Each message has a message identifier that consists of a prefix (DBA) and the message number. Messages are listed in numeric sequence based upon the message number. These messages are generated by the Control Centre and the DBA Utility to alert you when a warning or error condition occurs.
DBA0000I | The function completed successfully. |
Explanation: This message is for your information only.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA0001E | An internal error occurred when allocating memory. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred when allocating memory. The application is terminated.
User Response: Try closing some applications to release memory. If the problem persists, contact IBM Service.
DBA0002E | An internal error occurred. Unexpected input was received from the request. |
Explanation: An unexpected input value was received from the request. The application is terminated.
User Response: Contact IBM Service.
DBA0003E | An inconsistency in the table definition was detected when processing the alter request. |
Explanation: When processing an alter table request, an inconsistency was detected between the last known table definition and the table definition fetched from the database. The table definition might have changed outside of the context of the administration tool. The table cannot be altered. The request is terminated.
User Response: Select the "Refresh" action on the "Tables" pop-up menu to get an updated list of tables from the database. Try altering the table again.
DBA0004E | An internal error occurred when validating a connection to a database. |
Explanation: An invalid connection was detected. A problem can occur if the server is brought down, the currently held connections are no longer valid, and a new connection cannot be obtained. The request is terminated.
User Response: Ensure that the server is started. Select the "Connect" action in the pop-up menu of the database that you want to connect to. Try the action again.
If the action fails again, ensure that your network is operating for the target system and that the database is up and running on that system.
If the network is operational, a system internal error might have occurred. Contact IBM Service.
DBA0005E | An internal error occurred when validating an attach to an instance. |
Explanation: An invalid connection was detected. The database might have stopped or the connection might no longer exist. The request is terminated.
User Response: Ensure that the server is started. Select the "Connect" action in the pop-up menu of the database that you want to connect to. Try the action again.
If the action fails again, ensure that your network is operating for the target system and that the database is up and running on that system.
If the network is operational, a system internal error might have occurred. Contact IBM Service.
DBA0006E | An internal error occurred when validating a handle for a persistent database connection or instance attach. |
Explanation: An invalid connection was detected. The database might have stopped or the connection might no longer exist. The request is terminated.
User Response: Ensure that the server is started. Select the "Connect" action in the pop-up menu of the database that you want to connect to. Try the action again.
If the action fails again, ensure your network is operating for the target system and that the database is up and running on that system.
If the network is operational, a system internal error might have occurred. Contact IBM Service.
DBA0007E | An internal error occurred when setting the context type for connections. |
Explanation: An error occurred when setting the context type for connections established by the application. The application is terminated.
User Response: Contact IBM Service.
DBA0008E | An internal error occurred. An unexpected list type was requested. |
Explanation: The type of object to be listed was not recognized as a valid type by the application. The application is terminated.
User Response: Contact IBM Service.
DBA0009E | An internal error occurred. An unexpected request type was received. |
Explanation: The type of request to be performed was not recognized as a valid type by the application. The application is terminated.
User Response: Contact IBM Service.
DBA0010E | An internal error occurred. An unexpected object type was detected. |
Explanation: The type of object to be processed was not recognized as a valid type by the application. The application is terminated.
User Response: Contact IBM Service.
DBA0011E | There are too many open connections. |
Explanation: The maximum number of open database connections was reached. The request is terminated.
User Response: Either:
DBA0012E | Unable to allocate a connection handle. |
Explanation: An error occurred when attempting to allocate a connection handle. The application is terminated.
User Response: Contact IBM Service.
DBA0013W | The maximum number of objects that can be listed was reached. |
Explanation: The maximum number of objects that can be listed by the application was reached. The maximum number is 20,000.
User Response: None
DBA0014E | An internal error occurred. An unexpected drop type was requested. |
Explanation: The type of object to be dropped was not recognized as a valid type by the application. The application is terminated.
User Response: Contact IBM Service.
DBA0015E | An internal error occurred. A latch request failed. |
Explanation: A latch request failed. The application is terminated.
User Response: Contact IBM Service.
DBA0016E | An internal error occurred. An unlatch request failed. |
Explanation: An unlatch request failed. The application is terminated.
User Response: Contact IBM Service.
DBA0017E | No error information is available. See the administration tools log. |
Explanation: No error information can be displayed.
User Response: See the administration tools log for error information.
DBA0018E | The Administration Server is not started. Start the Administration Server and try the action again. |
Explanation: The Administration Server is not started.
User Response: Start the Administration Server using the DB2ADMIN START command on the target system and try the action again.
DBA0019E | The object "<object_name>" or a related object is in use. Try the action again at a later time. |
Explanation: The object on which the action was requested or a related object is already being used in another action. Modifications to the object or a related object might be in progress.
The requested action cannot be performed at the same time as the current action.
The action is not performed.
User Response: Try the action again at a later time when the object is available.
DBA0020E | An error occurred opening the administration tools trace file. |
Explanation: An error occurred opening the administration tools trace file.
User Response: Contact IBM Service.
DBA0021E | An error occurred writing to the administration tools trace file. |
Explanation: An error occurred writing to the administration tools trace file.
User Response: Contact IBM Service.
DBA0022W | An error occurred closing the administration tools trace file. |
Explanation: An error occurred when attempting to close the administration tools trace file. Processing continues.
User Response: Ensure that the administration tools log file was specified correctly.
DBA0023W | An error occurred opening the administration tools log file. |
Explanation: An error occurred when attempting to open the administration tools log file. Processing continues.
User Response: Ensure that the administration tools log file was specified correctly.
DBA0024W | An error occurred writing to the administration tools log file. |
Explanation: An error occurred when attempting to write to the administration tools log file. Processing continues.
User Response: Ensure that the administration tools log file was specified correctly and can be written to.
DBA0025W | An error occurred closing the administration tools log file. |
Explanation: An error occurred when attempting to close the administration tools log file. Processing continues.
User Response: Ensure that the administration tools log file was specified correctly.
DBA0026E | An internal administration tools error occurred. |
Explanation: An unrecoverable error occurred.
User Response: Contact IBM Service.
DBA0027E | An internal error occurred. Lock contention in the administration tools was detected. |
Explanation: Lock contention in the administration tools was detected.
User Response: Contact IBM Service.
DBA0028I | The current administration tools session will be terminated due to an unrecoverable error. |
Explanation: A severe internal error occurred.
User Response: Contact IBM Service.
DBA0029 | The application programming interface "<program>" did not complete successfully for object "<name>" with reason code "<name>". Try again or contact your local support. |
Explanation: An application programming interface call did not complete.
User Response: Try the operation again or contact your system administrator.
DBA0030 | An error occurred while attempting to connect to database "<name>". |
Explanation: The requested operation could not complete because it requires a connection to database "<name>". The connection was not successful.
User Response: Make sure the database is accessible. Try explicitly connecting to the database using the connect action on the database pop-up menu. A common error on connection is an invalid userid and password. Make sure you have supplied the proper userid and password. Try the operation again or contact your system administrator.
DBA0031 | An error occurred while attempting to attach to instance "<name>". |
Explanation: The requested operation could not complete because it requires an attachment to the instance "<name>". The attachment was not successful.
User Response: Make sure the instance is accessible. Try explicitly connecting to the instance using the connect action on the instance pop-up menu. A common error on connection is an invalid userid and password. Make sure you have supplied the proper userid and password. Try the operation again or contact your system administrator.
DBA0032 | An error occurred while attempting to load DLL "<name>". |
Explanation: Either the dynamic link library "<name>" was not found or an error occurred while reading the file.
User Response: Verify that the DLL is installed and undamaged, and its location is part of the LIBPATH parameter in the CONFIG.SYS file.
DBA0033 | "<name>" cannot be dropped because it is currently in use by the administration tools. Close some windows and retry the command. |
Explanation: Either the object "<name>" you selected to drop, or an item that is owned by the object you selected to drop, is still being used by another administration tool. For example, you might have and ALTER table window open for a database that you are trying to drop. In this case, you cannot drop the database until you close its ALTER table window.
User Response: Close all the windows using the object you selected, or close all the windows using items owned by that object, and then retry the command.
DBA0034 | "<name>" cannot be removed because it is currently in use by the administration tools. Close some windows and retry the command. |
Explanation: Either the object "<name>" you selected to remove, or an item that is owned by the object you selected to remove, is still being used by another administration tool. For example, you might have and ALTER table window open for a database that you are trying to remove. In this case, you cannot remove the database until you close its ALTER table window.
User Response: Close all the windows using the object you selected, or close all the windows using items owned by that object, and then retry the command.
DBA0035 | The "<operation>" operation cannot be performed because the object "<name>" you are issuing the operation against is not in the correct state for this operation. Close some windows and retry the command. |
Explanation: This operation "<operation>" requires "<name>" to be in a "<name>" state.
User Response: Make sure all other pending operations on the selected object are complete, and then retry the command.
DBA0036 | The database configuration was successfully updated. All applications must disconnect from database "<name>" before the changes take effect. If a backup has already been taken it is recommended to take another backup of the database in order to pick up the new configuration values. |
Explanation: The database configuration was successfully updated, but the active database configuration cannot be changed until all applications are disconnected from the database. Once all applications are disconnected, the changes will come into effect with the first connection to the database.
User Response: Ensure that all applications are disconnected from the database, and then reconnect to the database.
DBA0037 | The instance configuration was successfully updated. The instance "<name>" must be stopped before most changes take effect. |
Explanation: The instance configuration was successfully updated.
Changes to the configuration parameter "dftdbpath" take effect immediately.
For the remaining configuration parameters, the changes do not take effect until all applications have disconnected from the database, and the instance is successfully stopped and started again.
User Response: To make all changes take effect, ensure that all applications have disconnected from the database, stop the instance, and then start it again.
You can stop the instance by selecting the stop action on the instance pop-up menu in the Control Center. You can then start the instance by selecting the start action on the instance pop-up menu in the Control Center.
DBA0039 | There are currently database objects locked or database connections in use. Continue shutdown? |
Explanation: The database objects in the Control Center are locked when actions, such as Alter Table, are taken against them. Other actions will maintain connections to the database that are required to complete the task.
User Response: If you choose to continue with the shutdown, then all locks and connections are forced and the tools will shut down. It can be dangerous to do so, however, because forcing some actions (like Restore Database) halfway through the task can leave the database in a corrupted state.
It is safest to first go back to the DB2 tools and make sure there are no database operations outstanding.
DBA0040 | Shutting down will stop the Snapshot monitor. Continue shutdown? |
Explanation: Snapshot monitoring has been started on one or more database objects and to continue the monitoring, you must have the DB2 tools running.
User Response: Choose to continue the shutdown only if you no longer require the Snapshot monitor.
DBA0041 | The requested operation could not be performed because the DB2 Administration Tools is an untrusted applet. |
Explanation: Applets loaded over the network are usually considered to be untrusted. Different Web browsers and applet viewers may impose different restrictions on untrusted applets including most local system operations (For example, read files, write files, and print files).
User Response: Consult your system administrator and see if these restrictions can be relaxed or customized.
DBA0042 | Do you want to clear the setting for the userid and password that was used to connect to this database. |
Explanation: If you choose to clear this setting, you will prevent unauthorized access to this database from this workstation. However, you will be prompted to enter the correct userid and password the next time you connect to this database.
User Response: Click on Yes to clear the userid and password setting. Click on No to save the userid and password setting until you exit the Control Center.
DBA0100I | Control Center is updating node directory information for instance - "<instance>". Incorrect information is being corrected. The current request cannot be performed. |
Explanation: The Control Center detected that the nodetype changed at the instance and is recataloging the instance based on the new information. Depending on the nodetype value for the instance, actions from the Control Center may be different.
User Response: If available, try the request again.
DBA0101W | Entries specified in the exception list will not be used. Do you want to continue? |
Explanation: The Nodes Contain Exceptions check box is deselected, but exception containers are specified in the List Exception dialog.
User Response: Click on Yes to clear the exception containers list, or click on No or Cancel to reselect the Nodes Contain Exceptions check box.
DBA0102W | Unable to detect nodetype for instance - "<instance>". Reason Code "<reason-code>". |
Explanation: Nodetype is a database manager configuration parameter that identifies whether the instance is a single-partition or partitioned environment.
Discovery tries to resolve the nodetype value for you. This distinction between instances is required because actions in the Control Center can be different between single-partition and partitioned environments.
If the reason code is -1, discovery could not map the catalogued instance to a valid DB2 instance.
All other reason codes map to a valid SQL message. Check the help for the corresponding SQL message.
User Response: Discovery has the following requirements:
Verify the setting of these registry values by entering db2set -all.
DBA0103W | Changes made to the configuration parameter values will not be used. Do you want to continue? |
Explanation: Another database partition was selected, but the changes to the configuration parameters apply to the previously selected database partition.
User Response: Click on Yes to obtain the configuration parameter values for the next database partition and discard the changes that were specified for the previously selected database partition.
DBA0113E | Exception containers are specified, but not all nodes in the nodegroup are included. No containers are specified for the following nodes: "node-list". |
Explanation: The specified exception containers have no common container. Because no common container is specified, the exception container must be defined at every node in the nodegroup.
User Response: Click on OK to add containers to the specified nodes.
DBA0114W | Control Centre detected incorrect node directory information for instance - "<instance>". Incorrect information is being corrected. Please exit and restart the Control Center. The current request cannot be performed. |
Explanation: The Control Center detected that the nodetype changed at the instance.
User Response: Exit the Control Center and restart it.
DBA0115I | Node directory information has been corrected for this instance. Instance "<instance>" should be refreshed. |
Explanation: Because the cataloged information for the instance is updated, the displayed objects and actions may not be correct.
User Response: Select the "Refresh" action from the instance pop-up menu to update the Control Center, then try the request again.
DBA0116I | The operation cannot be performed by the JDBC server at this time. Retry this operation later. |
Explanation: The JDBC server is currently busy with an existing operation and cannot perform the user operation.
User Response: Wait until the JDBC server completes the existing operation and retry the operation.
DBA1005W | This action will force both Local Databases and Gateway applications. Do you want to continue? |
Explanation: You requested to force all applications on the instance.
User Response: Click Yes to process the request or No to cancel it.
DBA1006E | An invalid plugin extension has been detected by the Control Center. |
Explanation: The file "db2plug.zip" has been corrupted or not properly setup.
User Response: If the Control Center is running as an application, check to see if "db2plug.zip" is included in the "CLASSPATH" environment variable. If the Control Center is running as an applet, check to see if "db2plug.zip" is included in the "archive" tag of the db2cc.htm HTML file. If the problem persists, contact you DB2 system administrator.
DBA1007W | An invalid object name or parameter was entered. The Control Center will start with the Systems folder as the root of the navigator tree. |
Explanation: An invalid object name means that the system, instance, subsystem, or database name entered cannot be found, either because it doesn't exist or because the combination of names entered is invalid. For example, the database name entered may exist but not within the specified system name. An invalid parameter means that something other than -h, -i, -sub, or -d was entered.
User Response: Ensure that you are using valid object names and parameters, and try again.
DBA1100 | Less than "<number>." MB of memory is dedicated to your server. No recommendation has been made. The current values on the Results Page match the suggested values. |
Explanation: Because the amount of memory dedicated to the server is so small, the Performance Configuration wizard cannot make a recommendation.
The suggested values in the "Results Page" are the same as the current values.
User Response: If you can dedicate more memory to the server, turn to the "Server Page", increase the amount of memory, and try again. Otherwise, click on Cancel to close the Performance Configuration wizard.
DBA1102 | An error occurred when the Performance Configuration wizard tried to save the suggested values in a system file. |
Explanation: Either the Performance Configuration wizard could not create a CFG subdirectory under your instance directory or it could not save a system file containing recommendations into the CFG subdirectory of your instance directory.
User Response: Make sure the disk containing the instance directory is not full and you have write access to this disk. Afterwards, click on Done to try again.
DBA1104 | The instance and database configuration parameters were successfully updated. The instance "<name>" must be stopped before most changes come into effect. You may want to rebind your packages after the new configuration parameters take effect so that the new values will be used during the bind. |
Explanation: The Performance Configuration wizard has updated the database manager configuration parameters, database configuration parameters, and buffer pool sizes in the SYSBUFFERPOOLS catalog.
The changes will not take effect until the instance is stopped on the server.
Packages were bound with the old configuration parameters. They need to be rebound, after the new parameters take effect, to exploit these new parameters.
User Response: When you are ready to use the new configuration parameters, stop the instance, and then start the instance.
Rebind your packages if necessary.
DBA1107 | An error occurred when the Performance Configuration wizard tried to get system information from your server. |
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred. The Performance Configuration wizard cannot continue.
User Response: Contact your system administrator.
DBA1108 | The Performance Configuration wizard was unable to increase the sizes of the buffer pools due to other memory requirements determined from your responses. The buffer pool sizes are left unchanged. The use of the suggested set of configuration values may cause paging on the server. |
Explanation: This is a warning that there may not be enough memory dedicated to your server to run the workload that you specified.
User Response: Review your selections on previous pages of the Performance Configuration wizard to check that the workload description is appropriate or add more memory to your server.
DBA1109 | The transactions rate you entered is more than ten times the average number of connected applications. If you are using a transaction manager, ignore this message. If not, consider changing the rate. |
Explanation: The Performance Configuration wizard verifies that the transactions rate is reasonable. The transaction rate may be too high if you are not using a transaction manager.
User Response: If you are using a transaction manager, ignore this message. Otherwise, use a lower number of transactions per minute, or increase the average number of connected applications.
DBA1110 | The system database directory has no entries. |
Explanation: There are currently no entries found in this database directory.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA1111 | The database alias "<name>" already exists for another database. |
Explanation: You requested that a backup be recovered into a new database, but the database name you specified is already used as an alias for an existing database.
When a database is created, the database is cataloged in the system database directory using the database name as the alias, and this alias must be unique.
User Response: Specify a database name that is not being used as an alias, or request that the backup be recovered into the existing database.
DBA1112 | The database alias "<name>" was not found in the system database directory. |
Explanation: You requested that a backup be recovered into an existing database, but a database no longer exists with this alias.
User Response: Select an existing database, or request that the backup be recovered into a new database.
DBA1113 | Restart failed because indoubt transactions exist against the database and the connection to the database was dropped. |
Explanation: The restart operation encountered indoubt transactions. This left the database in an inconsistent state. The DBA Utility dropped the connection to the database.
User Response: Resolve the indoubt transactions. If they are not resolved, applications must restart the database whenever it is required.
If you are in an XA/DTP environment, and the transaction manager that was using the database is available, instruct it to resolve the indoubt transactions.
Otherwise, use the Command Line Processor to manually complete each indoubt transaction.
DBA1114 | Database "<name>" is now in backup pending state. |
Explanation: This state will prevent the database from being updated. The database must be backed up before any updates can happen.
User Response: Back up the database.
DBA1115 | Enter a value for "<name>". |
Explanation: A value is required.
User Response: Provide the value and retry the request.
DBA1116 | The value for "<parameter>" must be between "<minimum>" and "<maximum>". |
Explanation: The value must be within the specified range.
User Response: Enter a value in the specified range and retry the request.
DBA1117 | The value for "<name>" is not valid. |
Explanation: The value entered is not valid.
User Response: Correct the value and retry the request.
DBA1118 | The value for "<name>" must not exceed "<maximum>". |
Explanation: The value entered is not valid.
User Response: Correct the value and retry the request.
DBA1119 | The value for "<name>" must not be smaller than "<minimum>". |
Explanation: The value entered is not valid.
User Response: Correct the value and retry the request.
DBA1121 | A job was created for the request "<description>" on system "<system>". Its job number is "<number>". To view the status and output of the job, use the Jobs page on the Journal. |
Explanation: The job was successfully started.
User Response: To view the status and output of the job, use the Jobs page on the Journal.
DBA1122 | The job has completed for the request "<description>" on system "<system>". For the status and output of the job, view job "<number>" in the Jobs page on the Journal. |
Explanation: The job has completed.
User Response: To view the status and output of the job, use the Jobs page on the Journal.
DBA1123 | The job "<description>" has been canceled. |
Explanation: The job was canceled in response to a user request.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA1126 | The database has no table spaces. |
Explanation: The database has no table spaces.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA1127 | The table space has no containers. |
Explanation: The table space has no containers.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA1128 | No containers have been specified. Select "Add" in order to create containers. |
Explanation: The current list does not contain any new containers.
User Response: Select "Add" and fill in the necessary fields to add a container to the list.
DBA1129 | Enter a value for "<name>". |
Explanation: The operation you requested can be performed only if you enter a value for "<name>".
User Response: Enter a value, and then click on OK.
DBA1130 | The value for "<name>" must not exceed "<maximum>" characters. |
Explanation: You entered a value that exceeded the maximum number of characters.
User Response: Enter a valid value, and then click on OK.
DBA1131 | "<device>" is not a valid tape device. |
Explanation: The operating system did not accept the specified tape device. Local tape devices are of the form "\\.\TAPEn", where n represents the drive number (0 is the first).
User Response: Enter a valid name for the tape device, and then click on OK.
DBA1132 | Tape device "<device>" does not support a tape mark blocksize of "<blocksize>". |
Explanation: The Control center uses a tape mark blocksize that is not supported by the specified tape device.
User Response: Use the Command Line Processor to submit the request. Specify a supported blocksize in the DB2 INITIALIZE TAPE command.
DBA1133 | An error occurred operating tape device "<device>". |
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred while operating the specified tape device.
User Response: Resubmit the request. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA1134 | A job was created for the request "<description>". However, no job-related entries can be created in the Journal because the database administrative server (DAS) instance could not be accessed. |
Explanation: The job started successfully, but the status and output of the job will not be logged in the Journal. This can happen if the DAS instance is not started.
User Response: To have the status and output of the job logged in the Journal, start the DAS instance first before starting a backup operation.
DBA1135 | The job has completed for the request "<description>". |
Explanation: The job has completed.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA1136 | A backup at the table space level cannot be performed because the database "<db>" is not enabled for forward recovery. |
Explanation: You can only back up a database at the table space level if you have first enabled that database for forward recovery.
User Response: To enable the database for forward recovery, set the database configuration parameters LOGRETAIN or USEREXIT to ON, disconnect all existing applications from the database, and perform an offline backup of the database.
DBA1137 | The value for "<name>" must not be smaller than "<minimum>" "<units>". |
Explanation: The value entered is smaller than the minimum "<minimum>" "<units>".
User Response: Enter a valid value and retry the request.
DBA1138 | The value for "<name>" must not exceed "<maximum>" "<units>". |
Explanation: The value entered exceeded the maximum of "<maximum>" of "<units>".
User Response: Enter a valid value and retry the request.
DBA1139 | You must allocate at least "<pages>" for the system catalog. |
Explanation: There cannot be more than "<pages>" in each table space container. Each page of data requires 4 KB. So 1 MB of storage is equal to 256 of these 4 KB pages.
User Response: Enter a valid value and retry the request.
DBA1140 | You cannot allocate more than "<pages>" pages in a single container. There cannot be more than "<pages>" in a table space. |
Explanation: Each page of data requires 4 KB. So 1 MB of storage is equal to 256 of these 4 KB pages.
User Response: Enter a valid value and retry the request.
DBA1141 | You must allocate a least "<pages>" pages in each container. |
Explanation: The minimum number of pages in a table space container is related to the extent size of the table space. It is 5 times the extent size plus one page. So for a table space with an extent size of 32 pages (the default value), the minimum size of a single container is 161 pages.
User Response: Enter a valid value and retry the request.
DBA1142 | The LOGARCHIVE database configuration parameter is currently set to ON for database "<name>". As soon as all applications have disconnected from the database, the database will be in backup pending state. This state prevents the database from being updated. The database must be backed up before any additional updates can occur. |
Explanation: Before the database manager can start logging each transaction in your database, it must have a full offline database backup to use as a starting point.
User Response: Make a full offline database backup as soon as possible. If this is not possible, set the LOGARCHIVE parameter to OFF.
DBA1143 | You cannot perform an offline backup right now because at least one application is still connected to the database. You can either try again later, or disconnect all applications connected to the database immediately by selecting force from the instance object's pop-up menu. |
Explanation: An offline backup cannot be performed until all applications connected to the selected database have stopped. You can either wait for the applications to disconnect themselves, or you can force the connected applications right now.
User Response: Either try the action later, or, to force all applications connected to the selected database immediately, select "Force" from the instance object's pop-up menu.
DBA1144 | The container you specified already exists on system you are working with. |
Explanation: Each table space container must be unique.
User Response: Specify a file name or directory that does not currently exists on the system.
DBA1145 | You have specified a container more than once. |
Explanation: Each table space container must be unique.
User Response: Specify a file name or directory that is not currently in your list of new containers.
DBA1146 | You have specified the same container in both the user and temporary table spaces. |
Explanation: Each table space container must be unique.
User Response: Change the file name or directory of the container in either the user or temporary tablespace.
DBA1147 | You have specified the same container in both the catalog and temporary table spaces. |
Explanation: Each table space container must be unique.
User Response: Change the file name or directory of the container in either the catalog or temporary tablespace.
DBA1148 | You have specified the same container in both the user and catalog table spaces. |
Explanation: Each table space container must be unique.
User Response: Change the file name or directory of the container in either the user or catalog tablespace.
DBA1149 | There is not enough free space for the containers you specified. |
Explanation: When a DMS container is created it consumes the full amount of space you allocated to it.
User Response: Change the location of the container to an area that has more storage, or increase the available storage in the current location of the container.
DBA1150E | A column with the same name already exists. |
Explanation: The column was not added because a column with the same name is already specified or exists in the table being created or altered.
User Response: Specify a different column name.
DBA1151E | The column participates in a primary key or foreign key. |
Explanation: The column was not removed because it participates in a primary key or foreign key.
User Response: Ensure that the specified column is the correct column to remove. To remove the specified column in a table, modify the primary key or foreign key definitions so that the specified column is no longer referenced.
DBA1152E | A constraint with the same name already exists. |
Explanation: The constraint was not added because a constraint with the same name is already specified or exists in the table being created or altered.
User Response: Specify a different constraint name.
DBA1153E | The object is already in the list. |
Explanation: The specified object already exists in the list. The action is not performed.
User Response: Specify another object or close the window.
DBA1154E | The specified system, instance, and database do not identify a recognized database. |
Explanation: The system, instance, and database specifications do not identify a database that is known to the application. The action is not performed.
User Response: Either ensure that the system, instance, and database names are correct; or add the system, instance, and database that you want to access to the application.
DBA1155E | The object "<object_name>" no longer exists in the database. The request cannot be performed. |
Explanation: The specified object no longer exists in the database and cannot be operated on. The request is terminated.
User Response: Select the "Refresh" action in the pop-up menu of the object folder to get an updated list of objects.
DBA1156W | The request completed with warnings. See the administration tools log for details. |
Explanation: The requested action completed, but one or more warning messages were issued.
User Response: See the administration tools log for more information.
DBA1157I | No authorities or privileges were granted or revoked on "<object_name>" for "<user_name>". See the administration log for details. |
Explanation: The requested action completed. No action was taken against the authorities or privileges on the specified object for the specified user or group.
User Response: None
DBA1158I | Number of records read during the load = "<count>". Number of records skipped before the load begins = "<count>". Number of rows loaded into the target table = "<count>". Number of records that could not be loaded = "<count>". Number of duplicate rows deleted = "<count>". Number of records loaded successfully and committed to the database = "<count>". |
Explanation: The action completed with the specified results.
User Response: None
DBA1159I | Export completed. "<item_description>" = "<count>" |
Explanation: The export action completed successfully with the specified results.
User Response: None
DBA1160I | Import completed. Number of records read during the import = "<count>". Number of records skipped before the import begins = "<count>". Number of rows imported into the target table = "<count>". Number of records that could not be imported = "<count>". Number of duplicate rows deleted = "<count>". Number of records imported successfully and committed to the database = "<count>". |
Explanation: The import action completed successfully with the specified results.
User Response: None
DBA1161I | "<item_description>" = "<count>" |
Explanation: The import or export completed with the specified results.
User Response: None
DBA1162I | Load completed. Number of records read during the load = "<count>". Number of records skipped before the load begins = "<count>". Number of rows loaded into the target table = "<count>". Number of records that could not be loaded = "<count>". Number of duplicate rows deleted = "<count>". Number of records loaded successfully and committed to the database = "<count>". |
Explanation: The load action completed successfully with the specified results.
User Response: None
DBA1163E | The table was not copied. See the administration tools log for details. |
Explanation: One or more warnings or errors occurred when copying the table. The table was not copied.
User Response: See the administration tools log for more information.
DBA1164E | The specified target table already exists. The source table was not copied. |
Explanation: The copy table action failed because the target table exists.
User Response: Either specify a new target table or delete the existing target table and try the action again.
DBA1165E | No privileges were granted or revoked for "<user_name>". See the administration tools log for details. |
Explanation: Privileges were not granted or revoked for the specified user or group.
User Response: See the administration tools log for more information.
DBA1166E | The identifier "<identifier_name>" contains unbalanced quotes. Correct the identifier and try the action again. |
Explanation: The specified identifier contains unbalanced single or double quotes. The naming rules require balanced quotes. The action is not performed.
User Response: Correct the identifier and try the action again.
DBA1167E | The identifier "<identifier_name>" contains embedded blanks. Correct the identifier and try the action again. |
Explanation: The specified identifier contains blank characters, which violates the naming rules for ordinary identifiers. The action is not performed.
User Response: Remove the blanks or delimit the identifier with double quotes and try the action again.
DBA1168E | The first character in the identifier "<identifier_name>" is invalid. Correct the identifier and try the action again. |
Explanation: The first character of the specified identifier is invalid. It must follow the naming rules for ordinary identifiers. The action is not performed.
User Response: Replace the first character with a valid one or delimit the identifier with double quotes then try the action again.
DBA1169 | The command script that can update the instance and database configuration parameters was created successfully. Use the Script Center to run or schedule the script. |
Explanation: A new script was saved successfully in the Script Center. You may open the Script Center to view, run or schedule the new command script.
After the script is run, the changes will not take effect until the instance is stopped on the server.
Packages were bound with the old configuration parameters. They need to be rebound, after the new parameters take effect, to exploit these new parameters.
User Response: To view, run or schedule the newly saved script, open the Script Center by selecting the Script Center icon from the icon bar.
After you have run the script and when you are ready to use the new configuration parameters, stop the instance, and then start the instance.
Rebind your packages if necessary.
DBA1170 | The page size of the table space and the page size of the buffer pool must be equal. |
Explanation: You must choose an existing buffer pool whose page size matches that of the table space you wish to create. The default buffer pool has the default page size of 4K. If any other page size is desired for the table space, a buffer pool with a matching page size must exist.
User Response: From the Advanced Table Space window, change the page size of the table space to match that of the buffer pool or change the buffer pool to one whose page size matches that of the table space. If there are no buffer pools of the desired page size, you can create one from the Create Buffer Pool window.
DBA1350I | The Index wizard was not able to recommend any indexes. Set a longer time limit on the Calculate page and try calculating recommended indexes again. |
Explanation: The Index wizard was not able to recommend any indexes because the maximum search time was too short.
User Response:
DBA1351I | The Index wizard was not able to recommend any indexes. Set a larger size limit on the Limits page and try calculating recommended indexes again. |
Explanation: The Index wizard was not able to recommend any indexes because the maximum logical size of all indexes was too small.
User Response:
DBA1352I | The Index wizard was not able to recommend any indexes that will improve the performance of your workload. |
DBA1353W | You specified only one SQL statement in your workload. Your database might have additional activity. Do not drop any indexes unless you are sure they are not needed for other reasons. |
Explanation: Since you only specified one SQL statement in your workload, it is unlikely that it represents all of the activity against your database.
The Drop page of the Index wizard lists all existing indexes that were not recommended for this one SQL statement.
User Response: Do not drop any indexes unless you are sure they are not needed for other reasons.
DBA1500 | The local system object is not allowed to be removed. |
Explanation: The local system object appears in the tree if this is a server installation, and does not appear if this is a client installation. You have no direct control over the removal of this object because it has special properties that are required by the server installation type.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA1501 | The local system object is not allowed to be changed. |
Explanation: The local system object appears in the tree if this is a server installation, and does not appear if this is a client installation. You have no direct control over the changing of this object because it has special properties that are required by the server installation type.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA1502 | The unknown system object is not allowed to be removed. |
Explanation: The unknown system object appears in the tree only if orphaned instances that are not recognized as belonging to any existing system are found. You have no direct control over the removal of this object because it is shown automatically only when needed.
User Response: No action is required. However, if you want to remove the need to show this object in the tree, then do the following steps:
DBA1503 | The unknown system object is not allowed to be changed. |
Explanation: The unknown system object appears in the tree only if orphaned instances that are not recognized as belonging to any existing system are found. You have no direct control over the changing of this object because it is shown automatically only when needed and has only special properties that cannot be changed.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA1510 | Specify a system name. |
Explanation: You must specify a system name before you can add this new system object.
User Response: Specify a system name in the appropriate entry field, and then try the action again.
DBA1511 | The specified system name is already in use. |
Explanation: You specified a system name that matches the name used for another system object in the tree. System names must be unique within the control center, and are case-sensitive. You cannot use the names 'Local' or 'Unknown' because these are system names reserved for use by the local and unknown system objects. To avoid confusion, you should also try not to use the names of existing instances or databases as system names, although the tool does not prevent you from doing this.
User Response: Specify a unique system name, and then try the action again.
DBA1520 | The operating system type for this system object has been detected to be "<newos>", but the local information shows it to be "<oldos>". Do you want to update the local information now to reflect the correct operating system type? |
Explanation: When you add a new system object, you specify an operating system type, which is stored locally for that remote system. Later, when actual connections are made to the remote system, the true operating system type is reported back. It is possible for the original operating system type information to have been set incorrectly so that it does not match the true settings on the remote system. In this case, it is best to update the local information to match what settings truly exist on the remote system.
User Response: Select Yes to update the local information now, or select No to leave the local information as it is.
DBA1521 | The server version type for this system object has been detected to be "<newtyp>", but the local information shows it to be "<oldtyp>". Do you want to update the local information now to reflect the correct server version type? |
Explanation: When you add a new system object, the server version type is automatically set to be either DB2 V5 or DRDA, depending on the operating system type you choose. Later, when actual connections are made to the remote system, the true server version type, which may be a previous release such as DB2 V2, is reported back. In this case, it is best to update the local information to match what settings truly exist on the remote system.
User Response: Select Yes to update the local information now, or select No to leave the local information as it is.
DBA1522 | The operating system type and server version type for this system object have been detected to be "<newos>" and "<newtyp>" respectively, but the local information shows these to be "<oldos>" and "<oldtyp>" respectively. Do you want to update the local information now to reflect the correct settings for these values? |
Explanation: When you add a new system object, you specify an operating system type, which is stored locally for that remote system. Also, the server version type is automatically set to be either DB2 V5 or DRDA, depending on the operating system type you choose. Later, when actual connections are made to the remote system, the true operating system type and server version type are reported back. The original settings for this information may have been incorrect so that they do not match the true settings on the remote system. In this case, it is best to update the local information to match what settings truly exist on the remote system.
User Response: Select Yes to update the local information now, or select No to leave the local information as it is.
DBA1533E | Unable to export the server profile. |
Explanation: The target file system might not have enough disk space to complete the export operation.
User Response: Free some disk space on the target file system and retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact your DB2 system administrator.
DBA1540 | The active local instance object is not allowed to be removed. |
Explanation: The active local instance object appears in the tree always as the first instance under the local system object. This is a special instance object used to represent the current DB2INSTANCE environment variable setting. You have no direct control over the removal of this object because it has special properties that are required by the local system.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA1541 | The active local instance object is not allowed to be changed. |
Explanation: The active local instance object appears in the tree always as the first instance under the local system object. This is a special instance object used to represent the current DB2INSTANCE environment variable setting. You have no direct control over the changing of this object because it has special properties that are required by the local system.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA1550 | Specify an instance name. |
Explanation: You must specify an instance name before you can add this new instance object.
User Response: Specify an instance name in the appropriate entry field, and then try the action again.
DBA1551 | The specified instance name is already in use. |
Explanation: You specified an instance name that either matches the name used for another instance object in the tree, or is being used by a system object in the tree. Instance names must be unique within the control center, and are always capitalized. System objects also use an automatically generated instance name to store their own protocol information, with the instance name usually being a short form of the chosen system name. You cannot use the name 'LOCAL' or the current DB2INSTANCE environment variable setting for the instance name.
User Response: Specify a different instance name, and then try the action again.
DBA1552 | Specify a remote instance. |
Explanation: You must specify a remote instance before you can add this new instance object.
User Response: Specify a remote instance in the appropriate entry field, and then try the action again.
DBA1560 | Specify a destination name. |
Explanation: You must specify a destination name for the selected protocol before you can correctly add this new object.
User Response: Specify a destination name in the appropriate entry field, and then try the action again.
DBA1561 | Specify a file server. |
Explanation: You must specify a file server for the selected protocol before you can correctly add this new object.
User Response: Specify a file server in the appropriate entry field, and then try the action again.
DBA1562 | Specify a workstation name. |
Explanation: You must specify a workstation name for the selected protocol before you can correctly add this new object.
User Response: Specify a workstation name in the appropriate entry field, and then try the action again.
DBA1563 | Specify a host name. |
Explanation: You must specify a host name for the selected protocol before you can correctly add this new object.
User Response: Specify a host name in the appropriate entry field, and then try the action again.
DBA1564 | Specify a service name. |
Explanation: You must specify a service name for the selected protocol before you can correctly add this new object.
User Response: Specify a service name in the appropriate entry field, and then try the action again.
DBA1565 | Specify a computer name. |
Explanation: You must specify a computer name for the selected protocol before you can correctly add this new object.
User Response: Specify a computer name in the appropriate entry field, and then try the action again.
DBA1566 | Specify an instance name. |
Explanation: You must specify an instance name for the selected protocol before you can correctly add this new object.
User Response: Specify an instance name in the appropriate entry field, and then try the action again.
DBA1567 | This action or function is not available for this instance type or the associated system. |
Explanation: The selected action, or associated function, is currently not supported for the type of instance against which the action or function was initiated. Some instance types, for example Satellite Edition, necessarily do not support full functionality.
User Response: Please refer to the documentation describing available function for this instance type.
DBA1568W | Database connection was established but did not establish a syncpoint two-phase connection. |
Explanation: An attempt was made to connect to a database using syncpoint two-phase connection type. A connection was established but failed to make a syncpoint two-phase connection. Multisite updates involving this database connection will not be successful.
User Response: Check that the multisite update scenario has been configured properly for your environment, ensuring that the coordinating instance is restarted after configuration is complete. If DB2's Syncpoint Manager is being used, check in the db2diag.log to see if it was started successfully.
DBA1569E | The action cannot be completed on this instance because its remote instance name is not known. |
Explanation: The remote instance name field is an optional parameter and was not specified. To perform this action on a remote instance, the remote instance name must be known.
User Response: Invoke the Change Instance window and specify the name of the remote instance.
DBA1570E | The DB2 Administration Server for this system has not been defined. |
Explanation: The current operation requires an attachment to the system's administration server but its instance name has not been specified.
User Response: Invoke the change action on the target system and specify its instance name, operating system and any other protocol parameters.
DBA1571W | The name of the local system does not match the DB2SYSTEM environment variable. |
Explanation: The system name of the local admin node is different from the value of the DB2SYSTEM environment variable.
User Response: There are three options:
DBA1572E | The instance name specified is not valid. |
Explanation: The instance name specified is not valid. The instance name may be 1 to 8 characters and all of the characters must be from the database manager base character set. Also, the instance name must not match that of any other catalogued instance.
User Response: Specify a different value for the instance name.
DBA1573E | This action is not available for the selected system. |
Explanation: Some Control Center actions require that an Administration Server be available on the target system. The system that you selected does not have an Administration Server. The requested action is not available for this system.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA1580 | New database objects are not allowed to be added to the unknown instance. |
Explanation: The unknown instance object appears in the tree only if orphaned databases that are not recognized as belonging to any existing instance are found. The tool tries to prevent you from creating new orphans whenever possible, so you are not allowed to add new ones to the unknown instance.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA1581 | Specify a database name. |
Explanation: You must specify a database name before you can add this new database object.
User Response: Specify a database name in the appropriate entry field, and then try the action again.
DBA1582 | Specify an alias. |
Explanation: You must specify an alias before you can add this new database object.
User Response: Specify an alias in the appropriate entry field, and then try the action again.
DBA1583 | The specified alias is already in use. |
Explanation: You specified an alias that matches the alias used for another database object in the tree. Database aliases must be unique within the control center, and are always capitalized.
User Response: Specify a unique alias, and then try the action again.
DBA1590 | The "<dbase>" database was created using an earlier version of DB2 than DB2 V5. Only limited function will be allowed for this database until it is migrated. |
Explanation: All databases that are found under DB2 V5 type system ojects are first assumed to be DB2 V5 databases. This database has now been detected to actually be a back-level database that has not yet been migrated to the DB2 V5 level. You can still access this database, but only limited function is available for back-level databases until you actually migrate them.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA2000E | You have not specified a job description. |
Explanation: A description for the job is required information.
User Response: Enter a job description in the entry field, and then click on OK.
DBA2001E | You have not specified the number of hours for your selection. |
Explanation: The number of hours for your selection is required information.
User Response: Enter a number in the hours entry field.
DBA2002E | You must select at least 1 day of the week for your selection. |
Explanation: To schedule a recurring job, you must specify at least one day of the week for the job.
User Response: Select at least one day of the week when scheduling a recurring job.
DBA2003E | You specified a date that is not valid. |
Explanation: The date you specified is not valid. Perhaps the date you have specified is in the past.
User Response: Enter a valid date.
DBA2004E | You specified a date or time or combination of date and time that is not valid. |
Explanation: The next execution date and time cannot be calculated, so no jobs can be scheduled. One possible error is when the time specified for a job to be run once is in the past. Remember that the date and time combination must be valid on the managed host where the schedule job is to be run.
User Response: Enter a valid date and time combination.
DBA2005E | You have not specified a script name. |
Explanation: A name for the script is required information.
User Response: Enter a name for the script file, and then click on OK.
DBA2006E | You have not specified a comment. |
Explanation: You indicated that you want to record a comment when the job is completed, but the comment entry field is empty.
User Response: Enter a comment, or clear the 'Record a comment' check box.
DBA2007E | You specified a script name that is not valid. |
Explanation: The command script is saved as a file in the file system. The script path is at most 255 bytes long. The file name part of the script name can be at most 8 bytes long. If an extension is specified, it cannot be longer than 3 bytes. The script name must not contain any blanks. For example, valid script names can be: j:\script\new.cmd c:\data\test\crtdb.bat
User Response: Enter a valid script name, and then click on OK.
DBA2008I | Job "<job id>" was created successfully. |
Explanation: A new job was scheduled successfully. You may turn to the journal job summary to view the newly created job.
User Response: To view the newly created job, turn to the journal job summary by selecting the Journal icon from the icon bar.
DBA2009E | A system error occurred. A Scheduler InfoBase call was unsuccessful. RC = "<return code>". Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2010E | The Scheduler service is not up and running. Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. |
Explanation: To perform any action involving the Job Scheduler or the Script Center, the Scheduler service must be up and running.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command.
DBA2011E | A system error occurred. Scheduling type (DBA or PGM) is not valid. Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2012E | A system error occurred. OS error was detected. RC = "<return code>". Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2013E | The job id key was not found. Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2014E | A system error occurred. Unable to change the status of the job. Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2015E | A system error occurred. Memory allocation was unsuccessful in client. Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2016E | A system error occurred. Scan handle is not valid. Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2017I | Are you sure you want to remove the selected jobs? |
Explanation: You specified to remove the selected jobs. You have the chance now to double-check the jobs that you selected to remove, and either to continue or to cancel the request.
User Response: Select YES to remove the selected jobs. Select NO to cancel the remove request.
DBA2018I | Are you sure you want to remove the selected saved scripts? |
Explanation: You specified to remove the selected scripts that are currently saved. You have the chance now to double-check the scripts that you selected to remove, and either to continue or to cancel the request.
User Response: Select YES to remove the selected scripts. Select NO to cancel the remove request.
DBA2019E | You have not specified the number of days for your selection. |
Explanation: The number of days for your selection is required information.
User Response: Enter a number in the days entry field.
DBA2020E | A system error occurred. Unable to determine script type. Command script was not executed. |
User Response:
DBA2021I | Are you sure you want to discard your changes? |
Explanation: You specified to have your changes not saved in the Script Center. You have the chance now either to continue discarding your changes, or to cancel the request and resume editing.
User Response: Select YES to discard the changes. Select NO to resume editing the command script.
DBA2022I | Command script "<script id>" was created successfully. |
Explanation: A new script was saved successfully in the Script Center. You may turn to the Script Center to view the new command script.
User Response: To view the newly saved script, turn to the Script Center by selecting the Script Center icon from the icon bar.
DBA2023E | Instance "<instance name>" does not exist. Command script was not executed. |
Explanation: The instance name associated with the script file does not exist.
User Response: You may select "Edit" from the Script Center to update the instance name to an existing instance.
DBA2024E | Command script "<script id>" does not exist. |
Explanation: The scheduled job cannot be executed because the script file associated with the job does not exist.
User Response:
DBA2025E | A system error occurred. This problem may also be related to memory allocation on the client. Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2026I | Are you sure you want to remove the selected job? |
Explanation: You specified to remove the selected job. You have the chance now to double-check the job that you selected to remove, and either to continue or to cancel the request.
User Response: Select YES to remove the selected job. Select NO to cancel the remove request.
DBA2027I | Are you sure you want to remove the selected saved script? |
Explanation: You specified to remove the selected script that is currently saved. You have the chance now to double-check the script that you selected to remove, and either to continue or to cancel the request.
User Response: Select YES to remove the selected script. Select NO to cancel the remove request.
DBA2028E | You have not specified the number of weeks for your selection. |
Explanation: The number of weeks for your selection is required information.
User Response: Enter a number in the weeks entry field.
DBA2029E | A system error occurred. Scheduler key was not found. Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2030E | You did not specify a system name. Select one from the list. |
Explanation: The system name is required information to process the action.
User Response: Select a system name from the drop-down list.
DBA2031I | Job "<job id>" was rescheduled successfully. |
Explanation: A job that you requested to be rescheduled was rescheduled successfully.
User Response:
DBA2032E | You have not specified a script name. |
Explanation: A name for the script is required information.
User Response: Enter the script name in the entry field, and then click on OK.
DBA2033E | You have not entered the command script. |
Explanation: The command script is empty.
User Response: Enter the command script content, and then click on OK.
DBA2034I | Command script "<script id>" was updated successfully. |
User Response:
DBA2035E | A system error occurred. Unable to retrieve the command script "<script id>". Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2036E | A system error occurred. Unable to create the command script. Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2037E | A system error occurred. Unable to replace the command script "<script id>". Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2038E | A system error occurred. Unable to copy the command script "<script id>". Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2039E | You have not specified the number of months for your selection. |
Explanation: The number of months for your selection is required information.
User Response: Enter a number in the months entry field.
DBA2040E | You must select at least 1 day of the month for your selection. |
Explanation: To schedule a recurring job, you must specify at least one date per month for the job.
User Response: Select at least one date per month when scheduling a recurring job.
DBA2041E | A system error occurred. Unable to remove the command script "<script id>". Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2042E | A system error occurred. Unable to run the command script "<script id>". Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2043I | Job "<job id>" was created successfully for running command script "<script id>". |
User Response:
DBA2044E | You have not specified a script description. |
Explanation: A description for the script file is required information.
User Response: Enter a description for the script file, and then click on OK.
DBA2045E | Command script associated with job "<job id>" is system-generated. Content cannot be shown. |
Explanation: The script associated with a backup or reorganize table action is not in readable format.
User Response: Select a different command script (file?) to view the content of.
DBA2046E | Command script "<script id>" is system-generated. Content cannot be edited. |
Explanation: The script associated with a backup or reorganize table action is not in readable format.
User Response: Select a different command script file to edit.
DBA2047E | A system error occurred. The script type is unknown. Restart the Admin. Server., and then retry the command. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2048E | The file name you specified already exists. Specify a different script file name. |
Explanation: The name of each script file must be unique. You specified a file name that already exists.
User Response: Specify an unique script file name.
DBA2049E | A system error occurred. File access was denied. |
Explanation: The application was unable to access the file in the file system.
User Response: Retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2050E | A system error occurred. The disk is full. |
Explanation: There is no more room on the disk. Processing cannot continue.
User Response: Delete unwanted files from the file system. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2051E | A system error occurred. A hard disk error occurred. |
Explanation: An internal error relating to the hard disk occurred. The application was unable to access a file.
User Response: Retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2052E | Unable to execute the job due to logon failure. Userid = "<user id>". |
Explanation: The password was invalid for the given userid or the userid is invalid.
User Response: Enter a valid userid and password when prompted.
DBA2053E | A system error occurred. Unable to remove job history entry. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2054E | A system error occurred. Unable to run job "<job id>". |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2055E | Command script "<script id>" has been removed from the Script Center. |
User Response:
DBA2056I | Command script "<script id>" was not changed. |
User Response:
DBA2057E | A system error has occurred. The path was not valid. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2058E | A line in the file is greater than "<number>" bytes. |
Explanation: The maximum number of bytes in a line is exceeded.
User Response: Rewrite the long line into separate lines without exceeding the limit.
DBA2059E | A system error occurred. There was a sharing violation. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2060E | A system error occurred. Unable to copy script "<script id>". |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2061I | Script "<script name>" was created successfully. |
Explanation: A new script file with the name "<script name>" was created successfully.
User Response: To view the newly created script, turn to the Script Center by selecting the Script Center icon from the icon bar.
DBA2062E | A system error occurred. Unable to create a new script. Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2063E | A system error occurred. Unable to retrieve the results of job "<job id>". Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Restart the Admin. Server, and then retry the command. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA2064E | A Script Center record already exists for this script file name. Specify a different script file name. |
Explanation: The name of each script file must be unique within the Script Center. You specified a file name that already exists.
User Response: Specify an unique script file name.
DBA2065E | A system error occurred. The script file does not exist in the file system. |
Explanation: The script file was not found in the file system. The file may have been erased.
User Response: Remove the script entry and recreate it.
DBA2066E | The db2job executable is not in the expected directory. Unable to run the script. |
Explanation: db2job executable should be copied to sqllib bin as part of the installation.
User Response: Contact your system administrator.
DBA2067I | The REORG TABLE command completed successfully. |
User Response:
DBA2068E | You have not entered the instance name. |
Explanation: The name of the instance is required information.
User Response: Enter the instance name in the entry field, and then click on OK.
DBA2069W | The maximum number of "<number>" jobs has been created. Please remove obsolete jobs. |
User Response: Remove jobs that are no longer needed before creating another new job.
DBA2070W | The maximum number of "<number>" scripts has been created. Please remove obsolete scripts. |
User Response: Remove scripts that are no longer needed before creating another new script.
DBA2071W | The maximum number of "<number>" bytes has been reached. Data shown is truncated. The complete file "<file name>" can be found at the server. |
Explanation: The editor cannot handle a file as large as the current one. Data shown had to be truncated.
User Response: The entire file can be viewed at the server in the indicated location.
DBA2072E | The script associated with job "<job id>" has been removed from the Script Center. |
Explanation: The script file does not exist anymore.
User Response:
DBA2073E | You have not specified a userid and password. |
Explanation: A userid and password for running the job are required.
User Response: Enter a valid userid and password for running the job, and then click on OK.
DBA2074E | A system error has occurred. The working directory path was not valid. |
Explanation: The specified working directory does not exist so it cannot be used to run the script.
User Response: Use the Browse... button to select a valid working directory path.
DBA2075I | Job "<job id>" has been submitted. Use the Jobs page on the Journal to view the results. |
User Response:
DBA2076E | The job terminated abnormally. |
User Response:
DBA2077E | File name "<file name>" already exists in the file system. |
Explanation: File name must be unique.
User Response: Specify another file name.
DBA2082W | The file permissions for the script do not allow Script Center to read the script with the current user ID. |
Explanation: The file permissions for the script do not allow Script Center to read the script with the current user ID.
User Response: Ensure that you have set appropriate file permissions for the script.
DBA2078E | An unexpected error occurred. There is no job output. |
Explanation: There is no job output from running the job.
User Response: A possible error could be an invalid file extension is used on the operating system. Recreate the script with a valid extension.
DBA2081W | The file "<file-name>" exceeds the maximum number of bytes ("<maximum-bytes>") for the Script Center. You must use an external editor to view or edit the file. |
Explanation: The file is larger than the maximum size that the Script Center can display.
User Response: Use an external editor to view or edit the file.
DBA2151E | The script cannot be scheduled because it was not saved. |
Explanation: The script cannot be scheduled because you canceled the save action and therefore, the script was not saved in the Script Center.
User Response: Save the script and then try scheduling again.
DBA2152I | The script has to be saved to the Script Center before it can be scheduled. |
Explanation: Only scripts that are saved in the Script Center can be scheduled and run.
User Response: Select OK to save the script to the Script Center, or Cancel if you do not want to schedule the script.
DBA2153I | File "<file name>" was opened successfully. |
User Response:
DBA2154I | Script "<script name>" was opened successfully. |
User Response:
DBA2155I | Do you want to overwrite file "<file name>"? |
Explanation: The file "<file name>" currently exists in the file system and the save operation will overwrite its contents.
User Response: Select OK if you want to overwrite the contents of the file, or Cancel if you do not want to alter its contents.
DBA2156I | Do you want to overwrite script "<script name>"? |
Explanation: The script "<script name>" currently exists in the Script Center and the save operation will overwrite its contents.
User Response: Select OK if you want to overwrite the contents of the script, or Cancel if you do not want to alter its contents.
DBA2157I | File "<file name>" was updated successfully. |
User Response:
DBA2158I | File "<file name>" was created successfully. |
Explanation: A new file with the name "<file name>" was created successfully in the file system.
User Response:
DBA2171I | Do you want to discard all your changes to the script, and exit from the Command Center? |
Explanation: You specified to exit from the Command Center, but the changes to the current script have not yet been saved. Your changes will be lost unless you cancel your exit request.
User Response: Select Yes to discard your changes and exit from the Command Center, or select No to cancel the exit request.
DBA2172I | Do you want to discard your changes to the current script, and create a new script? |
User Response: Select Yes to discard your changes and to create a new script, or select No to cancel the request.
DBA2173I | The Command Center is still processing a command. Try again later. |
Explanation: You tried to run a script or issue a set of commands, but the Command Center cannot process your command until it has finished processing the current one.
User Response: Please wait a few moments and try the command again. To stop the current command, click on the turning gears icon on the tool bar or select "Terminate" from the Results menu on the Results page.
DBA2174E | The file "<file name>" specified on the command line could not be opened. Make sure that the file exists and that you have read access to the file, and then try again. |
Explanation: You specified the name of a file containing a script that you want to import, but the Command Center could not access that file.
User Response: Make sure that you have entered the file name correctly on the command line, that the file exists, and that your user ID has read access to that file.
DBA2175E | There is not enough memory to create the Command Center window. The application cannot continue. |
Explanation: The system encountered a memory allocation problem when trying to create the Command Center window.
User Response: Make sure there is enough memory on your system to run the Command Center, and then try again.
DBA2176E | The system environment did not initialize. The application cannot continue. Restart the database manager and try again, or contact your local support personnel. |
Explanation: The command processor environment did not initialize properly.
User Response: Make sure you have enough disk space and then try again.
DBA2177E | The system could not create an access plan because a problem relating to Visual Explain has occurred. |
Explanation: Command Center has encountered a problem when trying to create an access plan.
User Response: Please refer to the help from the previous messages.
DBA2178E | You need a database connection in order to create an access plan. Use the "Connect" statement to connect to a database, and then try the command again. |
User Response: Establish a database connection first using the "Connect" statement, and then create an access plan for that database. To see a list of available databases, issue the command "list database directory".
DBA2179E | An access plan cannot be created because the statement you used is not in the correct format or is not a query. |
Explanation: The statement you used to try to create an access plan is either not in the correct format for a query or is not a query.
User Response: Check your statement for errors in query format, make necessary changes, and retry the statement. Refer to Visual Explain documentation for guidance on forming valid queries.
DBA2180I | The program name "db2" before the statement will be ignored because it is not required. |
Explanation: You don't need to type "db2" before a statement in the Command Center. It is only required at the operating system command prompt.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA2181I | The Command Center is not available at this time. Retry this operation later. |
Explanation: The JDBC server does not support multiple WEBCC Command Center sessions. The JDBC server is already busy with an existing Command Center session.
User Response: Wait until the current Command Center session is finished and retry the operation.
DBA2182N | A script name following the pattern "<script_name_pattern>" cannot be saved because the Script Center already contains too many scripts with names that follow the same pattern. Remove old scripts that follow this pattern from the Script Center then invoke the "<tool_name>" again. |
Explanation: There are too many automatically generated scripts with names like "<script_name_pattern>".
User Response: In the Script Center, remove at least one script with a name like "<script_name_pattern>", then invoke the "<tool_name>" again.
DBA2193W | "<window-name>" cannot run without "<program-name>". Ensure that the Database Tools subcomponent is installed. |
Explanation: To invoke "<window-name>", the "<program-name>" application must be installed on the server. By default, the Database Tools subcomponent of the Administration and Configuration Tools component is selected during installation. The Database Tools subcomponent must be selected during installation in order for the "<program-name>" application to be installed.
User Response: Ensure the Database Tools subcomponent is installed. If Database Tools was not selected during the installation of the database server, you will need to run DB2 Setup again.
DBA3007 | Are you sure you want to delete the explained statement? |
Explanation: You are about to delete the explained statement. This will delete the rows in the explain tables.
User Response: Ensure that you want to delete the explained statement.
DBA3008 | Are you sure you want to delete the explained statements? |
Explanation: You are about to delete the explained statements. This will delete the rows in the explain tables.
User Response: Ensure that you want to delete the explained statements.
DBA3009 | A system error occurred. The Visual Explain tool could not continue processing. |
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred causing the operation to stop.
User Response: Possible solutions include:
If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA3010 | The explain snapshot has been deleted. Your request cannot be completed. |
Explanation: The explain snapshot that is requested has been deleted from the explain tables.
User Response: Regenerate the snapshot.
DBA3011 | This explain snapshot was created using a different version of the database manager from the Visual Explain Tool. Your request cannot be completed. |
Explanation: The explain snapshot was created using a newer version or an older version of the database manager from the Visual Explain Tool. The access plan graph cannot be constructed by the Tool.
User Response: Use the same version of the database manager as the Visual Explain Tool to graph the explain snapshot.
DBA3012 | String not found. |
Explanation: The search string is not found in the text being displayed.
User Response: None.
DBA3013 | Text is missing. You must specify the text string to be found. |
Explanation: You did not specify a search string.
User Response: Specify a search string.
DBA3014 | No selection is made in the list. You must select at least one entry in the list. |
Explanation: You did not make a selection in the list.
User Response: Select at least one entry in the list.
DBA3015 | There are no referenced columns associated with this access plan. |
Explanation: There were no columns referenced in the query for the referenced table.
User Response: None.
DBA3016 | There are no page fetch pairs statistics associated with this index. |
Explanation: There are no page fetch pairs statistics stored in the catalog table for this index. Refer to the System Catalog Statistics section in the Administration Guide for more details.
User Response: None.
DBA3017 | There are no referenced functions associated with this access plan. |
Explanation: This access plan did not require the use of any functions.
User Response: None.
DBA3018 | There are no column distribution statistics associated with this column. |
Explanation: There are no column distribution statistics stored in the catalog table for this column. Refer to the System Catalog Statistics section in the Administration Guide for more details.
User Response: None.
DBA3019 | There are no indexes associated with this table. |
Explanation: There were no indexes defined on the referenced table at the time of explain and there are no indexes currently defined in the table.
User Response: None.
DBA3020 | An error occurred while a COMMIT against the database was being attempted and no SQLCODE can be returned. |
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred.
User Response: Contact your system administrator.
DBA3021 | An error occurred while a ROLLBACK against the database was being attempted and no SQLCODE can be returned. |
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred.
User Response: Contact your system administrator.
DBA3022 | The Get Database Manager Configuration api passed back a non-zero return code. |
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred causing the operation to stop.
User Response: Contact your system administrator.
DBA3023 | The Get Database Configuration api passed back a non-zero return code. |
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred causing the operation to stop.
User Response: Contact your system administrator.
DBA3024 | An error occurred while saving to the file "<file>". |
Explanation: Possible problems include:
User Response: Possible solutions include:
DBA3025 | An error occurred while retrieving from the file "<file>". |
Explanation: Possible problems include:
User Response: Specify the correct file name.
DBA3026 | No printers are installed. |
Explanation: There are no printers installed on your machine.
User Response: Install a printer on your machine.
DBA3033 | There are no referenced table spaces associated with this access plan. |
Explanation: This access plan did not reference any database objects contained in a table space.
User Response: None.
DBA3034 | The snapshot was created using code page "<codepage>" but is not converted to the code page of the window running the Visual Explain Tool. |
Explanation: The snapshot of the access plan graph displayed was created on a code page different from the code page of the window running the Visual Explain Tool. Code page conversion is not successful because the snapshot is too large. The access plan graph is displayed without code page conversion. You may not be able to display the current statistics when you open the statistics windows.
User Response: Change the code page of the window running the Visual Explain Tool to the same one used to create the snapshot and display the access plan graph again.
DBA3035 | The snapshot was created using code page "<codepage>" but is not converted to the code page of the window running the Visual Explain Tool. The value of the database manager configuration parameter UDF_MEM_SZ is too small. |
Explanation: The snapshot of the access plan graph displayed was created on a code page different from the code page of the window running the Visual Explain Tool. Code page conversion is not successful because the user defined function used to convert between the code pages do not have enough memory to run. The access plan graph is displayed without code page conversion. You may not be able to display the current statistics when you open the statistics windows.
User Response: Possible solutions include:
DBA3036 | Explain tables have been created to process your dynamic explain request. |
Explanation: One or more explain tables have been created under the current user ID. These tables will be used to store the information needed by your dynamic explain request.
User Response: None.
DBA3037 | The explain snapshot has been corrupted. Your request cannot be completed. |
Explanation: The explain snapshot that is requested has been corrupted in the explain tables.
User Response: Regenerate the snapshot.
DBA3038 | There are no referenced buffer pools associated with this access plan. |
Explanation: This access plan did not reference any database objects contained in a buffer pool.
User Response: None.
DBA3039 | Explain tables cannot be found. |
Explanation: Explain tables do not exist.
User Response: Create explain tables using one of the following methods:
DBA3040 | The command is specified incorrectly. |
Explanation: The command has invalid syntax.
User Response: Issue the command with the -h option to see the correct syntax.
DBA3041 | The name of the database must be between 1 and "<maximum>" characters long. |
Explanation: The specified database name is either empty or too long.
User Response: Reissue the command with a valid database name.
DBA3042 | The explainable statement text must be between 1 and "<maximum>" characters long. |
Explanation: The specified explainable statement text is either empty or too long.
User Response: Reissue the command with valid explainable statement text.
DBA3043 | The query tag cannot have more than "<maximum>" characters. |
Explanation: The specified query tag is too long.
User Response: Reissue the command with a valid query tag.
DBA3044 | The user ID cannot have more than "<maximum>" characters. |
Explanation: The specified userid is too long.
User Response: Reissue the command with a valid userid.
DBA3045 | The valid range for query number is from 0 to "<maximum>". |
Explanation: The specified query number is either too small or too large.
User Response: Reissue the command with a valid query number.
DBA3046 | The valid values for optimization class are 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9. |
Explanation: The specified optimization class is not one of the valid values.
User Response: Reissue the command with a valid optimization class.
DBA3047 | The database "<name>" cannot be found. |
Explanation: The database name specified in the command does not exist in the system database directory.
User Response: Reissue the command with an existing database name or catalog the database in the system database directory.
DBA3048 | db2vexp explains a dynamic SQL statement to produce an access
plan graph.
The syntax is:
Explanation: This is the syntax of the db2vexp command.
User Response: None.
DBA3059 | There is no details information associated with the selected operator "<operator>". |
Explanation: The details information of the selected operator is not available for the current release of the DB2 Administration Tools.
User Response: None.
DBA3060 | There is no help information associated with the selected operator "<operator>". |
Explanation: The help information of the selected operator is not available for the current release of the DB2 Administration Tools.
User Response: None.
DBA4000W | Are you sure you want to stop monitoring? |
Explanation: You have requested to stop monitoring all database objects that are currently monitored and to exit the Performance Monitor.
User Response: Click "Yes" to process the request or "No" to cancel it.
DBA4001I | There is no monitor summary for your selection. |
Explanation: You requested to show monitor activity on a level of object in which nothing is being monitored. There is no summary activity to be shown.
User Response: Retry the action when a monitor is started on a object that corresponds to the level you have selected.
DBA4002W | Are you sure you want to stop monitoring "<name>"? |
Explanation: You have requested to stop monitoring an object that is currently being monitored.
User Response: Click "Yes" to process the request or "No" to cancel it.
DBA4003I | Only the default level is changed for IBM supplied monitors. |
Explanation: For an IBM-supplied monitor, the only attribute that you can change is the level for which this monitor is designated as the default.
User Response:
DBA4004E | Multiple selection is only allowed for the Remove action. |
Explanation: You selected more than one monitor from the list of monitors. The only action you can perform on multiple objects is Remove.
User Response: Deselect all monitors except one from the list and retry the action.
DBA4005W | Are you sure you want to remove the selected monitors? |
Explanation: You requested to remove the selected monitors from the list.
User Response: Click "Yes" to process the request or "No" to cancel it.
DBA4006W | Are you sure you want to reset the counters? |
Explanation: You requested to reset the database counters.
User Response: Click "Yes" to process the request or "No" to cancel it.
DBA4007W | Are you sure you want to stop monitoring all objects in this level? |
Explanation: You have requested to stop monitoring all objects in this level that are currently being monitored.
User Response: Click "Yes" to process the request or "No" to cancel it.
DBA4008W | Are you sure you want to stop monitoring all partitions in this object? |
Explanation: You have requested to stop monitoring all partitions in this object that are currently being monitored.
User Response: Click "Yes" to process the request or "No" to cancel it.
DBA4009I | The IBM supplied monitors are being created. |
Explanation: The IBM supplied monitors are being created. This may take a while.
User Response:
DBA4010E | The Performance Monitor encountered a problem and cannot continue. Retry the action. If the problem persists, take a trace at the client and the server, and contact support personnel. |
Explanation: Unexpected error has occurred.
User Response: Take a trace at the client and the server and contact support.
DBA4011E | The program "<name>" is not a valid name. The program cannot be run. Check the name and retry the action. |
Explanation: You have specified an invalid program name.
User Response: Specify a valid program name and retry the action.
DBA4012E | The program "<name>" cannot be run. The currently executing thread is not allowed to execute the specified program. |
Explanation: A security exception is thrown when executing the program specified. Run command works in application mode only.
User Response: Retry the action when you run Control Center as an application.
DBA4013I | Database manager node "<name>" is down. |
Explanation: From the Tools settings, node status page, you have selected to be informed about database manager node status when it is down.
User Response: Restart the database manager node to continue processing.
DBA4014I | The state of database manager node "<name>" is unknown. |
Explanation: From the Tools settings, node status page, you have selected to be informed about database manager node status when the state is unknown.
User Response:
DBA4015E | "<name>" contains invalid input. Please re-enter the entry. |
Explanation: Your entry contains invalid character.
User Response: Retry your action with new entry.
DBA4016E | New monitor cannot be created. The maximum number of monitors is "<number>". |
Explanation: The create or save as or copy request fails. The maximum number of monitors has been reached.
User Response: Remove unused monitors and retry your action.
DBA4017E | The monitoring connection cannot be established. The maximum number of monitoring connections is "<number>". |
Explanation: The maximum number of monitoring connections has been reached.
User Response: Retry your action later or stop any running monitoring session on your machine.
DBA4018W | Your entry in "<name>" is too long. The maximum number of characters is "<number>". Your entry is truncated. |
Explanation: Your entry has exceeded the limit.
User Response:
DBA4019E | Your entry in "<name>" is too long. The maximum number of characters is "<number>". Retry your action with valid input. |
Explanation: Your entry has exceeded the limit.
User Response: Retry the action with valid input.
DBA4020W | You made changes to the performance monitor "<name>". Do you want to save your changes? |
Explanation: You made one or more changes to the performance monitor that are not yet saved, and you requested to exit from the Show Monitor window or set the running monitor a different monitor. Your changes will be lost unless you click Yes.
User Response: Click "Yes" to process the request or "No" to cancel it.
DBA4021W | You made changes to the performance variable settings for "<name>". Do you want to apply your changes to the next snapshot? |
Explanation: You made one or more changes to the performance variable settings that are not yet saved, and you selected a different performance variable to work with. Your changes will be lost unless you click Yes.
User Response: Click "Yes" to apply the changes to the next snapshot of "No" cancel it.
DBA4023E | You entered a combination of alarm and warning threshold values that is not valid for performance variable "<name>". Change one or more threshold values and try again. |
Explanation: The upper alarm threshold value must be greater than the upper warning threshold value and so on; that is, upper alarm threshold value > upper warning threshold value > lower warning threshold value > lower alarm threshold value. The threshold value is a float no longer than 9 digits.
User Response: Verify the threshold values and try the operation again.
DBA4024W | The Summary page cannot show more than "<number>" columns. Turn to the Details page to see all the performance variables. |
Explanation: The Summary page currently displays as many columns as it can accommodate, but some performance variables are not shown.
User Response: Turn to the Details page to see all the performance variables.
DBA4025W | The "<type>" view cannot show more than "<number>" performance variables. |
Explanation: The maximum number of performance variables are shown.
User Response: Remove one or more performance variables from the "<type>" view before adding more.
DBA4026I | A non-applicable monitor has been set as default for this level. |
Explanation: The monitor must include at least one pv for this level.
User Response: Modify the default monitor to include at least one pv for this level.
DBA4027I | Monitoring has not been started as there is nothing to monitor. |
Explanation: Currently there are no databases or gateway connections to be monitored for this instance.
User Response: Catalog a database or gateway connection to start monitoring.
DBA4060E | The Performance Monitor is currently active with another monitor for this instance. |
Explanation: Only one monitor can be active at a time per instance. For example, if your default monitor for databases is different from your default monitor for connections, you will not be able to monitor databases and monitor (or list) connections at the same time.
User Response: In the List Monitors window, you can:
DBA4065E | The threshold value cannot be blank or contain more than 9 characters. Enter a valid threshold value. |
Explanation: You entered a threshold value which is not valid or your value has been modified internally. For example, 123456789 will be modified to 123,456,789.0 which exceeds the number of characters allowed in the threshold.
User Response: Re-enter the threshold value and retry your action.
DBA4070E | The JDBC server encountered a problem. The list of performance monitors could not be processed. |
Explanation: An unexpected problem is encountered.
User Response: Verify that the JDBC server is up and running. If it is, take a trace at the JDBC server and then contact support personnel.
DBA4071W | Some monitors are currently in use locally. The refreshed list shows local monitors only. |
Explanation: The list of monitors is refreshed with local monitors only.
User Response: To show the complete list, stop the active monitors and retry the operation.
DBA4072E | This monitor name already exists. Specify a unique name. |
Explanation: Performance monitor names in a JDBC server must be unique regardless of the monitor's creator.
User Response: Specify a unique monitor name.
DBA4074E | The JDBC server encountered a problem. The operation could not be performed. |
Explanation: An unexpected problem is encountered.
User Response: Verify that the JDBC server is up and running. If it is, take a trace at the JDBC server and then contact support personnel.
DBA4075E | This performance monitor is empty so it cannot be saved. Add at least one performance variable to the monitor and retry the operation. |
Explanation: Monitors need to contain at least one performance variable in order to be valid.
User Response: Add at least one Performance Variable to the monitor and retry the operation.
DBA4076E | The action cannot be performed because you are not the creator of the monitor. |
Explanation: You must own the monitor to be able to change, rename or remove it.
User Response: If you were trying to change a monitor, copy it under a different name and then change it.
DBA4079E | This monitor is currently in use locally. Stop the monitor, and then remove or rename it. |
Explanation: You cannot remove or rename an active monitor.
User Response: Stop the monitor before removing or renaming it.
DBA4080E | This monitor is currently in use remotely. Wait till the monitor is stopped, and then remove or rename it. |
Explanation: You cannot remove or rename an active monitor.
User Response: Wait till the monitor is stopped before removing or renaming it.
DBA4083E | This monitor could not be found. Another user might have removed it. Stop all monitoring and then refresh your list of monitors. |
Explanation: Another user might have removed the monitor that you are using.
User Response: Stop all monitoring and refresh your list of monitors.
DBA4090E | Connection to the JDBC server has ended abnormally. Close the Control Center and retry the operation. If the problem persists, take a trace at the JDBC server and contact support personnel. |
Explanation: An unexpected error has occurred.
User Response: Close the Control Center and retry the operation. If the problem persists, take a trace at the JDBC server and contact support personnel.
DBA4095I | This function has not been implemented on this object. |
Explanation: This function has been planned for a future release but is not currently implemented on this object.
User Response: None.
DBA4220 | Full database restore cannot be done from a table space backup image. |
Explanation: Full database restore cannot be done from a table space backup image.
User Response: None.
DBA4221 | Table space selection is not allowed for the media type. |
Explanation: Table space selection is not allowed for the media type.
User Response: None.
DBA4222 | Table space selection is not allowed since the database is in backup pending state. |
Explanation: Table space selection is not allowed since the database is in backup pending state.
User Response: None.
DBA4223 | Full database required when backup image information is entered manually. |
Explanation: Full database required when backup image information is entered manually.
User Response: None.
DBA4730E | Performance monitoring encountered a problem while accessing the monitor server. Monitoring cannot continue. smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: See the Administration Server error logs for more information.
User Response: Contact your technical service representative with the smcode.
DBA4731E | A resource problem occurred on the Monitor Server. smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: See the Administration Server error logs for more information.
User Response: Free up some server resource and retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact your technical service representative with the smcode.
DBA4732E | A problem occurred when trying to attach to the database instance. smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: See the Administration Server error logs for more information.
User Response: Retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact your technical service representative with the smcode.
DBA4733W | The monitored database instance is stopped. Restart the instance. smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: See the Administration Server error logs for more information.
User Response: Restart the instance. If the problem persists, contact your technical service representative with the smcode.
DBA4734E | Performance monitoring encountered a problem while accessing the monitor server. smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: See the Administration Server error logs for more information.
User Response: Retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact your technical service representative with the smcode.
DBA4735E | A problem occurred when trying to attach to the database instance. smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: See the Administration Server error logs for more information.
User Response: Contact your technical service representative with the smcode.
DBA4736E | Unable to determine the current country code or current code page in use on the client. smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: The client's country code and code page must be sent to the server so that the data is returned in the correct code page. The Monitor Server was unable to determine the active country code or code page.
User Response: Refer to your operating system documentation to determine how to set the country code and active code page for your system. Retry the operation after setting the country code and code page.
DBA4737E | Unable to set the current client country code or current code page on the server. smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: The client's country code and code page must be sent to the server so that the data is returned in the correct code page. The Monitor Server was unable to set the client's active country code or code page on the server.
User Response: Refer to your operating system documentation to determine how to activate the client's country code and active code page on your server's system. Retry the operation after activating the country code and code page.
DBA4738E | The Administration Server on system "<name>" is not started. smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: The listed Administration Server on system "<name>" is not started.
User Response: Start the Administration Server and retry the operation.
DBA4739E | The client system's code page could not be determined. The client system might not be set up correctly. smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: This is a client system setup problem.
User Response: Contact IBM Service.
DBA4740E | The client code page "<name>" is not available on instance "<name>". smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: The listed code page has not been installed on instance "<name>".
User Response: Contact your system administrator. Your administrator should install codepage "<name>" on instance "<name>".
DBA4741E | The client codepage "<name>" is not available on instance "<name>", at node "<name>". smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: The listed codepage has not been installed on instance "<name>", at node "<name>".
User Response: Contact your system administrator. Your administrator should install codepage "<name>" on instance "<name>" at node "<name>".
DBA4742E | The Administration Server "<name>" cannot be found. smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: Possible reasons for this problem include: 1) Remote instance name is not valid. 2)Hostname is not valid.
User Response: Contact your system administrator.
DBA4743E | The Administration Server "<name>" detected a problem. sqlcode: "<Error code>". smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: The Administration Server "<name>" had an internal error.
User Response: Contact your system administrator.
DBA4744E | The Control Center could not communicate with the parallel tools on instance "<name>" at node "<name>". Try starting communications. smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: Communications may not have been started.
User Response: Contact your system administrator.
DBA4745E | The TCP/IP port configuration between the Control Center and the parallel tools on instance "<name>" at node "<name>" is not correct. smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: The /etc/services file at node "<name>" might contain incorrect information.
User Response: Contact your system administrator. Your administrator should check that the port name of db2ccmsrv is entered correctly in the /etc/services file on node "<name>".
DBA4746E | Instance node host name "<name>" is not valid on instance "<name>". smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: The db2nodes.cfg file for instance "<name>" might contain incorrect information.
User Response: Contact your system administrator. Your administrator should validate the host name found in the db2nodes.cfg file for instance "<name>".
DBA4747E | The Performance Monitor did not receive a response from node "<name>" within the snapshot capture interval. smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: A performance or communications problem on the listed node is preventing a response from being sent, or the snapshot capture interval is not long enough to allow each node time to respond to the request.
User Response: Contact your system administrator. Your administrator can 1) Validate the performance on the listed node. 2) Increase the snapshot capture interval to allow more time for the node to respond to the snapshot request.
DBA4748E | Logical node "<name>" on instance "<name>" is not valid. smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: The db2nodes.cfg file for instance "<name>" might contain incorrect information.
User Response: Contact your system administrator.
DBA4749E | The Monitor Server on instance "<name>" is unable to establish communications with node "<name>". smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: The communications subsystem may not have been started.
User Response: Start the db2cclst process on the node specified above. If problem still persists, contact your system administrator.
DBA4750E | The instance being switched to does not exist. smcode: "<Error code>" |
Explanation: See the Administration Server error logs for more information.
User Response: Contact your technical service representative with the smcode.
DBA5006E | PIPE Event Monitors are not supported. |
Explanation: The Event Analyzer only handles traces produced by FILE Event Monitors.
User Response: Use a FILE Event Monitor.
DBA5007E | The specified Event Monitor does not exist. |
Explanation: The Event Monitor names specified with the -evm option could not be found in the catalogs for the database specified with the -db option. The Event Monitor may have been dropped or you may be trying to connect to the wrong database.
User Response: Make sure that the Database alias specified with the -db is properly cataloged and that the Event Monitor has not been dropped. If the latter is the case, re-create the event monitor.
DBA5250I | The number of objects retrieved exceeds the limit of what can fit in the window. A partial list is displayed. |
Explanation: The window height required to display the retrieved objects exceeds a system limit.
User Response: You can reduce the number of objects displayed in the window by doing the following:
DBA5300E | Event Analyzer invocation error.
Explanation: The command parameters for the db2eva command are:
Window Manager Options can be intermixed with the db2eva arguments.
Two modes of operation are provided for reading Event Monitor trace files:
This mode allow users to move trace files from a server and analyze them locally, even if the Event Monitor has been dropped.
When this mode is used, db2eva connects to the database, and issues a 'select target from sysibm.syseventmonitors' to locate the directory where the Event Monitor writes its trace files. The connection is then released, unless -conn is specified. The Event Monitor must not have been dropped when using this mode.
NOTE: Both the -conn and -db options require that the database with which the trace was recorded still exists, and that the user has sufficient access privileges to connect and select from the system catalogs.
User Response: Re-issue the command with valid arguments.
DBA5311E | Event Monitor invocation error. Usage:
Explanation: The command parameter for the db2emcrt command is:
User Response: Re-issue the command with valid arguments.
DBA5350E | The specified file cannot be opened. |
Explanation: The specified file could not be opened in read-only mode for an unknown cause.
User Response: Check the spelling of the directory specified by the -path option, its access authority, and that it contains a non-empty, readable trace file called 00000000.evt.
NOTE: The first trace file for an Event Monitor is always named 00000000.evt and cannot be renamed.
DBA5351E | The specified file cannot be found. |
Explanation: There is no 00000000.evt file in the directory specified by -path.
User Response: Check the spelling of the directory specified by the -path option, its access authority, and that it contains the trace file 00000000.evt.
NOTE: The first trace file for an Event Monitor is always named 00000000.evt and cannot be renamed.
DBA5352E | The path specified was not found. |
Explanation: The -path option specifies a directory that does not exist.
User Response: Check the spelling of the directory specified by the -path option, its access authority, and that it contains the trace file 00000000.evt.
NOTE: The first trace file for an Event Monitor is always named 00000000.evt and cannot be renamed.
DBA5353E | Access to the specified file was denied. |
Explanation: The specified file could not be opened in read-only mode. The -path option may be specifying a directory to which you do not have sufficient access authority.
User Response:
DBA5354E | The data cannot be read from the specified file. |
Explanation: The Event Monitor trace file contains unexpected data, or cannot be accessed.
The trace file was likely corrupted during transmission or has been removed.
User Response: Transmit your trace files from your server again. When transmitting trace files from a remote server, ensure that the transmission is done in binary mode.
DBA5355E | An Event Monitor log header could not be found in the specified file. |
Explanation: The first file written to by an Event Monitor is named 00000000.evt and contains a data structure that identifies the trace characteristics. This data structure could not be read. Possible causes:
User Response:
DBA5356E | The byte order is not valid in the specified file. |
Explanation: The Event Monitor log header (the first record written to a new trace) specifies whether the trace contains little-endian (e.g., OS/2) or big-endian (e.g., AIX) data. The value found in the trace file specified neither of these two supported types of data.
The trace file was likely corrupted during transmission.
User Response: Transmit your trace files from your server again. When transmitting trace files from a remote server, ensure that the transmission is done in binary mode.
DBA5357E | Unexpected data was found at the specified offset in the specified file. |
Explanation: The Event Monitor trace file contains unexpected data.
The trace file was likely corrupted during transmission.
User Response: Retransmit your trace files from the server, ensuring that the transmission is done in binary mode.
DBA5358I | Cannot browse local file system without an active local Administration Server. |
Explanation: The file browser requires a Database Adminstration Server (DAS) instance to browse file systems. If this is a client installation, the DAS instance is not present and local file browsing is disabled.
User Response: For server installations, ensure the DAS instance is started and retry the operation.
DBA5500E | A system error has occurred. The Event Analyzer tool could not continue processing. |
Explanation: For an unknown reason a system error has occurred when trying to initialize the application environment.
User Response: Re-issue the command.
DBA5501W | Do you want to delete the event files associated with the event monitor "<evname>" that you are removing? |
User Response: To delete the event files for the selected event monitor, click on OK. If you do not want to delete the event files, but still want the event monitor removed, click on NO. If you do not want to remove the event monitor, or delete the event files click on CANCEL.
DBA5502E | No selection was made from the list of Event types. You must select one or more types from the list. |
Explanation: When creating an event monitor, at least one Event type must be selected.
User Response: Select one or more of the Event type check boxes from the Create Event Monitor window.
DBA5503I | An event monitor "<evname>" has been successfully created. |
Explanation: The event monitor has been successfully created and has been added to the database list of event monitors.
User Response: Click on OK to remove the message.
DBA5504W | Some event monitors were not removed because their event files could not be deleted. See the messages page from the journal notebook for the list of event monitors not removed. |
Explanation: Some of the selected event monitors may have been successfully removed, but others were not, because their associated event trace files could not be deleted.
This occurs when either event files are read-only, or they are being used by another active process.
User Response: See the message page of the journal notebook for the list of event monitors that were not removed. To delete the files, end the process using them and check the access authority for the files. Then select the event monitor from the list of event monitors and choose remove from the menu.
DBA5505E | Maximum file size was not specified. |
Explanation: If maximum file size in 4K pages is selected on the create event monitor Options window, then the maximum size of the event files must be specified.
User Response: Enter a maximum file size of between 1 and 2,147,483,647 4K pages, or you can select the No Maximum option. If the No Maximum option is selected, the maximum number of event files is 1.
DBA5506E | Maximum number of files was not specified. |
Explanation: If Maximum number of files is selected on the create event monitor Options window, then the maximum number of event files must be specified.
User Response: Enter a maximum number of event files of between 1 and 2,147,483,647, or you can select No Maximum option.
DBA5507E | Buffer size was not specified. |
Explanation: An event monitor Buffer size in 4K pages must be specified.
User Response: You must enter an event monitor buffer size of between 1 and 2,147,483,647 4K pages.
DBA5508W | Do you want to delete the event files associated with the event monitors that you are removing? |
User Response: To delete the event files for the selected event monitors, click on OK. If you do not want to delete the event files, but still want the event monitors removed, click on NO. If you do not want to remove the selected event monitors, or delete the event files click on CANCEL.
DBA5509E | The name entered for the event monitor is not valid. |
Explanation: The name entered in the event monitor Name field contains one or more characters that are not allowed. An event monitor can contain alphanumerics and must begin with a letter.
User Response: Remove from the name any characters that are not alphanumeric and make sure the name begins with a letter.
DBA5510E | When trying to activate the monitor, the directory for its data files was not found. |
Explanation: When activating an event monitor, the directory that was specified when the event monitor was created must exist. In order to flush its buffers, an event monitor needs an existing file and path.
User Response: Create the directory that was specified when creating the event monitor. Try to activate the event monitor again.
DBA5511E | Entry "<name>" is not valid because the value is out of the acceptable range. |
Explanation: The values for an event monitor's Maximum file size, Maximum number of files, and Buffer size must be between 1 and 2,147,483,647.
User Response: Enter a value in the entry fields that is within the given range.
DBA5512E | The character "<character>" entered for the event monitor name is not allowed. |
Explanation: A character entered in the event monitor name entry field is not a valid character for an event monitor name.
User Response: Remove from the event monitor name any characters that are not alphanumeric and make sure the name begins with a letter.
DBA5513W | The dynamic link library "<dllname>" could not be loaded successfully. |
Explanation: During the initialization of the event analyzer the dll could not be loaded because the dll has been deleted or removed.
User Response: Reinstall the event analyzer by selecting the performance monitor during the installation process.
DBA5514I | The event files for event monitor "<evname>" could not be deleted. |
Explanation: The event files for the event monitor could not be deleted because the files are being used by an active process or are read-only.
User Response: To delete the files, end the process that is using them and check the access authority for the files. Select the event monitor again and choose remove from the menu.
DBA5515W | The database alias name or database name "<dbname>" could not be found. |
Explanation: The alias name that was entered on the command line has not been cataloged on this machine.
User Response: Either catalog the alias on this machine and reenter the command or re-issue the command with a valid alias name.
DBA5516W | Viewing the trace for this event monitor may take some time. Do you wish to continue processing? |
Explanation: The user has requested to view a large trace for an event monitor. Reading the files could take some time to complete.
User Response: If you want to continue processing the trace click on OK. If you do not wish to continue processing the trace file then click on NO.
DBA5517E | The event monitor could not be started due to a reason code of "<reason-code>". |
Explanation: The event monitor could not be started for the reason specified by "<reason-code>":
User Response: To start the event monitor, make sure that the event monitor path is valid, the admin server started, and the proper authorities exist on the device. Click on OK.
If the problem persists, manually create the event monitor directory on the device and click on OK.
To create the event monitor without starting it, deselect the Start now check box and click on OK.
DBA5518E | The event monitor could not be started because its output directory could not be created. |
Explanation: The directory could not be created for one of the following reasons.
User Response: Make sure the proper authorities exist for directory creation.
On non-Intel platforms create the event monitor output directory manually.
DBA6001I | The replication subscription set, "<subscription_set>", is in use. Please try again later. |
Explanation: The Apply program is currently processing the replication subscription and this action cannot be deactivated. Wait until the Apply program has completed its processing and retry your command.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA6002I | The replication source, "<source_name>", was defined successfully. To begin capturing changes to the replication source, start the Capture program from the command line. |
Explanation: The Capture program requires a defined replication source in order to run.
User Response: Make sure the Capture program is running.
DBA6003I | The replication subscription was defined successfully. To begin replicating the subscription set, ensure that the Apply program has been started from the command line. |
Explanation: The Apply program requires a defined replication source in order to run.
User Response: Make sure the Apply program is running.
DBA6004I | The replication subscription was successfully changed. |
Explanation: This is for your information only.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA6005I | The replication sources were successfully removed. |
Explanation: This is for your information only.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA6006I | The replication source, "<source_name>", could not be removed. |
Explanation: This is for your information only.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA6007I | The replication subscription, "<subscription_name>", could not be removed. |
Explanation: This is for your information only.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA6008I | The replication subscriptions were successfully removed. |
Explanation: This is for your information only.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA6009E | "<file_name>" is locked by another action. |
Explanation: The file is currently being used by another action.
User Response: Wait until the action is completed and retry your command.
DBA6010I | The join was successfully defined. |
Explanation: This message is for your information only.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA6012I | The replication source was defined successfully. To begin capturing changes to the replication source, ensure that the Capture program has been started from the command line. |
Explanation: The Capture program requires a defined replication source in order to run.
User Response: Make sure the Capture program is running.
DBA6013I | The replication subscription was successfully updated. |
Explanation: This message is for your information only.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA6014I | The replication subscription was successfully cloned. |
Explanation: This message is for your information only.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA6015I | The SQL statements for this action have been saved in a file for future editing and execution. |
Explanation: This message is for your information only.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA6016I | The SQL script file has been run successfully. |
Explanation: This message is for your information only.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA6100I | The Apply program will only perform full refresh copies to this set. |
Explanation: This message is for your information only.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA6101E | The table, "<table_name>", cannot be found. |
Explanation: The control table specified could not be located in the database or was accidently dropped.
User Response: Create the control table. See the Tables Chapter for more details.
DBA6102I | This action may take some time to complete. Please wait... |
Explanation: This message is for your information only.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA6103E | The SQL file, "<file_name>", cannot be run. |
Explanation: The user may have edited the SQL statement file for a replication action, such as defining a replication source, and there is an error in the SQL statement file.
User Response: Correct the error in the SQL statement file and run the file again.
DBA6104W | No unique prefix character was found. The prefix character will be set to NULL. |
Explanation: A prefix character is an alphabetical or numerical character used to distinguish before-image columns in the source table. If a prefix character connot be assigned because all possible prefix characters are already in use, you will receive this warning. The change data table cannot be created.
User Response: Uncheck the before-image columns and rerun the action.
DBA6105E | The field, "<field_name>", requires your input. |
Explanation: The user has not filled in a required field.
User Response: Specify a parameter and select OK.
DBA6106E | The replication action does not currently support this database system. |
Explanation: The replication action must support your database system in order to run.
User Response: Contact your IBM Service representative.
DBA6107E | Please enter a different value for the field, "<field_name>". |
Explanation: When cloning a replication subscription, the target server and Apply qualifier fields must be different from the original target server and Apply qualifier fields.
User Response: Enter a different target server name or Apply qualifier and select OK.
DBA6108E | The action cannot be completed due to a syntax error. |
Explanation: The SQL statement contains a syntax error.
User Response: Check the SQL reference for the proper syntax. For subscription actions, check the where clause, the rows page, or the CREATE column. For define-join actions, check the CREATE VIEW statement.
DBA6109E | SHOW COLUMNS action cannot be completed. |
Explanation: The SHOW COLUMNS action requires that a table be selected.
User Response: Select a table from the Selected Table list box and then press the SHOW COLUMNS key.
DBA6110E | The SQL file, "<file_name>", cannot be opened. |
Explanation: The SQL file either does not exist, is in the wrong subdirectory, or is engaged in another process.
User Response: Make sure you enter the correct file name and that the file is in the correct subdirectory. If the file is engaged in another process, terminate the process and reenter the file name.
DBA6111E | The file, "<file_name>", cannot be opened. |
Explanation: The file either does not exist or is in the wrong subdirectory.
User Response: Make sure you enter the correct file name on the Replication page of the Tool Settings notebook.
DBA6112I | You have chosen to substitute user-defined values to define replication objects in the Tool Settings notebook. Please supply these values in the file "<file_name>". |
Explanation: This message is for your information only.
User Response: No action is required if you have already supplied user-defined values in the file.
DBA6113E | "<keyword>" is an invalid keyword in file "<file_name>". |
Explanation: The specified keyword is invalid and may be a typographical error.
User Response: Use the keywords as given in the default file "DPREPL.DFT".
DBA6114E | The value for keyword "<keyword>" cannot be found in file "<file_name>". |
Explanation: The value of this keyword is required for this action to complete.
User Response: Specify a value for this keyword in the file.
DBA6115E | None of the items in the column list were selected. This action cannot be completed. |
Explanation: At least one item in the column list must be selected for this action to complete.
User Response: Select one or more items from the column list and press OK.
DBA6116E | The value for keyword "<keyword>" is invalid in file "<file_name>". |
Explanation: The value of this keyword is either too long, an incorrect data type, or in an incorrect format.
User Response: Correct the value and invoke the action again.
DBA6117W | The before-image column "<column_list>" was truncated to "<number>" bytes because the length of the original column was at the database limit before being appended to the before-image prefix "<before_image_prefix>". |
Explanation: The length of the column from the original source table was at the database limit. When appended to the before-image prefix, some characters at the end of the column name were truncated to fit the database limit. This new before-image column name may no longer be unique because the truncated characters may be needed to guarantee a unique name.
User Response: Uncheck the before-image column when the truncated name is not unique and rerun the action.
DBA6118W | Datatypes "<datatype_list>" are not supported on the database "<database>". The datatypes will be converted to "<datatype_list>" in the SQL script. |
Explanation: Some datatypes from the source are not supported on the named database. However, equivalent datatypes could be found on the named database. The generated SQL statements will use the converted datatypes in place of the unsupported datatypes.
User Response: No action is necessary if the converted datatypes are acceptable. If they are not acceptable, uncheck the target columns and rerun the action.
DBA6119W | Datatypes "<datatype_list>" are not supported on the database "<database>". The columns containing these datatypes will be excluded from the SQL script. |
Explanation: Some datatypes from the source are not supported on the named database. No equivalent datatypes could be found on the named database. The generated SQL statements will exclude any columns containing the unsupported datatypes.
User Response: Contact IBM service if you would like to recommend a specific datatype be supported on the named database in the future.
DBA6120W | The source table "<table_name>" was not defined with a primary key. Specify a primary key for the target table in the Target Columns page. |
Explanation: The define subscription action could not find a qualifying primary key for the source table, therefore the define subscription could not determine an appropriate primary key for the target table.
User Response: Specify a primary key for the target table in the Target Columns page of the Advanced notebook.
DBA6121W | An incompatible Java Runtime Environment has been detected. Please verify that the required level of the Java Runtime Environment has been installed. |
Explanation: The installed Java runtime is not supported by the DB2 Java application.
User Response: Refer to the Control Center readme.htm for information on prerequisite Java Runtime Environment levels.
DBA6123E | The requested action cannot be performed because the schema names of the objects exceed "<number>" bytes in length. |
Explanation: The data replication components support schema names up to 18 bytes in length. You tried to perform a replication action against objects that have longer schema names. The action cannot be performed.
User Response: Select objects whose schema names are 18 bytes or less, and perform the action again.
DBA6124W | The requested action cannot be performed on some of the objects you selected because the schema names of the objects exceed "<number>" bytes in length. |
Explanation: The data replication components support schema names up to 18 bytes in length. You tried to perform a replication action against some objects that have longer schema names. The action will be performed only on those objects whose schema names are 18 bytes or less.
User Response: No action is required.
DBA6125W | The field "<field>", contains a schema name exceeding "<number>" bytes in length. The schema name will be truncated to "<number>" bytes. |
Explanation: The data replication components support schema names up to 18 bytes in length. The schema name in the field exceeds 18 bytes and it will be truncated to 18 bytes.
User Response: No action is required. However, you can type a shorter schema name in the field, if you do not want the existing schema name truncated.
DBA7000E | The license for "<product-name>" could not be removed. RC = "<return-code>". |
Explanation: The license could not be removed. Either the license could not be found in the nodelock file or the nodelock file could not be updated.
User Response: Check the permissions of the nodelock file and that the license exists in it.
The location of the file is platform specific:
DBA7001E | The license could not be added to the nodelock file. RC = "<return-code>". |
Explanation: There was an error transmitting the license file or installing the license.
User Response: Please check the permissions of the nodelock file. The location of the file is platform specific:
Alternatively you can also add the license using the command line utility db2licm.
If the problem persists please contact IBM Service.
DBA7002E | The license certificate is invalid. Please try the command again with a valid license file. RC = "<return-code>". |
Explanation: The license certificate contained in the file specified does not contain a valid db2 license or is in an unrecognizable format.
User Response: Please obtain a valid DB2 license certificate from your IBM representative or authorized dealer.
DBA7003W | The list of current users could not be retrieved. RC = "<return-code>". |
Explanation: The daemon or service that tracks the users is not functioning correctly or has not been started. You must have either the concurrent user policy or registered user policy activated.
User Response: Turn on a either the concurrent user policy or registered user policy and restart all the instances.
If the problem persists contact IBM Service.
DBA7004E | The registered user could not be removed from the registered user list. RC = "<return-code>". |
Explanation: The registered user list on the server could not be updated with the changes you have requested.
User Response: Check to make sure the user exists and that this is a valid action for this product. If the problem persists contact IBM Service.
DBA7005E | The registered user could not be added. RC= "<return code>". |
Explanation: The registered user list on the server could not be updated with the changes you have requested.
User Response: Check to make sure the username is valid and ensure that the registered user policy is valid for this product. If the problem persists contact IBM Service.
DBA7006E | The license policy could not be updated. RC = "<return code>". |
Explanation: The attempt to update the license policy for this product did not succeed.
User Response: Please restart the instance and the License Server using the command db2licd -xxx or on Window NT by using the Services Control Manager.
If the problem persists contact IBM Service
DBA7007E | The statistics regarding license usage could not be retrieved. RC = "<return-code>". |
Explanation: Either the statistics are currupt, there was a communication error, or no data is available. Data is generated on connects and disconnects after a policy is updated and the instances are restarted.
User Response: If the statistics are currupt you can remove the statistics database. This will remove all previously collected statistics. The location is platform specific and depends on where the product is installed.
DBA7008I | The license policy will not take effect fully until the instances are restarted. |
Explanation: When the instances are restarted it rereads the license configuration.
User Response: Restart the instances on the server.
DBA7009E | This product "<product>" does not support the specified license policy. RC = "<return-code>". |
Explanation: The license policy specified is not available for use with this product.
User Response: Specify a valid license policy.
DBA7010E | The License Center was unable to retrieve a list of products from the specified server. RC = "<return-code>". |
Explanation: The list of products on this server could not be obtained.
User Response: Please restart the administration instance and the Control Center and try again. If the problem persists contact IBM Service.
DBA7011E | You do not have proper authority to perform the specified action. |
Explanation: The user does not have permission to perform this operation.
User Response: Please login with a userid that has the proper permissions to perform this command.
DBA7012E | No statistics are available for the specified time period. |
Explanation: No statistics are available for the time period that you specified.
User Response: Please enter a valid date range where statistics exist.
DBA7013E | The license certificate "<filename>" could not be found. Please try the command again with a valid license file. RC = "<return-code>". |
Explanation: The file specified does not exist or cannot be read.
User Response: Please obtain a valid DB2 license certificate from your IBM representative or authorized dealer.
DBA7014E | A general error in the License Center has occured. RC = "<return-code>". |
Explanation: Restart the Control Center and the administration instance and try the command again.
User Response: If the problem persists please call IBM Service.
DBA7015E | The license for DB2 OLAP Server cannot be updated. The DB2 OLAP processes are currently active. |
Explanation: DB2 cannot update the license for DB2 OLAP Server while DB2 OLAP Server is running.
User Response: To update your OLAP license, please stop all OLAP processes and reinstall this DB2 license.
DBA7100W | The file "<file-name>" could not be opened. The page "<page-name>" in the Information Center, which corresponds to that file, will not be shown. |
Explanation: The data for the Information Center is stored in a number of NDX files. The file "<file-name>" might be missing from the correct directory.
If the Information Center is running as a Java applet, the Web server might not be serving the NDX files in a timely fashion.
User Response: Ensure that the NDX files are located in the correct directory as listed below.
Pages in the Information Center and their corresponding NDX files:
These files are located in the following directories:
DBA7101E | The Information Center cannot be displayed because none of the Information Center's NDX files can be opened. |
Explanation: The Information Center must read at least one NDX file to display any links to DB2 information.
The data for the Information Center is stored in a number of NDX files. The files might not be in the correct directory.
If the Information Center is running as a Java applet, the Web server might not be serving the NDX files in a timely fashion.
User Response: Ensure that the NDX files are located in the correct directory as listed below.
Pages in the Information Center and their corresponding NDX files:
These files are located in the following directories:
DBA7102W | The file "<file-name>" is not formatted properly. The following lines were ignored: "<line-numbers>". Ensure that these lines are formatted correctly. |
Explanation: Each line in an NDX file must be in the form of a comma-separated list. Here is an example:
"IBM",1,"IBM Home Page",http://www.ibm.comThe format of the list is as follows:
User Response: If you have edited this file, ensure that each line is formatted properly as follows:
DBA7200E | A maximum of 10 columns can be selected as input to a geocoder. |
Explanation: More than 10 columns were selected as input to a geocoder.
User Response: Move column names from the Selected columns box to the Available columns box until the Selected Columns box lists 10 names or fewer.
DBA7201E | The database is not enabled to perform Spatial Extender operations. |
Explanation: The database must be enabled for Spatial Extender before you can perform Spatial Extender operations.
User Response: Right-click the database and select Spatial Extender->Enable from the menu.