IBM DB2 Universal Database 
Version 6.1
for Windows NT 4.0, Windows 95, and Windows 98
README file for DB2 Java samples
Last updated : April 1999
This file contains information for both JDBC and SQLJ sample programs.
To access, build, and run the DB2 Java sample programs, you must:
1. Install the DB2 Java Enablement component for JDBC and SQLJ 
   runtime support
2. Install the DB2 Software Developer's Kit (DB2 SDK) for JDBC and SQLJ 
   development support.

For more information on setting up your DB2 Java development environment and
running Java programs, refer to the "Building Java Applets and Applications" 
section in the Application Building Guide.

For more information on creating JDBC and SQLJ applications for DB2, including
stored procedures and UDFs, refer to the "Programming in Java" section of the
Application Development Guide.

For the latest information on developing and building Java applications for
DB2, refer to the DB2 Java website at http://www.software.ibm.com/data/db2/java

  1) Copy C:\sqllib\samples\java to a working directory
     (where C: represents the drive on which DB2 is installed).
  2) Create the sample database with the following command: db2sampl
  3) To build stored procedure and UDF libraries, ensure that you have 
     write permission to the C:\sqllib\function directory
     (where C: represents the drive on which DB2 is installed).
  4) Modify the makefile to reflect your environment:
       o set UID to the user ID that will be used to connect to the database
       o set PWD to the password of the user ID
  5) Execute the 'nmake' command from the working directory
     appropriate for your platform:
       o nmake all - builds all samples, including stored procedures and
       o nmake srv - builds only stored procedures and UDFs, which must 
            be stored on the server in the C:\sqllib\function directory
            (where C: represents the drive on which DB2 is installed).
       o nmake allcli - builds only the samples that will run on a DB2 
            client, including samples that call stored procedures and UDFs
       o nmake <program name> - builds the sample identified by <program 
            name>. Do not include the file extension for the program name.
   7) To clean up your system after previous 'make' commands, execute the 
            following command:
       o nmake cleanall - removes all .class and intermediate files from 
            the working directory and the C:\sqllib\function directory
            (where C: represents the drive on which DB2 is installed).

Note: The makefile provided will only work if a compatible make executable
program is resident on your system in a directory included in your PATH 
variable. Such a make utility may be provided by another language compiler.
If you do not have a compatible make utility you cannot use the makefile, 
but you can still build JDBC programs with the javac bytecode compiler 
using the following syntax:

   javac <program name>.java
To build SQLJ programs in an environment without a make utility, you can 
use the following build scripts:
Script Name          Script description  
bldsqlj.bat          Builds an SQLJ program. To build an SQLJ program with 
                     'bldsqlj', use the following syntax:
                       bldsqlj <SAMPLE> [DATABASE [USERID PASSWORD]]
                     o SAMPLE - (mandatory) represents the name of the 
                       sample program without the .sqlj extension
                     o DATABASE - (optional) represents the name of the
                       database in which an SQL package will be created; 
                       if you do not specify DATABASE, you cannot
                       specify USERID or PASSWORD. The default database 
                       is 'sample'.
                     o USERID - (optional) represents the user ID that 
                       will be used to connect to the database specified 
                       by DATABASE.
                     o PASSWORD - (optional) represents the password for 
                       the user ID specified by USERID
bldsqljs.bat         Builds an SQLJ stored procedure or UDF library and 
                     copies the resulting .class and .ser files to the 
                     %DB2PATH%\function directory (where %DB2PATH% points to
                     where DB2 is installed).
                     To build an SQLJ stored procedure or UDF library with
                     'bldsqljs', use the following syntax:
                       bldsqljs <SAMPLE> [DATABASE [USERID PASSWORD]]
                     See the previous description of 'bldsqlj' for an 
                     explanation of these build script arguments.


The following lists describe the functions performed by each sample program
and provide any special information that you may require to build or run 
the sample program.

WARNING: Some of these samples will change your database or database manager
         configuration.  Execute the samples against a 'test' database only,
         such as the SAMPLE database.

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Sample Programs
Program Name         Program Description  
BasicCon.java        Performs a basic connection.  
Browser.java         Lists columns, foreign keys, index columns, or  
                     statistics for a table. 
ColPriv.java         Lists column privileges. 
Columns.java         Lists all columns for every table with a name that 
                     matches a given search string.  
DB2Appl.java         Queries the sample database using the JDBC application
DB2Applt.java        Queries the database using the JDBC applet driver. It 
                     uses the user name, password, server, and port number 
                     parameters specified in DB2Applt.html.  
DB2Applt.html        An HTML file that embeds the applet sample program, 
                     DB2Applt. You must customize the server and user 
                     parameters that are passed to the applet.  
                     To view the applet, perform the following steps:
                       o Compile DB2Applt with the following command:
                         javac DB2Applt.java
                       o Start the JDBC server with the following command:
                         - db2jd <port_number>
                         where port_number represents the port that will
                         be used for TCP/IP communications by the applet.
                         The default port number is 6789.
                       o Copy the JDBC driver library, db2java.zip, from 
                         C:\sqllib\java into the same directory as 
                       o View the applet by loading it in a web browser 
                         that supports JDK 1.1, or view it locally with the 
                         following command:
                         - appletviewer DB2Applt.html
DB2SpCli.java        A client application that calls the JDBC stored
                     procedure, DB2Stp.  
DB2Stp.java          A stored procedure that updates the EMPLOYEE table on 
                     the server, and returns new salary and payroll 
                     information to the client.  
DB2UdCli.java        A client application that catalogs and calls the  
                     user-defined functions contained in the server program 
Dynamic.java         Demonstrates a cursor using dynamic SQL.  
Embedded.java        Creates, populates, lists data from, and drops a table.  
GetAttrs.java        Lists some common environment, connection, and 
                     statement options and attributes.  
GetData.java         Queries and displays of data from the sample database.  
Inpcli.java          A client application that calls the JDBC stored 
                     procedure, Inpsrv.  
Inpsrv.java          A stored procedure that uses host variables to accept
                     data from the client application, Inpcli. The stored
                     procedure creates a table named PRESIDENTS in the 
                     sample database using data passed by host variables.
JavaSamp.java        Creates a table, JAVA_SAMPLE, adds data, displays data,
                     and deletes the table.  
JobUpdat.java        Uses a statement and a prepared statement to query the
                     database and update information.  
LookRes.java         Extracts a string from a resume stored as a character
                     large object (CLOB) field by converting the entire CLOB
                     into a char array and searching for the desired 
                     substring. Note that this sample program may not work 
                     on systems that use a non-Latin-1 codepage.
MRSPcli.java         A client program that accepts multiple result sets from 
                     the stored procedure MRSPsrv. 
MRSPsrv.java         The stored procedure that returns multiple result sets
                     to the client program, MRSPcli.
MultiCon.java        Performs multiple connections. 
Outcli.java          A client application that catalogs and calls the SQLJ 
                     stored procedure, Outsrv. The client and stored 
                     procedure conform to the SQLJ Routines, Part 1 standard
                     for SQLJ stored procedures.
PicIn.java           Loads a graphic binary large object (BLOB) into the 
                     EMP_PHOTO field using the setBinaryStream() method.  
PluginEx.java        A Java program that demonstrates how to add new menu 
                     items and toolbar buttons to the DB2 Control Center.  
                     To compile this program, you must include the following
                     files and directories in your CLASSPATH:
                       . (this points to the current working directory)
                     (where DB2INST1 represents the instance under which DB2 is 

                     If your attempt to compile PluginEx.java fails, your JDK
                     may be unable to handle JAR files and CLASSPATH entries 
                     in the expected fashion. If you suspect this problem, 
                     use the following steps to compile PluginEx.java:

                  1. Create a working directory (for example, C:\temp\work)
                     and a "navigator" subdirectory
                  2. Copy the C:\sqllib\cc\navigator directory into
                     your working directory with the following command:
                       copy C:\sqllib\cc\navigator C:\temp\work\navigator
                  3. Make C:\temp\work your working directory with the following
                       cd C:\temp\work
                  4. Copy PluginEx.java into the working directory with the 
                     following command:
                       copy C:\sqllib\samples\java\PluginEx.java .
                  5. Extract all files from the JAR files using the following
                       jar xvf C:\sqllib\java\swingall.jar
                       jar xvf C:\sqllib\cc\db2cc.jar
                  6. Ensure that your CLASSPATH contains the following entries:
                       . (the present working directory)
                  6. Compile PluginEx.java with the following command:
                       javac PluginEx.java

                     To use the sample extension to the Control Center, follow
                     the instructions contained in the PluginEx.java source.
                     For more information on creating your own extensions to
                     the Control Center, refer to the Administration Guide.
Prepare.java         Creates a prepared statement which is repeatedly 
                     executed using different values for the conditional
ProcCols.java        Uses DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns() method to
                     list the parameters of stored procedures that have been 
                     cataloged with a CREATE PROCEDURE statement. 
Procs.java           Uses DatabaseMetaData.getProcedures() method to list
                     the stored procedures that have been cataloged with a 
                     CREATE PROCEDURE statement.  
ShowPic.java         Extracts a BLOB picture into file using the 
                     getBinaryStream() method. The file is read using the 
                     InputStream.read() method.  
Simple.java          Performs a basic query and displays the result set.
StpCli.java          A client application that calls the SQLJ stored 
                     procedure, Stp.  
Tables.java          Lists all tables that match the schema search pattern 
                     entered by the user.  
Tools.java           Contains static methods used by some of the JDBC samples 
                     for performing functions like connecting to a database.
TypeInfo.java        Display the data type information for all types used 
                     by the data source to which the program connects.  
UDFcli.java          A client application that catalogs and calls a scalar 
                     function, a table function, and a column function from 
                     the Java user-defined function (UDF) library, UDFsrv. 
                     The client also catalogs a user-defined distinct type 
                     (UDT) and creates a table using the UDT. To run this
                     program, you must first make UDFsrv and copy it to the 
                     correct directory. To drop the UDFs, UDT, and table that
                     are defined in UDFcli, run this program with the 
                     command-line parameter 'drop', as follows:
                        java UDFcli drop
UDFsrv.java          UDF library that implements the scalar function, table
                     function, and column function that are cataloged and
                     called by the UDF client applications: UDFcli.java and 
UseThrds.java        Uses threads to run an SQL statement asynchronously.
Varinp.java          Demonstrates variable input to dynamic SQL statement 
                     calls using parameter markers.  

JDBC Samples that use ORDER tables created by Create.java 
To use these samples, you must:
1. Make the CLI UDF sample order.c
2. Run the samples in the following order:
Program Name         Program Description  
Create.java          Creates all tables for the order scenario.  
CustIn.java          Inserts customers into the customer table using an 
                     array insert. 
ProdIn.java          Inserts products into the products table using an 
                     array insert.  
ProdPart.java        Inserts parts into the prod_parts table using an 
                     array insert.
OrdIn.java           Inserts orders into the ord_line, ord_cust tables 
                     using an array insert.
OrdRep.java          Generates a customer order report and uses the user
                     defined function 'price' defined in the CLI UDF sample 
PartRep.java         Generates exploding parts report using a recursive 
                     SQL query.
DropJava.java        Removes the new tables created for the ORDER scenario.  

Embedded SQL for Java (SQLJ) Sample Programs
Program Name         Program Description  
App.sqlj             Uses static SQL to retrieve and update data from the 
                     EMPLOYEE table of the sample database.
Applt.sqlj           An applet that queries the database using the JDBC 
                     applet driver. It uses the user name, password, server,
                     and port number parameters specified in Applt.html.
Applt.html           An HTML file that embeds the applet sample program, 
                     Applt. You must customize the server and user 
                     parameters that are passed to the applet.  
                     To view the applet, perform the following steps:
                       o Compile Applt with one of the following commands:
                         - nmake Applt
                         - bldsqlj Applt
                       o Start the JDBC server with the following command:
                         - db2jd <port_number>
                         where port_number represents the port that will
                         be used for TCP/IP communications by the applet.
                         The default port number is 6789.
                       o Copy the JDBC driver library, db2java.zip, and the 
                         SQLJ library, runtime.zip, from C:\sqllib\java into 
                         the same directory as Applt.html.
                       o View the applet by loading it in a web browser 
                         that supports JDK 1.1, or view it locally with the 
                         following command:
                         - appletviewer Applt.html
Cursor.sqlj          Fetches data using an SQLJ iterator.  
OpF_Curs.sqlj        Declares the iterator used for updates int the Openftch
                     sample program.  
Openftch.sqlj        Fetches, updates, and deletes rows using an SQLJ 
                     iterator declared in OpF_Curs.sqlj.  
Outsrv.sqlj          A stored procedure that conforms to the SQLJ Routines, 
                     Part 1 specification. It determines the median salary 
                     of the employees in the STAFF table of the sample 
                     database, and returns that value to the JDBC client 
                     application, Outcli, using the OUT parameter 
Static.sqlj          Uses static SQL to retrieve information.  
Stp.sqlj             A stored procedure that updates the EMPLOYEE table on 
                     the server and returns new salary and payroll 
                     information to the JDBC client program, StpCli.  
UDFclie.sqlj         A client application that calls a scalar function, a 
                     table function, and a column function from the Java
                     user-defined function (UDF) library, UDFsrv. To run 
                     this program, you must first catalog the UDFs by making
                     and running the JDBC program UDFcli. To drop the UDFs, 
                     user-defined distinct type (UDT), and table that were 
                     defined in UDFcli, run this program with the 
                     command-line parameter 'drop', as follows:
                        java UDFclie drop
Updat.sqlj           Uses static SQL to update a database.  