Information Catalog Manager Programming Guide and Reference


Deletes a specific instance of a Grouping object type, all Comments instances attached to it, and all ATTACHMENT, CONTACT, CONTAIN, and LINK relationships in which it participates. Optionally also deletes all object instances contained in the Grouping category object instance, all Comments instances attached to them, and all ATTACHMENT, CONTACT, and LINK relationships in which they participate.


Administrator or authorized user


APIRET  APIENTRY   FLGDeleteTree( PSZ              pszFLGID,
                                  FLGOPTIONS       Options,
                                  PFLGHEADERAREA * ppListStruct,
                                  PFLGEXTCODE      pExtCode );


pszFLGID (PSZ) -- input
Points to the 16-character, system-generated unique identifier of the Grouping category instance (container) to be deleted.

Characters 1-6 of this ID identify the object type of this instance.

Characters 7-16 of this ID are the system-generated unique instance identifier.

Options (FLGOPTIONS) -- input
Choose one of the following deletion options:

Deletes a Grouping category object instance, all Comments instances attached to it, and all ATTACHMENT, CONTACT, and LINK relationships in which it participates. Deletes all object instances contained in the Grouping category object instance, all Comments instances attached to them, and all ATTACHMENT, CONTACT, and LINK relationships in which they participate. See Figure 58 through Figure 60 for a graphical illustration of this option.

Deletes a Grouping category object instance, all Comments instances attached to it, and all ATTACHMENT, CONTACT, and LINK relationships in which it participates. Deletes the underlying tree structure of CONTAIN relationships. See Figure 58 through Figure 60 for a graphical illustration of this option.

ppListStruct (PFLGHEADERAREA) -- output
Points to the address of the pointer to the output structure containing a list of deleted object instances.

This output structure contains the 16-character FLGID of each deleted object instance.

If this parameter is NULL, no output structure will be returned. If there is no output structure, then the pointer to the output structure is set to NULL.

pExtCode (PFLGEXTCODE) -- output
Points to an extended code associated with the reason code. See Appendix D, Information Catalog Manager reason codes to see if a meaningful extended code is associated with the returned reason code.

Reason code (APIRET)
Represents the execution result of this API call.

See Appendix D, Information Catalog Manager reason codes for an explanation of the returned reason codes.



The specified object instance ID (FLGID) must exist.


Object instances that are contained by other Grouping objects than the one being deleted (as illustrated in Figure 59) are not deleted.

Freeing memory allocated for an output structure

If FLGDeleteTree returned data in the output structure, you must save the data returned in the output structure and then call FLGFreeMem (see FLGFreeMem). Do not use other methods, for example, C language instructions, to free memory.

Controlling updates to your information catalog

To keep your program as synchronized as possible with your information catalog, you should include a call to FLGCommit (see FLGCommit) after FLGDeleteTree completes successfully. If FLGDeleteTree does not complete successfully, you should include a call to FLGRollback (see FLGRollback).


Figure 58 through Figure 60 illustrate the effects of the two delete options. Figure 58 shows an information catalog with three grouping objects A, Z, and Y. Object B will be deleted using FLGDeleteTree.

Figure 58. Sample information catalog before deletions

Figure FLAA2009 not displayed.

Using the FLG_DELTREE_REL option, object instance B and some relationships under B are deleted. Object C and its containees are not touched because C is contained by another tree, Z. Object D is not contained by any other object and is therefore subject to the cascading effect.

Figure 59 illustrates the information catalog after B is deleted.

Figure 59. Example of the FLG_DELTREE_REL option

Figure FLAA2010 not displayed.

Using option FLG_DELTREE_ALL, object instance B and some instances under it are deleted from the catalog. Object instance C and its containees are kept, because it is also contained by Z.

Figure 60 shows the information catalog after B is deleted using the FLG_DELTREE_ALL option.

Figure 60. Example of the FLG_DELTREE_ALL option

Figure FLAA2011 not displayed.

Figure 61 shows the C language code required to issue the FLGDeleteTree call. This sample code deletes the DEPT001 Grouping category object instance, all Comments instances attached to it, and all ATTACHMENT, CONTACT, and LINK relationships in which it participates. The sample code also deletes all object instances contained in DEPT001 object instance, all Comments instances attached to them, and all ATTACHMENT, CONTACT, and LINK relationships in which they participate.

Figure 61. Sample C language call to FLGDeleteTree

 APIRET       rc;                           // Declare reason code
 FLGOPTIONS   ulOptMask=0;
 UCHAR        pszFLGID[FLG_ID_LEN + 1];
 FLGEXTCODE   xc = 0;                       // Declare extended code
   .  set value for pszFLGID
 ulOptMask = ulOptMask | FLG_DELTREE_ALL;   // delete whole tree
 rc = FLGDeleteTree (pszFLGID, ulOptMask,
                     &pDelStruct, &xc);

Figure 62 shows the output structure for the FLGDeleteTree call.

Figure 62. Sample output structure for FLGDeleteTree

Figure FLAA2012 not displayed.

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