VSE guest sharing is monitored from the VM console. All DB2 Server for VM operator commands can be used. In addition, in-doubt LUWs can be forced from the VM console.
VSE online support is needed if the VSE guest is using ISQL or a CICS transaction program. The DB2 Server for VSE online resource adapter must be started so that the application server can be accessed from the CICS online environment. If this is not done, and a CICS transaction attempts to access the application server, CICS will end the transaction with CICS/VSE abend code AEY9.
Operation of the online support involves the following:
If a local application server becomes unavailable for some reason, only the connections to that application server are lost. The online resource adapter remains active and connections or online access to other application servers can still be used. When the local application server becomes available again, the CIRA transaction can be used to re-establish connections to it. If there are any in-doubt LUWs associated with this application server, they will be resolved at this time.
If the default application server becomes unavailable, a new default server is not established automatically. Users attempting to connect to the default server will receive a message indicating that the server is not available.
These steps are described in detail below. For more information on starting and stopping online support for VSE guest sharing, see the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.
Start the application server in multiple user mode from the DB2 Server for VM console. (Online environment is not supported in single user mode.) Next, load VSE and use the SET APPCVM command to identify the application server to VSE. For more information on the APPCVM command, see Operating VSE Guest Sharing. If this is the first time CICS is started, you must grant SCHEDULE authority to DBDCCICS on the application server.
To activate the online support, run the CIRB transaction. When it completes, the resource adapter is enabled. Only when this happens can user transactions be executed.
CIRB has six parameters:
Figure 20. CIRB Transaction Syntax
>>-CIRB----+-,---------+---+-,--------+---+-,-------+-----------> '-password,-' '-nolinks,-' '-defuid,-' >-----+-,-----+---+-,-------+-----------------------------------> '-rmid,-' '-langid,-' .-Default_server-----------------------. >-----+--------------------------------------+----------------->< +-server_name--------------------------+ | .-,--------------. | | V | | '-(-+---+-----server_name---+---+---+--' '-,-' '-)-' |
The parameters are described in the following table:
Table 7. CIRB Transaction Parameters
Parameter | Default | Description |
PASSWORD (positional parameter 1) | SQLDBAPW | This parameter establishes the operator's authority to activate
online access to a local application server. The password identifies the CICS subsystem.
The user ID of the subsystem is the CICS APPLID, which defaults to
DBDCCICS. The procedure ARIS080D uses the following job control to give
the password and user ID to the local application server:
// EXEC ARISQLDS,SIZE=AUTO,PARM='SYSMODE=S, LOGMODE=N,PROGNAME=ARIDBS' CONNECT SQLDBA IDENTIFIED BY SQLDBAPW; GRANT SCHEDULE TO DBDCCICS IDENTIFIED BY CICSPSWD; COMMIT WORK; The password chosen (CICSPSWD above) must satisfy DB2 Server for VSE & VM specifications for a password. This password establishes which password to use when dropping connections through the CIRR or CIRT commands. See Password Implications on Online Resource Adapter Termination for more details. |
NOLINKS (positional parameter 2) | 3 | This parameter establishes the number of links (paths) that should be initialized to a local application server. Specify this parameter as a decimal value between 1 and 64. The number must be less than or equal to the value assigned to the NCUSERS initialization parameter of the DB2 Server for VSE & VM system. (The NCUSERS default is 5.) |
DEFUID (positional parameter 3) | CICSUSER | This parameter identifies the default user ID used by the online support when it makes an implicit CONNECT to a local application server. This parameter must satisfy DB2 Server for VSE & VM specifications for a user ID. |
RMID (positional parameter 4) | 0 | This parameter identifies a unique resource adapter. You must
specify it only if your installation has multiple CICS partitions active in
the same VSE/ESA system, and if each CICS partition allows online access to a
server. For the case of a local application server, recovery requires
that the local server know the resource adapter it is servicing. You
must specify this parameter as a decimal value between 0 and 63.
If the DB2 Server for VSE online support detects that this ID is not unique in the system, it issues a message. The CIRB transaction then ends without enabling the resource adapter. There can be only one DB2 Server for VSE resource adapter enabled in a single CICS partition. An attempt to enable a second DB2 Server for VSE resource adapter causes the DB2 Server for VSE online support to issue a message, and the CIRB transaction ends without enabling the second resource adapter. The first one, however, remains in effect. |
LANGID (positional parameter 5) | specified at installation | This parameter defines the language the DB2 Server for VM online support uses to display error and information messages. The language
you specify on this transaction becomes the default language for ISQL, CBND, C2BD, DSQG, DSQU, DSQD, and DSQQ. The ISQL welcome logo always appears in the language specified on
this transaction.
This parameter must take the form of a minimum 1-character, maximum 5-character language ID. You must use one of the language IDs in the LANGID column of the SQLDBA.SYSLANGUAGE table. The language ID must identify a language you have installed on the DB2 Server for VM server. To choose another language, use the SET LANGUAGE command in ISQL. The following IDs can be specified on the CIRB transaction:
If this parameter is omitted, the language defaults to the language chosen as the default at installation. |
SERVER-NAME (positional parameter 6) | Determined from DBNAME directory or "SQLDS". | This parameter enables you to specify the application servers that you
want to access. If the list format specifies multiple servers, the
first one in the list becomes the default server. Only the first
server_name in the list may be omitted.
If this parameter (or the first one in the list) is omitted, the default server is determined from the DBNAME directory. If the DBNAME directory does not specify a default server, then SQLDS becomes the default server name. |
The CIRB transaction establishes the default application server. If the server_name parameter is not specified on the CIRB transaction, then the default server is determined from the DBNAME directory. If a single server_name is specified on the CIRB transaction then it becomes the default server. If a server_name list is specified on the CIRB transaction, the first server_name in the list becomes the default server. If the first server_name in the server_name list is blank then the default server is determined in the same way as when the server_name is omitted from the CIRB transaction. For example:
This starts connections to two servers. The first one is the default server and its name is determined from the DBNAME directory or if it is not specified in the DBNAME directory it defaults to SQLDS. The second server is SQLMACH2.
Note that the following examples are not allowed. Only the first server_name in the list can be blank.
The number of server_names that can be specified on the CIRB command is limited by the size of the input line on the VSE console or a CICS terminal. The VSE console only allows one line of input. A CICS terminal allows much more input. If short server_names are used more can fit on the command. Server-names can be up to 18 characters long. If all of the required server_names cannot fit on the command, the CIRA transaction must be used to establish connections for the remaining server_names.
Figure 21 shows an example of using the server_name list on the CIRB transaction.
Figure 21. Example of CIRB with Duplicate Server Names
msg f2
AR 015 1I40I READY
2 cirb ,,,,,(sqlmach1,sqlmach1)
F2-002 ARI0410I Resource Adapter ARI0OLRM is enabled.
F2-002 ARI0450I DB2 Server for VSE online support has an
entry point of 003AA808 RMGL at 00541200.
F2-002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH1 established.
RMCV at 0055B2E0.
F2-002 ARI0458I The default server is SQLMACH1.
F2-002 ARI0457W Connections to SQLMACH1 already exist.
F2-002 ARI0402E Connections to SQLMACH1 could not be established.
The maximum number of application servers to which an online resource adapter can establish connections or enable online access to is only limited by the amount of storage available in the partition where the online resource adapter is running.
If you try to establish connections to an application server to which connections already exist, or to which online access is already enabled, the message "ARI0457W Connections to <server_name> already exist." is displayed. No action is taken against that server.
If the connections to a local server need to be changed they must first be removed using CIRR or CIRT and then re-established using CIRA or CIRB. An example is shown in Figure 22.
Figure 22. Example of Changing Connection Settings
msg f2
AR 015 1I40I READY
2 cirb ,,,,,(sqlmach1,sqlmach2)
F2-002 ARI0410I Resource Adapter ARI0OLRM is enabled.
F2-002 ARI0450I DB2 Server for VSE online support has an
entry point of 003AA808 RMGL at 00541200.
F2-002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH1 established.
RMCV at 0055B2E0.
F2-002 ARI0458I The default server is SQLMACH1.
F2-002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH2 established.
RMCV at 0055C2E0.
2 cirr ,,,sqlmach2
F2-002 ARI0455I Connections to SQLMACH2 are disabled.
2 cira ,5,,sqlmach2
F2-002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH2 established.
RMCV at 0055A2E0.
Note that each local server in the list has its connections established with the same values for password, number of links, RMID, default user ID and language ID that were specified.
If the CIRB parameters for each server are identical, all of the connections or online access can be established with one CIRB transaction, as illustrated in Figure 23.
Figure 23. Example of CIRB with Server-Name List
msg f2
AR 015 1I40I READY
2 cirb ,,,,,(sqlmach1,sqlmach2,sqlvm)
F2-002 ARI0410I Resource Adapter ARI0OLRM is enabled.
F2-002 ARI0450I DB2 Server for VSE online support has an
entry point of 003AA808 RMGL at 00541200.
F2-002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH1 established.
RMCV at 0055A2E0.
F2-002 ARI0458I The default server is SQLMACH1.
F2-002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH2 established.
RMCV at 0055C2E0.
F2-002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLVM established.
RMCV at 0055D2E0.
All three local application servers have the same number of connections, the same default user ID, the same password, the same RMID and the same language ID.
If one or more of the parameters must be different, then all of the connections cannot be established with one CIRB transaction. You will need the CIRA transaction to add additional servers.
If you enter a remote server name in the server_name parameter of the CIRB or CIRA transaction, CIRB or CIRA will not establish any links or sessions to the remote system where the remote server runs. The following message will not be displayed by CIRB or CIRA when it is processing a remote server, but will display for local servers.
ARI0454I Connections to server_name established. RMCV at XXXXXXXX.
CIRB or CIRA will display the following message instead for every remote server processed at initialization time:
ARI0467I RMCV for remote server_name established. RMCV at XXXXXXXX.
The CICS sequential device support can be used to automatically start the CIRB transaction when CICS is started. Either a CRLP (a card reader or line printer) device, or a sequential DASD device must be defined in the CICS DFHTCT, to allow them to simulate terminals.
If a CRLP device is defined, the CIRB transaction can be run automatically by including it in the CICS startup jobstream. The CIRB statement should be coded just as it would if it were entered from a terminal. Include a slash (\) at the end of the statement to indicate the end of data. Figure 24 shows an example:
Figure 24. Automatically Starting CIRB
If a sequential DASD device has been defined in the CICS DFHTCT, you must define two sequential DASD data sets: one input and one output. These can be either sequential access method (SAM) data sets or SAM-managed VSAM data sets. The input data set must contain the CIRB statement. (A utility such as DITTO or VSAM IDCAMS can be used to load the CIRB statement to the data set.) The output data set will contain the messages from the CIRB startup process. Whichever type of device is used -- CRLP or DASD -- do not include a CSSF GOODNIGHT statement following the CIRB statement, as this would allow the statement to be processed in all CICS startup modes (cold, auto, and emer).
The application server must be started before CICS for automatic startup to work. When the CIRB transaction successfully ends, the following message is displayed at the VSE console:
ARI0410I Resource Adapter ARI0OLRM is enabled
For more information about CICS sequential device support, see the CICS/VSE Resource Definition (Macro) manual. For information about the DFHTCT entries required to define a sequential CRLP or DASD device, see the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory.
If a failure occurs, you can issue the CIRT transaction with the QUICK mode. This mode disconnects links to the application server. For more information, see Stopping the Online Support -- The CIRT Transaction. If the above action does not solve the problem, CICS must be recycled.
The VM database must grant SCHEDULE authority to the CICS/VSE application identifier.
This support allows development of online applications that do not issue an SQL CONNECT statement.
With this support, operators need not enter a user ID and password as input to the online application, which is useful if your installation requires terminal users to sign on using the CSSN transaction. For some transactions accessing the database, the CICS sign-on verification may be sufficient. It can also be useful if you have just installed the database manager and find it convenient to have all users identified by one name (for example, CICSUSER).
If a CICS transaction has not yet established a user ID for the current or prior unit of work, and the user has signed on to CICS using the CESN (or CSSN) transaction, online support will attempt to use the eight-character signon user ID. The user ID used will be the value returned by the CICS command
If you start the online support with CIRB, then before the online resource adapter is able to run the implicit connect support to a local application server, it verifies that the CICS subsystem has SCHEDULE authority on the local application server.
Grant the necessary SCHEDULE authority as follows:
where cicspw is the new password. The required password input parameter for CIRB (and CIRT) is now cicspw.
If the online support can verify that the CICS subsystem has SCHEDULE authority, it sets the DEFUID into each of the agents allocated for online use. The DEFUID you specify as an input parameter for CIRB is the user ID used for all online applications connecting to a local application server that do not issue an SQL CONNECT statement and do not have a valid CICS signon user ID.
The NOLINKS input parameter to CIRB causes the allocation of a fixed number of links to the local application server. The online support suballocates the links to CICS transactions when they issue their first SQL request. When a transaction has a link, it keeps it until the end of the logical unit of work. When the number of such transactions exceeds NOLINKS, some transactions have to wait for links, and link contention occurs. Some planning is required to optimize the NOLINKS parameter. NOLINKS varies as your application mix varies.
Consider these things about the NOLINKS input parameter:
If the NOLINKS input parameter is n, system resources are used as follows:
Your installation can have multiple CICS partitions, each with access to the application server. For recovery purposes, each instance of an active online resource adapter must have a unique identifier. You can do this with the CIRB RMID input parameter. You should keep the RMID for a CICS partition consistent, by relating the RMID to the priority of each CICS, specifying a 0 for the production CICS, 1 for the test-level CICS, and so on. If your installation has only one CICS system, the RMID input parameter need not be specified.
The CIRA transaction has four parameters:
Figure 25. CIRA Transaction Syntax
>>-CIRA----+-,---------+---+-,--------+---+-,-------+-----------> '-password,-' '-nolinks,-' '-defuid,-' >-----+-server_name-------------+------------------------------>< | .-,--------------. | | V | | '-(----server_name---+--)-' |
The parameters are described in the following table:
Table 8. CIRA Transaction Parameters
Parameter | Default | Description |
PASSWORD (positional parameter 1) | SQLDBAPW | This parameter establishes the operator's authority to activate
online access to a local application server. The password identifies the CICS subsystem.
The user ID of the subsystem is the CICS APPLID, which defaults to
DBDCCICS. The procedure ARIS080D uses the following job control to give
the password and user ID to the DB2 Server for VM server:
// EXEC ARISQLDS,SIZE=AUTO,PARM='SYSMODE=S, LOGMODE=N,PROGNAME=ARIDBS' CONNECT SQLDBA IDENTIFIED BY SQLDBAPW; GRANT SCHEDULE TO DBDCCICS IDENTIFIED BY CICSPSWD; COMMIT WORK; The password chosen (CICSPSWD above) must satisfy DB2 Server for VSE & VM specifications for a password. This password establishes which password to use when dropping connections through the CIRR or CIRT commands. See Password Implications on Online Resource Adapter Termination for more details. |
NOLINKS (positional parameter 2) | 3 | This parameter establishes the number of links (paths) that should be initialized to a local application server. Specify this parameter as a decimal value between 1 and 64. The number must be less than or equal to the value assigned to the NCUSERS initialization parameter of the DB2 Server for VSE & VM system. (The NCUSERS default is 5). |
DEFUID (positional parameter 3) | CICSUSER | This parameter identifies the default user ID used by the online support when it makes an implicit CONNECT to a local application server. This parameter must satisfy DB2 Server for VSE & VM specifications for a user ID. |
SERVER-NAME (positional parameter 4) | none | This parameter is required and it specifies the additional application
servers (local or remote), that you want to access.
If this parameter is omitted, the message ARI0400E is issued indicating that an invalid input parameter was entered. |
The password, nolinks, defuid and server_name parameters have exactly the same meanings as on the CIRB command. One exception is that the server_name parameter is required on CIRA but is optional on CIRB.
The number of server_names that can be specified on the CIRA command is limited by the size of the input line. As with CIRB, CIRA can be entered on the VSE console or on a CICS terminal. On the VSE console the input is limited to one line. On the CICS terminal it can use the full screen. If short server_names are used more can fit on the command. Server_names can be up to 18 characters long. If all of the required server_names cannot fit on the command, the CIRA transaction must be repeated for the remaining server_names. Figure 26 shows an example using the CIRA transaction with a server_name list.
Figure 26. Example of CIRA with Server_Name List
msg f2
AR 015 1I40I READY
2 cirb ,,,,,sqlmach1
F2-002 ARI0410I Resource Adapter ARI0OLRM is enabled.
F2-002 ARI0450I DB2 Server for VSE online support has an
entry point of 003AA808 RMGL at 00541200.
F2-002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH1 established.
RMCV at 0055A2E0.
F2-002 ARI0458I The default server is SQLMACH1.
2 cira ,,,(sqlmach2,sqlvm)
F2-002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH2 established.
RMCV at 0055C2E0.
F2-002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLVM established.
RMCV at 0055D2E0.
The maximum number of application servers to which an online resource adapter can establish connections or enable online access to is only limited by the amount of storage available in the partition where the online resource adapter is running.
The CIRA transaction establishes connections or enables online access to the specified application servers based on the parameters given on the CIRA transaction. If a server_name list is used then connections or online access will be established to each application server in the list using the same set of parameters. For example:
CIRA thispw,4,thisid,(sqlmach2,sqlvm)
The above command will establish four links to the local application server SQLMACH2 with password "thispw" and default user ID "thisid." The RMID and the language ID are inherited from the CIRB transaction. If the online resource adapter was started with RMID = 0 and language ID = ameng then any connections started to that same online resource adapter will also have RMID = 0 and language id = ameng. Then CIRA will establish four links to SQLVM with password "thispw" and default user ID "thisid." Again the RMID is 0 and the language ID is ameng. If CIRA is entered before CIRB was run, the message "ARI0411I Resource Adapter is not enabled." is displayed.
If one or more of the parameters must be different, then the server_name list format of the CIRA transaction cannot be used. The CIRA transaction would have to be executed separately for each application server that required different parameters. For example, if three links are required to SQLMACH2 and four links are required to SQLVM but the other parameters are the same for both servers, the CIRA transaction must be run for each of them.
CIRA thispw,3,thisid,sqlmach2 CIRA thispw,4,thisid,sqlvm
If you try to establish connections or enable online access to an application server that is already connected a warning message will be displayed. No action is taken against that server. If the connections to a local application server need to be changed they must first be removed using CIRR or CIRT and then re-established using CIRA or CIRB.
Consider the following scenario. An online transaction program needs to access three different application servers, SQLMACH2, SQLMACH1 and SQLVM. SQLMACH2 and SQLMACH1 are running in two VSE partitions and SQLVM is running under VM and is accessed via guest sharing. We want SQLMACH1 to be the default server, and we want the default settings for all three servers.
To achieve this we could enter the following sequence of commands. Assume that our CICS region is running in partition 2, SQLMACH2 is running in partition 4 and SQLMACH1 is running in partition 5.
This is illustrated in Figure 27.
Figure 27. Example of CIRB and CIRA
msg f2
AR 015 1I40I READY
2 cirb ,,,,,sqlmach1
F2-002 ARI0410I Resource Adapter ARI0OLRM is enabled.
F2-002 ARI0450I DB2 Server for VSE online support has an
entry point of 003AA808 RMGL at 00541200.
F2-002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH1 established.
RMCV at 0055D2E0.
F2-002 ARI0458I The default server is SQLMACH1.
2 cira ,,,sqlmach2
F2-002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH2 established.
RMCV at 0055C2E0.
2 cira ,,,sqlvm
F2-002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLVM established.
RMCV at 0055A2E0.
Since the settings for the connections to SQLMACH2 and SQLVM are identical, both connections could be established on the same CIRA command, as illustrated in Figure 26.
If a system or subsystem failure occurs while an online application is trying to commit work and two-phase commit is being used, the unit being committed is called an in-doubt logical unit of work, because the database manager has prepared it for commit or rollback but the system or subsystem failure occurred before the commit completed. In-doubt units of work must be resolved the next time the application server is started.
The CICS/VSE restart resynchronization facility, which is started implicitly when you issue CIRB or CIRA, resolves the in-doubt units of work created by any CICS transaction that updated a local application server. To enable it, you must update the CICS/VSE tables to include the resynchronization transaction.
CIRB and CIRA assume that restart resynchronization is enabled when they are executed. If, for some reason it has been disabled when CIRB or CIRA is issued, it will display the message "ARI0466E CICS restart re-synchronization is not available. The <tran> transaction is ended." and exit. At this point the system programmer should ensure that it has been properly enabled and retry CIRB or CIRA.
For information about the updates, see the DB2 Server for VSE Program Directory manual.
The current implementation of the CICS/VSE restart resynchronization facility allows it to re-synchronize itself with DB2 Server for VSE online resource adapter only once. After it has been invoked, CICS discards any information about in-doubt units of work that it did not resolve. This means that there can be scenarios where it is not possible to automatically resolve in-doubt units of work.
When the CIRB or CIRA transaction is started, a connection is made to the READY/RECOVERY agent of the local server to get a 'recovery list'. This recovery list provides information on any in-doubt agents that need to be resolved for this server. After this has been done for every local server specified in the CIRB or CIRA command, the CICS/VSE restart resynchronization facility is invoked, which will resolve the in-doubt units of work for all of those local servers. A subsequent CIRA to connect to another local server that also has in-doubt units of work will fail because CICS has discarded the log information. The in-doubt units of work on that server must be resolved manually using the FORCE n COMMIT or FORCE n ROLLBACK commands on the server before the CIRA command will work.
For example, suppose that SQLMACH1 and SQLMACH2 are DB2 Server for VM application servers that run on the same VM system and are accessed via guest sharing. The password used to access SQLMACH1 is ABC and the password used to access SQLMACH2 is DEF. All the other parameters needed by the two databases are the defaults. The connections to SQLMACH1 and SQLMACH2 are established using the following sequence of commands:
CIRB abc,,,,,sqlmach1 CIRA def,,,sqlmach2
Suppose that CICS transactions accessing these application servers also make updates to the DB2 Server for VM database as well as some other external non-CICS resource, so that CICS will use the two-phase commit process. If a system failure occurs on the VM system while CICS is performing a two-phase commit to both these databases, then both SQLMACH1 and SQLMACH2 will go down. When the system is brought back up and SQLMACH1 and SQLMACH2 are restarted, they will both have in-doubt units of work. If the connections to SQLMACH1 and SQLMACH2 are restarted the same way as before, only the in-doubt units of work on SQLMACH1 will be resolved automatically. The in-doubt units of work on SQLMACH2 will need to be resolved explicitly before the CIRA command for SQLMACH2 will work.
See Figure 28 for an example of this.
Figure 28. Automatic Restart Resynchronization Failure
2 cirb abc,,,,,sqlmach1
F2 002 ARI0410I Resource Adapter ARI0OLRM is enabled.
F2 002 ARI0450I DB2 Server for VSE online support has an
entry point of 0039F008 RMGL at 001DF5B4.
F2 002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH1 established.
RMCV at 0053BF00.
F2-002 ARI0458I The default server is SQLMACH1.
2 cira def,,,sqlmach2
F2-002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH2 established.
RMCV at 0055A080.
<System Failure occurs>
F2 002 ARI2908I XPCCB, IJBXRUSR = 0483061009000000
F2 002 ARI0406E Error in using system communications facility.
Request = 15
Return Code = 4 Reason Code = 7
F2 002 The default server is SQLMACH1.
F2 002 ----------------------------------------------
F2 002 DBDCCICS connected to server SQLMACH1.
F2 002 Status of DB2 Server for VSE online applications:
F2 002
F2 002 Transactions holding a link to the application server but not using are:
F2 002
F2 002 ______ ______ ______ ________ ________ ___________ _________
F2 002 0000041 CISQ SQLDBA L080 00:00:06 00:01:34
F2 002
F2 002 TIME= 15:26:15 DATE= 08/14/95
F2 002 ARI0465I Transactions are still active
for server SQLMACH1.
F2 002 ARI0463I The DISABLE transaction CIRR must delay for a
30-second interval before attempting the disable.
F2 002 ARI0455I Connections to SQLMACH1 are disabled.
F2 002 ARI0460W Connections to the default server SQLMACH1
have been disabled.
F2 002 ARI2908I XPCCB, IJBXRUSR = 0483061009000000
F2 002 ARI0406E Error in using system communications facility.
Request = 15
Return Code = 4 Reason Code = 7
F2 002 The default server is SQLMACH1.
F2 002 ----------------------------------------------
F2 002 DBDCCICS connected to server SQLMACH2.
F2 002 Status of DB2 Server for VSE online applications:
F2 002
F2 002 Transactions holding a link to the application server but not using are:
F2 002
F2 002 ______ ______ ______ ________ ________ ___________ _________
F2 002 0000141 CISQ SQLDBA L083 00:00:06 00:01:34
F2 002
F2 002 TIME= 15:26:45 DATE= 08/14/95
F2 002 ARI0465I Transactions are still active
for server SQLMACH2.
F2 002 ARI0463I The DISABLE transaction CIRR must delay for a
30-second interval before attempting the disable.
F2 002 ARI0455I Connections to SQLMACH2 are disabled.
F2-002 ARI0413I Resource Adapter ARI0OLRM is disabled.
<SQLMACH1 and SQLMACH2 are restarted>
2 cirb abc,,,,,sqlmach1
F2 002 ARI0410I Resource Adapter ARI0OLRM is enabled.
F2 002 ARI0450I DB2 Server for VSE online support has an
entry point of 0039F008 RMGL at 001DF5B4.
F2 002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH1 established.
RMCV at 0053BF00.
F2-002 ARI0458I The default server is SQLMACH1.
2 cira def,,,sqlmach2
F2 002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH2 established.
RMCV at 0055A080.
F2 002 ARI0438E Automatic restart resynchronization failed.
A logical unit of work that DB2 for VSE indicated
needed to be resolved was not identified by
the CICS/VSE log as needing resolution.
F2 002 ARI0423A Use the SHOW and FORCE commands to
COMMIT or ROLLBACK the following units of work:
F2 002 ARI0424I User ID = SQLDBA Agent Identifier = 1
Server = SQLMACH2
F2 002 The default server is SQLMACH1.
F2 002 ----------------------------------------------
F2 002 DBDCCICS connected to server SQLMACH2.
F2 002 There are no active DB2 Server for VSE transactions.
F2 002
F2 002 TIME= 15:33:22 DATE= 08/14/95
F2 002 ARI0455I Connections to SQLMACH2 are disabled.
<From the SQLMACH2 console enter:>
<Now CIRA will work>
2 cira def,,,sqlmach2
F2 002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH2 established.
RMCV at 0055A080.
However if the connections to SQLMACH1 and SQLMACH2 are established with a single CIRB or CIRA command, the in-doubt units of work on both servers will be resolved automatically.
See Figure 29 for a detailed example of this.
Figure 29. Successful Automatic Restart Resynchronization
2 cirb abc,,,,,(sqlmach1,sqlmach2)
F2 002 ARI0410I Resource Adapter ARI0OLRM is enabled.
F2 002 ARI0450I DB2 Server for VSE online support has an
entry point of 0039F008 RMGL at 001DF5B4.
F2 002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH1 established.
RMCV at 0053BF00.
F2-002 ARI0458I The default server is SQLMACH1.
F2-002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH2 established.
RMCV at 0055A080.
<System Failure occurs>
F2 002 ARI2908I XPCCB, IJBXRUSR = 0483061009000000
F2 002 ARI0406E Error in using system communications facility.
Request = 15
Return Code = 4 Reason Code = 7
F2 002 The default server is SQLMACH1.
F2 002 ----------------------------------------------
F2 002 DBDCCICS connected to server SQLMACH1.
F2 002 Status of online DB2 Server for VSE applications:
F2 002
F2 002 Transactions holding a link to the application server but not using are:
F2 002
F2 002 ______ ______ ______ ________ ________ ___________ _________
F2 002 0000041 CISQ SQLDBA L080 00:00:06 00:01:34
F2 002
F2 002 TIME= 15:26:15 DATE= 08/14/95
F2 002 ARI0465I Transactions are still active
for server SQLMACH1.
F2 002 ARI0463I The DISABLE transaction CIRR must delay for a
30-second interval before attempting the disable.
F2 002 ARI0455I Connections to SQLMACH1 are disabled.
F2 002 ARI0460W Connections to the default server SQLMACH1
have been disabled.
F2 002 ARI2908I XPCCB, IJBXRUSR = 0483061009000000
F2 002 ARI0406E Error in using system communications facility.
Request = 15
Return Code = 4 Reason Code = 7
F2 002 The default server is SQLMACH1.
F2 002 ----------------------------------------------
F2 002 DBDCCICS connected to server SQLMACH2.
F2 002 Status of online DB2 Server for VSE applications:
F2 002
F2 002 Transactions holding a link to the application server but not using are:
F2 002
F2 002 ______ ______ ______ ________ ________ ___________ _________
F2 002 0000141 CISQ SQLDBA L083 00:00:06 00:01:34
F2 002
F2 002 TIME= 15:26:45 DATE= 08/14/95
F2 002 ARI0465I Transactions are still active
for server SQLMACH2.
F2 002 ARI0463I The DISABLE transaction CIRR must delay for a
30-second interval before attempting the disable.
F2 002 ARI0455I Connections to SQLMACH2 are disabled.
F2-002 ARI0413I Resource Adapter ARI0OLRM is disabled.
<SQLMACH1 and SQLMACH2 are restarted>
2 cirb abc,,,,,(sqlmach1,sqlmach2)
F2 002 ARI0410I Resource Adapter ARI0OLRM is enabled.
F2 002 ARI0450I DB2 Server for VSE online support has an
entry point of 0039F008 RMGL at 001DF5B4.
F2 002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH1 established.
RMCV at 0053BF00.
F2-002 ARI0458I The default server is SQLMACH1.
F2 002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH2 established.
RMCV at 0055A080.
Assuming CICS restart resynchronization has been properly enabled as described in the DB2 Server for VSE Program Directory manual, the conditions where in-doubt units of work must be resolved explicitly are:
To take full advantage of the automatic restart resynchronization the following should be true:
Only under exceptional conditions (such as a CICS log media failure) do you have to resolve in-doubt LUWs explicitly. To do so, issue the SHOW ACTIVE command to determine those agents that are in-doubt; then issue the FORCE command to commit or rollback each one:
where n is the agent identifier of the in-doubt LUW.
The discussion in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual states that, in general, FORCE n COMMIT should be entered. The exception is for applications that access multiple resources (for example, an application that updates both a DB2 Server for VM database and a VSAM/VSE file.) For such applications, the operator requires direction from the developer or user of the application.
You could plan for this situation by keeping a list of all transactions that update multiple resources. The list should contain the CICS transaction identifier for the application, and the recommended direction (COMMIT or ROLLBACK) from the developer. (For more information, see the discussion on online application recovery in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Administration manual.) Because ISQL does not update multiple resources, the direction for the ISQL transaction should always be to commit work.
The transaction CIRC can be used to dynamically change the default server. The CIRC transaction has one parameter:
Figure 30. CIRC Transaction Syntax
>>-CIRC--server_name------------------------------------------->< |
The parameter is described in the following table.
Table 9. CIRC Transaction Parameter
Parameter | Default | Description |
SERVER-NAME (positional parameter 1) | none | This parameter is required and it specifies the application server that
you want to become the default.
If this parameter is omitted, the message ARI0400E is issued indicating that an invalid input parameter was entered. |
The server-name specified must already have connections or online access established to it, either from the CIRB or CIRA transactions. If connections to the specified server do not exist or online access to the specified server was not enabled from the CIRB or CIRA transactions, the message "ARI0456I Connections to <server-name> do not exist." is displayed. In this case the CIRA transaction must first be run to establish the connections, then the CIRC transaction is run to make it the default server.
For the following example assume that connections exist to SQLMACH1 and SQLMACH2 and that SQLMACH2 is the current default server.
Figure 31. Example of CIRC
msg f2
AR 015 1I40I READY
2 circ sqlmach1
F2-002 ARI0459I The new default server is SQLMACH1.
The previous default server was SQLMACH2.
For this next example assume that connections exist to SQLMACH1 but not to SQLMACH2.
Figure 32. Example of CIRC
msg f2
AR 015 1I40I READY
2 circ sqlmach2
F2-002 ARI0456I Connections to SQLMACH2 do not exist.
2 cira ,,,sqlmach2
F2-002 ARI0454I Connections to SQLMACH2 established.
RMCV at 0055D2E0.
2 circ sqlmach2
F2-002 ARI0459I The new default server is SQLMACH2. The previous
default server was SQLMACH1.
It is important to note that if the connections to the default server are lost, or online access to the default application server is disabled, that server is still identified as the default server. The connections can be lost because the server went down or because the CIRR transaction was used to terminate the online access or connection. Users that are trying to connect to the default server in these cases will receive SQLCODE = -940. If the CIRB or CIRA transaction is used to establish connections to a local server that is not ready, the message "ARI0418A Application server <server-name> is not ready. Retry the enable transaction after the application server starts." is displayed. If the CIRB or CIRA transaction is used to establish online access to a remote server that is not ready, an error message will not be displayed. This is because CIRB or CIRA can not check whether a remote server is ready or not.
To remove connections or to disable online access to a local or remote application server, issue the CICS CIRR transaction. The CIRR transaction has four parameters:
Figure 33. CIRR Transaction Syntax
>>-CIRR----+-,---------+---+-,-----+---+-,---------+------------> '-password,-' '-mode,-' '-interval,-' .-Default_server-----------------------. >-----+--------------------------------------+----------------->< +-server_name--------------------------+ | .-,--------------. | | V | | '-(-+---+-----server_name---+---+---+--' '-,-' '-)-' |
The password, mode and interval parameters are the same as on the CIRT
transaction and are described in the following table:
Table 10. CIRR Transaction Parameters
Parameter | Default | Description |
PASSWORD (positional parameter 1) | SQLDBAPW | This password establishes the operator's authority to terminate the online access to the application server. It must be the same password that was supplied for the server by the CIRB or CIRA transaction. Refer to Password Implications on Online Resource Adapter Termination for more details. |
MODE (positional parameter 2) | NORMAL | This parameter establishes the shutdown mode: NORMAL or QUICK. When you specify NORMAL, the CIRR transaction prevents new online users from accessing the specified application server. Users who are already doing work, however, can finish. When all users complete their work, no online users can use the specified application server. When you specify NORMAL for a remote application server, the shutdown of the access to the remote application server will complete only when all conversations to the remote application server have been deallocated. When you specify QUICK for a local application server, online access is ended immediately. Online users cannot finish their work. Their current logical units of work are rolled back (unless they are already processing a COMMIT WORK). You can change from NORMAL to QUICK. However, once the MODE is QUICK, you cannot change it back to NORMAL. When you specify QUICK for a remote server, the QUICK mode is changed to NORMAL. QUICK mode is not supported for a remote application server. |
INTERVAL (positional parameter 3) | 30 (seconds) | The number of seconds that the CIRR transaction should delay before
freeing the terminal. The value must be an integer value between 0 and
3600. This parameter controls the availability of the CICS terminal (or
operator console) once you issue the CIRR transaction.
The CICS terminal (or VSE operator console) used to activate the CIRR transaction is unavailable until the transaction ends. This could be a long time if the online application is long-running or if a user left without correctly ending the terminal session. If you issue CIRR PASSWORD,NORMAL,, server_name the terminal is not available until all online DB2 Server for VM users complete their work. The value you specify for interval represents an interval of time measured in seconds. If the CIRR transaction does not finish immediately, it waits the amount of time you specify. When this time ends, the CIRR transaction tries once again to finish processing. If the CIRR transaction does not finish successfully, you receive a message telling you to retry the CIRR transaction later. After issuing the message, the CIRR transaction ends. The shutdown mode is still in effect (the specified server is in the process of shutting down), and the terminal is available for your use. |
SERVER-NAME (positional parameter 4) | Determined by CIRB or CIRC transaction. | This parameter enables you to specify the application servers from which you want to remove access. The default server is removed if this parameter is omitted, or if the first parameter in the server_name list is blank. The default server is the one that was established by the CIRB transaction or by the CIRC transaction. |
If no server_name is specified the default server_name is used. The default server_name was established by the CIRB or CIRC transaction. The CIRD transaction may be used to display the default server_name in case the user does not know what the default server_name is.
Figure 34. Example of CIRR with Defaults
msg f2
AR 015 1I40I READY
2 cirr
F2-002 ARI0455I Connections to SQLMACH1 are disabled.
F2-002 ARI0460W Connections to the default server SQLMACH1 have
been disabled.
The above example assumes that there are connections to more than one server when the CIRR transaction is entered.
If the password, mode and interval are the same then the server_name list can be used to remove connections or disable online access from multiple application servers. Since SQLVM was the last active connection, the online resource adapter was terminated. SQLMACH2 and SQLVM are local application servers, while SQLMACH8 is a remote server.
Figure 35. Example of CIRR with Server-Name List
msg f2
AR 015 1I40I READY
2 cirr ,,,(sqlmach2,sqlmach8,sqlvm)
F2-002 ARI0455I Connections to SQLMACH2 are disabled.
F2-002 ARI0455I Online access to SQLMACH8 is disabled.
F2-002 ARI0455I Connections to SQLVM are disabled.
F2-002 ARI0413I Resource Adapter ARI0OLRM is disabled.
The CIRR transaction can be used to remove the connections or disable online access to the application server that were established by the CIRB and CIRA transactions. If CIRR removes the last active connections to the online resource adapter and all active APPC conversations known to the online resource adapter are deallocated, then the online resource adapter is terminated. The CIRB transaction would have to be used to restart it.
The CIRA and CIRR transactions can be entered repeatedly and in any order to add and remove links to application servers or to enable and disable online access to application servers as required.
If CIRR is entered to remove connections or disable online access to a server to which no connections or online access have been established, the message "ARI0456I Connections to <server_name> do not exist." is displayed.
If the password given on the CIRR transaction does not match the password that was used to start the connections or online access to the named server, then the connections or online access to that server are not shut down and processing continues with the next server in the list.
To display status information about active CICS transactions that access a local or a remote application server, issue the CICS CIRD transaction.
The CIRD transaction does not require a password, and can be issued from any CICS terminal or the operator console. To use it, you must enable it as well as the CICS restart resynchronization facility. See the DB2 Server for VSE Program Directory for more information.
Figure 36. CIRD Transaction Syntax
.-Default-server---. >>-CIRD----+------------------+-------------------------------->< +-+---+------------+ | '-*-' | +-+---+------------+ | '-?-' | '-+-------------+--' '-server_name-' |
The parameter is described in the following table:
Table 11. CIRD Transaction Parameters
Parameter | Default | Description |
SERVER-NAME (positional parameter 1) | Determined by CIRB or CIRC transaction. | This parameter enables you to specify the application server whose status
is to be displayed, or * to display the status of all servers and the details
of transactions accessing the servers, or ? to display a list of the connected
servers without the transaction details.
If this parameter is omitted, the default server_name is the one that was determined by the CIRB or the CIRC transaction. |
Four categories of CICS transactions access the local application server. The information that CIRD displays for transactions connected to a local server varies depending on these four categories:
These transactions have issued an SQL request and are waiting because all links to the application server are busy. For these transactions, CIRD displays the elapsed time of the wait.
In general, links to the local application server are busy because other users are accessing it. The only exception occurs when the DB2 Server for VSE online support is being started; at that time, all links to the application server could be busy during the synchronization of the database log and the CICS log. Usually this requires little time, but a long delay can occur if a very large LUW is being rolled back.
These transactions have established a link to the local application server and an LUW. The application server is currently doing processing for that LUW. For these transactions, CIRD displays the elapsed time of the current SQL statement, and the elapsed time the link is held. The latter effectively indicates the elapsed time of the current LUW.
These transactions have established a link to the local application server and an LUW, but the application server is not currently processing for that LUW. Instead, these transactions are doing other work or are waiting for terminal communications. For these transactions, CIRD displays the elapsed time since the last application server access ended, and the elapsed time the link is held. Again, the latter effectively indicates the elapsed time of the current LUW.
These transactions have previously ended one or more LUWs, but have not yet started another. For these transactions, CIRD displays the elapsed time since the last LUW completed.
If you enter CIRD when the DB2 Server for VSE online support is not enabled or when the CIRD is not operational, an error message is displayed and CIRD ends. Note that for CIRD to display information about a transaction, the transaction must have issued an SQL request. CIRD displays the following information (where applicable) for each of the four categories of local database transactions:
Not all transactions have a terminal identifier. For example, ISQL has a two-transaction structure: ISQL and CISQ. The former controls the terminal and the latter is for access to the application server. Because a CISQ transaction has no terminal associated with it, instead of displaying TERMID for it, CIRD displays the terminal identifier in another field called USERDATA (described below).
If a transaction accesses the application server, but does not have a terminal associated with it, CIRD does not display TERMID.
CIRD does not display this identifier unless a user ID has been established, which is done when an application issues an SQL statement that starts an initial LUW. The user ID may not be established immediately. (For example, a transaction can be waiting for a link to the application server.) It remains established after a transaction ends an LUW, unless the RELEASE option of COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK was used.
The USERDATA field contains the terminal identifier (TERMID) of the terminal that was used to call ISQL. For most other transactions, USERDATA is blank. It is possible, however, to code an online application to initialize the USERDATA field. Such an application would use the DB2 Server for VSE online cancel support. For more information, see Coding Your Own Cancel Exit.
Note: | If you are controlling ISQL access with the DFHSIT CMXT parameter, you have renamed the ISQL transaction. For these renamed ISQL transactions, CIRD still displays the terminal identifier of the terminal that was used to run the transaction. For more information on this parameter, see Access Control to ISQL on a VSE Guest. |
CIRD uses the following format to display the time:
CIRD then displays the time of day and the date, as follows:
TIME=hh:mm:ss DATE=mm/dd/yy (or dd/mm/yy)
and then ends its processing. (The format of the date depends on how you specified it on the DATE parameter of the VSE STDOPT JCC/JCS.)
If CIRD determines that no CICS transactions apply to the application server, it displays only the time and the date, and then ends.
Note: | If the DB2 Server for VSE online support ends abnormally (for example, if the application server partition ends unexpectedly), the CIRD transaction is called implicitly to display information about transactions that were accessing the application server at the time of the failure. This information is displayed on the VSE system console. |
For the following examples, assume that SQLMACH1 is the default local server and that connections have been established for the local application servers SQLMACH1, SQLMACH2 and SQLVM.
Figure 37 shows an example of the information displayed by the CIRD transaction with no parameters.
Figure 37. Example of CIRD with Defaults
2 cird
F2 002 The default server is SQLMACH1.
F2 002 ---------------------------------------------------
F2 002 DBDCCICS connected to server SQLMACH1.
F2 002 Status of online DB2 Server for VSE applications:
F2 002
F2 002 Transactions waiting to establish a link to the application server are:
F2 002
F2 002 ------ ------ ------ -------- -------- ---------
F2 002 000033 MKE2 L222 00:01:32
F2 002 000025 INV L224 JIM 00:08:32
F2 002
F2 002 Transactions holding a link and now accessing the application server are:
F2 002
F2 002 ------ ------ ------ -------- -------- ------------ ---------
F2 002 000019 CISQ DEPT222 L199 00:01:32 00:03:48
F2 002 000037 INV L209 TERRY 00:00:01 00:00:03
F2 002
F2 002 Transactions holding a link to the application server but not using are:
F2 002
F2 002 ------ ------ ------ -------- -------- ------------ ---------
F2 002 000003 CISQ WILLIAM L210 00:07:01 00:10:56
F2 002
F2 002 Transactions which previously accessed the application server (not holding link):
F2 002
F2 002 ------ ------ ------ -------- -------- ------------
F2 002 000003 MKE2 ROBERT L210 00:20:04
F2 002
F2 002 TIME=14:28:23 DATE=09/01/95
Figure 38 shows an example of the information displayed by the CIRD transaction with a server_name specified.
Figure 38. Example of CIRD with Server-Name
2 cird sqlmach2
F2 002 The default server is SQLMACH1.
F2 002 ---------------------------------------------------
F2 002 DBDCCICS connected to server SQLMACH2.
F2 002 Status of online DB2 Server for VSE applications:
F2 002
F2 002 Transactions waiting to establish a link to the application server are:
F2 002
F2 002 ------ ------ ------ -------- -------- ---------
F2 002 000033 MKE2 L222 00:01:32
F2 002 000025 INV L224 JIM 00:08:32
F2 002
F2 002 Transactions holding a link and now accessing the application server are:
F2 002
F2 002 ------ ------ ------ -------- -------- ------------ ---------
F2 002 000019 CISQ DEPT222 L199 00:01:32 00:03:48
F2 002 000037 INV L209 TERRY 00:00:01 00:00:03
F2 002
F2 002 Transactions holding a link to the application server but not using are:
F2 002
F2 002 ------ ------ ------ -------- -------- ------------ ---------
F2 002 000003 CISQ WILLIAM L210 00:07:01 00:10:56
F2 002
F2 002 Transactions which previously accessed the application server (not holding link):
F2 002
F2 002 ------ ------ ------ -------- -------- ------------
F2 002 000003 MKE2 ROBERT L210 00:20:04
F2 002
F2 002 TIME=14:28:23 DATE=09/03/95
Figure 39 shows an example of the information displayed by the CIRD transaction with the * specified.
Figure 39. Example of CIRD with *
2 cird *
F2 002 The default server is SQLMACH1.
F2 002 There are connections to server SQLMACH1.
F2 002 There are connections to server SQLMACH2.
F2 002 There are connections to server SQLVM.
F2 002 ---------------------------------------------------
F2 002 DBDCCICS connected to server SQLMACH1.
F2 002 Status of online DB2 Server for VSE applications:
F2 002
F2 002 Transactions waiting to establish a link to the application server are:
F2 002
F2 002 ------ ------ ------ -------- -------- ---------
F2 002 000033 MKE2 L222 00:01:32
F2 002 000025 INV L224 JIM 00:08:32
F2 002
F2 002 Transactions holding a link and now accessing the application server are:
F2 002
F2 002 ------ ------ ------ -------- -------- ------------ ---------
F2 002 000019 CISQ DEPT222 L199 00:01:32 00:03:48
F2 002 000137 INV L209 BOB 00:17:34 01:24:03
F2 002
F2 002 Transactions holding a link to the application server but not using are:
F2 002
F2 002 ------ ------ ------ -------- -------- ------------ ---------
F2 002 000013 CISQ LARRY L210 00:03:01 00:11:36
F2 002
F2 002 Transactions which previously accessed the application server (not holding link):
F2 002
F2 002 ------ ------ ------ -------- -------- ------------
F2 002 000003 MKE2 LOUISA L210 01:57:04
F2 002
F2 002 TIME=14:28:23 DATE=09/03/95
F2 002 ---------------------------------------------------
F2 002 DBDCCICS connected to server SQLMACH2.
F2 002 There are no active DB2 Server for VSE transactions.
F2 002
F2-002 TIME= 14:29:47 DATE= 09/03/95
F2 002 ---------------------------------------------------
F2 002 DBDCCICS connected to server SQLVM.
F2 002 There are no active DB2 Server for VSE transactions.
F2 002
F2 002 TIME=14:30:23 DATE=09/03/95
Figure 40 shows an example of the information displayed by the CIRD transaction with the ? specified.
Figure 40. Example of CIRD with ?
2 cird ?
F2 002 The default server is SQLMACH1.
F2 002 There are connections to server SQLMACH1.
F2 002 There are connections to server SQLMACH2.
F2 002 There are connections to server SQLVM.
F2 002 ---------------------------------------------------
Some extra information can be derived from the displays. In Figure 40 notice that SQLMACH1 is mentioned as the default server and on the next message that there are connections to SQLMACH1 also. It is possible, with the CIRR transaction, to remove the connections to SQLMACH1. The CIRD command would still show that the default server is SQLMACH1 but the message indicating there are connections to SQLMACH1 would not be displayed. In this scenario, users connecting to the default server would receive SQLCODE = -940 on the CONNECT statement. The CIRA transaction could be used to establish connections to SQLMACH1 again or the CIRC transaction could be used to change the default server to one of the other active servers. Either method allows CONNECT statements to access the default server.
If CIRR or CIRT has been issued to disconnect a server or to shut down the online resource adapter but cannot complete because there are still active transactions against the server, the CIRD transaction will show which transactions and which servers are affected.
Figure 41 shows an example of the information displayed by the CIRD transaction with the ? parameter specified. The attempt to remove the connections to SQLMACH2 fails because there are still active transactions. Then the CIRD transaction is used to determine which transactions are still active. The user is found and asked to complete his work. When the CIRR command is retried it completes successfully and the connections to SQLMACH2 are shut down.
Figure 41. Example of CIRD in a Disable Scenario
2 cird ?
F2 002 The default server is SQLMACH1.
F2 002 There are connections to server SQLMACH1.
F2 002 There are connections to server SQLMACH2.
F2 002 There are connections to server SQLVM.
F2 002 ---------------------------------------------------
2 cirr ,,1,sqlmach2
F2 002 ARI0463I The DISABLE transaction CIRR must delay for a
1-second interval before attempting the disable.
2 cird ?
F2 002 The default server is SQLMACH1.
F2 002 There are connections to server SQLMACH1.
F2 002 Connections to SQLMACH2 are being disabled.
F2 002 There are connections to server SQLVM.
F2 002 ----------------------------------------------
2 cird *
F2 002 The default server is SQLMACH1.
F2 002 There are connections to server SQLMACH1.
F2 002 Connections to SQLMACH2 are being disabled.
F2 002 There are connections to server SQLVM.
F2 002 ----------------------------------------------
F2 002 DBDCCICS connected to server SQLMACH1.
F2 002 There are no active DB2 Server for VSE transactions.
F2 002
F2 002 TIME= 19:07:43 DATE= 09/20/95
F2 002 ----------------------------------------------
F2 002 DBDCCICS connected to server SQLMACH2.
F2 002 Status of online DB2 Server for VSE applications:
F2 002
F2 002 Transactions holding a link to the application server but not using are:
F2 002
F2 002 ______ ______ ______ ________ ________ ___________ _________
F2 002 0000129 CISQ CICSUSER L77D 00:00:31 00:00:31
F2 002
F2 002 TIME= 19:07:44 DATE= 09/20/95
F2 002 ----------------------------------------------
F2 002 DBDCCICS connected to server SQLVM.
F2 002 There are no active DB2 Server for VSE transactions.
F2 002
F2 002 TIME= 19:07:45 DATE= 09/20/95
2 cirr ,,2,sqlmach2
F2-002 ARI0455I Connections to SQLMACH2 are disabled.
The CIRD transaction displays the following information (where applicable) for transactions that relate to a remote application server:
Figure 42 shows an example of the information displayed by the CIRD transaction with a remote server-name specified.
Figure 42. Example of CIRD with remote server name
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |User: 2 cird sqlmach8 | |System: F2 0002 The default server is SQLMACH8. | | F2 0002 ---------------------------------------------- | | F2 0002 Status of online DB2 Server for VSE applications for | | F2 0002 RDBMS = SQLMACH8 SQLDS/VM V6.1.0 | | F2 0002 LU = VMC3 | | F2 0002 TPN = SQLMACH8 | | F2 0002 (X'E2D8D3D4C1C3C8F8') | | F2 0002 | | F2 0002 TASKNO TRANID TERMID USER ID STATUS TIME | | F2 0002 ______ ______ ______ ________ ______ ___________________ | | F2 0002 LUWID | | F2 0002 ______ | | F2 0002 0000891 DRT1 D080 SYSA APPL 1998-08-11.09:12:42 | | | | F2 0002 CAIBMOML.D08001.E31FE596ADDE.0001 | | | | F2 0002 | | F2 0002 TIME= 09:18:11 DATE= 08/11/98 | | F2-0002 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Figure 43 shows an example of the information displayed by the CIRD transaction with a ? specified, where online access to the remote server RMTSERV1 is allowed. Assume that SQLMACH1 is the default local application server and RMTSERV1 is a remote application server. Connections have been established for SQLMACH1 and online access to RMTSERV1 through the online support is allowed.
Figure 43. Example of CIRD with ?
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |User: 2 cird ? | |System: F2 002 The default server is SQLMACH1. | | F2 002 There are connections to server SQLMACH1. | | F2 002 Online access to remote RMTSERV1 is allowed. | | F2 002 --------------------------------------------------- | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
While the online support is enabled, it uses CICS resources (storage) and application server resources (agents). At certain periods of the day, you may want to free these resources and prevent online access to the application server. You may, for example, want to allow only batch access to the application server for purposes of loading a large amount of data. For either of these situations, the operator can disable the online support by entering the CIRT transaction.
To end DB2 Server for VSE online support, issue the CICS CIRT transaction. The syntax of the CIRT transaction is as follows:
Figure 44. CIRT Transaction Syntax
>>-CIRT----+-,---------+---+-,-----+---+-,--------+------------>< '-password,-' '-mode,-' '-interval-' |
Table 12. CIRT Transaction Parameters
Parameter | Default | Description |
PASSWORD (positional parameter 1) | SQLDBAPW | This password establishes the operator's authority to terminate the online access to the application server. It must be the same password that was supplied for the CIRA or CIRB transaction. Refer to Password Implications on Online Resource Adapter Termination for more details. |
MODE (positional parameter 2) | NORMAL | This parameter establishes the shutdown mode: NORMAL or QUICK. When remote application servers are accessed by the online support, CIRT NORMAL will complete only when all conversations to the remote application servers are deallocated. When you specify NORMAL, the CIRT transaction prevents new online users from accessing the application server. Users who are already doing work, however, can finish. When all users complete their work, no online users can use the application server. When you specify QUICK, online access to local application servers is ended immediately. Online users accessing a local application server cannot finish their work. Their current logical units of work are rolled back (unless they are already processing a COMMIT WORK). You can change from NORMAL to QUICK. However, once the MODE is QUICK, you cannot change it back to NORMAL. When remote application servers are accessed by the online support and you specify QUICK, online access to the remote application server is not ended immediately. Online users accessing a remore server can finish their unit of work, but cannot start a new logical unit of work. QUICK mode is not supported for a remote application server. |
INTERVAL (positional parameter 3) | 30 (seconds) | The number of seconds that the CIRT transaction should delay before
freeing the terminal. The value must be an integer value between 0 and
3600. This parameter controls the availability of the CICS terminal (or
operator console) once you issue the CIRT transaction.
The CICS terminal (or VSE operator console) used to activate the CIRT transaction is unavailable until the transaction ends. This could be a long time if the online application is long-running or if a user left without correctly ending the terminal session. If you issue CIRT PASSWORD,NORMAL the terminal is not available until all online DB2 Server for VSE users complete their work. Even with CIRT PASSWORD, QUICK there may be some delay before the CICS terminal allows the CIRT terminal to complete its cleanup process. The value you specify here represents an interval of time measured in seconds. If the CIRT transaction does not finish immediately, it waits the amount of time you specify. When this time ends, the CIRT transaction tries once again to finish processing. If the CIRT transaction does not finish successfully, you receive a message telling you to retry the CIRT transaction later. After issuing the message, the CIRT transaction ends. The shutdown mode is still in effect (the specified DB2 Server for VM system is in the process of shutting down), and the terminal is available for your use. |
If links or online access to multiple application servers exist, they will all be removed. Once all of the links and/or online access have been removed, the online resource adapter is terminated.
The following examples assume that SQLVM, SQLMACH1 and SQLMACH2 are local application servers, and SQLMACH8 is a remote application server.
Figure 45. Example of CIRT with Connections to Four Applications Servers
msg f2
AR 015 1I40I READY
2 cirt
F2-002 ARI0455I Connections to SQLVM are disabled.
F2-002 ARI0455I Connections to SQLMACH2 are disabled.
F2-002 ARI0455I Connections to SQLMACH1 are disabled.
F2-002 ARI0455I Online access to SQLMACH8 is disabled.
F2-002 ARI0413I Resource Adapter ARI0OLRM is disabled.
Note that the message ARI0413I Resource Adapter ARI0OLRM is disabled is not displayed until the last application server connections and APPC conversations have been severed.
When the online resource adapter is not active, the CIRA and CIRR transactions are invalid. The online resource adapter needs to be enabled with the CIRB transaction before the CIRA and CIRR transactions can be used.
Figure 46. Example of CIRA and CIRR after CIRT
F2-002 ARI0413I Resource Adapter ARI0OLRM is disabled.
2 cira ,,,sqlmach1
F2-002 ARI0411I Resource Adapter is not enabled.
2 cirr ,,,sqlmach1
F2-002 ARI0411I Resource Adapter is not enabled.
In the NORMAL mode, CIRT prevents new LUWs from being started. As LUWs end, the links to the local application server are disconnected and APPC conversations to the remote application server are deallocated. (The NORMAL process allows for the normal end of all online LUWs.) After all links are disconnected and all APPC conversations are deallocated, the CICS storage resources are freed, and application access to the DB2 Server for VSE online support is no longer allowed.
In the QUICK mode, links to the local application server are immediately disconnected. Some online LUWs may be interrupted. The CICS storage resources are freed, and application access to online support is no longer allowed.
With QUICK, when the links are disconnected, the database manager does a ROLLBACK WORK for all LUWs that were not committed or at a synchronization point (that is, those LUWs that were prepared for COMMIT or ROLLBACK).
While the CIRT transaction is ending access in QUICK mode, the CICS transactions that access the application server can be ended by CICS with an abend code of AEY9, ASP7, or ASRA.
To allow for normal transaction shutdown, then, you should either use the CIRD transaction to determine which transactions accessing the application server are still active and wait until they are complete, or use the CIRT transaction with the NORMAL option which allows all active users to finish their work.
The QUICK mode is not supported when you are ending online access to a remote server. In this case, the QUICK mode is changed to NORMAL mode.
The terminal used to activate the CIRT transaction for NORMAL or QUICK is unavailable until the transaction ends. This could be a long time for a large online application or for an online application controlled by a CICS terminal operator who is not at the console. There are two conditions when CIRT may need to wait (in CICS terms, delay for an interval of time):
In the situations described above, CIRT will wait for an interval of time before attempting to complete the cleanup process again. (The default interval of time is 30 seconds. The interval can be specified as an input parameter to CIRT.)
After the delay, the CIRT transaction determines if the condition that caused the wait has passed. If it has, the process completes, and the online support is disabled. If not, CIRT exits by returning to CICS (the shutdown mode is still active and the terminal is free), and message ARI0414I is displayed, prompting the operator to retry the CIRT transaction later.
The operator can proceed in a number of ways to disable the online support:
This intervention presupposes that the operator has information about those CICS transactions that access the application server. You may find it useful to keep a list or use a naming convention for all such transactions.
After the online support has been disabled, or before it has been enabled, CICS abnormally ends any transaction that attempts online access to the application server by abending the transaction with abend code AEY9. If an attempt is made to execute a transaction while the online support has not been enabled, the transaction also abends with an abend code AEY9. If an application attempts to use CICS HLPI to access either a CICS/VSE subsystem or non-CICS/VSE subsystem that has not been enabled, the CICS terminal operator receives the CICS/VSE abend code AEY9.
When the shutdown process is active, the following occurs:
Also, for the QUICK mode, the online support cannot participate in the CICS two-phase syncpoint protocol. (For information on this protocol, review the discussion on online application recovery in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Administration manual.) When the online support reports to CICS that it is disabling, the result is an ASP7 abend. This is the general abend code that the CICS syncpoint manager uses when a CICS or non-CICS/VSE subsystem cannot participate in the two-phase syncpoint protocol. Online application programs do not regain control for clean-up routines when an ASP7 abend occurs. The ISQL transaction must be ended by the operator with the CICS CSMT or CEMT command.
The password used on the CIRR and CIRT transactions must be the same one that was used on the CIRA and/or the CIRB transactions. CIRR and CIRT will only shut down the connections to servers where the password matches. If the passwords do not match, that server is not shut down.
Consider the following example:
It is not possible to end the online resource adapter with one command in this scenario. The CIRT or CIRR transactions must be run at least three times before the online resource adapter is completely shutdown because three different passwords were used to start it up.
The CIRT transaction issued with no parameters would only shut down the connections to SQLMACH3 and SQLMACH4 because they were the only servers that were started with the default password.
To shut down SQLMACH5, you would have to enter the following command:
CIRT pw2
To bring down the remaining servers and stop the online resource adapter you need to enter:
CIRT pw1 followed by CIRT
The CIRR transaction can also be used, but the server names must be specified. The following shows the CIRR commands that would be equivalent to the CIRT commands in this scenario.
CIRT pw1 is equivalent to CIRR pw1,,,(SQLMACH1,SQLMACH2)
CIRT is equivalent to CIRR ,,,(SQLMACH3,SQLMACH4)
CIRT pw2 is equivalent to CIRR pw2,,,SQLMACH5
If the command:
were entered only SQLMACH3 and SQLMACH4 would be disconnected.
Message ARI0464E will be issued for servers SQLMACH1, SQLMACH2 and SQLMACH5 because the passwords do not match.
Similarly, if the command:
were entered only SQLMACH1 and SQLMACH2 would be disconnected.
Message ARI0464E will be issued for servers SQLMACH3, SQLMACH4 and SQLMACH5 because the passwords don't match.