Business Intelligence Tutorial

Lesson 7. Defining warehouse targets

In this lesson, you will define warehouse targets. Warehouse targets identify the database and tables that the Data Warehouse Center is to use for your data warehouse. Generally, the target tables that are defined in the warehouse target are the dimension and fact tables in the star schema. However, the warehouse target might also include interim target tables that are used for data transformation.

In this lesson, you will define the Tutorial Targets warehouse target, which is a logical definition for the warehouse database you created in Lesson 2, Creating a warehouse database. Within the warehouse target, you will define the DEMOGRAPHICS_TARGET target table. This target table is the result of loading the Demographics file into the warehouse database.

In some cases, you can use the Data Warehouse Center to generate a target table based on SQL, rather than defining the target table yourself. The Market dimension requires a target table for the GEOGRAPHIES table, which you will join with the DEMOGRAPHICS_TARGET target table to produce the Market dimension table, called LOOKUP_MARKET. The Data Warehouse Center will generate the GEOGRAPHIES target table and LOOKUP_MARKET table in the next lesson.

Defining a warehouse target

In this exercise, you will define the Tutorial Targets warehouse target, which is a logical definition for the TUTWHS database that you created in Lesson 2, Creating a warehouse database.

To define the warehouse target:

  1. Right-click the Warehouse Targets folder.
  2. Click Define.

    The Warehouse Target notebook opens.

  3. In the Warehouse target name field, type the business name for the warehouse target:
     Tutorial Targets
  4. In the Administrator field, type your name as the contact for the warehouse target.
  5. In the Description field, type a short description of the data:
    Warehouse for the TBC company
  6. In the Warehouse target type list, select DB2 Universal Database for your operating system.
  7. Click the Database tab.
  8. In the Database name field, type the name of the database:
  9. In the User ID field, type your user ID as the user ID that will access the database from the agent site.
  10. In the Password field, type your password as the password for the user ID that will access the database.
  11. In the Verify Password field, type the password again.

    Accept the default values for the rest of the controls on the page. For more information about the controls, see "Warehouse Target--Fields and Controls, Database page" in the online help.

  12. Click the Security tab.
  13. Select the Tutorial Warehouse Group to grant your user ID the ability to create steps that use this warehouse target.
  14. Click >.

    The Tutorial Warehouse Group moves to the Selected security groups list.

    Skip the Retry page. For more information about the options on the page, see "Warehouse Target--Fields and Controls, Retry page" in the online help.

  15. Click OK to save your changes and close the Warehouse Target notebook.
  16. Expand the tree until you see the Tables folder under the Tutorial Targets warehouse target.
  17. Right-click the Tables folder and click Define.

    The Define Warehouse Target Table notebook opens, and you can define the DEMOGRAPHICS_TARGET target table.
    Figure db2tu023 not displayed.

  18. In the Table schema field, type the user ID under which you created the warehouse database in Lesson 2, Creating a warehouse database.
  19. In the Table name field, type the name of the target table:

    Because you are creating the tables in the default tablespace, you can skip the Table space and Index table space fields.

  20. In the Description field, type the description of the table:
    Demographics information for sales regions
  21. In the Business Name field, type the business name (a descriptive name that users will understand) for the table:
    Demographics Table
  22. Verify that the Data Warehouse Center created table check box is selected.

    The Data Warehouse Center will create this table when the step that loads the Demographic data is run.

    You use this option when you want the Data Warehouse Center to create the target table, such as when the target table is the result of an SQL step. Clear this check box if you are using a target table that is already defined.

  23. Verify that the Grant to Public check box is selected.

    This check box specifies that anyone who has access to the database will have access to the table.

  24. Clear the Part of an OLAP schema check box.

    The Part of an OLAP schema check box indicates that the table is a dimension table or fact table that is to be exported to OLAP Integration Server. For more information about exporting to OLAP Integration Server, see Lesson 16, Creating a star schema from within the Data Warehouse Center.

    Skip the rest of the controls on the page. For more information about them, see "Defining a warehouse target table" in the online help.

  25. Click the Columns tab.
  26. Right-click the empty space in the list.
  27. Click Add.

    A row is added to the list, and you can define the City column, which is a key value for the table.

  28. Click the Name column, and type CITY.
  29. In the Data type column, verify that CHAR is selected.
  30. Click the Length column and type 50.

    Skip the Precision and Scale columns because they apply to decimal data only.

  31. Clear the Nullable column because each row must have this key value.
  32. Verify that the Is text check box is selected.

    Skip the Replication before and Replication after columns. For more information about these columns, see "Defining a warehouse target table" in the online help.

  33. In the Business Name field, type City.
  34. Repeat steps 26 through 33 to define the rest of the columns in the table:
    Name Data type Length Allow nulls Business name
    STATE CHAR 50 Yes State

    The Columns page of the Define Warehouse Target Table notebook

    Skip the rest of the notebook. You will use the DB2 Control Center to define primary and foreign keys on the physical target tables, so that end users of the warehouse can use the keys for joins.

  35. Click OK.

    The Table notebook closes. The Demographics table is added under the Tables folder in the Selected tables list.

What you just did

In this lesson, you defined a warehouse target with one target table, DEMOGRAPHICS_TARGET. In Lesson 8, Defining data transformation and movement, you will generate target tables for this warehouse target, including the LOOKUP_MARKET dimension table for the star schema.

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