Message Reference
This guide lists all the possible error messages returned
by the various components of DB2.
The guide is divided into the following sections:
- "Introduction to Messages", describes how to access and interpret error messages.
- "Capture and Apply (ASN) Messages", describes the messages generated by DB2 Replication.
- "CCA Messages", describes the messages generated by the DB2 Client
Configuration Assistant.
- "CLI Messages", describes the messages generated by the DB2 Call Level
- "DBA Messages", describes the messages generated by the DB2 Control Center and
the Database Administration Utility.
- "DBI Messages", describes the messages generated through the installation and
configuration of DB2.
- "DB2 Messages", describes the messages generated by the command line
- "DWC Messages", describes the messages generated by the Data Warehouse
- "FLG Messages", describes the messages generated by the Information Catalog
- "GSE Messages", describes the messages generated by the DB2 Spatial
- "SAT Messages", describes the messages generated by DB2 Satellite
- "SPM Messages", describes the messages generated by the sync point
- "SQJ Messages", describes the messages generated by DB2 Embedded SQL in Java
- "SQL Messages", describes the messages (SQLCODE values) generated by the
database manager when a warning or error condition is detected.
- "SQLSTATE Messages", describes the meaning of each SQLSTATE value.
- Appendix A, "Communications Errors", describes communications error codes associated with sqlcode
- Appendix B, "SPM Protocol Violation Records", lists C language definitions of records that may be written to
DB2's first failure service log by the SPM.
The format for date and time, and the characters used as separators for
date and time, are intended for a system configured to use the United States
national language format. These may be different on your display,
depending on the national language format used by your system.
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