Information Catalog Manager Programming Guide and Reference


Retrieves metadata from the information catalog and translates it to tag language in a file.


Administrator or authorized user


APIRET  APIENTRY   FLGExport( PSZ              pszTagFileID,
                              PSZ              pszLogFileID,
                              PSZ              pszIcoPath,
                              PFLGHEADERAREA   pListStruct,
                              PFLGEXTCODE      pExtCode );


pszTagFileID (PSZ) -- input
Points to the name of the output tag language file. This parameter is required.

This parameter contains the drive, directory path, and file name, and must be valid for a file allocation table (FAT) or HPFS file. The target drive for this file can be either a fixed or removable disk. If you type only the file name, the Information Catalog Manager places the tag language file on the drive and path pointed to by the DGWPATH environment variable.

The target tag language file must not exist; the Information Catalog Manager does not overwrite existing tag files.

The file name and extension (excluding the drive and directories) cannot exceed 240 characters. The entire tag language file ID cannot exceed 259 characters.

pszLogFileID (PSZ) -- input
Points to the name of the log file. This parameter is required.

This parameter contains the drive, directory path, and file name, and must be valid for a FAT or HPFS file. The target drive for the log file must be a fixed disk. The log file ID cannot exceed 259 characters. If you specify only a file name, the Information Catalog Manager places the log file on the drive and path pointed to by the DGWPATH environment variable.

If the log file specified in this parameter does not exist, a new file is created. If the log file specified in this parameter already exists, then the FLGExport API call appends to it.

pszIcoPath (PSZ) -- input
Points to the specification of the path containing the OS/2(R) or Windows icon files.

This parameter is optional. If this parameter is NULL, no icon files are exported.

This parameter contains the drive and directories and must be valid for a FAT or HPFS file. This parameter cannot be longer than 246 characters.

If this parameter is specified, the target drive for the icon files must be a fixed disk.

pListStruct (PFLGHEADERAREA) -- input
Points to an input structure containing the list of objects to be exported and the export options.

pExtCode (PFLGEXTCODE) -- output
Points to an extended code associated with the reason code. See Appendix D, Information Catalog Manager reason codes to see if a meaningful extended code is associated with the returned reason code.

Reason code (APIRET)
Represents the execution result of this API call.

See Appendix D, Information Catalog Manager reason codes for an explanation of the returned reason codes.

Input structure

To use FLGExport, you must define the input structure shown in Figure 65. This structure contains the header area, the definition area, and the object area.

Figure 65. FLGExport input structure

Figure FLAA2013 not displayed.

For an explanation of the meanings of the byte offsets, see The Information Catalog Manager API input structure.


Input structure

The definition area for the FLGExport input structure must be specified exactly as shown in Figure 65.

The input structure for FLGExport contains the following information:

16-character, system-generated unique identifier of the instance to be exported.

Characters 1-6 of this ID identify the object type of this instance.

Characters 7-16 of this ID are the system-generated unique instance identifier.

You can export any Information Catalog Manager object instances.

1-character indicator (Y | N) that specifies whether the Information Catalog Manager exports all objects contained by this object. This indicator applies only to Grouping objects and is ignored for all other objects.

1-character indicator (Y | N) that specifies whether the Information Catalog Manager exports all associated Contact objects of Grouping and Elemental objects. This indicator applies only to Grouping and Elemental objects and is ignored for all other objects.

1-character indicator (Y | N) that specifies whether the Information Catalog Manager exports all Attachment objects attached to the specified object instance. This indicator is ignored if the specified object is an Attachment object.

1-character indicator (Y | N) that specifies whether the Information Catalog Manager exports all Grouping and Elemental object instances linked with the specified object instance. This indicator applies only to Grouping and Elemental objects and is ignored for all other objects.

Generated tag language file

FLGExport generates a tag language file that contains tags for each object instance exported. Depending on what you specify for the indicators, object instances are exported as shown in Table 16.

Table 16. Object instances exported to tag language file for indicator combinations
Indicator value Exports:
Y Y Y Y a through j
Y Y Y N a, b, c, d, g, h, i, j
Y Y N Y a, b, e, f, g, h
Y Y N N a, b, g, h
Y N Y Y a, b, c, d, e, f
Y N Y N a, b, c, d
Y N N N a, b
Y N N Y a, b, e, f
N Y Y Y a, c, e, g, i
N Y Y N a, c, g, i
N Y N Y a, e, g
N N Y Y a, c, e
N N Y N a, c
N N N Y a, e
N N N N a only
Specified object instance
Object instances contained by a
Comments attached to a
Comments attached to b
Links for a
Links for b
Contacts for a
Contacts for b
Comments attached to g
Comments attached to h

FLGExport generates frequent COMMIT tags in the tag language file.

FLGExport places a copy of the icon associated with each object type in the specified icon path. FLGExport does not export the default category icons if no other icon is associated with the object type. The name of the exported icon file is the object type DP NAME (short name) with an extension of .ICO for OS/2 icons or .ICW for Windows icons.

Linking your VisualAge C++ program when it exports metadata to diskettes

If your C language program issues an FLGExport call that exports the Information Catalog Manager information to diskettes, link your program with an application type of WINDOWAPI so that the Information Catalog Manager can use Presentation Manager(R) (PM) interface display messages that prompt the user for diskettes when necessary.

You can perform this linking using one of these methods:


Figure 66 shows the C language code required to invoke the FLGExport API call. This sample code exports three Information Catalog Manager objects. All three objects are Grouping objects:

Figure 66. Sample C language call to FLGExport

 APIRET         rc;     // Declare reason code
 UCHAR   pszTagFileID[FLG_TAG_FILE_ID_MAXLEN + 1]; // Tag file id
 UCHAR   pszLogFileID[FLG_LOG_FILE_ID_MAXLEN + 1]; // Log file id
 UCHAR   pszIcoPath[FLG_ICON_PATH_MAXLEN + 1];  // icon files path
 PFLGHEADERAREA  pListStruct;  // pointer to the input structure
 FLGEXTCODE     ExtCode=0;   // declare an extended code for API
   .  /* set values for Tag file/ Log file/ Icon path   */
   .  /* create object list             */
 rc  = FLGExport (pszTagFileID,
                  pListStruct,          // Pass input structure
                  &ExtCode);          // Pass pointer to extended code

Figure 67 shows the input structure for the FLGExport call.

Figure 67. Sample input structure for FLGExport

Figure FLAA2014 not displayed.

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