Information Catalog Manager Programming Guide and Reference

What you can do with the Information Catalog Manager API calls

The Information Catalog Manager API calls have consistent syntax rules. See Chapter 5, The Information Catalog Manager API call syntax for the complete syntax for each API call.

These API calls use self-defining input and output structures. Any programming language can read and generate these structures. For more information about the input structures and output structures, see Chapter 4, The Information Catalog Manager input and output structures.

This section briefly describes all of the API calls provided by the Information Catalog Manager and tells you where to find detailed information about each call.

Provide the Information Catalog Manager application support

These API calls allow your program to use other the Information Catalog Manager API calls.
API call Purpose See:
FLGInit Allocate required resources and initialize the Information Catalog Manager client FLGInit
FLGFreeMem Free output structures defined by the Information Catalog Manager. FLGFreeMem
FLGTerm Relinquish resources and terminate the Information Catalog Manager client FLGTerm
FLGTrace Set the level of tracing FLGTrace

Manage object type registrations

Registrations uniquely identify object types to the Information Catalog Manager.
API call Purpose See:
FLGCreateReg Register a new object type FLGCreateReg
FLGDeleteReg Delete an object type registration FLGDeleteReg
FLGGetReg Get the information for an object type registration FLGGetReg
FLGUpdateReg Update the information for an object type registration FLGUpdateReg
FLGManageIcons Create and update icons that represent an object type FLGManageIcons

Manage object types

Object types define associated properties.
API call Purpose See:
FLGAppendType Add new properties to an object type FLGAppendType
FLGCreateType Create a new object type FLGCreateType
FLGDeleteType Delete an object type FLGDeleteType
FLGDeleteTypeExt Delete an object type along with its instances and object type registration FLGDeleteTypeExt
FLGGetType Get information about an object type FLGGetType

Manage object instances

Object instances contain metadata representing a unit of information.
API call Purpose See:
FLGCreateInst Create a new object instance FLGCreateInst
FLGDeleteInst Delete an object instance FLGDeleteInst
FLGDeleteTree Delete a Grouping object instance and optionally delete all underlying instances FLGDeleteTree
FLGUpdateInst Update information about an object instance FLGUpdateInst
FLGGetInst Get information about an object instance FLGGetInst

Manage the Information Catalog Manager identifiers

This API call allows your program to convert identifiers for performance purposes.
API call Purpose See:
FLGConvertID Convert object type and instance identifiers for application performance FLGConvertID

Define object relationships

Relationships define the interaction of two object instances.
API call Purpose See:
FLGRelation Create or delete a contains, contact, attachment, or link relationship between two object instances. FLGRelation

Locate object instances

You can locate object instances based on the values of certain properties.
API call Purpose See:
FLGSearch Return a list of the instances of a specific object type that meet the selection criteria FLGSearch
FLGSearchAll Return a list of the instances of any object type that meet the selection criteria FLGSearchAll

List object types and instances

You can retrieve a list of object types or instances according to their category or relationships.
API call Purpose See:
FLGFoundIn Return a list of: objects in which a specific instance is contained; objects for which a specific instance is a contact; objects to which a specific instance is attached as a comment; object types for which a specified Programs instance is associated FLGFoundIn
FLGListAnchors Return a list of the Grouping objects that are not contained by other objects; these top-level Grouping objects are referred to as anchors. FLGListAnchors
FLGListAssociates Return a list of the objects that are: contained by a specified Grouping object; contacts for a specified object; comments attached to a specified object; linked with a specified object; or Programs associated with a specified object type FLGListAssociates
FLGListContacts Return a list of all Contact objects associated with a specified Grouping or Elemental object FLGListContacts
FLGListObjTypes Return a list of all object types FLGListObjTypes
FLGListOrphans Return a list of currently unassociated Attachment, Contact, or Program object instances FLGListOrphans
FLGListPrograms Return a list of all Programs objects associated with a non-Programs object type FLGListPrograms
FLGNavigate Return a list of the Grouping or Elemental objects that the specified Grouping object contains FLGNavigate
FLGWhereUsed Return a list of the Grouping objects that contain the specified object FLGWhereUsed

Copy metadata objects to or from the Information Catalog Manager

You can import or export metadata to or from the information catalog database.
API call Purpose See:
FLGExport Copy and translate the Information Catalog Manager metadata objects to a file in tag language format FLGExport
FLGImport Interpret and copy metadata objects from a file in tag language format into the information catalog FLGImport
FLGMdisExport Copy and translate the Information Catalog Manager metadata objects to a file in MDIS-conforming tag language format FLGExport
FLGMdisImport Interpret and copy metadata objects from an MDIS-conforming tag language file into the information catalog FLGImport

Start external programs

You can start a DOS or Microsoft Windows application from the Information Catalog Manager.
API call Purpose See:
FLGOpen Start an external program using information from the specified object. FLGOpen

Confirm or remove changes to the Information Catalog Manager database

You can commit or roll back changes to the Information Catalog Manager database.
API call Purpose See:
FLGCommit Confirm that you want changes to the information catalog database made permanent FLGCommit
FLGRollback Remove changes made to the information catalog database back to the point where changes were last committed. FLGRollback

Manage your enterprise information catalogs

You can manage the list of users authorized to perform object management tasks, choose the comment status choices available to users, and propagate deletions from one information catalog to shadow information catalogs in your enterprise.
API call Purpose See:
FLGManageUsers Update administrators and grant object management authority to specific users FLGManageUsers
FLGManageCommentStatus Set and update a list of available status choices for users to assign comments FLGManageCommentStatus
FLGManageFlags Start or stop recording of information catalog deletions (delete history), or retrieve current setting FLGManageFlags
FLGManageTagBuf Query or reset currently recorded delete history FLGManageTagBuf
FLGXferTagBuf Transfer delete history to a tag file for import into other catalogs FLGXferTagBuf

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