SPM0400 | Indoubt transaction resolution with DBALIAS="<dbalias>" shows heuristic damage - the database rolled back the UOW and the coordinator with LUNAME="<luname>" committed. The transaction is identified by LUWID="<luwid>". |
Explanation: DB2 was the DRDA2 AS for the transaction identified by "<luwid>". Resolution with the DB2 database shows heuristic damage occurred. The database identified by "<dbalias>" manually resolved the indoubt transaction. The DB2 database at "<luname>" rolled back the transaction. This is inconsistent with the commit decision of the DRDA2 coordinator at "<luname>".
The XID associated with the unit of work is printed following this message.
Indoubt resolution with the participant completes.
User Response: Call the database administrator.
Database Administrator Action: Inform the database administrators at both the COORDINATOR "<luname>" and at the DATABASE "<dbalias>" that heuristic damage occurred for the transaction with "<luwid>". DB2 was a DRDA2 AS for the transaction. The DRDA2 AR at COORDINATOR "<luname>" made the decision to COMMIT the database updates made by "<luwid>". The "<dbalias>" PARTICIPANT made a heuristic decision to ROLL BACK the updates made by "<luwid>".
SPM0401 | Indoubt transaction resolution with DBALIAS="<dbalias>" shows heuristic damage - the database committed and the coordinator with LUNAME="<luname>" rolled back. The transaction is identified by LUWID="<luwid>". |
Explanation: DB2 was the DRDA2 AS for the transaction identified by "<luwid>". Resolution with the DB2 DATABASE shows heuristic damage occurred. The database identified by "<dbalias>" manually resolved the indoubt transaction. The "<dbalias>" committed the transaction. This is inconsistent with the roll back decision of the DRDA2 COORDINATOR at "<luname>".
The XID associated with the unit of work is printed following this message.
Indoubt resolution with the participant completes.
User Response: Call the database administrator.
Database Administrator Action: Inform the database administrators at both the COORDINATOR "<luname>" and at the DATABASE "<dbalias>" that heuristic damage occurred for the transaction with "<luwid>". DB2 was a DRDA2 AS for the transaction. The DRDA2 AR at COORDINATOR "<luname>" made the decision to roll back the database updates made by "<luwid>". At the PARTICIPANT "<dbalias>" a heuristic decision was made to COMMIT the updates made by "<luwid>".
SPM0402 | Indoubt transaction resolution with participant with LUNAME="<luname>" and DBALIAS="<dbalias>" shows heuristic damage - the participant committed and DB2 rolled back. The transaction is identified by LUWID="<luwid>". |
Explanation: DB2 has coordinator responsibility for the transaction identified by "<luwid>". Resolution with the participant shows heuristic damage occurred. The participant identified by "<luname>" and "<dbalias>" manually resolved the indoubt transaction. The action taken was to commit the transaction. This is inconsistent with the roll back decision of the coordinator.
The XID associated with the unit of work is printed following this message.
Indoubt resolution with the participant completes.
User Response: Call the database administrator.
Database Administrator Action: Inform the local database administrator and the database administrator at "<luname>" that heuristic damage occurred for the transaction with "<luwid>". DB2 was the coordinator for the transaction and made the decision to roll back the database updates made by "<luwid>". At "<luname>" a heuristic decision was made to COMMIT the updates made by "<luwid>".
SPM0403 | Indoubt transaction resolution with participant with LUNAME="<luname>" and DBALIAS="<dbalias>", shows heuristic damage - the participant rolled back and DB2 committed. The transaction is identified by LUWID="<luwid>". |
Explanation: DB2 has coordinator responsibility for the transaction identified by "<luwid>". Resolution with the participant shows heuristic damage occurred. The participant identified by "<luname>" and "<dbalias>" manually resolved the indoubt transaction. The action taken was to roll back the UOW. This is inconsistent with the commit decision of the coordinator.
The XID associated with the unit of work is printed following this message.
Indoubt resolution with the participant completes.
User Response: Call the database administrator.
Database Administrator Action: Inform the local database administrator and the database administrator at "<luname>" that heuristic damage occurred for the transaction with "<luwid>". DB2 was the coordinator for the transaction and made the decision to COMMIT the database updates made by "<luwid>". At "<luname>" a heuristic decision was made to ROLL BACK the updates made by "<luwid>".
SPM0404 | Protocol error during indoubt transaction resolution with coordinator with LUNAME="<luname1>" - the DB2 database with LUNAME="<luname2>" has an indoubt transaction which is identified by LUWID="<luwid>". |
Explanation: DB2 was the DRDA2 AS for the transaction identified by "<luwid>". The DB2 transaction associated at the database with LUNAME="<luname2>" is indoubt. A protocol error occurred during indoubt resolution with the coordinator identified by "<luname1>".
The XID associated with the unit of work is printed following this message.
The indoubt transaction remains indoubt. A Resync Protocol Violation trace record is written.
User Response: Call the database administrator.
Database Administrator Action: DB2 does not attempt to automatically resolve the indoubt transaction. The transaction must be manually resolved. The commit or abort decision made at the coordinator must be determined so that the same decision can be made at this participant DB2.
Contact the database administrator at the coordinator with "<luname>" and "<dbalias>", to determine whether the transaction committed or aborted.
Use the LIST INDOUBT TRANSACTIONS command at this (the participant) dbalias to resolve the indoubt transaction.
SPM0405 | A transaction with LUWID="<luwid>" at the DB2 database with LUNAME="<luname1>" is indoubt because of a communicaiton failure with the coordinator with LUNAME="<luname2>". |
Explanation: During execution of the two phase commit protocol with the coordinator at "<luname2>", a communication failure occured. Phase 1 of the protocol completed and the transaction at the database with "<luname1>" is indoubt.
The transaction is placed in the indoubt state and appears in the LIST DRDA INDOUBTS TRANSACTIONS report. Periodic attempts are made to reestablish communication with the coordinator for automatic resolution.
The XID associated with the indoubt unit of work is printed following this message.
Periodic attempts will be made to automatically resolve the indoubt transaction.
User Response: Determine the cause of the communication failure and have the problem corrected. DB2 periodically attempts to establish communication for automatic resolution. If automatic resolution does not occur in a reasonable amount of time, call the database administrator. Manual resolution of the indoubt transaction might be necessary to release locked resources.
Database Administrator Action: If manual resolution is necessary:
SPM0406 | A transaction with LUWID="<luwid>" at the participant with LUNAME="<luname>" and DBALIAS="<dbalias>" may be indoubt because of a communication failure. DB2 committed. |
Explanation: During execution of the two phase commit protocol with the participant at "<luname>", a communication failure occured. Phase 1 of the protocol completed and the transaction is prepared for either commit or abort. The decison to commit the transaction was made, but cannot be communicated to the participant at this time. The participant is indoubt.
DB2 becomes responsible for indoubt resolution with the participant. This responsibility appears in the LIST DRDA INDOUBTS TRANSACTION report. Periodic attempts are made to reestablish communication with the participant for automatic resolution.
The XID associated with the unit of work is printed following this message.
Periodic attempts will be made to automatically resolve the indoubt transaction at the participant.
User Response: Determine the cause of the communication failure and have the problem corrected. DB2 periodically attempts to reestablish communication for automatic resolution. If automatic resolution does not occur in a reasonable amount of time, call the database administrator. Manual resolution of the transaction might be necessary at the participant to release locked resources.
Database Administrator Action: If manual resolution is necessary, inform the database administrator at the participant that the decision is commit.
SPM0407 | Automatic resolution of the transaction with LUWID="<luwid>" with the coordinator at LUNAME="<luname>" resulted in commit. The DB2 Universal Database is = "<dbname>". |
Explanation: The indoubt transaction at the database identified by "<dbname>" was automatically resolved by communication with the coordinator identified by "<luname>". The transaction was committed.
The XID associated with the unit of work is printed following this message.
Processing continues normally.
SPM0408 | A communication failure occured during automatic resolution with LUNAME="<luname>". Communication protocol being used="<protocol>". Communication API being used="<api>". Communication function detecting the error="<function>". Protocol specific error codes="<rc1>","<rc2>","<rc3>". |
Explanation: One or more indoubt transactions exist with "<luname>". DB2 attempted to automatically resolve the indoubt transaction but a communication error occured.
User Response: Determine the cause of the communication failure and have the problem corrected. DB2 periodically attempts to reestablish communication for automatic resolution. If automatic resolution does not occur in a reasonable amount of time, call the database administrator. Manual resolution of the transaction might be necessary at the participant to release locked resources.
Database Administrator Action: If manual resolution is necessary, inform the database administrator at the participant that the decision is commit.
SPM0409 | A transaction with LUWID="<luwid>" cannot be resolved due to cold start with LUNAME="<luname>". DB2 transaction status="<status>". DB2 responsibility="<responsibility>". |
Explanation: An indoubt transaction exists with the partner at "<luname>". DB2 is unable to resolve the indoubt transaction because the partner has lost all knowledge of indoubt transactions due to a previous cold start.
User Response: There is probably inconsistent data at the coordinator and participant. Inform database administrator of the status of the transaction.
Database Administrator Action: Manual resolution is necessary. The heuristic decision (that is, to commit or roll back the transaction) should be coordinated with any other participants and/or the coordinator. The existence of other participants might not be easy to determine. The information might be available in the coordinators recovery log even though the coordinator performed a cold start.
The commit or abort decision provided using the LIST INDOUBT TRANSACTIONS command for the transaction are propagated to all downstream participants, if any.
SPM0410 | Warm start connection by partner with LUNAME="<luname>" rejected. Partner changed at least 1 of - our log name "<oldourname>""<(newourname)>", their log name "<oldtheirname>""<(newtheirname)>", sync point protocol "<oldpa(newpa)>", flag byte sent "<oldfb(newfb)>", cclluname sent "<oldccls(newccls)>", and indoubt transactions require resolution. |
Explanation: An attempt to make a warm start connection with a partner was rejected because the partner specified a different set of sync point parameters than the ones that were in use when communications were lost. DB2 has knowledge of indoubt transactions that involve the partner as either the coordinator or a participant. This error might be a recoverable error if the partner can restart with the original sync point parameters. If this is not possible, then the partner must perform a cold start connection with DB2.
The connection with the partner is rejected. DB2 retains indoubt knowledge.
User Response: Call the database administrator.
Database Administrator Action: Contact the database administrator at the partner "<luname>" and determine if it is possible for the partner to perform a warm start with same sync point parameters as ours ('oldourname', 'oldtheirname', 'oldpa', 'oldfb', 'oldccls'). If this is possible, the next attempt to connect will succeed.
If this cannot be done, then there are two other possible solutions:
SPM0411 | Cold start connection by coordinator with LUNAME="<luname>" accepted. Indoubt transactions need manual resolution. |
Explanation: DB2 was the DRDA2 AS and has participant responsibility for indoubt transactions. The coordinator informed DB2 that it performed a cold start operation and lost all knowledge of indoubt transactions. The indoubt transactions at this DB2 must be manually resolved with the LIST INDOUBT TRANSACTIONS command.
The connection with the partner is accepted. A trace record is written.
User Response: Call the database administrator.
Database Administrator Action: DB2 is a participant with one or more indoubt transactions where the coordinator is "<luname>". The DBMS at "<luname>" performed a cold start. The DB2 participant assumes that the coordinator recovery log was lost or damaged and indoubt transaction resolution cannot be achieved. There is probably inconsistent data at the coordinator.
The heuristic decision (that is, to commit or abort the transaction should be coordinated with any other participants. The existence of other participants might not be easy to determine. The information might be available in the coordinators recovery log even though the coordinator performed a cold start.
The commit or abort decision provided using the LIST INDOUBT TRANSACTIONS command for the transaction are propagated to all downstream participants, if any.
SPM0412 | Protocol error detected in sync point communications with coordinator with LUNAME="<luname1>". The transaction with LUWID="<luwid>" at the DB2 database with LUNAME="<luname2>" may be indoubt. |
Explanation: DB2 is a participant in the transaction. A protocol error occurred during the SNA sync point exchange with the coordinator identified by "<luname>". The protocol error fits into one of the following categories:
The XID associated with the unit of work is printed following this message.
If the protocol error was detected before the commit decision, the transaction at the database with LU name="<luname2>" may be indoubt. DB2 does not automatically resolve such an indoubt transaction because of the protocol error.
If the protocol error was detected after the commit decision, the transaction either completed commit or abort processing.
A Syncpoint Protocol Violation trace is written.
User Response: The database administrator might need to manually resolve the indoubt transaction.
Database Administrator Action: Determine if the transaction is indoubt. If it is indoubt, it must be manually resolved using the LIST INDOUBT TRANSACTIONS command. The commit or abort decision made at the coordinator must be determined so that the same decision can be made at DB2.
Contact the database administrator at the coordinator dbalias to determine whether the transaction with LUWID="<luwid>" committed or aborted.
If the coordinator system is another DB2, then the following steps can be taken at the DB2 coordinator to determine the commit or abort decision.
SPM0413 | Protocol error detected in sync point communications with participant with LUNAME="<luname>" and DBALIAS="<dbalias>". The transaction with LUWID="<luwid>" may be indoubt at the participant. DB2 committed. |
Explanation: DB2 is the coordinator of the transaction. A protocol error occurred during the SNA sync point exchange with the participant identified by "<luname>" and "<dbalias>". The protocol error fits into one of the following categories:
The XID associated with the unit of work is printed following this message.
If application was told that the transaction committed.
There may be an indoubt transaction at the participant and if so, the indoubt transaction must be manually resolved. DB2 does not automatically resolve the indoubt transaction because of the protocol error.
A Syncpoint Protocol Violation trace record is written.
User Response: Call the database administrator. The participant might need to manually resolve the indoubt transaction.
SPM0414 | Protocol error during indoubt transaction resolution with participant with LUNAME="<luname>" and DBALIAS="<dbalias>". The transaction with LUWID="<luwid>" may be indoubt at the participant. DB2 rolled back. |
Explanation: DB2 has coordinator responsibility for the transaction which was rolled back. A protocol error occurred during indoubt resolution with the participant identified by "<luname>" and "<dbalias>".
The transaction at the participant remains indoubt. DB2 will not attempt to automatically resolve the indoubt transaction because of the protocol violation.
The XID associated with the unit of work is printed following this message.
A Resync Protocol Violation trace record is written.
User Response: Call the database administrator. The participant might need to manually resolve the indoubt transaction.
Database Administrator Action: If the transaction is indoubt at the participant, it must be manually (heuristically) resolved.
SPM0415 | Automatic resolution of the transaction with LUWID="<luwid>" with the coordinator at LUNAME="<luname>" resulted in roll back. The DB2 Universal Database is = "<dbname>". |
Explanation: The indoubt transaction at the database identified by "<dbname>" was automatically resolved by communication with the coordinator identified by "<luname>". The transaction was rolled back.
The XID associated with the unit of work is printed following this message.
Processing continues normally.
SPM0416 | Cold start connection rejected by partner with LUNAME "<luname>". |
Explanation: DB2 attempted to make a cold-start connection with a partner dbalias. The partner rejected this attempted connection.
The connection was not made.
User Response: Call the database administrator.
Database Administrator Action: DB2 is not able to connect the partner "<luname>" until the partner "<luname>" allows a cold-start connection with DB2. Contact the database administrator at the partner "<luname>".
Contact your IBM Support Center for further assistance.
SPM0417 | Protocol error detected in sync point communications with participant with LUNAME="<luname>" and DBALIAS="<dbalias>". The transaction with LUWID="<luwid>" may be indoubt at the participant. DB2 rolled back. |
Explanation: DB2 is the coordinator of the transaction. A protocol error occurred during the SNA sync point exchange with the participant identified by "<luname>" and "<dbalias>". The protocol error fits into one of the following categories:
The XID associated with the unit of work is printed following this message.
If application was told that the transaction rolled back.
There may be an indoubt transaction at the participant and if so, the indoubt transaction must be manually resolved. DB2 does not automatically resolve the indoubt transaction because of the protocol error.
A Syncpoint Protocol Violation trace record is written.
User Response: Call the database administrator. The participant might need to manually resolve the indoubt transaction.
SPM0420 | Cold start connection by participant LUNAME="<luname>" accepted. Possible damage. |
Explanation: DB2 has coordinator responsibility for indoubt transactions at a participant and just connected with the participant, which lost all knowledge of indoubt transactions because of a previous cold start. There might be damage at the participant.
The connection with the partner is accepted.
User Response: Call the database administrator.
Database Administrator Action: DB2 is the coordinator with indoubt transaction resolution responsibility for one or more indoubt units of work at "<luname>". The DBMS at "<luname>" performed a cold start. DB2 assumes that the participant recovery log was lost or damaged and indoubt transaction resolution cannot be achieved. There is probably inconsistent data at the participant. Minimally, the participant might not completely reflect the final outcome of the transactions that were indoubt at the time the failure occurred.
SPM0421 | SNA XLN protocol violation by partner with LUNAME="<luname>" |
Explanation: DB2 detected a protocol violation in the SNA Exchange Log Names (XLN) exchange with the partner at the specified "<luname>".
The attempt to connect with the remote site fails. An XLN Protocol Violation trace record is written.
User Response: Contact the system programmer for the remote site. The invalid XLN message is recorded in the trace record. The system logic error that causes the invalid XLN message must be corrected at the remote site.
SPM0422 | Warm start connection by partner LUNAME="<luname>" rejected because the partner remembers our log name incorrectly. Our log name is "<name1>" and the partner remembers is as "<name2>". |
Explanation: An attempt to make a warm start connection with a partner was rejected because the partner specified our log name as name2. Our log name is name1, which is the luname of the local DB2. This error might be a recoverable error if the partner can restart with our log name as name1. If this is not possible, then the partner must perform a cold start connection with DB2.
The connection with the partner is rejected.
User Response: Call the database administrator.
Database Administrator Action: Contact the database administrator at the partner "<luname>" and determine if it is possible for the partner to perform a warm start with our log name specified as the luname of this DB2. If this is possible, the next attempt to connect will succeed. Or have the partner "<luname>" perform a cold start connection with DB2.
SPM0423 | Automatic resolution of the transaction with LUWID="<luwid>" with the partner at LUNAME="<luname>" and DBALIAS="<dbalias>" resulted in commit. |
Explanation: The indoubt unit of work was automatically resolved by communication with the participant. The participant has been notified of the commit decision.
The XID associated with the unit of work is printed following this message.
Processing continues normally.
SPM0424 | Automatic resolution of the transaction with LUWID="<luwid>" with the participant at LUNAME="<luname>" and DBALIAS="<dbalias>" resulted in roll back. |
Explanation: The indoubt unit of work was automatically resolved by communication with the participant. The participant has been notified of the roll back decision.
The XID associated with the unit of work is printed following this message.
Processing continues normally.
SPM0425 | A transaction with LUWID="<luwid>" at the participant with LUNAME="<luname>" and DBALIAS="<dbalias>" may be indoubt because of a communication failure. DB2 rolled back. |
Explanation: During execution of the two phase commit protocol with the participant at "<luname>", a communication failure occured. Phase 1 of the protocol completed and the transaction is prepared for either commit or abort. The decison to roll back the transaction was made, but cannot be communicated to the participant at this time. The participant is indoubt.
DB2 becomes responsible for indoubt resolution with the participant. This responsibility appears in the LIST DRDA INDOUBTS TRANSACTION report. Periodic attempts are made to reestablish communication with the participant for automatic resolution.
The XID associated with the unit of work is printed following this message.
Periodic attempts will be made to automatically resolve the indoubt transaction at the participant.
User Response: Determine the cause of the communication failure and have the problem corrected. DB2 periodically attempts to reestablish communication for automatic resolution. If automatic resolution does not occur in a reasonable amount of time, call the database administrator. Manual resolution of the transaction might be necessary at the participant to release locked resources.
Database Administrator Action: If manual resolution is necessary, inform the database administrator at the participant that the decision is roll back.
SPM0426 | Protocol error detected during indoubt transaction resolution with participant at LUNAME="<luname>" and DBALIAS="<dbalias>". The transaction with LUWID="<luwid>" may be indoubt at the participant. DB2 committed. |
Explanation: DB2 has coordinator responsibility for the transaction which was committed. A protocol error occurred during indoubt resolution with the participant identified by "<luname>" and "<dbalias>".
The transaction at the participant remains indoubt. DB2 will not attempt to automatically resolve the indoubt transaction because of the protocol violation.
The XID associated with the unit of work is printed following this message.
A Resync Protocol Violation trace record is written.
User Response: Call the database administrator. The participant might need to manually resolve the indoubt transaction.
Database Administrator Action: If the transaction is indoubt at the participant, it must be manually (heuristically) resolved.
SPM0434 | Sync point manager not available - incorrect communications level. |
Explanation: The local communications release level is older than the minimum release level or the communication manager is incorrectly configured to support APPC SYNCLEVEL(SYNC) conversations.
The attempt to create a protected conversation fails.
User Response: Install and configure the correct communications level required to support SYNCLEVEL(SYNC) conversations.
SPM0438 | Sync point manager recovery log is bad. |
Explanation: The sync point manager recovery log is inconsistent and cannot be used to perform recovery during DB2 start up processing.
User Response: Indoubt transactions may exist at DRDA2 application servers. These indoubt transactions must be recovered manually.
Call the database administrator.
Database Administrator Action: To start the sync point manager, erase the spmlog directory and start DB2. This will cause DB2 to create new sync point log files and to establish cold start connections with all DRDA2 application servers.
SPM0439 | Sync point manager unrecoverable error while attempting to write to the SPM recovery log. |
Explanation: The sync point manager log is inconsistent and cannot be used. An unrecoverable error has been detected while attempting to write to the SPM log during DB2 processing.
User Response: The sync point manager will not allow any new synclevel(twophase) connections. Issue the LIST DRDA INDOUBT TRANSACTIONS command to determine the status of any indoubt transactions.
Call the database administrator.
Database Administrator Action: To start the sync point manager, erase the spmlog directory and start DB2. This will cause DB2 to create new sync point log files and to establish cold start connections with all DRDA2 application servers.
SPM0440E | Error encountered while trying to start "<protocol>" protocol support. Return code from "<function>" was "<rc>". The most probable cause for this error is that SNA has not been started. Please stop DB2, start SNA, and restart DB2. |
SPM0441 | The sync point manager is not available for the sync point manager LU. The sync point manager LU is "<lu-name>" and the LU profile is "<lu-profile>". |
Explanation: The sync point support could not be enabled by DB2. The most likely causes of this are:
User Response: Determine the reason based on the previously described possibilities. Correct and retry.
SPM0442 | Sync point manager not available. The most probable cause for the failure is that a CPIC Side information profile with the name "<name>" does not exist. |
Explanation: The sync point manager requires a CPIC Side Information Profile with the name "<name>". This profile cannot be found or contains incorrect information.
User Response: Please correct the profile, verify the SNA profile, and stop and restart both DB2 and SNA. Refer to the DB2 Connect Quick Beginnings for information on how to configure sync point manager support.
SPM0443 | Sync point manager not available. The most probable cause for the failure is that the instance starting the sync point manager does not belong to one of the Trusted Group Names for AIX SNA. |
Explanation: In order for the sync point manager to initialise itself the instance in which DB2 is started needs certain authorities in order to interact with the SNA support. AIX SNA requires that the Trusted Group Names includes any userID that will issue these commands.
User Response: In the SNA System Defaults dialog, add the instance starting the sync point manager to one of the defined groups under Trusted Group Names. Stop and restart AIX SNA. Log off of the AIX Term, log back on to the instance ID, and restart DB2.
If this does not enable you to start the sync point manager, apply the most recent PTF for AIX SNA and retry the previous instructions.
SPM0444 | Sync point manager not available. The most probable cause for the failure is that a Transaction Program profile with the name "<name>" does not exist. |
Explanation: The sync point manager requires a Transaction Program Profile of the name "<name>". This profile cannot be found or contains incorrect information.
User Response: Please correct the profile, verify the SNA profile, and stop and restart both DB2 and SNA. Refer to the DB2 Connect Quick Beginnings for information on how to configure sync point manager support.
SPM0445 | The Transaction Program "<tp-name>" will not be listened for by DB2. This is not a severe error but if you require this Transaction Program then you must ensure it is NOT defined in the Transaction Profile of the AIX SNA configuration. |
Explanation: When the sync point manager initialises itself it registers Transaction Programs for which it will listen. In order for the sync point manager to listen for the named TP, it isnecessary that no other Transaction Program Profile have this TP defined else there will be a conflict between the sync point manager and AIX SNA. If such a conflict exists then AIX SNA will listen and the sync point manager will not.
User Response: If you require the sync point manager to listen for the named TP then you must ensure that no other TP Profile references this transaction program. The sync point manager has started succesfully regardless of this error.
SPM0446E | The Transaction Program "<tp-name>" will not be listened for by DB2. This is a severe error. The sync point manager has failed to start. Most probable cause is either that another instance has started the sync point manager using the same SPM_NAME in their database manager configuration OR the Encina Peer to Peer Gateway exists on this same machine and the Transaction Program named is defined in an AIX SNA Transaction Profile. |
Explanation: The sync point manager tried to register this TP but could not.
User Response: Remove the TP Profile from AIX SNA. Stop and restart both DB2 and AIX SNA.
SPM0447E | Error encountered while trying to start "<protocol>" protocol support. Return code from "<function>" was "<rc>". The most probable cause for this error is that the LU "<lu-name>" is already in use for sync point management. Ensure the Encina Peer to Peer Gateway or another sync point manager is not using this LU. |
Explanation: An LU can be registered with AIX SNA as supporting sync point by at most one application. In this case, the requested sync point manager LU is already registered. The most likely cause is that the Encina Peer to Peer Gateway is using this LU as a sync point manager or another DB2 instance is using this as a sync point manager.
User Response: Change the SPM_NAME in the database manager configuration such that a unique LU is used. Stop and restart DB2.
SPM0448E | Error encountered while trying to start the sync point manager protocol support. The sync point manager failed to register LUNAME "<luname>" for sync point support since this LU has been configured for SNA API client use. Either choose a different LU for the sync point manager or disable the SNA API client use in the Local LU 6.2 definition for this LU. |
Explanation: This error occurs when the customer is trying the start the sync point manager using CS/NT V5.01 and is using a Local LU 6.2 definition where the SNA API client use flag has been set.
User Response: Either choose a different local LU 6.2 (without the SNA API client use configured) or disable the SNA API client use flag for the Local LU 6.2 definition.
SPM0449E | Connection attempt failed. The most probable cause for the failure is that the LU specified in the CPIC Side information profile "<profile1>" does not match the sync point manager LU specified in the CPIC Side information profile "<profile2>". |
Explanation: In order to have proper communications with the host system, any CPIC Side information profile defined for communication must specifiy the same LU as defined for the configured sync point manager.
User Response: Update SNA CPIC Side information profile "<profile1>" with the proper LU, verify the SNA profile, stop and restart both SNA and DB2, and try the connection again.
SPM0450E | Library could not be loaded. Access Permissions denied. |
Explanation: The most probable cause for this problem is a result of a bug in Windows NT.
User Response: Ensure that all network drives in your System and local PATH statement are at the end of the PATH statement. Select Start/Settings/Control Panel/System/Environment/System/Path and move all network drives to the end of the path statement. Then shutdown and restart the system.
SPM0451E | MS SNA Server not started. |
Explanation: The SNA server is not started.
User Response: Please start SNA Server and restart DB2.
SPM0452I | Ensure that the SPM_NAME specified in the database manager configuration is not the same as the Control Point name "<name>". The SPM_NAME has been temporarily replaced with "<temp-name>". |
Explanation: The SPM_NAME cannot be the same as the Control Point name. The SPM_NAME has been temporarily replaced with an alternate name, but the database manager configuration file has not been changed.
User Response: Update the SPM_NAME in the database manager configuration file. Specify a name that is not the Control Point name.
SPM0453C | Sync point manager did not start because Microsoft SNA Server has not been started. |
Explanation: This DB2 instance has been configured to start the sync point manager. However, the underlying SNA stack, Microsoft SNA Server, has not been started. Therefore the sync point manager support cannot be started.
User Response: Microsoft SNA Server must be started. Please stop DB2 by issuing the command DB2STOP FORCE. Then perform the following steps:
Once Microsoft SNA Server has started, restart DB2 by issuing the command DB2START.
SPM0454C | Sync point manager was not started because it requires exclusive use of the Logical Unit (LU) represented by the LU Alias "<lualias>". |
Explanation: The sync point manager requires exclusive use of a Logical Unit (LU). The LU currently being used by the sync point manager is identified as part of the default outgoing Local APPC LU Pool. Therefore this LU is identified as being available for any application. The LU has also been identified as the LU to be used by the sync point manager via the SPM_NAME Database Manager Configuration parameter. Since the sync point manager requires exclusive use of this LU, the LU cannot be a member of the default outgoing Local APPC LU Pool.
User Response: Modify the LU definition so that the LU is not a member of the default outgoing Local APPC LU Pool, or change the SPM_NAME value to an LU which is not a member of this default pool. Stop and restart SNA Server. Then stop and restart DB2.
Please refer to the DB2 Connect Quick Beginnings Manual or the DB2 Universal Database Quick Beginnings Manual for instructions on defining an LU within Microsoft SNA Server to be used by the sync point manager.
SPM0455C | Sync point manager was not started. The Logical Unit (LU) represented by the LU Alias "<lualias>" is not properly configured to be used by the sync point manager. |
Explanation: To use sync point manager, you must configure the LU to be sync point enabled.
User Response: Modify the LU definition so that the LU is sync point enabled and the Client field contains the name of the SNA Server. Restart SNA Server and then restart DB2.
Please refer to the DB2 Connect Quick Beginnings Manual or the DB2 Universal Database Quick Beginnings Manual for instructions on defining an LU within Microsoft SNA Server to be used by the sync point manager.
SPM0456C | Sync point manager was not started. Ensure the Client field of the Logical Unit (LU) represented by the LU Alias "<lualias>" contains the name of this SNA Server. |
Explanation: To start sync point manager, the LU must be sync point enabled. To sync point enable the LU, ensure that the "Enable Syncpoint Support" checkbox is checked and that the Client field contains the name of this SNA Server.
In this situation the "Enable Syncpoint Support" checkbox is checked but the Client field is not filled in.
User Response: Modify the LU definition so that the LU is sync point enabled and the Client field contains the name of the SNA Server. Stop and restart SNA Server and then stop and restart DB2.
Please refer to the DB2 Connect Quick Beginnings Manual or the DB2 Universal Database Quick Beginnings Manual for instructions on defining an LU within Microsoft SNA Server to be used by the sync point manager.
SPM0457W | Another DB2 instance is already listening for transaction program DB2DRDA. This is not a fatal error. However, this instance will not listen for transaction program DB2DRDA. |
Explanation: Unless the sync point manager is enabled, only a single DB2 instance can listen for Transaction Program DB2DRDA.
User Response: Define DB2 registry value DB2SERVICETPINSTANCE at a global level to define which instance listens for transaction program DB2DRDA. Then restart all affected instances.
To define the DB2 registry value DB2SERVICETPINSTANCE at a global level, issue the following command:
db2set -g DB2SERVICETPINSTANCE=<instance-name>
where <instance-name> represents the name of the instance.
SPM0458W | Another DB2 instance is already listening for transaction program x'07'6DB (hex 07F6C4C2). This is not a fatal error. However, this instance will not listen for transaction program x'07'6DB. |
Explanation: Only a single DB2 instance can listen for transaction program x'07'6DB unless the sync point manager is enabled.
User Response: Define DB2 registry value DB2SERVICETPINSTANCE at a global level to define which instance listens for transaction program x'07'6DB (hex 07F6C4C2). Then restart all affected instances.
To define the DB2 registry value DB2SERVICETPINSTANCE at a global level, issue the following command:
db2set -g DB2SERVICETPINSTANCE=<instance-name>
where <instance-name> represents the name of the instance.
SPM0459W | The version of SNA you have installed is incompatible with this version of DB2. |
Explanation: DB2 Connect for AIX and DB2 Universal Database for AIX V6.1 and greater require IBM eNetwork Communication Server for AIX V5.0.3 or higher for SNA connectivity.
The required version of IBM Communication Server is not installed on this machine.
User Response: You must upgrade to the IBM eNetwork Communications Server for AIX V5.0.3. The PTF can be downloaded from:
Select AIX General Software Fixes, AIX Fix Distribution Service, AIX Version 4, and Search By PTF Number. Enter the search string sna.rte. Select Find Fix. Once the PTF is listed, select the PTF, then click Get Fix Package and follow the instructions.
SPM0460W | The version of Microsoft SNA Server installed on this machine does not support the sync point manager. |
Explanation: This instance is configured to use the DB2 SNA sync point manager with Microsoft SNA Server. The version of Microsoft SNA Server installed on this machine does not support the sync point manager.
User Response: To support the sync point manager, DB2 requires Microsoft SNA Server V4 Service Pack 3 or above.
To perform multisite update with DB2 Universal Database for OS/390, OS/400, or VM/VSE, you must install Microsoft SNA Server V4 Service Pack 3 or above. Once you have installed the correct version of Microsoft SNA Server, stop and restart DB2 Connect or DB2 Universal Database.