<!-- Before running the sample, modify the values of the parameters.     -->
<!-- Change myServer to the name of machine your JDBC server is running; -->
<!-- change myPort to the port number your JDBC server is listening on;  -->
<!-- change myId to the user id you want to use to access the database;  -->
<!-- change myPassword to the password corresponding to the above id.    -->

    <title>DB2 SQLJ Sample Applet </title>

<h1> <center>DB2 SQLJ Sample Applet </center></h1>
<applet code="Applt.class" width=325 height=275 archive="db2java.zip,runtime.zip">
        <param name=server value='myServer'>
        <param name=port value='myPort'>
        <param name=userid value='myId'>
        <param name=password value='myPassword'>
