DB2 Server for VM: System Administration

Chapter 2. Planning for Database Generation

As described in The Starter Database, when you first install the database manager you should generate an initial database using the IBM-supplied specifications. This eases installation, and enables you to gain experience with the system.

However, once you know how to work with this database, you will probably want to discard it and create several databases that are tailored to your own needs. This chapter describes the parameters that are set at the time of database generation, and presents some general design considerations.

If you are migrating from an earlier version of the database manager, then instead of reading this chapter go to Chapter 3, Planning for Database Migration.

The database-generation process does not require definition of any data specifics; it merely establishes the potential capacity of the database. Some of the capacity-planning decisions require knowledge of the data and application requirements of your users. For example, to estimate how big the database will become, you need to know the potential number of tables that will be stored, and the storage requirements of those tables. To obtain this information, consult with the person responsible for the data and application requirements for the database. Also refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Administration manual.

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