes. For example, it is updated if you generate a database, if you add a dbextent to a database, and at times during database machine startup.

In an environment that contains many database machines doing many administrative tasks, having only one production minidisk can lead to contention problems: only one machine at a time can write to the production minidisk, so other machines may have to wait for it to become available. In addition, in environments that contain extremely sensitive data, having only one production minidisk can be a security exposure: every DB2 Server for VM user would have read access to that production minidisk, and could easily determine what databases exist by scanning the files on it.

Thus, while a single production minidisk is suitable for many installations, it does not suit others. For these situations, you can define and use multiple production minidisks.

Adding a Primary Database Machine

One primary database machine already exists in your installation: the SQLMACH machine, which you defined during installation. It owns the original (primary) production minidisk. To define an additional primary database machine, you define and initialize a secondary production minidisk, which is a copy of the original. The new primary database machine owns this new production minidisk through the MDISK statement for this disk in its VM directory entries.

Step 1: Update the VM Directory

Using your local operating procedures, update the VM directory entries for the new primary database machine. Figure 84 shows an example of these statements. The name of the database machine here is dbmach2. For a complete description of VM directory control statements, see the VM/ESA: CP Command and Utility Reference manual.

Figure 84. Example VM/ESA Directory Control Statements for the Database Machine


Statement 1: USER dbmach2 dbmachpw xM xM G
This statement defines the database machine with the VM privilege class G. The recommended minimum virtual size for the SQLMACH machine is 8MB for the base code, or for the base code and DSS. The recommended minimum size is 10MB if the DRDA code is installed.

If you need to perform tape and DASD file load and unload operations for the DBS utility or trace facility, privilege class B is recommended. Privilege class B is needed to attach tapes.

For the virtual machine name and password shown here, replace dbmach2 and dbmachpw with your own machine name and password.

Statement 2: OPTION MAXCONN 26
The MAXCONN value of the VM OPTION control statement determines the maximum number of APPC/VM connections allowed for a virtual machine.

Set this value to be the sum of the following:

If you plan to use the DB2 Server for VM accounting facility with this database machine, you should also specify the ACCT operand. See Chapter 11, Using the Accounting Facility.

Statement 3: IUCV ALLOW
This statement enables any virtual machine to use APPC/VM or IUCV to initiate communications with the database machine. In order to actually access information in a database, however, a user machine must either have been granted CONNECT authority to the database, or all users must have been granted CONNECT authority (with the ALLUSERS parameter, which is the default). If either of these conditions is met, the user can exercise all privileges granted to PUBLIC.

For more information, see VM Directory Control Statements.

Statement 4: IUCV *IDENT resid LOCAL
Specify the server name (as entered in the DBNAME parameter of the SQLSTART EXEC) and whether the resource is LOCAL or GLOBAL. If LOCAL is specified, only users on the same processor as the application server can access it. If GLOBAL is specified, any user in the same collection as the application server can access it.

In this example, the application server with the resource identifier resid is specified as a LOCAL resource.
Note:If remote access is being used, it is recommended you ensure that server names are unique within a set of interconnected SNA networks, and that resids are unique in a TSAF collection or a gateway. (A gateway is also referred to as an LU.) The resid must also be identified with a GLOBAL scope. For more information, see Distributed Processing Administration.

Statement 5: IPL CMS
Uses the CMS saved segment name (for example, CMS) applicable to your VM/ESA environment.

Statement 6: CONSOLE 009 3215 T OPERATOR
If the database machine runs in disconnected mode, you should specify an alternate console. In the statement shown, the console for the OPERATOR virtual machine is identified as the alternate console. For information on running the database machine in disconnected mode, see System and DB2 Server for VM Operator Console Considerations.

Statement 7: LINK MAINT 19D 19D RR
This is the LINK statement for the CMS Help facility, which is necessary in order for users to access the DB2 Server for VM Help panels for CMS. (Without it, users can still access the HELP text that is stored in a database, as that HELP text is accessed through ISQL, not CMS.)

Statement 8: LINK SQLMACH 193 193 RR
This is the LINK control statement for the service minidisk (the SQLMACH machine's 193 minidisk). Specify virtual device address 193 and link access mode RR, as shown. (See Figure 86.)

All database machines (primary or secondary) should use the same service minidisk, to ensure that they have the same level of service.

Statement 9: LINK SQLMACH 195 195 RR
This is the LINK control statement for the production minidisk (the SQLMACH machine's 195 minidisk). Specify virtual device address 195 and link access mode RR, as shown. (See Figure 86.)

All secondary database machines should share the same minidisk with its primary database mahcine.

Statement 10: MDISK 191 3380 cylr 010 volser W
This is the MDISK control statement for a read/write work minidisk (A-disk) with virtual device address 191 and link access mode W. The space allocations for various devices are shown in the Installation Requirements and Considerations chapter in the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory.

Statement 12: MDISK 195 3380 cylr 020 volser RR readpw writepw multipw
This is the MDISK entry for the secondary DB2 Server for VM production minidisk to be owned by this machine. Specify virtual device address 195 and link access mode RR. Both a read password (readpw) and write password (writepw) must be specified. The space allocations for a production minidisk on various DASD are identified in the Installation Requirements and Considerations chapter in the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory.

This secondary production minidisk must be online and available for all DB2 Server for VM operations. When updates to it are required, the product-supplied database generation and maintenance EXECs relink it with access mode M or W.

Specify a multiple-access password (multipw) for this secondary production minidisk if:

  1. You are defining other database machines to access this machine's production minidisk.
  2. You want one database machine to be able to perform database generation and maintenance activities while others are accessing this minidisk in read mode.

If multiple database machines share a production minidisk, and the database machine that owns the minidisk does not have a multiple-access password (multipw) specified in its VM directory MDISK control statement, only the machine that does the database maintenance can access the production disk with write-access. If database maintenance must be done, the other machines cannot be performing normal processing using read-access to the production minidisk.

Statements 13, 14, and 15: MDISK ... vol xxx R readpw writepw
These are the directory MDISK statements for each minidisk of the starter database. They must have a link access mode R, a read password (readpw), and a write password (writepw). The same readpw and writepw should be assigned to all minidisks defined for the database. The minidisk space and virtual disk address requirements for various DASD devices for databases defined using the starter database specifications are identified in the Installation Requirements and Considersations chapter in the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory.

Step 2: Prepare the New Database Machine

  1. Log on to the database machine.

    If this is a new virtual machine, you will receive messages after CMS is loaded, because you do not yet have a PROFILE EXEC or A-disk for the virtual machine. Ignore them and continue.

  2. If this is a new virtual machine, format the 191 minidisk (A-disk) by entering the command:
       FORMAT 191 A

    Respond to the prompts issued during CMS FORMAT command processing. For a complete description of this command and an explanation of the required prompt responses, see the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual.

  3. Acquire write access to your 195 minidisk by entering the CP command:
       LINK dbmach2 195 195 W
    where dbmach2 is your database machine ID.
  4. Format your secondary production minidisk by entering the CMS command:
       FORMAT 195 Q

    Respond to the prompts issued during CMS FORMAT command processing.

  5. Create or update the database machine's PROFILE EXEC. The following shows an example of PROFILE EXEC entries.

    Figure 85. PROFILE EXEC Entries for an Additional Primary Database Machine


    Statement 1: CP SET RUN ON
    Required if the database machine will be run in disconnected mode. (Most database machines are run in disconnected mode.)

    Statement 2: ACCESS 195 Q
    Accesses the secondary production minidisk (virtual device address 195) with file mode Q.

    Statements 3, 4, 5, and 6: CP TERMINAL xxxx
    Establish the recommended VM TERMINAL line-edit symbols for the database manager.

    Statement 7: CP SET EMSG ON
    Sets the EMSG function value ON. This is the recommended setting.

    Ensures a national language message repository is available if there is no CMS saved segment for DB2 Server for VM messages.
  6. Run the PROFILE EXEC by entering the command:
  7. Access the service minidisk by entering the CMS command:
       ACCESS 193 V
  8. At this time, you should still have access to your secondary production minidisk (195 minidisk, file mode Q). To initialize this minidisk, you must copy the appropriate product-supplied CMS files to it, by running the ARISPDFC EXEC:


    For more information on the functions ARISPDFC performs, refer to Appendix G, Service and Maintenance Execs.

    +---------------------------VMSES/E Consideration----------------------------+

    VMSES/E consideration: ARISPDFC copies over the lastest serviced ARISQLLD LOADLIB to the secondary production minidisk. If for some reason you need to create a different version of the ARISQLLD LOADLIB, you must create a PPF (Product Parameter File) override to the DB2 Server for VM $PPF file (5697F421 $PPF). Refer to the VM/ESA: VMSES/E Introduction and Reference for information on creating PPF overrides. In your new PPF override, you must:

    +------------------------End of VMSES/E Consideration------------------------+

  9. Next, acquire read access to your production minidisk by entering:
       LINK dbmach2 195 195 RR
       ACCESS 195 Q
    where dbmach2 is your database machine ID.
    Note:Do not log off yet.

Step 3: Generate a Database

The process of defining an additional primary database machine also generates a database. In this example, the specifications for the starter database are used. If you want to generate a different database, review Chapter 2, Planning for Database Generation.

To generate a starter database, enter:


where name is the name of the database to be generated.
Note:If DBNAME is not the same as RESID, you must specify the resid option.

The following prompt appears:

     ARI6010D Do you want to install English DB2 Server for VM HELP text?
              Enter 0(No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit).

If you need information on how to respond to this prompt, see Running the SQLDBINS EXEC.

After the database is generated, you can log off the new primary database machine.

For information on installing HELP text in additional languages, see National Language Support for Messages and HELP Text.

Adding a Secondary Database Machine

This section describes how to define an additional database machine. Because a database machine usually owns one or more databases, this section also shows how to generate a database for the new machine.

Before proceeding, you must know the read and write (or multiple access) passwords for the DB2 Server for VM production minidisk.

Step 1: Update the VM Directory

Using your local operating procedures, update the VM directory entries for the new database machine. Figure 86 shows an example. The name of the database machine is dbmach1. These statements are the same as those for a primary database machine: for an explanation of them, see Step 1: Update the VM Directory. For a complete description of these statements, see the VM/ESA: CP Command and Utility Reference manual.

Figure 86. VM Directory Control Statements for a Secondary Database Machine


Use the CMS saved segment name (for example CMS, CMSL) and device types applicable to your VM operating system.

Step 2: Prepare the Database Machine

  1. Log on to the database machine and IPL CMS.

    If this is a new virtual machine, you will receive messages after CMS is loaded because you do not yet have a PROFILE EXEC or A-disk for the virtual machine. Ignore them and continue.

  2. If this is a new virtual machine, format the 191 minidisk (A-disk) by entering the command:
       FORMAT 191 A

    Respond to the prompts issued during CMS FORMAT command processing. For a complete description of CMS commands and an explanation of the required prompt responses, see the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual.

  3. Create or update the database machine's PROFILE EXEC. Figure 87 shows an example. These statements are the same as those for a primary database machine: for an explanation of them, see Figure 85.

    Note that the entries are provided in file SQLMACH PROFILE located on the production disk.

  4. Run the PROFILE EXEC by entering the command:
    Note:Do not log off yet.

    Figure 87. PROFILE EXEC Entries for an Additional Database Machine


Step 3: Generate a Database

To generate a database, you must first establish access to the service minidisk. Enter the following command:

   ACCESS 193 V

In this example, you will generate a database using the starter database specifications. Before proceeding, review the minidisk requirements shown in DB2 Server for VM Program Directory. If you choose to generate your own database, review Chapter 2, Planning for Database Generation.

To generate a starter database enter:


where name is the name of the database to be generated.
Note:If DBNAME is not the same as RESID, you must specify the resid option.

The following prompt appears:

     ARI6010D Do you want to install English SQL/DS HELP text?
              Enter 0(No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit).

If you need information on how to respond to this prompt, see Running the SQLDBINS EXEC.

After the database is generated, you can log off the new database machine.

For information on installing HELP text in additional languages, see National Language Support for Messages and HELP Text.

Adding a Service Machine

Use VMSES/E to install the database manager code on that processor, but do not run the database installation utilities. See Chapter 1, Planning for Installation and the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory.

Defining Additional User Machines

To define additional user machines you can either update existing virtual machines or define new ones. In either situation, you must update the VM directory. The new user machine may also require a CMS communications directory. For more information, see Setting Up the CMS Communications Directory.

You can update the VM directory using your installation's current operating procedures. For a complete description of VM directory control statements, see the VM/ESA: CP Command and Utility Reference manual for your IBM VM system.

Figure 88 shows an example of the VM directory entries for a user machine.

Figure 88. VM Directory Entries for a User Machine


Use the CMS saved segment name (for example, CMS, CMSL) and device types applicable to your VM environment.

Statement 1: USER sqluser userpw xM xM G
This statement defines the user machine with the VM privilege class G. The virtual size required for the user machine is 6 megabytes.

Privilege class B is optional. It is only required by a user machine that needs to attach real devices, such as tape drives.

Statement 2: ACCOUNT nnnnnnnn
This statement supplies an account number for the user machine.

Statement 3: IUCV resid
This statement is optional. It enables the user machine to connect to the specified database (resid). If you want a user machine to communicate with more than one database, specify more than one IUCV resid statement.

Alternatively, user machines can communicate with databases without the need of the IUCV resid statement if both the following are true:

For more information on the VM directory control statements that affect inter-machine communications, see VM Directory Control Statements.

Statement 4: LINK MAINT 19D 19D RR
This is the LINK statement for the CMS Help facility, which is necessary in order for users to access the DB2 Server for VM Help panels for CMS. (Without it, users can still access the HELP text that is stored in a database, as that HELP text is accessed through ISQL, not CMS.)

Statement 5: MDISK 191 3380 cylr 003 volser W
This is the MDISK control statement for a read/write work disk (A-disk) with virtual device address 191 and link access mode W specified. The 191 minidisk space allocations for various DASD devices are shown in the Installation Requirements and Considerations chapter in the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory.

Statement 6: LINK SQLMACH 195 195 RR
This is the LINK control statement for a production minidisk with virtual device address 195 and link access mode RR specified; it establishes the virtual machine as a user machine. (All user machines must contain this statement.)

Initialize the user machine.

  1. Log on to the user machine.

    If this is a new virtual machine, you will receive messages after CMS is loaded, because you do not yet have a PROFILE EXEC or A-disk for the virtual machine. Ignore them and continue.

  2. If this is a new virtual machine, format the 191 minidisk (A-disk) by entering the command:
       FORMAT 191 A

    Respond to the prompts issued during CMS FORMAT command processing. For a complete description of the FORMAT command and an explanation of the required prompt responses, see the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual.

  3. Create or update the user machine's PROFILE EXEC. Figure 89 shows an example.

    Note that the entries are provided in the file SQLUSER PROFILE located on the production disk.

  4. Log off the user machine.

Figure 89. PROFILE EXEC Entries for a User Machine


Statement 1: ACCESS 195 Q
Accesses the production minidisk (virtual device address 195) with file mode Q.

Statement 2: CP SET EMSG ON
Sets the VM EMSG function value ON. This is the recommended setting.

Ensures a national language message repository is available if there is no CMS saved segment for DB2 Server for VM messages.

With the user machine defined this way, users can issue the SQLINIT EXEC to communicate with a database machine, and set up a default database for the user. If you have users who typically access the same database all the time, who do not use the database manager frequently, or who are inexperienced in data processing, you may want to issue the SQLINIT EXEC while doing the above steps to set up their machines for accessing the appropriate database.

Adding a Database

You can add an additional database to any of the database machines that you have defined. Before doing so, review Chapter 2, Planning for Database Generation.

Database generation consists of a series of steps that define and format minidisks, initialize the database, preprocess the DBS utility package, and run the DBS utility to complete the basic generation process. After the database is defined, other DB2 Server for VM facilities are installed in it. Most of these subtasks are done by issuing a single IBM-supplied EXEC called SQLDBINS, which calls other IBM-supplied EXECs.

These steps are discussed in detail below.

Step 1: Defining the Database Minidisks

The first step is to add MDISK control statements to the VM directory of a database machine to give that machine ownership of the database you are about to generate.

Initially, the only database machine on a VM system is SQLMACH, but you can define additional machines as described in Adding a Primary Database Machine. Each database machine can have more than one database (although it can only access one at a time), and can access databases that it does not own. For convenience, the owner should be the machine that will be the primary user or controller.

The specific MDISKs required depend on the requirements for your database. However, you must define VM minidisks for:

Figure 90 shows an example of the MDISK control statements needed to define minidisks for a database that has two logs and two dbextents. For detailed information on the MDISK control statement, see the VM/ESA: CP Command and Utility Reference manual.

Figure 90. Defining VM Minidisks for a Database

MDISK 300 3380 cylr 6   XXXXXX R DBPSW XLMT
MDISK 324 3380 cylr 32  XXXXXX R DBPSW XLMT


  1. The first statement defines a minidisk for the database directory, and gives it a virtual device address of 300.

  2. The next statement defines the first log minidisk for the database, and gives it a virtual device address of 324.

  3. The next two statements define two dbextent minidisks, one for each storage pool to be used initially, and give them virtual device addresses of 32A and 32B.

  4. The last statement defines the optional second log minidisk and gives it a virtual device address of 32D.

  5. Keep a record of these virtual device addresses since you will later need to supply them to the EXEC that generates the database.

  6. For minimum space allocation values, see Table 44.

  7. This example assumes a count-key-data device. Thus, you must supply a cylinder relocation factor (cylr). For an FB-512 device, specify the appropriate block relocation factor (blkr) and number of blocks (blks).

  8. The volume serial number represented by XXXXXX contains the directory, one log, and one dbextent. The volume serial number represented by YYYYYY contains one log and one dbextent. Set these volume serial numbers as appropriate for your DASD volumes.

  9. All the MDISK control statements must have an access mode of R.

  10. For DBPSW and XLMT, specify your own read and write passwords and give them an access mode of R.

  11. Do not add LINK control statements to the VM directory for database minidisks. Database machines will be linked to these minidisks when the database manager is started.

The database manager does not place any restrictions on the virtual device addresses you can use for its minidisks, unless you are using the starter database specifications, in which case the minidisks will occupy virtual device addresses 200, 201, and 202.

Setting the MAXCONN Value

When adding MDISK control statements for a database machine, you should also review the current setting for MAXCONN, which is a parameter of the VM OPTION control statement. The MAXCONN determines the number of APPC/VM connections allowed for a virtual machine, and is unique to each database machine. Set it to be the sum of:

  1. The maximum number of user machines that can share access to the database machine at the same time

    Each user machine that communicates with the database machine requires an APPC/VM or IUCV connection.

  2. The maximum number of database minidisks -- the directory, the log or logs, and the dbextents -- to be accessed at any given time.

    The database manager uses DASD block I/O, which in turn uses IUCV, to access its database minidisks. Set the MAXCONN value to allow for the maximum number of minidisks that are attached to the database machine.

    Because the database manager records the highest dbextent number for the database, you may have to count deleted dbextents when calculating the MAXCONN value. For example:

  3. The value of MAXCONN must be increased by 1 to allow for the connection to the CP identify system service *IDENT.
  4. The value of MAXCONN must be increased by 1 if you are using TCP/IP communications with the server (that is, if you have set the TCPPORT initialization parameter to a non-zero value).

For example, suppose there are 50 virtual machines (users) allocated for the installation, including the database machine SQLMACH. Of the 49 user machines, 25 are communicating with SQLMACH. In addition, assume that SQLMACH owns three databases: one with 10 minidisks, one with 3 minidisks, and one with 15 minidisks. For the SQLMACH machine, MAXCONN should be set to 40, that is, 25 (for maximum number of connected machines) + 15 (for the largest number of database minidisks). Note that this second number is not the sum of the minidisks in all three databases, because the database machine can only run one database at a time. If SQLMACH were to access the database having 3 minidisks, 37 user machines could connect. This (in most cases) is better than setting MAXCONN to 28 (to accommodate the small database and 25 users), because then if the largest database is accessed, only 13 user machines would be able to connect.

Naturally, you may have to adjust MAXCONN as real conditions (number of minidisks and number of users) change.

The MAXCONN parameter also applies to single user mode; however, here it is only concerned with the number of minidisks because no other user machines are communicating with the database machine.

Step 2: Generating a Database

To generate a database:

  1. Log on to the database virtual machine that owns the minidisks
  2. Get read access to the service minidisk (ACCESS 193 V)
  3. Run the SQLDBINS EXEC

This third step is described in detail below.


The SQLDBINS EXEC resides on the service minidisk, where it is placed during the installation process. Figure 91 shows its format.


      '-RESID(resid)-'   '-AMODE(nn)-'   '-DIRBLK(4096)-'

The DBNAME parameter must be specified. For server_name, specify a name for the database. If the IUCV *IDENT directory entry of the database machine specifies a resource name, then the server_name specified when SQLDBINS is invoked must match the resource name. If the IUCV *IDENT directory entry specifies RESANY, then any valid dbname can be specified. The database name you use must match the name defined in the IUCV *IDENT directory entry of the database machine. Because the production minidisk defines a complete environment, the name must be unique among all those database names already existing on the production minidisk. Also, the name must not be greater than 18 characters.

If you want to generate a database using the starter database specifications, specify STARTER(YES). The starter database will be defined on virtual device addresses 200, 201, and 202, and you will not be able to change these addresses. (Thus, you can generate only one starter database for each database machine.) STARTER(NO) is the default. For more information on the starter database specifications, see Chapter 2, Planning for Database Generation.

If server_name is greater than 8 characters, you must also specify a resid of up to 8 characters; if server_name is 8 characters or fewer, resid defaults to server_name, unless you specify another resid.

For resid, specify a VM resource identifier for the database that is unique on the production minidisk being accessed.

The AMODE(24) option only needs to be specified when user-written exits do not support 31-bit addressing. In this case, AMODE(24) must be specified when running the SQLDBINS EXEC. For a description of this parameter, see AMODE. For more information on virtual machine operating modes, see Running the Database Manager.

Specifies whether the SQLDBGEN EXEC will generate the new directory in 512 or 4KB blocks. The default is 512. This parameter is only effective if you answer YES to message ARI0647D, which asks whether you want to format the directory disk. DIRBLK(4096) is only valid if you have installed the Data Spaces Support code.

The SQLDBINS EXEC installs a database complete with DBS utility support, ISQL support, and English HELP text. If you do not use these facilities, you should leave the support in the database anyway.

If, for any reason, SQLDBINS ends before its processing is complete (for example, system failure or user interrupt), rerun it.

The SQLDBINS EXEC does much of its work by calling other IBM-supplied EXECs, most of which run without your intervention. One of these is the SQLDBGEN EXEC, which does the actual database generation. Thus, before issuing SQLDBINS, you must prepare the proper input for SQLDBGEN as follows. (If you are using the starter database specifications, you do not have to prepare any input.)

Preparing Input for the SQLDBGEN EXEC

The SQLDBGEN EXEC resides on the service minidisk, where it is placed during the installation process. Figure 92 shows its format.


                      .-STARTER(NO)--.   .-POOL(LOG)---.
      '-AMODE(nn)-'   '-STARTER(YES)-'   '-POOL(NOLOG)-'
      '-RESID(resid)-'   '-PARM(parameters)-'

When the SQLDBGEN EXEC is called by the SQLDBINS EXEC, some of these parameters are omitted, while others take on the value that is specified on SQLDBINS. You only need to complete all of them if you are calling the SQLDBGEN EXEC directly, which you might do if you are moving databases from a VSE to a VM system, or doing problem diagnosis. For more information on moving a database from a VSE system to a VM system, see Migrating from a VSE to a VM Operating System.

The DBNAME parameter must be specified; you can use either DBNAME or any valid initial substring (that is, you can use D, DB, DBN, DBNA, or DBNAM). For server_name, specify a name for the application server. The name must be unique among all other database names defined for the production minidisk being accessed, and not more than 18 characters in length. If it is more than 8 characters, you must also specify RESID.

When SQLDBINS calls SQLDBGEN, the DBNAME specified on SQLDBINS is passed to SQLDBGEN.

This parameter is optional. You should specify this parameter only if you have created saved segments for the DB2 Server for VM code and want to use those saved segments. DCSSID specifies where the code is to be loaded in this virtual machine. You can specify ID instead of DCSSID for the keyword: no other abbreviation is valid. For more information on loading DB2 Server for VM code into different areas of storage, refer to Defining Saved Segments.

The SQLDBINS EXEC operates on the assumption that no saved segment has yet been defined; thus, when calling SQLDBGEN, it omits the DCSSID parameter.

This parameter is optional and specifies the addressing mode the database manager uses. For a description of this parameter, see AMODE.

The AMODE, if any, specified on SQLDBINS, is passed to SQLDBGEN.

The SQLDBINS EXEC uses the STARTER parameter. Omit it when running SQLDBGEN directly. STARTER(NO) is the default.

This parameter is optional. Specify POOL(LOG) to indicate that you want to define storage pools for which the database manager does full recovery. Specify POOL(NOLOG) to indicate that you want to have the opportunity to define storage pools that are nonrecoverable. For more information, see Nonrecoverable Storage Pools.

If you specify POOL(NOLOG), SQLDBGEN prompts you for the numbers of any nonrecoverable storage pools you want to create. If you omit the POOL parameter or specify POOL(LOG), you will not receive any prompts.

The SQLDBINS EXEC always omits this parameter when calling SQLDBGEN.

You must specify RESID if DBNAME is greater than 8 characters. However, if DBNAME is less than 8 characters, RESID does not need to be specified because in this case, DBNAME and RESID may be the same.

For RESID, specify a VM resource identifier for the database. This identifier must be unique on the production minidisk being accessed.

The RESID, if any, specified on SQLDBINS, is passed to SQLDBGEN.

Normally, you should omit this parameter: only use it to specify additional parameters for problem determination - for example, DUMPTYPE or TRACRDS. It can only be specified when invoking SQLDBGEN directly, and must always be last. For detailed information on how to use the PARM parameter, see Chapter 4, Planning for Operation of the Database Manager.
Note:The SQLDBGEN EXEC automatically specifies SYSMODE=S, STARTUP=C, and DUALLOG (Y or N, as appropriate) when it calls SQLSTART, so do not specify those parameters for PARM. Also, do not specify the PROGNAME initialization parameter as it is not valid when STARTUP=C.

Specifies whether the SQLDBGEN EXEC will generate the new directory in 512 or 4KB blocks. The default is 512. This parameter is only effective if you answer YES to message ARI0647D, which asks whether you want to format the directory disk. DIRBLK(4096) is only valid if you have installed the Data Spaces Support code.

The SQLDBGEN EXEC does three major tasks:

  1. Formats and reserves the database minidisks.
  2. Creates a file called resid SQLFDEF that contains the CMS FILEDEF and CP LINK commands for the minidisks.
  3. Starts the database manager in single user mode with the coldstart option (STARTUP=C) to format the database components, generate the catalog tables, and create a CMS file called resid SQLDBN.

These three operations are discussed below.

Format and Reserve the Database Minidisks

For each minidisk in the database, SQLDBGEN issues a CMS FORMAT and a CMS RESERVE command. It prompts you for the virtual device address (cuu) of each minidisk, which you should have recorded when you specified the MDISK statements in Step 1: Defining the Database Minidisks. Because the FORMAT and RESERVE commands will erase the current contents of the minidisk, you will be asked to confirm that you really want to have them run: respond YES.

Attention: Be sure you are accessing the correct minidisk before you do so.

The directory is formatted with a block size of 512 bytes. All other minidisks are formatted with a block size of 4096 bytes.
Note:When using CHANGE TO PERFF, the directory could be formatted with a block size of 4096 bytes.

The RESERVE command creates CMS-like database files on the minidisks. These files are not the same as regular CMS files.

Note:Never use CMS file manipulation commands (such as COPY or RENAME) against the database files, as these commands may render the database useless. Instead, use DB2 Server for VM facilities. For a list of commands that you should not use, see CMS Restrictions.


Each database must have one (and only one) SQLFDEF CMS file. The SQLDBGEN EXEC creates this file and places entries in it after it issues FORMAT and RESERVE for each minidisk. All SQLFDEF files reside on the production minidisk (Q-disk).
Note:The SQLDBGEN EXEC accesses the production minidisk in write access mode M, which allows a database machine to get write access to the production minidisk while someone else has read access. If another database machine already has write access, both SQLDBGEN and SQLDBINS end, and you must restart SQLDBINS when no other machine has write access.

The CMS file name of the SQLFDEF file is taken from the DBNAME parameter you specified when you ran SQLDBINS. For example, if you specified SQLDBINS DB(DBNAME01), a file called DBNAME01 SQLFDEF is created on the production minidisk. You can determine whether a database exists by issuing the CMS STATE command for the SQLFDEF file. For example, to determine whether there is a database called PROD34, issue:


Before creating the SQLFDEF file and before formatting the database minidisks, SQLDBGEN issues a STATE command similar to the one above to determine whether the database specified in the DBNAME parameter (of SQLDBINS) already exists. If it does, SQLDBGEN gives you the choice of either using the existing file or replacing it. If you choose to use it, you are given a choice of whether to have SQLDBGEN issue FORMAT and RESERVE commands for the minidisks.

The SQLFDEF file contains CP LINK and CMS FILEDEF commands for the database minidisks. When the SQLSTART EXEC is called to start the database manager, it uses the SQLFDEF file as the vehicle by which it accesses the database. Specifically, it copies the SQLFDEF file from the production minidisk to the database machine's A-disk, and changes the file name and file type to ARISFDEF EXEC (any existing CMS file with this name); then calls ARISFDEF EXEC to access the minidisks of a particular database.

The minidisk read and write passwords do not appear in the LINK commands in SQLFDEF: the only place they appear is in the VM directory entry for the database machine that owns the database. This prevents users who do not know the passwords from accessing the database minidisks. For more information on using the SQLFDEF file to maintain security, and for information on how to protect the minidisks, see Chapter 6, Maintaining Database Security.

The FILEDEF commands in SQLFDEF associate the virtual device addresses of the database minidisks with the ddnames used by the DB2 Server for VM program. The database manager uses the following stylized ddnames for its directory, log, and dbextent minidisks:

Because the FILEDEFs for the program are generated for you, these ddnames are not usually a concern. Many people refer to the minidisks by their ddnames, so it is good to keep the ddnames in mind. The ddnames can also appear in messages to identify a minidisk.

Do a Coldstart

After FORMAT and RESERVE are issued for the minidisks and SQLFDEF is created, the VM mechanisms for using the database minidisks are in place. Next, the database components must be formatted and the catalog tables created. The SQLDBGEN EXEC does these tasks by doing a coldstart: that is, starting the database manager in single user mode with STARTUP=C. To do this, it calls another IBM-supplied EXEC: SQLSTART. As part of its processing, the SQLSTART EXEC either creates or updates a CMS file named resid SQLDBN. The resid is the name that identifies the database to the VM system.

The SQLDBN file is created on the production minidisk. It contains four pieces of information:

  1. The name of the database machine that called SQLSTART.
  2. The name of the database being accessed (the server name specified in the DBNAME parameter).
  3. The dcssid optionally specified in the DCSSID parameter. The default DCSSID is SQLDBA.
  4. The AMODE in which the database manager will run.

The SQLDBN file is used to establish communications between users and database machines. Its uses are discussed in Chapter 4, Planning for Operation of the Database Manager; at this point, all you need to know is that it exists, and that you should not erase it after database generation. Like the SQLFDEF file, this file exists on the production minidisk for the life of the database.

Of more concern at this point is the coldstart processing, which requires you to provide input about the remaining database parameters in the form of database generation control statements. To help you provide this input, the SQLDBGEN EXEC first searches for a file named resid SQLDBGEN on the production disk. If this file exists, it means that a database with the resource identifier resid has already been generated, so you are prompted to either use this file or replace it. If you choose to use it, SQLDBGEN copies the file to the database machine's A-disk by issuing a CMS COPYFILE command similar to this one:


Any existing file with the name resid SQLDBGEN will be replaced.

If you choose not to use this file, or if it cannot be found, SQLDBGEN copies a file named ARISDBG MACRO from the service minidisk to the database machine's A-disk, by issuing a CMS COPYFILE command similar to this one:


Any existing resid SQLDBGEN file on your A-disk will be replaced.

The ARISDBG MACRO contains the control statements that are used in generating the starter database. Usually the file that is copied is ARISDBG MACRO, not the production minidisk resid SQLDBGEN file. (That is, usually you generate a new database rather than replace an existing one.)

Figure 93 shows the ARISDBG MACRO.

Figure 93. Database Generation Control statements for a Starter Database


If you specify POOL(NOLOG) when using SQLDBGEN, you are prompted for the numbers of storage pools that you want to be nonrecoverable.

Remember that the SQLDBINS EXEC calls the SQLDBGEN EXEC without the POOL parameter. Hence, during a normal database generation, you will not be prompted for information on nonrecoverable storage pools. If you want to define such storage pools during database generation, enter the POOL keyword control statements when you are given the opportunity to edit the resid SQLDBGEN file.

The SQLDBGEN EXEC generates additional database generation control statements based on the numbers you provide. The control statement generated is the POOL keyword control statement. (The POOL keyword control statement, along with all the other database generation keyword control statements, is described later in this section.)

After the SQLDBGEN EXEC has generated the POOL keyword control statements (if any), it asks if you want to modify the file. (It does this regardless of what you have specified for its POOL parameter.) If you answer yes, SQLDBGEN starts XEDIT.

You should modify the CMS file as appropriate and FILE it. (Note that the comments on the right of the keyword control statements are not in the actual file.) The SQLDBGEN EXEC then copies the resid SQLDBGEN file to the production minidisk (this provides a record of the control statements used to generate a given database), and then does a coldstart of the database manager. The database manager uses the completed file to format the database components and to create the catalog tables. The SQLDBGEN EXEC then ends.

Figure 94 shows how you might modify the CMS file for a database. The control statements shown work with the minidisk definitions in Figure 90. Table 2 summarizes all database generation parameters.

Figure 94. Example Database Generation Control Statements

   1 1
   2 2
   PUBLIC   12800 1
   PUBLIC    2048 1
   PUBLIC    8192 1
   PUBLIC    1024 1
   PUBLIC     512 1
   PUBLIC     512 1
   PUBLIC     512 2
   PUBLIC     512 2
   PRIVATE    128 1
   PRIVATE    128 1
   PRIVATE    512 1
   PRIVATE    128 2
   PRIVATE    128 2
   PRIVATE    512 2
   INTERNAL    80 1024 1

The three control statements are divided into sets of input records, called keyword control statements, and are separated by END delimiter control statements. If you specify more than one keyword control statement on a single input record, separate the statements by a blank. The END delimiter control statement cannot be combined with the other keyword control statements. The keyword control statements must be coded in columns 1-72.

The details of specifying these database generation control statements are described below.

Specifying Database Maximum Values

These keyword control statements define the number of dbextents to be initialized during the database generation process (CUREXTNT), and establish certain maximum values for the database (MAXPOOLS, MAXEXTNT, and MAXDBSPC).

The format for specifying these values is :

                  '-MAXPOOLS=nnn-'   '-MAXEXTNT=nnn-'

CUREXTNT specifies the number of dbextents being defined in the database generation. You must specify CUREXTNT; there is no default value. Its value can be from 1 to 999, and it must match the number of dbextent definition keyword control statements. In the example shown in Figure 94, CUREXTNT=2, indicating that two dbextents are being defined.

MAXPOOLS specifies the maximum number of storage pools that can ever be defined for the database. Its value can range from 1 to 999. The default is 32. In the example in Figure 94, MAXPOOLS is allowed to default to 32.

MAXEXTNT specifies the maximum number of dbextents that can ever be defined for the database. Its value can range between 1 and 999. The default is 64. In the example in Figure 94, MAXEXTNT is set to 200.

MAXDBSPC specifies the maximum number of dbspaces that can ever be defined for the database. Its value can range from the number of dbspaces specified during database generation to 32 000. The default is 1 000. In the example in Figure 94, MAXDBSPC is explicitly set to 1 000.

Each keyword control statement can be specified on its own input record or multiple statements can be specified on one input record.

Specifying Initial Storage Pools and Dbextents

These keyword control statements identify the initial set of nonrecoverable storage pools and define the initial set of dbextents. The format for specifying these values is :

   V                                      |
      |                     .-LOG---.  |
      V                                  |

Include the POOL keyword control statement only for those storage pools you want to define as nonrecoverable: if you omit it, it will be defined as recoverable. You can specify as many nonrecoverable storage pools as you want up to the MAXPOOLS value. All POOL keyword control statements must precede the dbextent keyword control statements as shown. For more information, see Nonrecoverable Storage Pools.

For pool_number, specify the number of the storage pool. You cannot specify 1: storage pool 1 is the default storage pool for dbspaces, so it cannot be defined as nonrecoverable.

The LOG option, which indicates that the storage pool is to be recoverable, is the default. Specify the NOLOG option if the storage pool is to be nonrecoverable.

The dbextent definition keyword control statements follow the POOL statements. They define an initial set of dbextents (by number), and the storage pool assignment for each. Any dbextent defined here must have a corresponding MDISK control statement for a VM minidisk. You must specify at least one dbextent for each storage pool that is referenced by the initial dbspace definitions.

The first number in the pair is the extent number. You must define the dbextents in consecutive (numeric) order by extent number. Note that the extent numbers are decimal (unlike virtual device addresses, which are hexadecimal). The consecutive numbering is needed because the database manager requires the use of stylized ddnames in the CMS FILEDEF commands used to access the database. The SQLDBGEN EXEC creates these stylized ddnames in SQLFDEF for you. Both the SQLDBGEN EXEC and the database manager operate on the assumption that you are numbering the dbextents in consecutive (numeric) order. The stylized ddname format is DDSKn, where n is the extent number used in the dbextent keyword control statement.

The second number, which must be separated from the first by at least one blank, is the storage pool number. This is also a decimal value (as opposed to hexadecimal). If you do not specify the storage pool number, it defaults to 1.

Note:You cannot assign a dbspace to a storage pool until a dbextent has been assigned there.

Each extent number/storage pool number pair must be entered on a separate input record. You can put comments on the dbextent keyword control statements by specifying the storage pool number and separating the comment from the number by at least one blank. A comment must be contained in the one input record for the dbextent: it cannot be continued on the next input record, which is interpreted as the next dbextent definition.

In the example in Figure 94, dbextent number 1 is assigned to storage pool number 1, and dbextent number 2 is assigned to storage pool number 2. The SQLDBGEN EXEC generates CMS FILEDEF commands in SQLFDEF of the following form:


Specifying Initial Dbspaces

These keyword control statements define the initial set of dbspaces, including public dbspaces that the database manager requires (system dbspaces), any user public and private dbspaces you need initially, and the internal dbspace allocations for the database.

The format for specifying these values is :

   '-+---------+--'                     '-storage_pool_number-'

The number of pages value is the number of logical pages in the dbspace, rounded up to the next higher multiple of 128. The storage_pool_number must correspond to a pool that already has a dbextent, as defined by the dbextent keyword control statements.

You must define six public dbspaces for system use: the catalog, package, HELP text, ISQL tables, temporary install use, and the sample data tables dbspaces. In the example in Figure 94 all are assigned to storage pool 1, but you can assign them elsewhere. The catalog and package dbspaces must always be assigned to a recoverable storage pool. In the example in Figure 94, the first five dbspace keyword control statements specify:

The remainder of the public and private dbspaces shown in Figure 94 are user dbspaces of various sizes and storage pool assignments. After database generation finishes, the temporary installation dbspace is available as a user public dbspace. Thus, at the end of any database generation, there is at least one public dbspace of 1 024 pages available.

You must also define a number of internal dbspaces, for internal sorting and index creation. The general format for specifying the initial internal dbspace keyword control statement is:


This statement specifies the number (number_of_dbspaces) of equal size (number_of_pages) temporary dbspaces that you want. The storage_pool_number must correspond to a pool that already has a dbextent, as defined by the dbextent keyword control statements. The storage pool to which you assign the internal dbspaces can be either recoverable or nonrecoverable: if you do not specify the storage pool number, it defaults to 1. You must not delete all dbextents from this storage pool.

This internal dbspace keyword control statement must be the last dbspace definition input record before the END delimiter control statement. Separate the values in this statement by at least one blank.

In the example in Figure 94, 80 internal dbspaces of 1 024 pages each are defined and assigned to storage pool 1.
Note:Because the catalog and package dbspaces are assigned to storage pool 1, performance is improved if internal dbspaces are assigned to some other recoverable storage pool. To keep the example simple, however, the internal dbspaces are assigned to storage pool 1.

You can change the specification of internal dbspaces on any ADD DBSPACE operation. For more information, see Adding Dbspaces to the Database.

Generally speaking, your input records for initial dbspace definitions would follow the pattern shown in Figure 95.

Figure 95. Input Records for Initial Dbspace Definition


The first two dbspaces are public dbspaces (SYSTEM.SYS0001 and SYSTEM.SYS0002) that are both defined and acquired by the generation process for the catalog tables. You are advised to change either of these keyword control statements only if you want to define and allocate a larger dbspace for the catalog tables or for packages, respectively. You do this by increasing the number of pages specified in the control statement.

There must also be keyword control statements for the three dbspaces that are acquired by the MACRO ARISDBU during SQLDBINS EXEC. These dbspaces are needed for the HELPTEXT, ISQL, and sample dbspaces; the default sizes are 8192, 1024, and 512 pages respectively.
Note:The sample tables are loaded into the dbspace PUBLIC.SAMPLE by the IBM-supplied DBS control file ARISAMDB MACRO V, which uses the user ID SQLDBA.

Other IBM-supplied EXECs call sample application programs, which manipulate the data in the sample tables. One sample program (and an EXEC to run it) is provided for each programming language that is supported by the database manager. Details of these programs are given in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Application Programming manual.

If any of the above six database generation control statements are omitted, database generation may fail.

You can put comments on the dbspace keyword control statements if you specify the storage pool number and separate the comment from the storage pool number by at least one blank.

Loading the English version of the HELP text

The SQLDBINS EXEC issues the following prompt:

    ARI6010D Do you want to install English DB2 Server for VM HELP text?
             Enter 0(No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit)

  1. If you respond 1 (Yes), the database manager does the following steps:
    1. Creates HELP text tables
    2. Creates indexes for all tables
    3. Loads data into all HELP text tables
  2. If you respond 0 (No), steps a and b are completed, but the tables are not loaded.
  3. If you respond 111 (Quit), you immediately exit from the SQLDBINS EXEC, and the database is not generated. You can restart the SQLDBINS EXEC.

For information on installing HELP text in additional languages, see National Language Support for Messages and HELP Text.

Step 3: Optionally Changing the Application Server Default CHARNAME

The application server default CHARNAME value on a newly installed database manager is INTERNATIONAL (CCSID=500); on a migrated database manager, the default is ENGLISH (CCSID=37). To change the application server default CHARNAME (and with it the application server default CCSID, classification tables, and translation tables), specify the new CHARNAME as an SQLSTART EXEC parameter. For more information, see Character Set Considerations at Startup.

For information on creating a new CHARNAME, CCSID, and character set, see National Language Support for Messages and HELP Text.

Step 4: Optionally Changing the Application Server Default Character Subtype

If you use mixed data (data that contains both DBCS and SBCS characters), you may want to change the application server default character subtype to mixed. The application server default character subtype is the value used for new columns when the character subtype is not explicitly defined by the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statements, or supplied as a package option. The character subtype value is also used to determine whether the results of the CHAR, DIGITS, and HEX scalar functions and the character representation of date, time, or timestamp values, or special registers should be interpreted either as mixed data or as SBCS data.

The application server default character subtype is initially set to SBCS. To change it, subtype, see Setting the Application Server Default Character Subtype.

Step 5: Optionally Setting the DBCS Option to YES

If you are using a double-byte character set (DBCS), you should enable the DBCS option, which allows the database manager to correctly interpret SQL statements that contain DBCS strings. As a default, the DBCS option is not enabled. For information see Using Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS).

Step 6: Changing the Password of User ID SQLDBA

One final task you should perform is to change the password of user ID SQLDBA in your new database. User ID SQLDBA is defined in all databases to have DBA authority. The password for this user ID is set to SQLDBAPW during database generation. Because this default password is common knowledge (it is in many product manuals), you should change it immediately after database generation. To do so, use ISQL, an application program, or the DBS utility to connect to the database as SQLDBA:


Then change the password to one of your own choosing:


Summary of Database Generation Process

Figure 96 summarizes the database generation process. It shows the major EXECs that are called, and key files that are created on the production minidisk.

Figure 96. Summary of Database Generation Process


When you generate a database, be aware that:

VSE Guest Sharing Configuration

If you have VSE/ESA running as a guest under your VM operating system, VSE applications and users can access DB2 Server for VM databases through VSE guest sharing. The database accessed must be on the same VM system as the one that supports the VSE guest, or on another VM system in the same TSAF collection or SNA network. VM users and applications are not affected by VSE guest sharing.

The VSE guest sharing machine communicates with the database manager running under a VM/ESA operating system by using VSE APPCVM protocol, which is translated into the APPC/VM communication protocol. The following features are available to the VSE guest:

The application server is identified to the VSE subsystem by an entry in the DBNAME directory and by the SET APPCVM command, which is issued when you IPL VSE. Batch/ICCF users access the application server identified by this command. Online users can access another application server by specifying it with the DBNAME parameter of the CIRB transaction. For more information on the SET APPCVM command and the CIRB transaction, see Operating VSE Guest Sharing and Chapter 5, Operating the Online Support for VSE Guest Sharing.

The user ID supplied by the CIRB transaction identifies CICS to the database machine. The user ID is the CICS APPLID, and defaults to DBDCCICS, unless you supply a different APPLID in the DFHSIT macro. For more information on CICS, see Implicit CONNECT Support.

Users who know the password for the CIRB transaction can have DBA authority in databases accessed by CIRB. The DB2 Server for VM user ID for CICS is set up by CIRB. Anyone accessing a database under that user ID has DBA authority.

The authority of users who know the CIRB transaction password can be limited using VM directory control statements. For more information on directory control statements, see VM Directory Control Statements.

VSE Guest Sharing Restrictions

VSE guests who access the database manager on the VM/ESA operating system are subject to the following restrictions:

Examples of VSE Guest Sharing Configurations

The following figures show examples of VSE guest sharing configurations.

Figure 97 shows an example where both the VSE guests and the application server they access are on the same processor.

Figure 97. VSE Guest Sharing on One Processor


Figure 98 shows an example where the VSE guest and the application server it accesses are on different processors. Communication is handled by TSAF.

Figure 98. VSE Guest Sharing with TSAF


Figure 99 shows an example where the VSE guest and the database it accesses are on different processors. Communication is handled by the VTAM product and AVS over an SNA network.

Figure 99. VSE Guest Sharing with VTAM Product and AVS


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