Message Reference

DBI Messages

This chapter contains the error messages which may be generated during installation and configuration of DB2 products.


db2icrt [-a AuthType]
[-p PortName]
[-s InstType]
[-w WordWidth]
-u FencedID InstName

Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the db2icrt command. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information.

turn debug mode on.

-a AuthType
is the authentication type (SERVER, CLIENT, DCS, DCE, SERVER_ENCRYPT, DCS_ENCRYPT, or DCE_SERVER_ENCRYPT) for the instance.

-p PortName
is the port name or port number to be used by this instance.

-s InstType
is the type of instance to be created (eee, ee, or client).

-u FencedID
is the name of the user under which fenced UDFs and fenced stored procedures will be run. This flag is not required if only a DB2 client is installed.

-w WordWidth
is the width, in bits, of the instance to be created (32 or 64). (AIX, Sun) You must have the requisite version of DB2 installed (32-bit or 64-bit) for this to work.

is the name of the instance.

User Response: For more information about this command, please refer to the "Quick Beginnings" manual for your platform. Enter the command again as follows:
db2icrt [-a AuthType]
-u FencedID InstName


dlfmcrt [-b BackupDir]
-p PortName

Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the dlfmcrt command. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information.

PortName is the port name or port number to be used by this instance.

BackupDir is the directory to be used to create the backup of the dlfm database in.

is the name of the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator.

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
dlfmcrt -p PortNum DLFMAdmin


db2idrop InstName

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered for the db2idrop command. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information

turn debug mode on.

is the name of the instance

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
db2idrop InstName


db2idrop [-f] InstName

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered for the db2idrop command. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information.

turn debug mode on.

is the force applications flag. If this flag is specified then all applications using the instance will be forced to terminate.

is the name of the instance.

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
db2idrop [-f] InstName


dlfmdrop DLFMAdmin

Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the dlfmdrop command. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information.

is the name of the DB2 data Links Manager Administrator.

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
dlfmdrop DLFMAdmin


db2iupdt [-h|-?] [-d] [-k] [-s]
[-a AuthType]
[-w WordWidth]
[-u FencedID]

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered for the db2iupdt command. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information

turn debug mode on.

keep the current instance type during the update.

ignore existing SPM log directory

-a AuthType
is the authentication type (SERVER, CLIENT, DCS, DCE, SERVER_ENCRYPT, DCS_ENCRYPT, or DCE_SERVER_ENCRYPT) for the instance. The default is SERVER.

-w WordWidth
is the width, in bits, of the instance to be created (32 or 64). (AIX, Sun). Ignored if -e is specified. You must have the requisite version of DB2 installed (32-bit or 64-bit) for this to work.

-u FencedID
is the name of the user under which fenced UDFs and fenced Stored Procedures will be run. This flag is not required if only a DB2 client is installed.

specifies that every instance is updated.

is the name of the instance.

User Response: Enter the command again with the proper options and arguments.


db2iupdt [-f] -u FencedID

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered for the db2iupdt command. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information

turn debug mode on.

is the force applications flag. If this flag is specified then all applications using the instance will be forced to terminate.

-u FencedID
is the name of the user under which fenced UDFs and fenced Stored Procedures will be run. This flag is not required if only a DB2 client is installed.

is the name of the instance.

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
db2iupdt [-f] -u FencedID InstName


dlfmupdt [-h|-?] DLFMAdmin

Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the dlfmupdt command. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information.

is the name of the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator.

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
dlfmupdt [-h|-?] DLFMAdmin


db2imigr [-a AuthType]
-u FencedID InstName

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information

turn debug mode on.

-a AuthType
is the authentication type (SERVER, CLIENT, DCS, DCE, SERVER_ENCRYPT, DCS_ENCRYPT, or DCE_SERVER_ENCRYPT) for the instance.

-u FencedID
is the name of the user under which fenced UDFs and fenced Stored Procedures will be run. This flag is not required if only a DB2 client is installed.

is the name of the instance.

User Response: For more information about this command, please refer to the "Quick Beginnings" manual for your platform. Enter the command again as follows:
db2imigr [-a AuthType]
-u FencedID InstName


db2imigr [-f] [-a AuthType]
-u FencedID InstName

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information

turn debug mode on.

is the force applications flag. If this flag is specified then all applications using the instance will be forced to terminate.

-a AuthType
is the authentication type (SERVER, CLIENT, DCS, DCE, SERVER_ENCRYPT, DCS_ENCRYPT, or DCE_SERVER_ENCRYPT) for the instance.

-u FencedID
is the name of the user under which fenced UDFs and fenced Stored Procedures will be run. This flag is not required if only a DB2 client is installed.

is the name of the instance.

User Response: For more information about this command, please refer to the "Quick Beginnings" manual for your platform. Enter the command again as follows:
db2imigr [-f] [-a AuthType]
-u FencedID InstName


db2istop [-h|-?] [-d]
[-f] InstName

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information

turn debug mode on.

is the force applications flag. If this flag is specified then all applications using the instance will be forced to terminate.

is the name of the instance.

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
db2istop [-h|-?] [-d] [-f] InstName


db2setup [-h|-?] [-d]
[-r RespFile]

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information.

turn debug mode on.

-r RespFile
is the name of the response file which will be used to install DB2.

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
db2setup [-h|-?] [-d] [-r RespFile]


db2imigrev [-h|-?] [-m Version]

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information.

turn debug mode on.

specify DB2 version.

is the version the instance will be migrated backward to.

is the name of the instance which will be migrated backward from version 6 to the previous version of DB2.

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
db2imigrev [-h|-?] InstName


db2imigrev [-h|-?]
[-f] InstName

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information

turn debug mode on.

is the force applications flag. If this flag is specified then all applications using the instance will be forced to terminate.

is the name of the instance which will be migrated backward from version 6 to a previous version of DB2.

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
db2imigrev [-h|-?] [-f] InstName


db2ginfo [-h|-?] [-y]
[-c InstName
[-a AuthType]
[-u FencedID]]

Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the db2ginfo command. Valid arguments for this command are:

display usage information.

executes script (only shows warning otherwise).

-c InstName
specify instance to test.

-a AuthType

-u FencedID
specify fenced user ID.

is the directory where the output file, dbginfo.txt, will go.

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
db2ginfo [-h|-?] [-y]
[-c InstName [-a AuthType]
[-u FencedID]] OutputDir


db2iauto [-h|-?] -on|-off

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information

enables or disables autostarting of an instance.

is the name of the instance.

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
db2iauto [-h|-?] -on|-off InstName


dasicrt DASName

Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the dasicrt command. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information.

is the name of the DB2 Administration Server.

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
dasicrt DASName


dlfmfsmd [-h|-?] [-j] dlfsMntPt

Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the dlfmfsmd command. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information.

modify the named filesystem from dlfs to jfs

Mount Point for Data Links Manager Filter file system (including the slash: /).

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
dlfmfsmd dlfsMntPt


dasidrop DASName

Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the dasidrop command. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information.

is the name of the DB2 Administration Server.

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
dasidrop DASName


dasiupdt [-h|-?] DASName

Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the dasiupdt command. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information.

is the name of the DB2 Administration Server.

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
dasiupdt [-h|-?] DASName


db2nqadm [start|stop]

Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the db2nqadm command. Valid arguments for this command are:
start start all NetQ services and daemon
stop stop all NetQ services and daemon

You must specify one of the arguments.

User Response: Enter the command again with the proper argument.

DBI1030EKernel parameter "<name>" must be set to "<value>".

Explanation: DB2 requires certain kernel parameters to be updated.

User Response:

DBI1031EThe product you selected requires either DB2 UDB Workgroup Edition, DB2 UDB Enterprise Edition, or DB2 UDB Enterprise - Extended Edition installed first.

User Response:

DBI1032EThe product you selected can not be installed on AIX with a version less than 4.3

Explanation: The DB2 product you selected requires an AIX version that is 4.3 or greater.

DBI1033EThe product you selected requires either DB2 UDB Enterprise Edition or DB2 UDB Enterprise - Extended Edition installed first.

User Response:

DBI1034WMissing prerequsite package.

Explanation: One of the following packages has been selected for installation: "<pkg-name>" However, the installed "<pkg-name>" fileset level is below "<name>"

User Response: Upgrade "<pkg-name>" fileset to version "<name>" or higher.

DBI1035EFailed to mount file system "<File-System>".

Explanation: An attempt to mount the specified file system has failed.

User Response: Verify that the file system is defined. Correct any errors from the mount command and try again.

DBI1036EFailed to unmount file system "<File-System>".

Explanation: An attempt to unmount the specified file system has failed.

User Response: Correct any errors from the umount command and try again.

DBI1037EFile system "<File-System>" does not exist.

Explanation: The file system specified is not defined on this workstation.

User Response: Define the file system on the workstation and try again.

DBI1038EFile system "<File-System>" cannot be modified.

User Response: Ensure that you have write permission to the system file that contains file system definition, and try again.

DBI1039WMissing prerequsite package.

Explanation: One of the following packages has been selected for installation: "<name>" However, the installed "<name>" fileset level is below "<name>"

User Response: Install the "<name>" fileset version "<name>" which is provided on the CD.

DBI1040IThe translated version of following message is not available on this system.

User Response: The translated version of following message is not available on this system. Please refer to the "Installation.Notes" file in the PRODDIR/Readme/LOCALE directory, where PRODDIR is the product directory and LOCALE is the locale name. For example, the product directory is:
/usr/lpp/db2_07_01 on AIX
/opt/IBMdb2/V7.1 on Solaris, HP-UX
SCO UnixWare, SGI,
/usr/IBMdb2/V7.1 on Linux

DBI1050EUnsupported operating system - "<OS-name>", version "<OS-ver>".

Explanation: Your current operating system is not supported or this version of the operating system is not supported. Refer to the "Quick Beginnings" manual for your platform.

DBI1051EYou cannot execute this program as root.

Explanation: This program can only be run under a non-root user ID.

User Response: Login as an user ID other than root, and issue the command again.

DBI1052EYou must be root to execute this program.

Explanation: This program can only be run under the root user ID. Special privileges are required to execute this program.

User Response: Login as root and issue the command again.

DBI1053EFile system of type "<fsys-type>" is not supported.

Explanation: Creating the instance's home directory on this type of file system is not supported. Instance's home directory must exist either on a local file system or on a NFS mounted filesystem.

User Response: Change the home directory to a supported file system and recreate the instance.

DBI1055EThe message file "<file-name>" cannot be found.

Explanation: The message file required by the instance commands is missing from the system; it may have been deleted or the database products may not be installed properly.

User Response: Verify that the product option containing the message file is installed correctly. If there are verification errors, reinstall the product option.

DBI1057ERequired locale "<locale>" is not available.

Explanation: The required locale directory, /usr/lib/locale/LANG/LC_MESSAGES, does not exist, where LANG is the name of your current locale.

User Response: Verify that the specified locale has been installed correctly. Also check for the read and execute permissions are set correctly on that directory.

DBI1060EInvalid package name "<pkg-name>".

Explanation: An incorrect name has been entered. The package either does not exist or the name has been entered incorrectly.

User Response: Check to see if the name of the given package exists on the distribution media. If so, examine the name to see if it has been misspelled. All package names should be in lower case.

DBI1061EA fileset or package name "<pkg-name>" is missing.

Explanation: An error occurred when verifying software pre-requisites. The above fileset or package must be installed before using this command.

User Response: Check to see if the name of the given package has been installed on your system.

DBI1062EA fileset or package name "<pkg-name>" is missing.

Explanation: The above fileset or package must be installed before using this command.

User Response: Install the fileset or package and then reissue this command.

DBI1063EPTF or patch "<patch-name>" is missing.

Explanation: The above PTF or patch must be installed before using this command. This PTF or patch is required to complete this command successfully.

User Response: Install the required PTF or patch and and enter this command again.

DBI1065EProgram "<program-name>" terminated prematurely.

Explanation: An error has occurred during the execution and that has caused this program to terminate prematurely.

User Response: Correct the problem and try the command again.

DBI1066EProgram "<program-name>" terminated by request.

Explanation: This program has been terminated by the user.

User Response: Issue the same command to restart the program.

DBI1067EDB2 Product Library for locale "<locale-name>" is not installed.

Explanation: No compressed-tar HTML files can be found in the DB2DIR/doc/"<locale-name>"/html directory, where
/usr/lpp/db2_07_01 on AIX
/opt/IBMdb2/V7.1 on HP-UX,
SCO UnixWare,
/usr/IBMdb2/V7.1 on Linux

User Response: Install the DB2 Product Library for the required locale and issue this command again.

DBI1068EThere is not enough space to uncompress and un-tar all the HTML file in the directory "<dir-name>".

Explanation: After uncompress and un-tar, all the HTML files cannot be saved in the above directory because the filesystem is full.

User Response: Increase the size of the filesystem or free up sufficient disk space in the filesystem. Issue the command again.

DBI1069EUnexpected error. Function = "<fname>", Return code = "<return-code>".

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred during the execution of this program.

User Response: If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information:

DBI1070IProgram "<program-name>" completed successfully.

DBI1072Idb2licm failed to update the nodelock file. Refer to the log file "<log-name>" for more information.

Explanation: db2licm failed to add the license to the nodelock file, so DB2 will run with a Try-and-Buy license until a product license is installed.

User Response: Try the command again and if it continues to fail, manually add the license key to the nodelock file. Refer to the Quick Beginnings guide for more information on licensing.

DBI1079IOutput is saved in the log file "<log-name>".

Explanation: All processed and failed operations have been saved into this log file.

User Response: Do not modify this file in any way. This file is for IBM Technical Support reference.

DBI1080EDisk full. Minimum space required in "<dir-name>" is "<KB>" KB, whereas only "<KB>" KB space is available.

Explanation: There is not enough free space available in the file system or directory.

User Response: Free more disk space and retry the command.

DBI1081EThe file or directory "<file-name>" is missing.

Explanation: A file or directory that is required to process this command is missing.

User Response: If the file belongs to one of the database products then verify that the product is installed correctly and reinstall the product if necessary. If the file belongs to an instance then the instance may have already been removed or it may be corrupted.

Check to see if the name of the given directory exists on your file system. If so, examine the name to see if it has been misspelled. Note that all file and directory names are case-sensitive on Unix.

DBI1082EThe file or directory "<file-name>" already exists.

Explanation: A file or directory that the command needs to create already exists.

User Response: Examine the specified file or directory. If the file or directory exists as a result of a previous successful completion of the command then no action is required. Otherwise, you will need to either rename or remove the specified file or directory before trying the command again.

DBI1083EAn attempt to remove "<file-name>" failed.

Explanation: An error occurred when removing the given file or directory. This may be due to an inappropriate ownership on this given file or directory.

User Response: Adjust the file permissions or ownership of the specified file or directory and then issue the command again.

DBI1084EAn attempt to create "<file-name>" failed.

Explanation: An error occurred when creating the given file or directory.

User Response: Check that there is enough space in the file system and that you have write permission for the required directory. Suggested directory permissions are u=rwx,go=rx.

DBI1085EAn attempt to move the file or directory "<file-name>" to "<file-name>" failed.

Explanation: An error occurred when attempting to relocate the given file or directory. The command could not be processed successfully.

User Response: Determine why the specified file or directory could not be moved and then try the command again.

DBI1086EAn attempt to copy the file or directory "<file-name>" to "<file-name>" failed.

Explanation: An error occurred when attempting to duplicate the given file or directory. The command could not be processed successfully.

User Response: Determine why the specified file or directory could not be copied and then try the command again.

DBI1087EAn attempt to create the link "<filename>" failed.

Explanation: The given link cannot be created. It could be that the write permission on its parent directory has been turned off, or that a file or directory with the same name already exists.

User Response: Check permissions for the parent directory and restart the install process. Suggested directory permissions are u=rwx,go=rx.

DBI1088EInvalid access permission detected for directory "<directory>".

Explanation: There may be several reasons for this error. It is likely that one of the following situations has occurred:

User Response: Check permissions for the given directory and restart the install process. Suggested directory permissions are u=rwx,go=rx.

DBI1089EError in saving current instance related information in the "<backup-dir>" directory.

Explanation: There may be several reasons for this error. It is likely that one of the following situations has occurred:

User Response: Take an appropriate corrective action and issue the command again.

DBI1090EAn attempt to update "<parameter>" in "<file-name>" failed.

Explanation: An error occurred while updating the given file.

User Response: Verify that all occurances of "<parameter>" are set to "<value>" in "<file-name>".

DBI1091EAn attempt to change permissions for "<directory>" failed.

Explanation: An error occurred when changing permissions on the given file or directory. This may be due to an inappropriate ownership on this file or directory.

User Response: Check permissions and ownership for the given directory and restart the install process. Suggested directory permissions are u=rwx,go=rx.

DBI1092EAn attempt to change ownership for "<directory>" failed.

Explanation: An error occurred when changing ownership on the given file or directory. This may be due to an inappropriate ownership on this given file or directory.

User Response: Check ownership for the given directory and restart the install process.

DBI1093EAn attempt to change group ownership for "<directory>" failed.

Explanation: An error occurred when changing group ownership on the given file or directory. This may be due to an inappropriate ownership on this file or directory.

User Response: Check ownership for the given directory and restart the install process.

DBI1094EDirectory access error.

Explanation: The tool encountered an access error during an I/O operation with the directory server.

User Response: Ensure the directory server is on-line and accessible over the LAN.

DBI1095WThe file or directory "<name>" cannot be found.

User Response: Verify that the fileset/package providing the file/directory has been installed.

DBI1096EThe file or directory "<file-name>" already exists.

Explanation: A file or directory that the command needs to create already exists.

User Response: Examine the specified file or directory. If you no longer need this file or directory, remove it and then run the command again. Otherwise, you will need to either rename or remove the specified file or directory before trying the command again.

DBI1097EThe file or directory "<file-name>" does not exist.

Explanation: A file or directory that the command requires does not exist.

User Response: If the file or directory does not exist, you may have to install the software that provides the file/directory. If the file or directory does exist, check to see that the PATH variable has been set properly. Once the file or directory is there in your PATH, try the command again.

DBI1100EAn instance lock is found. Another instance management command is running.

Explanation: The command failed because another instance management command (eg. db2icrt, db2idrop, db2iupdt, or db2imigr) is running. The instance management commands acquire an exclusive lock to avoid conflicting simultaneous commands against the same instance.

User Response: Wait for all other occurrences of the instance commands to finish executing before trying the command again. If no other instance commands are running then delete the file "instance.lock" in one of the following directories:
or /var/opt/db2/v71

DBI1101EThe instance name is invalid.

Explanation: Instance name must be the login name of an existing user and cannot:

  1. be more than 8 characters long.
  2. start with "sql", "ibm" or "sys".
  3. start with a numeral or contain characters other than a-z, $, #, @, _, or 0-9.

User Response: Try the command again with a valid instance name.

DBI1103EThe Administration Server already exists.

Explanation: The system detects that the Administration Server has already been created on your system. You can only create one Administration Server on each system.

User Response: If you want to re-create the Administration Server, you have to drop the Administration Server first before re-creating it.

DBI1104EThe Administration Server cannot be dropped.

Explanation: An attempt to drop the Administration Server failed. The system detects that the Administration Server does not exist or has been created under a different user ID.

User Response: Verify that the name of the Administration Server as reported by the "dasilist" command is correct and try again.

DBI1105EThe DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator already exists.

Explanation: The system detects that the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator has already been created on your system. You can only create one DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator on each system.

User Response: If you want to re-create the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator, you have to drop the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator first before re-creating it.

DBI1106EThe DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator cannot be dropped.

Explanation: An attempt to drop the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator failed. The system detects that the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator does not exist or has been created under a different user ID.

User Response: Verify that the name of the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator as reported by the "dlfmlist" command is correct and try again.

DBI1107EThe DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator cannot be created.

Explanation: Creating a DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator using DCE requires DFS on your system to be of version 3.1 or higher.

DBI1109EThe kernel parameters must be updated before using this command.

Explanation: Some of the kernel parameters are not configured properly.

User Response:

DBI1111EThe FencedID parameter must be specified using -u flag with this command.

Explanation: The FencedID parameter must be specified with this command. The FencedID parameter is set to the name of the user under which fenced User Defined Functions (UDFs) and fenced Stored Procedures will be run.

User Response: Enter the command again adding the arguments "-u FencedID" where FencedID is the name of the user that you want your fenced UDFs or fenced Stored Procedures to run under.

For security reasons it is recommended that you do not use the instance name as the FencedID. However, if you are not planning to use fenced User Defined Functions (UDFs) or fenced Stored Procedures then setting the FencedID to the instance name may save you the step of having to create another user for the FencedID.

DBI1112EThe FencedID parameter "<fenced-id>" is not valid.

Explanation: The FencedID parameter which specifies the user name under which fenced User Defined Functions and fenced Stored Procedures will be run:

User Response: Try the command again with a valid FencedID parameter.

DBI1113WPrevious value of FencedID parameter "<old-value>" is different. New value "<new-value>" is ignored.

Explanation: The FencedID parameter entered on the command line is different from the one used before for this userid. New value for this parameter is ignored.

DBI1115EInvalid AuthType parameter "<auth-type>" specified with -a flag.

Explanation: The AuthType parameter which specifies the authentication type used for the instance is not valid. Valid authentication types are:

User Response: Try the command again with a valid AuthType parameter.

DBI1120EInstance "<inst-name>" cannot be dropped.

Explanation: An attempt was made to drop an instance which may still be active.

DBI1121ECannot drop the Administration Server using "db2idrop".

Explanation: An attempt was made to drop the Administration Server using "db2idrop". This operation is not allowed since it will cause the registry to be in an inconsistent state.

User Response: Use the "dasidrop" command to remove the Administration Server.

DBI1122EInstance "<inst-name>" cannot be updated.

Explanation: An attempt was made to update an instance. This instance cannot be updated because:

User Response: Ensure that you are using the correct version of the "db2iupdt" command. Also ensure that there are no db2 processes running at the instance. Retry the command.

DBI1123ECannot update the Administration Server using "db2iupdt".

Explanation: An attempt was made to update the Administration Server using "db2iupdt". This operation is not allowed since it will cause the registry to be in an inconsistent state.

User Response: Use the "dasiupdt" command to update the Administration Server.

DBI1124EInstance "<inst-name>" cannot be migrated.

Explanation: An attempt was made to migrate an instance. This instance cannot be migrated because:

User Response: Ensure that instance is ready for migration and you are using the correct version of the "db2imigr" command. For more information on instance migration, please refer to the "Quick Beginnings" manual for your platform.

DBI1125ECannot drop the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator using "db2idrop".

Explanation: An attempt was made to drop the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator using "db2idrop". This operation is not allowed since it will cause the registry to be in an inconsistent state.

User Response: Use the "dlfmdrop" command to remove the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator.

DBI1126WOne or more views may affect database migration.

Explanation: DB2 has detected some views that are dependent on database entity that has changed. This may cause database migration to fail. Please consult the Release.Notes for user response.

DBI1128ECannot drop the Administration Server using "dlfmdrop".

Explanation: An attempt was made to drop the Administration Server using "dlfmdrop". This operation is not allowed since it will cause the registry to be in an inconsistent state.

User Response: Use the "dasidrop" command to remove the Administration Server.

DBI1129ECannot update the Administration Server using "dlfmupdt".

Explanation: An attempt was made to update the Administration Server using "dlfmupdt". This operation is not allowed since it will cause the registry to be in an inconsistent state.

User Response: Use the "dasiupdt" command to update the Administration Server.

DBI1131EThe user ID "<user-id>" is invalid.

Explanation: An attempt to access the given user ID failed. One of the following situations has occurred:

User Response: Make sure a valid user ID with valid home directory, shell, primary group and secondary group has been used. Create a new user if necessary.

DBI1135EThe primary group "<group-name>" of user ID "<user-id>" is invalid.

Explanation: The primary group name of the instance user ID cannot:

  1. be one of "guests", "admins", "users" or "local".
  2. start with "sql" or "ibm".
  3. start with a numeral or contain characters other than a-z, $, #, @, or 0-9.

User Response: Change the primary group of the instance user ID to a group with a valid name and then try the command again.

DBI1145WAn existing Sync Point Manager (SPM) log directory was found.

Explanation: An existing Sync Point Manager (SPM) log directory was found. This new version of the SPM cannot process the old version of the log. You must verify that there are no indoubt transactions prior to using this new version of the SPM.

User Response:

DBI1170EThe -w flag only accepts 64 or 32 as possible input.

Explanation: When using the db2icrt or db2iupdt command, you can only specify a value of 32 or 64 for the optional flag -w. You specify -w 64 for db2icrt when creating a 64 bit instance. You can also specify -w 64 for db2iupdt when updating a 32 bit instance to become a 64 bit. The -w flag is not needed otherwise.

User Response: Re-issue the command with the proper argument.


db2cdbcr [-d] -n CDBName

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered for the db2cdbcr command. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information

turn debug mode on.

-n CDBName
CDBName is the name of the Warehouse Control Database you want to create.

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
db2cdbcr -n CDBName

DBI1187EUnable to complete DB2 Warehouse Control Database setup.

Explanation: An attempt to create the DB2 Warehouse Control Database has failed.

User Response: On an Enterprise Edition installation, try the create database command manually. On an Enterprise - Extended Edition installation, a nodegroup (created on node 0) and a tablespace (both called FLG32K) needs to be created as well. See DB2 DataWarehouse documentation for details.

DBI1200EThe directory "<directory-name>" is not a version "<version-number>" instance.

Explanation: The command cannot proceed because the specified directory does not point to the required version of the database products.

User Response: The command cannot be run with the specified instance.

DBI1202EMigration of instance "<inst-name>" is not supported.

Explanation: The instance cannot be migrated because:

  1. Migration from this version of the instance is not supported.
  2. The instance is already using the current version of the product and no migration is required.

User Response: Make sure that the instance is valid for migration and then try the command again with a valid instance name.

DBI1205EOne or more local databases have been detected that cannot be migrated to the newest version. Check the logfile "<logfile-name>" for the list of errors.

Explanation: Possible errors on the database are:

User Response: Take the following corrective action for each database from the file "<logfile-name>" :

DBI1211EMigration of the "<directory-name>" failed.

Explanation: A system error such as running out of disk space or memory has been encountered during the migration of the directory. Instance migration failed.

User Response: Make sure there is sufficient disk space and memory before trying the command again.

DBI1212WMigration of the local database directory on "<path>" failed.

Explanation: The process of migrating local database directory is not complete because of an unexpected error occurred.

User Response: An error file "db2mgdbd.err" and a local database directory backup "sqldbdir/sqldddir.bak" are created in the directory path mentioned above.

Keep these two files and contact IBM service for instruction of possible ways to repair your directory. Without the local database directory, databases that are catalogued in the local database directory will no longer be accessible.

DBI1220WMigration of the node directory on "<path>" failed.

Explanation: The process of migrating node directory is not complete because of an unexpected error occurred.

User Response: Two options to recover:

  1. Remove node directry and re-catalog node entry.
  2. An error file "db2mgndd.err" and a node directory backup "sqlnodir/sqlnddir.bak" are created in the directory path mentioned above.

    Keep these two files and contact IBM service for instruction of possible ways to repair your directory. Contact IBM services to recover your node directory.

DBI1221WThe node directory is corrupted and cannot be migrated.

Explanation: Either the node directory files are not the same or the node directory file is corrupted.

User Response: Remove node directry and re-catalog node entry.

DBI1222WThe system database directory is corrupted and cannot be migrated.

Explanation: Either the primary and backup system database directory files are not the same or system database directory is corrupted.

User Response: Remove system database directry and re-catalog all database entry.

DBI1223WThe local database directory is corrupted and cannot be migrated.

Explanation: Either the primary and backup database directory files are not the same or the local database directory file is corrupted.

User Response: An error file "db2mgdbd.err" and a local database directory backup "sqldbdir/sqldddir.bak" are created in the directory path mentioned above.

Keep these two files and contact IBM service for instruction of possible ways to repair your directory. Without the local database directory, databases that are catalogued in the local database directory will no longer be accessible.

DBI1225WThe authentication type of a catalogued local database has been changed.

Explanation: One or more catalogued database entries were detected that have an authentication type that is different from the authentication type that was specified for the instance. If no action is taken then all catalogued local database entries will assume the authentication type of the instance they belong to.

User Response: Check the file migration.log in the home directory of the instance for a list of the catalogued local database entries that are not the same as the authentication specified for the instance. If you want the database to maintain it's previous authentication type then you can either change the authentication type of the instance or you can move the database to another instance that has the desired authentication type. Before changing the authentication type of the instance, however, you should make sure that you want all the catalogued local database entries to have the new authentication type.

DBI1240EThe database manager could not be started.

Explanation: The database manager could not be started when attempting to check if catalogued local databases can be migrated.

User Response: Resolve why the database manager could not be started and then try the command again.

DBI1250EApplications are still using instance "<instance-name>".

Explanation: There are applications that are still running that are using the specified instance. All applications using this instance must be terminated before the command can be completed successfully. You can get a list of the applications that are currently using the instance by issuing the command:
db2 list applications

User Response: You can either wait for the applications to end by themselves, or you can explicitly force the applications to end. You can logon as the instance owner and run the command
db2 force application all

Note that some applications may have unexpected behaviour when terminated using the above command. After all the applications have stopped, stop the database manager using "db2istop" command.

DBI1260ECannot read from response file.

Explanation: An attempt was made to read from the given response file failed. Ensure that the response file has read access permission and the given path to the response file is correct.

User Response: Correct the access permission and the location of the response file and try again.

DBI1261EThe value is not valid for the keyword.

Explanation: The value specified in the response file is not valid for its corresponding keyword. Refer to the sample response file for a list of valid entries.

User Response: Correct the problem in the following line of the response file and try again.

DBI1262EUnknown keyword detected in the response file.

Explanation: The given keyword in the response file is not valid. Refer to the sample response file for a list of valid keywords.

User Response: Correct the problem in the following line of the response file and try again.

DBI1264EErrors were encountered in running "<program-name>". Please refer to the installation log file "<log-name>" for more information.

Explanation: All processed and failed operations have been saved into this log file.

User Response: Do not modify this file in any way. This file is for IBM Technical Support reference.

DBI1266IRefer to the log file "<log-name>" for more information.

Explanation: All processed and failed operations have been saved into this log file.

User Response: Do not modify this file in any way. This file is for IBM Technical Support reference.

DBI1268EThe fileset "<fileset>" is not available on the installation media.

Explanation: One of the filesets to be installed is not found on the installation media. If the fileset is not located on the installation media then it cannot be installed.

User Response: Ensure that the fileset is located on the installation media. If the fileset is not located on the installation media de-select it and try again.

DBI1270EError detected in the response file.

Explanation: An error has been detected when processing the response file. Install cannot be continued unless the problem has been corrected.

User Response: Correct the problem in the following line of the response file and try again.

DBI1278WWarning issued from the response file.

Explanation: A warning has been raised when processing the response file. DB2 Installer will carry on without stopping.

User Response: If required, correct the problem in the following line of the response file and try again.

DBI1279INotice issued from the response file.

Explanation: A notice has been issued when processing the response file. DB2 Installer will carry on without stopping.

User Response: This is for your information only. No action is required.

DBI1281EThe database manager configuration file could not be initialized.

Explanation: An error occurred when attempting to initialize the database manager configuration file. A DB2 Version 6 instance could not be created or migrated.

User Response: Refer to the log file for problem determination. Resolve the problem and try the command again. If the problem persists, please contact IBM Support.

DBI1282EThe database manager configuration files could not be merged.

Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to merge two database manager configuration files. The previous database manager configuration file could not be merged with the new database manager configuration file.

User Response: Check the values in the new database manager configuration file and update the parameters as required.

DBI1283EUnable to update the communication information for "<instance>".

Explanation: The SVCENAME parameter and/or the DB2COMM registry values could not be updated during instance creation.

User Response: Make sure that the SVCENAME parameter is set to "<profile-name>" in the database manager configuration file and update using
db2 update dbm cfg using
SVCENAME "<profile-name>"

Also update the DB2COMM variable to tcpip by running
db2set DB2COMM=tcpip

DBI1290EAn attempt to create the profile registry "<profile-name>" failed.

Explanation: An error occurred when creating the profile registry. One of the following situations occurred:

User Response: Check the file permissions on the instance list profile in one of the following directories:
or /var/opt/db2/v71

DBI1291EThe instance "<instance-name>" was not found in the instance list.

Explanation: The specified instance was not found in the instance list.

User Response: Verify that the list of instances as reported by the "db2ilist" command is correct. Retry the command with a valid instance name.

DBI1292EThe instance "<instance-name>" is already in the instance list.

Explanation: The instance that is being created or migrated is already in the instance list.

User Response: Use a different instance name that is not part of the instance list as reported by the "db2iset -l" command.

DBI1293EThere is no DB2 Query Patroller Server set up on this system.

User Response: If DB2 Query Patroller was not installed via the DB2 Installer, please use the Installer to properly set up an instance for use with the DB2 Query Patroller Server. If one has been set up, then verify that it is recorded in the default.env file, and that the file is world readable. default.env can be found in
or /var/opt/db2/v71

DBI1295EThe instance list could not be updated.

Explanation: The instance could not be added to or removed from the instance list. An error has occurred when adding or removing the instance from the instance list. One of the following situations occurred:

User Response: Check the file permissions on the instance list profile in one of the following directories:
or /var/opt/db2/v71

DBI1297EThe instance profile "<profile-name>" could not be updated.

Explanation: An error occurred when updating the instance profile registry. One of the following situations occurred:

User Response: Check the file permissions on the instance list profile in one of the following directories:
or /var/opt/db2/v71

DBI1300Ndb2set displays, sets, or removes DB2 profile variables.

db2set [[[variable=[value]]
[-g|-i instance[
[-all] [-null]
[-r instance[node-number]]
[-n DAS node[
-u user[-p password]]]
[-l|-lr] [-v] [-ul|-ur]

Explanation: The command options are:

Access the global profile variables.

Specifies the instance profile to use instead of the current or default.

Specifies the remote DB2 Administration Server node name.

Specifies the user ID to use for the Administration Server attachment.

Access the user profile variables

Refreshes user profile variables

Specifies the password to use for the admin server attachment.

Resets the profile registry for the given instance

Lists all instance profiles.

Lists all supported registry variables.

Verbose mode.

Displays the command help message.

Same as -? option.

Displays all occurrences of the local environment variables as defined in:

Sets the variables value to null at the specified registry level to prevent looking up the value in the next registry level as defined in the variable value search order.


DBI1302EInvalid parameter detected.

Explanation: An invalid parameter was used.

User Response: Use the -? option for the usage help message.

DBI1303WVariable not set.

Explanation: The variable was not set in the profile registry.

User Response: No further action is required.

DBI1304EUnexpected error.

Explanation: The tool encountered an unexpected system error.

User Response: Contact your DB2 service representative.

DBI1305EThe profile registry was not found.

Explanation: The target machine does not have a profile registry setup.

User Response: Create the registry on the target machine by installing DB2.

DBI1306NThe instance profile is not defined.

Explanation: The instance is not defined in the target machine registry.

User Response: Specify an existing instance name or create the required instance.

DBI1307NThe instance node profile is not defined.

Explanation: The instance node is not defined in the target machine registry.

User Response: Create the registry by installing the required DB2 product parts.

DBI1308EOut of memory condition encountered.

Explanation: The tool encountered an "out of memory resource" error.

User Response: System is low on memory resources. Terminate non-essential applications or try again later.

DBI1309ESystem error.

Explanation: The tool encountered an operating system error.

User Response: A system error was encountered during registry access. Ensure that there is enough space on the file system where the registry is located, and that there is a valid LAN connection if the registry is remote.

DBI1310ERemote registry access is not supported.

Explanation: The tool does not support the remote registry option.

User Response: Consult the Command Reference on how to access the registry remotely.

DBI1311IListing registry instance profiles...

DBI1312IListing defined global variables...

DBI1313IListing defined instance variables...

DBI1314IListing all supported registry variables...

DBI1315WUnknown message!

DBI1316EInstance is not MPP.

Explanation: The target instance is not a DB2 MPP instance.

User Response: Choose an MPP instance.

DBI1317EInstance node already exists.

Explanation: A duplicate instance node already exists.

User Response: Choose a different instance node.


Explanation: This script is used to gather information useful to IBM Support to debug the problems you may be experiencing. This information may be of a sensitive nature. You may wish to edit the output file, db2ginfo.txt, before sending it to IBM Support.

User Response: To signal your awareness and acceptance of the above warning, run this script with the -y flag specified.

DBI1330WThe action might affect other instances.

Explanation: The file IWH.environment contains global information for all instances. Updating this file might affect all instances. Do you wish to continue?

DBI1332EMissing template file for IWH.environment.

Explanation: The template file for IWH.environment is needed.


dqpsetup -D DbName
-t TblSpcName
-r RsltTblSpcName
-l TblSpcPath
[-g NodeGroup]
[-n NodeNum]
[-s SizeDMS]
[-h|-?] InstName

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are:

name of the database to be used with the DB2 Query Patroller server

name of the DB2 Query Patroller table space. The default type is a SMS table space.

name of the Result Table Space to be used

full pathname of the tablespace

name of the nodegroup that contains the TableSpace for the DB2 Query Patroller server [required for EEE]

Node number of a single node where the nodegroup is defined on [required for EEE]

-s SizeDMS
size of the DMS tablespace. Use the -s flag to specify the size for the DMS tablespace

overwrites any existing IWM schema objects

Name of the Query Patroller Server instance

display the usage information

Options marked with [required for EEE] are required on DB2 UDB Enterprise - Extended Edition MPP instances, and are ignored on instances that are not MPP instances, for example, on DB2 UDB Enterprise Edition instances.

If you have migrated this instance from a previous version of DB2 Query Patroller, no parameters are required to simply update the schema to the current schema. If you want to rebuild the schema, removing your old schema objects, you must specify -o as well as all other required parameters.

User Response: Re-enter the command with the proper syntax.

DBI1351EYou must be the instance owner to run this command.

Explanation: To run this command, you must be the DB2 Query Patroller Server instance owner.

User Response: Verify that the DB2 Query Patroller Server instance is correctly recorded in the file default.env. Log in as the DB2 Query Patroller Server instance owner and issue the command again. default.env can be found in
or /var/opt/db2/v71

DBI1352EThe instance "<instance-name>" is not an EE or EEE instance.

Explanation: DB2 Query Patroller Server/Agent must be created on an EE or EEE instance.

User Response: Run this command again using a valid EE or EEE instance name, or you may create and set up a new EE or EEE instance first before running this command again.

DBI1353EDB2 Query Patroller Server has been set up on an instance already.

Explanation: DB2 Query Patroller Server can be set up on one DB2 UDB instance only.

User Response: Run the command dqplist to find out the named of the instance being used as the DB2 Query Patroller Server. If the instance name is correct then there is no need to run dqpcrt to set up a server. For setting up an agent you need to use the correct instance name. If this instance is no longer being used for that purpose, run the command
dqpdrop inst_name

to remove it. Then re-run the dqpcrt command again.

DBI1354EThe instance "<instance-name>" is not an DB2 Query Patroller Server instance.

User Response: Use dqplist to find out the proper server instance name and re-run the command again.


dqpcrt [-h|-?] <-s|-a>
-p PortName InstName

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are:

Port name to be used with the DB2 Query Patroller Server/Agent

name of an instance that is to be designated as an DB2 Query Patroller Server instance

Creating a DB2 Query Patroller Server on the named instance

Creating a DB2 Query Patroller Agent on the named instance.

display the usage information

You must specify either -s or -a, but you cannot specify both. The -a option is only valid on an Enterprise - Extended Edition instance.

User Response: Re-enter the command with the proper syntax.


dqplist [-h|-?]

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information

User Response: Re-enter the command with the proper syntax.


dqpdrop [-h|-?] InstName

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are:

name of the instance that you wish to remove the DB2 Query Patroller Server from

display the usage information

This command can only be issued on the node where the DB2 Query Patroller Server was created.

User Response: Re-enter the command with the proper syntax.

DBI1358WFailed to modify the DB2 Query Patroller profile files.

Explanation: An attempt to update the dqpprofile and/or dqpcshrc files have failed. Possible causes can be

User Response: Check the existence and permission on these files. Verify that you can write to /tmp. Issue the command again.

DBI1359EUnable to remove the DB2 Query Patroller Server from instance "<instance-name>".

Explanation: An attempt to remove the DB2 Query Patroller Server from the named instance has failed.

User Response: Manually remove the file sqllib/cfg/dqplevel from the instance owner's home directory. Also edit the file default.env and remove the DQPSERVER line from this file. default.env can be found in
or /var/opt/db2/v71

DBI1360EUnable to complete DB2 Query Patroller set up.

Explanation: An attempt to set up the DB2 Query Patroller Server has failed. Possible cause include:

User Response: If the database or the nodegroup creation failed, try to create them manually and re-run the command.

If it failed at creating the table space, check to see that you have write permission to the path you have designated. Try to create the tablespace manually.

DBI1361EDB2 Query Patroller Server code has not been installed.

Explanation: The DB2 Query Patroller Server code has not been installed, and is required for the current operation to complete.

User Response: Install the DB2 Query Patroller Server code, and try the command again.

DBI1362WIWM schema objects have been detected.

Explanation: DB2 has detected IWM schema objects, possibily from a previous install of IWM.

User Response: If you wish to keep the existing IWM schema objects, there is nothing to do. If you wish to remove them and re-create new ones, re-issue the dqpsetup command with the -o flag.

DBI1363EFailed to create IWM schema objects.

Explanation: An attempt to create the IWM schema objects has failed.

User Response: Verify that the files db2_qp_schema and iwm_schema.sql are both in the directory /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/bin.

If both files exist, then the output of the IWM schema creation procedure can be found in /tmp/iwmschcr.log. Correct any error and re-run the dqpsetup command again.

DBI1364ENo previous DB2 Query Patroller schema objects exist.

Explanation: No previous DB2 Query Patroller schema objects exist to be migrated.

User Response: Run dqpsetup again with the correct syntax. Use 'dqpsetup -h' to see the syntax.

DBI1365ENode number is not defined.

Explanation: The node number is not defined in the db2nodes.cfg.

User Response: Examine the db2nodes.cfg file and make sure the entry you want is there. Enter the command again using the correct node number exactly as recorded in the db2nodes.cfg file.

DBI1366EThe container "<sms_path>" is already in use.

Explanation: The directory named as a container for the tablespace already exists.

User Response: Run the command again using a different path for the container for the tablespace.

DBI1367EFailed to bind the files listed in "<bind_list>".

Explanation: There was a problem binding the bind files listed in named file(s).

User Response: Perform the binding manually.

DBI1368EFailed to connect to DQP database "<db2dbdft>".

Explanation: The database likely doesn't exist.

User Response: Specify that you would like to setup a new DQP instance using all the required parameters to dqpsetup. This instance cannot be migrated.

DBI1370WUnable to modify the .profile or the .login file of user "<inst-name>".

Explanation: DB2 has failed to modify the .profile file or the .login file of this user. These files may not exist, or you may not have write permission to them. Without the modification you need to set your environment manually each time when you log in as this user to use DB2 Query Patroller.

User Response: See the Quick Beginning Guide for more details on how to set the DB2 environment automatically.

DBI1371EMissing arguments for setting up a Query Patroller Server.

Explanation: A Query Patroller instance must be set up as server when DB2 Query Patroller Server is installed. Therefore the following arguments must be supplied:

  1. Node group.
  2. Node number.
  3. Database name.
  4. Tablespace.
  5. Result tablespace.
  6. Tablespace path.

And optionaly:
DMS Tablespace size.

User Response: Specify the required and/or optional arguments in the response file.

DBI1372ECannot set up a Query Patroller server instance.

Explanation: To set up a Query Patroller server instance, you must have DB2 Query Patroller Server installed.

User Response:

DBI1373ECannot set up Query Patroller server instance when creating a new EE or EEE instance.

User Response: Create the EE or EEE instance and set up the instance as a Query Patroller server in separate steps.

DBI1374ECannot set up node group and node number for a Query Patroller server on a EE instance.

User Response:

DBI1375ECannot set up a Query Patroller instance without EE or EEE installed.

User Response: Install EE or EEE, and DB2 Query Patroller Agent/Server.

DBI1376ETo set up a Query Patroller instance, you need to provide the service name and port number of the IWM user.

User Response:

DBI1400NThe syntax of the db2licm command is incorrect.

Explanation: The db2licm tool performs basic license functions in the absence of the Control Center. It Adds, removes, lists, and modifies licenses installed on the local system:
db2licm [/a:filename]
[/e:HARD | SOFT]
[/u:prod-password, num-users]
[/n:prod-password, num-processors]

The command options are:

Adds a license for a product. Specify a file name containing valid license information. This can be obtained from your licensed product CD or contact your IBM representative or authorized dealer.

Updates the number of entitled processors. Specify the number of processors that you are entitled to use this product with.

Updates the enforcement policy on the system. Valid values are: HARD and SOFT. HARD specifies that unlicensed requests will not be allowed. SOFT specifies that unlicensed requests will be logged but not restricted.

Lists all the products with available license information.

Updates the license policy type to use on the system. The keywords CONCURRENT, REGISTERED, or both can be specified. Alternatively you can also specify MEASURED for DB2 Connect Unlimited products.

Removes the license for a product. After the license is removed, the product functions in "Try & Buy" mode. To get the password for a specific product, invoke the command with the -l option.

Updates the number of user entitlements that have been purchased. Specify the password of the product for which the entitlements were purchased and the number of users.

Displays version information.

Displays help information. When this option is specified, all other options are ignored, and only the help information is displayed.

User Response: Enter the command again using the valid parameters.

DBI1401ICommand line DB2 License Manager.

Explanation: The db2licm tool performs basic license functions in the absence of the Control Center. It Adds, removes, lists, and modifies licenses installed on the local system:
db2licm [/a:filename]
[/e:HARD | SOFT]
[/u:prod-password, num-users]
[/n:prod-password, num-processors]

The command options are:

Adds a license for a product. Specify a file name containing valid license information. This can be obtained from your licensed product CD or contact your IBM representative or authorized dealer.

Updates the number of entitled processors. Specify the number of processors that you are entitled to use this product with.

Updates the enforcement policy on the system. Valid values are: HARD and SOFT. HARD specifies that unlicensed requests will not be allowed. SOFT specifies that unlicensed requests will be logged but not restricted.

Lists all the products with available license information.

Updates the license policy type to use on the system. The keywords CONCURRENT, REGISTERED, or both can be specified. Alternatively you can also specify MEASURED for DB2 Connect Unlimited products.

Removes the license for a product. After the license is removed, the product functions in "Try & Buy" mode. To get the password for a specific product, invoke the command with the -l option.

Updates the number of user entitlements that have been purchased. Specify the password of the product for which the entitlements were purchased and the number of users.

Displays version information.

Displays help information. When this option is specified, all other options are ignored, and only the help information is displayed.

DBI1402ILicense added successfully.

DBI1403ILicense removed successfully.

DBI1404NProduct password not found.

Explanation: A license for this product was not found in the nodelock file.

User Response: Issue this command with the -l option to check that the product password that was entered is the correct product password for the product you want to perform this action on.

DBI1405ILicense policy type updated successfully.

DBI1406NInvalid license policy type.

Explanation: The license policy type that was entered was not valid for the product specified.

User Response: Please enter a valid license policy. Options are:

DBI1407NInvalid license certificate file.

Explanation: License certificate file is not in the correct format.

User Response: Enter the name of a file with the correct license certificate format.

DBI1408NThe file "<file-name>" could not be opened.

Explanation: The file is not found or access to the file is denied.

User Response: Enter the name of a file that exists and can be opened and try the command again.

DBI1409NInvalid enforcement policy type.

Explanation: The enforcement policy type specified is not valid for this product.

User Response: Please enter a valid enforcment policy type that is supported by the specified product.

DBI1410IConcurrent users updated successfully.

DBI1411IEnforcement policy type updated successfully.

DBI1412WA hard stop enforcement policy stops the use of the product by unlicensed users when licensing infractions have been exceeded.

DBI1413WA soft stop enforcement policy logs license infractions, but allows unlicensed users to still use the product.

DBI1414NThe syntax of the db2licm command is incorrect.

Explanation: The db2licm tool performs basic license functions in the absence of the Control Center. It Adds, removes, lists, and modifies licenses installed on the local system:
db2licm [-a:filename]
[-e:HARD | SOFT]
[-u:prod-password, num-users]
[-n:prod-password, num-processors]

The command options are:

Adds a license for a product. Specify a file name containing valid license information. This can be obtained from your licensed product CD or contact your IBM representative or authorized dealer.

Updates the number of entitled processors. Specify the number of processors that you are entitled to use this product with.

Updates the enforcement policy on the system. Valid values are: HARD and SOFT. HARD specifies that unlicensed requests will not be allowed. SOFT specifies that unlicensed requests will be logged but not restricted.

Lists all the products with available license information.

Updates the license policy type to use on the system. The keywords CONCURRENT, REGISTERED, or both can be specified. Alternatively you can also specify MEASURED for DB2 Connect Unlimited products.

Removes the license for a product. After the license is removed, the product functions in "Try & Buy" mode. To get the password for a specific product, invoke the command with the -l option.

Updates the number of user entitlements that have been purchased. Specify the password of the product for which the entitlements were purchased and the number of users.

Displays version information.

Displays help information. When this option is specified, all other options are ignored, and only the help information is displayed.

User Response: Enter the command again using the valid parameters.

DBI1415ICommand line DB2 License Manager

Explanation: The db2licm tool performs basic license functions in the absence of the Control Center. It Adds, removes, lists, and modifies licenses installed on the local system:
db2licm [-a:filename]
[-e:HARD | SOFT]
[-u:prod-password, num-users]
[-n:prod-password, num-processors]

The command options are:

Adds a license for a product. Specify a file name containing valid license information. This can be obtained from your licensed product CD or contact your IBM representative or authorized dealer.

Updates the number of entitled processors. Specify the number of processors that you are entitled to use this product with.

Updates the enforcement policy on the system. Valid values are: HARD and SOFT. HARD specifies that unlicensed requests will not be allowed. SOFT specifies that unlicensed requests will be logged but not restricted.

Lists all the products with available license information.

Updates the license policy type to use on the system. The keywords CONCURRENT, REGISTERED, or both can be specified. Alternatively you can also specify MEASURED for DB2 Connect Unlimited products.

Removes the license for a product. After the license is removed, the product functions in "Try & Buy" mode. To get the password for a specific product, invoke the command with the -l option.

Updates the number of user entitlements that have been purchased. Specify the password of the product for which the entitlements were purchased and the number of users.

Displays version information.

Displays help information. When this option is specified, all other options are ignored, and only the help information is displayed.

DBI1416NThe license could not be added to the nodelock file automatically.

Explanation: The return code is "<return-code>".

User Response: Please ensure the license certificate is readable. You may also enter the license into the nodelock file manually. Please see the license file for instructions.

DBI1417NThe license specified could not be removed from the nodelock file.

Explanation: The return code is "<return-code>".

User Response: Ensure that the license for this product exists in the nodelock file.

DBI1418IThe number of licensed processors on this system has been updated successfully.

DBI1419NThere was an error updating the number of licensed processors.

Explanation: The return code is "<return-code>".

DBI1420NThis product does not support this type of license policy.

Explanation: The license policy specified does not apply to this product or is not supported.

User Response: Please enter a valid license policy.

DBI1421NThis product specified is not installed on this system.

Explanation: You can not configure a license policy for a product until the product is installed.

User Response: Install the product before running this command or specify the correct product password. To list the products install on the system issue db2licm -l.

DBI1422NThe number of concurrent users was not updated.

Explanation: The return code is "<return-code>".

User Response: Please ensure the concurrent policy is enabled for this product.

DBI1423NThis option requires the creation of an instance.

Explanation: Features that are required to perform this action are only accessible once an instance has been created.

User Response: Please create an instance and issue this command again.

DBI1424NAn unexpected error occured while accessing processor information.

Explanation: The return code is "<return-code>".

User Response: None.

DBI1425EThe license for DB2 OLAP Server cannot be updated. The DB2 OLAP processes are currently active.

Explanation: DB2 cannot update the license for DB2 OLAP Server while DB2 OLAP Server is running.

User Response: To update your OLAP license, please stop all OLAP processes and reinstall this DB2 license.


db2inst [-f <response-file>]

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. The command accepts an optional flag -f which is followed by the path of the "DB2 Installer" response file.

User Response: Re-enter the command with a valid argument.

DBI1501EAn internal error was encountered.

Explanation: An error was detected while performing an internal operation.

User Response: Verify that the file system on which the file resides is not damaged. If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information:

  1. Message number
  2. Internal error message description
  3. Problem description

DBI1502EAn error was encountered when opening or reading from file, "<file-name>".

Explanation: An error was encountered when opening or reading from a file. One of the following errors occurred:

User Response: If the file was modified by the user, verify that the data in the file is valid. If the file was not modified by the user, contact IBM Support with the following information:

  1. Message number
  2. Message description
  3. Problem description

DBI1503EAn error was encountered when opening or writing to file, "<file-name>".

Explanation: An error was encountered when writing data to a file. One of the following errors occurred:

User Response: Check to see if the permissions on the file's parent directory have been set correctly. If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information:

  1. Message number
  2. Message description
  3. Problem description

DBI1504EAn error occurred opening message files.

Explanation: An attempt to open and read from "DB2 Installer" message catalog files failed. Before DB2 Installer starts up, it looks for two resource files -- db2inst.rcx and in the following locations:

User Response: Set the environment variables DB2IRCX and DB2ICAT to the absolute location of db2inst.rcx and respectively.

DBI1505EAn attempt to allocate memory failed.

Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to allocate memory.

User Response: Terminate other applications running on the system that may be using large amounts of memory. If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information:

  1. Message number
  2. Message description
  3. Problem description

DBI1507EAn instance of the DB2 Installer is already started.

Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to start up the DB2 Installer. Another instance of the DB2 Installer is still running.

User Response: Terminate all instances of the DB2 Installer and restart the install process. If the problem persists, remove the lock file /tmp/.db2inst.lck and restart the DB2 Installer.

DBI1515EAn attempt to allocate resource for a subprocess failed.

Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to startup a subprocess.

User Response: Terminate other applications running on the system that may be using large amounts of resources. If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information:

  1. Message number
  2. Problem description

DBI1516EAn attempt to terminate a subprocess failed.

Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to terminate a subprocess.

User Response: Terminate other applications running on the system that may be using large amounts of resources. If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information:

  1. Message number
  2. Problem description

DBI1517EAn attempt to execute a command in a subprocess failed.

Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to execute a command in a subprocess. One of the following problems occurred:

User Response: Correct the problem and try again. If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information:

  1. Message number
  2. Problem description

DBI1520EMinimum terminal display size is 24 x 80.

Explanation: Your current terminal or window size is not large enough. This program requires a minimum terminal display size of 24 lines by 80 columns.

User Response: Check your terminal or window size and try again.

DBI1521EAn attempt to read in the terminal capability information failed.

Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to initialize your terminal display. There are two conditions where this type of error would occur:

User Response: Set your environment variable TERM to a correct terminal type. If the problem persists, try to terminate other applications running on the system that may be using large amounts of memory. If the problem still occurs, contact IBM Support with the following information:

  1. Message number
  2. Problem description

DBI1522EAn attempt to restore the terminal capability information failed.

Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to restore your terminal display to the original state.

User Response: Set your environment variable TERM to a correct terminal type. If the problem persists, try to terminate other applications running on the system that may be using large amounts of memory. If the problem still occurs, contact IBM Support with the following information:

  1. Message number
  2. Problem description

DBI1530ECannot unpack image file.

Explanation: An error has occurred while unpacking the tar image from the distribution media. One of the following situations has occurred:

User Response: Restart the install process and retry with a correct path name.

DBI1540EAn invalid distribution media path is specified.

Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to locate the installable images on the distribution media. One of the following errors occurred:

User Response: Check the path and try the command again. Note that all file and directory names in Unix are case sensitive.

DBI1541EAn attempt to open or read from the given status file failed.

Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to open or read from the status file. If the status file has not been modified manually, then one of the following errors occurred:

User Response: Check the path and try the command again. Note that all file and directory names in Unix are case sensitive. If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information:

  1. Message number
  2. Problem description
  3. Status file

DBI1550EThere is not enough disk space on the file system.

Explanation: An error was encountered when trying to allocate more disk space on the file system.

User Response: Retry the command after enough space has been freed up for the specified operation.


db2olset InstName

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered for the db2olset command. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information

turn debug mode on.

is the name of the instance you wish to set up to use with the OLAP Starter Kit

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
db2olset InstName

DBI1631EAn error was encountered while creating a sample database.

Explanation: One of the following situations has occurred:

User Response: If this is not a disk space problem, try to re-install the product. If the problem persists, turn trace on and retry the steps to create a database through the CLP. Then, save the trace information to a file and contact IBM Support with the following information:

DBI1632EAn error was encountered while configuring to "auto-start" instance.

Explanation: One of the following situations has occurred:

User Response: If any of the above three situations apply, then correct the problem and retry the command. If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information:

DBI1633EAn error was encountered while removing the configuration to "auto-start" instance.

Explanation: One of the following situations has occurred:

User Response: If any of the above three situations apply, then correct the problem and retry the command. If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information:

DBI1634WUnable to update /etc/rc.db2 to auto-mount dlfs file system.

Explanation: An attempt to update /etc/rc.db2 to enable the auto-mounting of the dlfs file system on system reboot has failed.

User Response: Manually edit the file /etc/rc.db2, and add the following lines to it:
if [ -x /etc/rc.dlfs ]; then

DBI1635EAn error was encountered while adding to the Administration Server group list.

Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to add a DB2 instance to the Administration Server group list.

User Response: If you are running this command on an NIS client, try to append the group name of the DB2 instance to the secondary group of the Adminstration Server on your NIS server.

DBI1637WBy clicking OK, your previous settings for the instance will be lost.

User Response: Click OK if you wish to proceed. Otherwise click Cancel.

DBI1639ECannot set up a new instance.

Explanation: The given instance name does not belong to an existing instance.

User Response:

DBI1640WThe specified instance is not a server instance.

Explanation: Some of the DB2 components can only be configured for DB2 server instances.

User Response:

DBI1651EThe specified UID is invalid.

Explanation: An invalid UID has been entered. One of the following situations has occurred:

User Response: Retry with a different user ID.

DBI1652EThe specified user name is invalid.

Explanation: An invalid user name has been entered. One of the following situations has occurred:

User Response: Retry with a different user name.

DBI1653EThe specified group is invalid.

Explanation: An invalid group ID or group name has been entered. One of the following situations has occurred:

User Response: Retry with a different group ID or group name.

DBI1654EThe specified directory is invalid.

Explanation: An invalid directory has been entered. One of the following situations has occurred:

User Response: Retry with the user's home directory specified on the system or a different directory.

DBI1655EThe specified password is invalid.

Explanation: An invalid password has been entered. One of the following situations has occurred:

User Response: Retry with a different password.

DBI1657EInstance name already in use.

Explanation: An instance with the same name already exists on your system.

User Response: Verify with the list of instances as reported by the "db2ilist" command. Retry with a different user name.

DBI1701EOne or more of the TCP/IP parameters specified is invalid.

Explanation: One of the following situations has occurred:

User Response: Correct the problem and try again.

DBI1702EThe specified service name or port number conflicts with existing values in the TCP/IP services file.

Explanation: The service name or port number entered by the user conflicts with existing values in the TCP/IP services file. The service name may already be used with a different port number, or the port number may already be used with a different service name.

User Response: Specify a service name and port number that does not conflict with existing entries in the services file.

DBI1703ENo valid service name or port number found.

Explanation: No valid service name or port number for this instance can be found in the TCP/IP services file. This information is either missing or is invalid.

If you installed "DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition" product, a service name must be specified for the instance before using this command.

User Response: For more information, refer to the "DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition for UNIX Quick Beginnings". Specify valid service name and port number for this instance and enter this command again.

DBI1704WTCP/IP is not running on your system.

Explanation: TCP/IP is not running on your system. TCP/IP services file will not be updated.

DBI1709EAn error was encountered when updating the TCP/IP services file.

Explanation: An attempt to add a service name and port number to the TCP/IP services file failed.

User Response: If the user wishes to use the service name instead of the port number in the node directory entry, the node must be manually uncatalogued and then recatalogued using the service name. The services file must also be updated manually. If Network Information Services (NIS) is being used, the local services file may have been updated but the NIS server must be updated manually. In this case, the node was also catalogued using the port number.

DBI1711EOne or more of the IPX/SPX parameters specified is invalid.

Explanation: One of the following situations has occurred:

User Response: Correct the problem and try again.

DBI1715ENetWare User ID or NetWare Password is invalid.

Explanation: The NetWare User ID and NetWare Password that you specify must already exist and is used to register the DB2 Object Name at a NetWare file server and must have supervisory or equivalent authority.

User Response: Correct the problem and try again.

DBI1720EThe specified User ID or Group ID cannot be added since NIS is running.

Explanation: NIS is running on your system. A new User ID or Group ID cannot be created while you have NIS running on your system.

User Response: Use a previously created User ID or Group ID and try again.

DBI1722EThe specified service cannot be added to the /etc/services file because NIS is running.

Explanation: NIS is running on your system. A new service cannot be added to the /etc/services file while you have NIS running on your system.

User Response: Use a previously created service name and port number from the /etc/services file and try again.

DBI1725WCannot create Agent Daemon and Logger services for Data Warehouse Agent.

Explanation: TCP/IP is not running on the system. The install will proceed but you need to create Agent Daemon and Logger services manually.

User Response: Activate TCP/IP on the system and run the installer.

DBI1740WSecurity Risk.

Explanation: Using the default instance user ID here allows this instance to have full access permission to other instances on your system. It is highly recommended to use a different user ID for security reasons.

User Response: To avoid the possibility of a security risk, use a different user ID.

DBI1741WProtocol not detected.

Explanation: You have selected a protocol that is not detected. DB2 Installer cannot update all of the protocol's required settings. However, you can provide values for this protocol's settings.

User Response: No actions required.

DBI1744WThe DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator is not created.

Explanation: You have not created the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator. Without the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator, you cannot administer the DB2 Data Links Manager.

User Response: No actions required.

DBI1745WThe Administration Server is not created.

Explanation: You have not created a Administration Server. Without the Administration Server, you cannot provide services to support client tools that automate the configuration of connections to DB2 databases, and cannot administer DB2 from your server system or a remote client using the Control Center.

User Response: No actions required.

DBI1746WDB2 Instance is not created.

Explanation: You have not created a DB2 Instance. A DB2 Instance is an environment where you store data and run applications.

User Response: No actions required.

DBI1747WThe specified directory already exists.

Explanation: The directory specified in the Home Directory field already exists. If you choose to use this directory you may run into permission problems.

User Response: Choose a different directory if this may be a problem.

DBI1750WSecurity Risk.

Explanation: Using the default instance user ID here allows this instance to have full access permission to other instances on your system. It is highly recommended to use a different user ID for security reasons.

User Response:

DBI1751WProtocol not detected.

Explanation: You have selected a protocol that is not detected. DB2 Installer cannot update all of the protocol's required settings. However, you can provide values for this protocol's settings.

User Response:

DBI1753WThe Administration Server is not created.

Explanation: You have not created an Administration Server. Without the DB2 Administration Server, Data Warehouse Agent will not be fully set up.

User Response:

DBI1754WThe DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator is not created.

Explanation: You have not created the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator. Without the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator, you cannot administer the DB2 Data Links Manager.

User Response:

DBI1755WThe Administration Server is not created.

Explanation: You have not created a Administration Server. Without the Administration Server, you cannot provide services to support client tools that automate the configuration of connections to DB2 databases, and cannot administer DB2 from your server system or a remote client using the Control Center.

User Response:

DBI1756WDB2 Instance is not created.

Explanation: You have not created a DB2 Instance. A DB2 Instance is an environment where you store data and run applications.

User Response:

DBI1757WThe specified directory already exists.

Explanation: The directory specified in the Home Directory field already exists. If you choose to use this directory you may run into permission problems.

User Response:

DBI1758WDB2 Instance or Administration Server detected.

Explanation: You have selected to removed the entire DB2 product. However, a DB2 Instance or Administration Server has been detected on your system. If you remove the DB2 product without dropping these instances first, your DB2 Instances may not be able to function properly later on.

User Response:

DBI1759WDB2 Instance or Administration Server configurations detected.

Explanation: You do not have the Administration Server selected. This will cause all of your Administration Server and DB2 Instance configurations to be discarded.

User Response:

DBI1760ETo set up "<pkg-name>", you will need to install the package.

Explanation: You have chosen to configure a DB2 component for an instance. You will not be able to do so unless the package is installed.

User Response: Install the package and try again.

DBI1761WSoftware pre-requisites violated on fileset or package "<pkg-name>".

Explanation: An error occurred when verifying software pre-requisites on the above fileset or package. Continuing may result in the product not functioning properly. Do you want to continue without installing its pre-requisites?

User Response:

DBI1762WSoftware dependencies violated on fileset or package "<pkg-name>".

Explanation: An error occurred when verifying software dependencies on the above fileset or package. Continuing may result in removing all of its software dependencies. Do you want to remove its software dependencies?

User Response:

DBI1763IEnglish HTML documentation files will also be installed.

Explanation: The English HTML documentation files are required when you select any non-English HTML documentation files for installation. This is to ensure that users will be able to search the entire DB2 documentation library.

DBI1765WA non-existing user ID, "<InstName>", has been detected from the registry.

Explanation: The registry is containing a non-existing user ID. This can be caused by just removing the instance user ID without first dropping the instance. This will not affect the normal operation of DB2, but it is recommended to remove this obsolete user ID from the instance list in the registry.

User Response: To remove this user ID from the registry with the command: db2iset -d "<InstName>"

DBI1766WCannot change the secondary group list of "<userId>".

Explanation: A code, "<code>", is returned when attempting to change the secondary group list of the given user ID. One of the following situations has occurred:

User Response: You must add the group ID, "<groupId>", to the secondary group list of the user ID, "<userId>", so that the Adminstration Server can function properly.

DBI1767WDB2 registry may contain corrupted information.

Explanation: The registry may contain invalid instance information. This is probably due to the fact that an instance or the Administration Server is not deleted properly before removing the DB2 product. If you are re-installing the product and want to keep the existing instance information in the registry, press Cancel. Otherwise, press OK to re-create the registry. Do you want to re-create the registry?

User Response:

DBI1768WUnable to modify the .profile or the .login file of user "<inst-name>".

Explanation: DB2 has failed to modify the .profile file or the .login file of this user. These files may not exist, or you may not have write permission to them. Without the modification you need to set your environment manually each time when you log in as this user to use DB2.

User Response: Add the following line to the .profile file or the .login file:
. sqllib/db2profile to the .profile file, or
source sqllib/db2cshrc to the .login file

See the Quick Beginning Guide for more details on how to set the DB2 environment automatically.

DBI1769WUnable to remove DB2 profile entry from the .profile or the .login file of "<inst-name>".

Explanation: DB2 has failed to comment out the DB2 environment setting line in the .profile file or the .login file of this user. The next time you log in as this user, you may get a message saying that the file db2profile (or db2cshrc) cannot be found. There can be different reasons:

User Response: If you receive a message concerning missing db2profile or db2chsrc, locate your .profile or .login file and comment out the following:
. sqllib/db2profile from your .profile file
source sqllib/db2cshrc from your .login file

DBI1770EUnable to update the file /etc/vfs.

Explanation: The following DB2 Data Links Manager specific entry is required in the /etc/vfs file:
dlfs dlfs_num /sbin/helpers/dlfs_mnthelp none

where dlfs_num is to be set to 12, or some number between 8 and 15 if 12 is already assigned to another fs. The installation process has failed to insert this line into the /etc/vfs file. There may be different reasons:

User Response: Manually edit the /etc/vfs file, and add the entry for dlfs into this file.

DBI1771IFile /etc/vfs has been copied to /tmp/.db2.etcvfs.backup.

Explanation: For DB2 Data Links Manager to work, the following line has to be inserted into the /etc/vfs file:
dlfs dlfs_num /sbin/helpers/dlfs_mnthelp none

A backup copy of the original /etc/vfs file has been placed in /tmp/.db2.etcvfs.backup.

DBI1775WModified an existing /etc/rc.dlfs file.

Explanation: DB2 has modified an existing /etc/rc.dlfs file with the new dlfs file system mount entry.

User Response: Examine the file /etc/rc.dlfs to ensure that all entries are correct.

DBI1780WDB2 Data Links Manager is not supported on the version of your current operating system.

Explanation: The version of your current operating system is not supported to run DB2 Data Links Manager. However, you can still install and configure the product at your own risk. The following is a list of supported operating systems for DB2 Data Links Manager:

DBI1790EODSSI utilities have not been installed, unable to create DB2 search index.

Explanation: ODSSI utilities have not been installed. These utilities (config_search, config_view and config_help) are required to create the search index for the DB2 online documentation.

User Response: Install the ODSSI utilities, then run the following commands:
/opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/doc/db2insthtml lang_locale

to create the search index for DB2 documentation in the language locale lang_locale. Note that whenever you install documentation in any language, English documentation is installed as well. So you should also run the following command to index the English files:
/opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/doc/db2insthtml en_US

DBI1791WPossible error in creating/removing DB2 search index for html file.

Explanation: DB2 runs the system utilities config_view and config_help to create or remove DB2 search index to be used with SCOHELP. However, error messages may be returned if there exists other non-DB2 indexes on the system that have not been created/removed properly.

User Response:

DBI1792ICreating search index for DB2 documentation files, please wait ...

Explanation: Search index for DB2 documentation files are being created. Depending on the language(s) you have selected, this may take some time.

DBI1900NThe Windows NT Cluster support is not accessible.

Explanation: DB2 is unable to access the Windows NT Cluster.

User Response: Ensure the Windows NT Cluster support has been correctly installed and the Cluster Service has been started.

DBI1901NAn error occurred when attempting to update the user rights for the DB2/NT cluster service.

Explanation: DB2 encountered an error when attempting to grant the necessary user rights to the account specified for use with the DB2 service.

User Response: Ensure a valid account has been specified and that you have the necessary privilege to grant user rights.

DBI1902NAn error occurred when attempting to update the DB2/NT cluster service configuration.

Explanation: DB2 encountered an error when attempting to update the DB2/NT cluster service configuration.

User Response: Ensure the Service Database has not been locked and is accessible. Also ensure the DB2/NT Cluster Service has been created.

DBI1903NAn error occurred when accessing the Cluster registry.

Explanation: DB2 encountered an error when attempting to read or update the Windows NT Cluster registry.

User Response: Ensure the Windows NT Cluster support has been correctly installed and the Cluster Service has been started. Ensure that the current logon user account has sufficient authority to access the Cluster registry.

DBI1904NThe DB2 instance is not Clustered.

Explanation: DB2 attempted to access an instance to perform cluster operations but the instance was not identified as a DB2 Cluster instance.

User Response: Verify the instance was created with the Cluster options. The instance may be dropped and re-created using the Cluster option but the Node directory, Database Directory, and Database Manager Configuration file will be lost.

DBI1905NA System Error occurred during a DB2 Cluster operation.

Explanation: A system error was detected while DB2 was performing a Cluster operation.

User Response: Check to make sure the Windows NT operating system is at the correct level for Cluster Support.

Also ensure the Windows NT Cluster support has been correctly installed and the Cluster Service has been started.

DBI1906NA error occurred while attempting to add a node to a DB2 Cluster instance.

Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to update a node to support a DB2 Cluster instance.

User Response: Ensure the remote system is on-line and accessible over the LAN. Also ensure you have the necessary privilege to update the Registry on the remote system.

DBI1907NA error occurred while attempting to delete a node from a DB2 Cluster instance.

Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to delete a node from a DB2 Cluster instance.

User Response: Ensure the remote system is on-line and accessible over the LAN. Also ensure you have the necessary privilege to update the Registry on the remote system.

A workstation cannot drop cluster support from itself. The instance must be dropped to perform this task.

DBI1908NA error occurred while attempting create the instance profile on a remote system.

Explanation: A error was detected while attempting to create the instance profile on a remote system to enable Cluster Support.

User Response: Ensure the remote system is on-line and accessible over the LAN. Also ensure you have the necessary privilege to update the Registry on the remote system.

DBI1909NA error occurred while attempting delete the instance profile on a remote system.

Explanation: A error was detected while attempting to delete the instance profile on a remote system to disable Cluster Support.

User Response: Ensure the remote system is on-line and accessible over the LAN. Also ensure you have the necessary privilege to update the Registry on the remote system.

DBI1910NUsage : DB2NCRT -I:<Instance-Name> -C:<cluster-node>

Explanation: The user specified incorrect arguments to the DB2NCRT command.

User Response: Re-issue the command specifying a clustered instance and a valid workstation name for the cluster node.

DBI1911NUsage : DB2NLIST -I:<Instance-Name>

Explanation: The user specified incorrect arguments to the DB2NLIST command.

User Response: Re-issue the command specifying a clustered instance.

DBI1912IThe DB2 Cluster command was successful.

Explanation: The user request was successfully processed.

User Response: No action required.

DBI1913NUnable to connect to the remote machine registry.

Explanation: DB2 encountered an error when attempting to connect to the Windows NT registry on a remote machine.

User Response: Ensure that the target machine is running and that the computer name specified is correct. Also ensure that the current logon user account has sufficient authority to connect to the remote machine registry.

DBI1914NUnable to connect to the Cluster registry.

Explanation: DB2 encountered an error when attempting to connect to the Windows NT Cluster registry.

User Response: Ensure that the Windows NT Cluster support has been correctly installed and the Cluster Service has been started.

DBI1915NThe target machine does not belong to the Windows NT Cluster.

Explanation: The command failed for one of the following reasons:

The db2iclus utility attempted to remove a machine from a DB2 MSCS instance but the target machine had not been added to the DB2 MSCS instance, or

The db2iclus utility attempted to add a machine to a DB2 MSCS instance but the target machine does not have the required Windows NT Cluster support software installed.

User Response: Follow the action corresponding to the cause of the problem:

Ensure that the machine is part of the DB2 MSCS instance by running the "db2iclus list" command, or

Install the Windows NT Cluster software on the target machine and issue the command again.

DBI1916NThe instance name specified is not valid.

Explanation: The instance specified by the instance name parameter does not exist for the local machine.

User Response: To find a list of valid instances, run the db2ilist command. Issue the command again using a valid instance name.

DBI1917NThe DB2 Profile Variable "%1" is not set at the target machine.

Explanation: The required DB2 Profile Variable is not set at the target machine. The command can not continue.

User Response: Contact your IBM service representative for assistance.

DBI1918NAn error occurred when accessing the Windows NT registry.

Explanation: DB2 encountered an error when attempting to read or update the Windows NT registry of the target machine.

User Response: Ensure that the current logon user account has sufficient authority to access the Windows NT registry of the target machine. If the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative for assistance.

DBI1919NAn error occurred when accessing the TCP/IP services file.

Explanation: DB2 encountered an error when reading or updating the TCP/IP services file.

User Response: Ensure that the services file exists in the system and that the file can be accessed for read and write authority. Also, ensure that the contents of the file are valid and no duplicate of entries exist in the services file.

DBI1920NThe DB2 instance profile path parameter is not valid.

Explanation: DB2 is unable to access the DB2 instance profile path specified because the path does not exists or write access has not been given to the current logon user account.

User Response: Ensure that the path name for the DB2 instance profile points to a valid directory and that the current logon user account has write access to the directory.

DBI1921NThe user account or password is not valid.

Explanation: The user account or the password is not valid.

User Response: Issue the command again with the correct account.

DBI1922NThe host name is not valid.

Explanation: The TCP/IP host name parameter is not valid or does not exist.

User Response: Ensure that TCP/IP is operational on the system. If a domain name server is used, ensure that the domain name server machine is active. Issue the command again using the correct TCP/IP host name.

DBI1923NThe TCP/IP port range parameter is not specified.

Explanation: The db2icrt utility requires the TCP/IP port range to be specified when creating a partitioned database instance if the entries for TCP/IP port range for the instance have not been added to the services file.

User Response: Choose a range of TCP/IP ports that are available for the system and issue the db2icrt command again with the -r option.

DBI1924NThe computer name is not valid.

Explanation: The computer name parameter is not valid

User Response: Ensure that the target machine is running and that the computer name specified is correct. Also ensure that the current logon user account has sufficient authority to connect to the target machine registry.

DBI1925NUnable to query the status of the DB2 service.

Explanation: DB2 is unable to query the service status for the DB2 service.

User Response: Ensure that the DB2 service exists on the target machine. Ensure that the current logon user account has sufficient authority to query the service status on the target machine.

DBI1926NThe password is expired.

Explanation: The account password has expired.

User Response: Change your password, then retry the request using the new password.

DBI1927N Usage:

db2iclus {add | drop | list |
migrate }
[/c:Cluster name]
[/p:instance profile path]
[/i:instance name]

Explanation: Valid arguments for this command are:

to add an MSCS node to a DB2 MSCS instance

to remove an MSCS node from a DB2 MSCS instance

to list all MSCS nodes that are part of the DB2 MSCS instance

to migrate a non-MSCS instance into an MSCS instance

Valid options for this command are:

to specify the MSCS cluster name if different from the default/current cluster

to specify the instance profile path. This option is required when migrating a non MSCS instance into an MSCS instance

to specify the account name and password for the DB2 service. This option is required when adding another MSCS node to the DB2 MSCS partitioned database instance

to specify the instance name if different from the default/current instance

User Response: Enter the command again using valid parameters

DBI1928NThe user account is not specified.

Explanation: When creating a partitioned database instance or adding a node to a partitioned database instance, you must specify the user account parameter. Under the Windows NT environment, each database manager partition (or MPP node) is required to run under a valid Windows NT account to access the network share which contains the instance directory.

User Response: Issue the command again with the -u option to specify the user account name and password.

DBI1929N The instance is already configured for MSCS support.

Explanation: An attempt to migrate an instance into an MSCS instance failed because the the instance is already configured for MSCS support.

User Response: No action required.

DBI1930N The target machine is already part of the DB2 MSCS instance.

Explanation: An attempt to add an MSCS node to the DB2 MSCS instance failed because The target machine is already part of the DB2 MSCS instance.

User Response: No action is necessary.

DBI1931NThe database partition server (node) is active.

Explanation: The database partition server can not be dropped or modified because it is active.

User Response: Ensure that the database partition server is stopped before attempting to drop or change it. To stop a database partition server, use the db2stop command as follow:
db2stop nodenum <node-number>

DBI1932NCan not add the database partition server on a remote machine because the same instance on that machine already exists.

Explanation: The db2ncrt command failed to add a new database partition server on a remote machine because there is an existing instance on the remote machine.

User Response: If the instance on the remote machine is no longer used, remove the instance by running the db2idrop command on the remote machine.

DBI1933NThe database partition server can not be moved to a new machine because there is existing database(s) in the system.

Explanation: When the db2nchg command is issued with the /m:machine option, the command will move the database partition server to a new machine. The db2nchg will fail if there is existing database(s) in the system.

User Response: To move the database partition server to a new machine when there is database(s), use the db2start restart command. For more information on the db2start command, refer to the DB2 Command Reference.


db2iupdt InstName
[/p:instance profile path]

Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the db2iupdt command. Valid arguments for this command are:

the name of the instance

to specify the account name and password for the DB2 service. This option is required when creating a partitioned database instance.

to specify the new instance profile path for the updated instance.

to specify a range of TCP/IP port to be used by the partitioned database instance when running in MPP mode. The services file of the local machine will be updated with the following entries if this option is specified:
DB2_InstName baseport/tcp
DB2_InstName_END endport/tcp

to override the default TCP/IP hostname if the there are more than one TCP/IP hostname for the current machine.

User Response: Enter the command again using valid arguments.

DBI1935NThe db2iupdt command failed to update the instance directory.

Explanation: The db2iupdt command failed to update the instance directory because of one of the following reasons:

the db2audit.cfg file is missing from the \SQLLIB\CFG directory.

the db2iupdt command does not have the required authority to create files or sub-directories within the instance directory.

User Response: Ensure that the db2audit.cfg file exists in the \SQLLIB\CFG directory and that the current logon account has sufficient authority to create files and directories in the instance directory. The instance directory is located in \SQLLIB\InstName (where InstName is the name of the instance).

DBI1936NThe db2iupdt command failed to update the database manager configuration file.

Explanation: The db2iupdt command failed to update the database manager configuration file because the previous database manager configuration file is corrupted or missing. The current instance is in inconsistent state and can not be used.

User Response: Copy the default database manager configuration file to the instance directory then re-submit the command. The instance directory is located in \SQLLIB\InstName. The default database manager configuration file is named db2systm and can be found in the \sqllib\cfg directory.

DBI1937WThe db2ncrt command successfully added the node. The node is not active until all nodes are stopped and started again.

Explanation: The db2nodes.cfg file is not updated to include the new node until all nodes are simultaneously stopped by the STOP DATABASE MANAGER (db2stop) command. Until the file is updated, the existing nodes cannot communicate with the new node.

User Response: Issue db2stop to stop all the nodes. When all nodes are successfully stopped, issue db2start to start all the nodes, including the new node.

DBI1950WThe instance "<instance-name>" is already in the instance list.

Explanation: The instance that is being created or migrated is already in the instance list.

User Response: Verify that the list of instances as reported by the db2ilist command is correct.

DBI1951WThe instance "<instance-name>" was not found in the instance list.

Explanation: The specified instance was not found in the instance list.

User Response: Verify that the list of instances as reported by the db2ilist command is correct.

DBI1952EThe instance name "<instance-name>" is invalid.

Explanation: The instance name is invalid. It cannot:

  1. be more than 8 characters long.
  2. start with "sql", "ibm" or "sys".
  3. start with a numeral or contain characters other than a-z, $, #, @, _, or 0-9.

User Response: Try the command again with a valid instance name.

DBI1953EThe instance is active.

Explanation: An attempt was made to drop an instance which is active.

User Response: Make sure all applications that are using the instance have finished executing before stopping the instance by issuing a db2stop (from that instance's user ID.)

DBI1954EThe instance name is currently used by the DB2 Admin Server.

Explanation: The instance cannot be created becaused it is currently used by the DB2 Admin Server.

User Response: Try the command again with a different instance name.

DBI1955EUsage: db2idrop [-h] [-f] InstName

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered for the db2idrop command. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information

is the force applications flag. If this flag is specified then all applications using the instance will be forced to terminate.

is the name of the instance

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
db2idrop [-h] [-f] InstName

DBI1956EUsage: db2ilist [-w WordWidth] [-l]

Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered for the db2ilist command. Valid arguments for this command are:

display the usage information

-w WordWidth
is the width, in bits, of the instance to be created (32 or 64). (AIX, Sun)

specifies long format.

User Response: Enter the command again as follows:
db2ilist [-w WordWidth] [-l]

DBI1957EThe syntax of the db2icrt command is incorrect.

Explanation: The db2icrt utility creates a database instance:
db2icrt InstName [-s {eee|ee|client|standalone|
[-p instance profile path]
[-u username,password]
[-h hostname]
[-c Cluster name]
[-r baseport,endport]

The command options are:

to specify the type of instance created:

for partitioned database server

for database server with local and remote clients

for client

for database server with local clients

for satellite database server

This option is deprecated and should be replaced by "-s eee" to create a partitioned database instance.

to specify the instance profile path. This option is required when creating a partitioned database instance.

to specify the account name and password for the DB2 service. This option is required when creating a partitioned database instance.

to override the default TCP/IP hostname if the there are more than one TCP/IP hostname for the current machine. The TCP/IP hostname is used when creating the default node (node 0).

to specify the MSCS cluster name. This option is specified to create a DB2 instance that supports MSCS.

to specify a range of TCP/IP port to be used by the partitioned database instance when running in MPP mode. The services file of the local machine will be updated with the following entries if this option is specified:
DB2_InstName baseport/tcp
DB2_InstName_END endport/tcp

to display help

User Response: Enter the command again using the valid parameters.

DBI1958NThe instance profile cannot be added to the registry.

Explanation: An error occurred when adding the instance profile to the registry. The instance was not created.

User Response: Contact your IBM service representative.

DBI1959NThe instance directory cannot be created.

Explanation: An error occurred when creating the required files or directories for the new instance. The instance was not created.

User Response: Ensure that you have write access to the location where the instance directory is created. The instance directory is created under the path where the product is installed. You may use the DB2INSTPROF Profile Variable to specify a different location for the instance directory.

DBI1960NThe DB2 service cannot be created.

Explanation: An error occurred when registering a DB2 service.

User Response: Ensure you have sufficient authority to create an NT service and the Service Database is not locked, then retry the operation.

DBI1961NThe node key for the new instance cannot be added to the registry.

Explanation: An error occurred when adding a node key for the new instance in the instance profile registry.

User Response: Contact your IBM service representative.

DBI1962NThe new node can not be added to the registry.

Explanation: An error occurred when adding the new node to the instance profile registry.

User Response: Contact your IBM service representative.

DBI1963NAn error occurred when granting the user rights to the account for the instance.

Explanation: When configuring the account for the DB2 Service, the account must be granted the user rights :

  1. Act as part of the operating system
  2. Create a token object
  3. Increase quota
  4. Logon as a service
  5. Replace a process level token

An error occurred when granting the user rights to the account for the instance.

User Response: If the machine belongs to an NT domain, ensure that the primary domain controller is active and accessible over the network. Otherwise, contact your IBM service representative.

DBI1964NThe logon account cannot be assigned to the DB2 service.

Explanation: An error occurred when assigning a logon account to the DB2 service.

User Response: Ensure user that the user name and the password for the logon account is valid.

DBI1965NThe node "<node-number>" was not found in the node list.

Explanation: The specified node was not found in the node list.

User Response: Verify that the node exists by displaying the list of nodes using the DB2NLIST command.

DBI1966NThe node cannot be deleted from the registry.

Explanation: An error occurred when removing the specified node from the instance profile registry.

User Response: Contact your IBM service representative.

DBI1967NThe DB2 service cannot be de-registered.

Explanation: An error occurred when de-registering a DB2 service.

User Response: Ensure that you have sufficient authority to delete an NT service.

DBI1968NAn error occurred when changing the node configuration in the profile registry.

Explanation: An error occurred when changing the node configuration in the profile registry.

User Response: Contact your IBM service representative.

DBI1969NAn error occurred when creating a new file in the instance directory.

Explanation: An internal error occurred when creating a new file in the instance directory.

User Response: Ensure that you have write access to the instance directory.

DBI1970NAn error occurred when reading from or writing to a file in the instance directory.

Explanation: An internal error occurred when reading from or writing to a file in the instance directory.

User Response: Contact your IBM service representative.

DBI1971NThe instance profile cannot be removed from the registry.

Explanation: An error occurred when removing the instance profile from the registry.

User Response: Contact your IBM service representative.

DBI1972NThe instance directory cannot be removed.

Explanation: An error occurred when removing the required files or directories belonging to the specified instance.

User Response: Ensure that you have write access to the location where the instance directory is located.

DBI1973NAn attempt to configure the DB2 service to start automatically failed.

Explanation: An error occurred when setting the DB2 service to start automatically.

User Response: Reboot the machine and try the command again. If the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative.

DBI1974NThe profile variable DB2ADMINSERVER cannot be set in the profile registry.

Explanation: An error occurred when setting the profile variable DB2ADMINSERVER in the profile registry.

User Response: Contact your IBM service representative.

DBI1975NThe environment variable DB2ADMINSERVER cannot be removed from the profile registry.

Explanation: An error occurred when removing the environment variable DB2ADMINSERVER in the profile registry.

User Response: Contact your IBM service representative.

DBI1980WUnable to create user ID "<userID>" in UPM.

Explanation: The user ID that you provided during product installation could not be created in User Profile Management (UPM). This user ID is required to start the DB2 Administration Server.

User Response: Manually create a user ID and password using UPM and then manually start the DB2 Administration Server. You may need to set the DB2 Administration Server to use this user ID and password combination using the "db2admin" command.

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