IBM Books

Connectivity Supplement

Table of Contents

Welcome to the Connectivity Supplement!

  • How This Book is Structured
  • Who Should Use This Book
  • Other Information Sources
  • Using the World Wide Web
  • Related DRDA Publications
  • Related DRDA Server Publications
  • Other Related Publications
  • Connecting DB2 for MVS/ESA in a DRDA Network

  • DB2 for MVS/ESA
  • DB2 for MVS/ESA Implementation
  • Setting Up the Application Requester
  • Provide Network Information
  • Provide Security
  • Represent Data
  • Setting Up the Application Server
  • Provide Network Information
  • Provide Security
  • Represent Data
  • Connecting DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 in a DRDA Network

  • DB2 Universal Database for OS/390
  • DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 Implementation
  • Additional Security Enhancements
  • Setting Up the Application Requester
  • Provide Network Information
  • Provide Security
  • Represent Data
  • Setting Up the Application Server
  • Provide Network Information
  • Provide Security
  • Provide Network Security
  • Database Manager Security
  • Security Subsystem
  • Represent Data
  • Connecting DB2 Universal Database for AS/400 in a DRDA Network Using SNA

  • DB2 Universal Database for AS/400 Implementation
  • Setting Up the Application Requester
  • Provide Network Information
  • Provide Security
  • Represent Data
  • Setting Up the Application Server
  • Provide Network Information
  • Provide Security
  • Represent Data
  • Connecting DB2 Universal Database for AS/400 in a DRDA Network Using TCP/IP

  • Summary of DB2 Universal Database for AS/400 Information
  • Setup and Use Considerations for the DB2 Universal Database for AS/400 DRDA TCP/IP Server
  • Setup Considerations for the DB2 Universal Database for AS/400 DRDA TCP/IP Client
  • Security Considerations for use of DRDA over TCP/IP
  • Additional Considerations between DB2 Universal Database for AS/400 and DB2 Universal Database

    Connecting DB2 for VSE & VM in a DRDA Network

  • DB2 for VM Overview
  • Application Requester Communications Flow Example
  • Application Server Communications Flow Example
  • DB2 for VM Implementation
  • Options for Preprocessing or Running an Application
  • Options for Starting the Database Server Machine
  • Setting Up the Application Requester in a VM Environment
  • Provide Network Information
  • Provide Security
  • Represent Data
  • Checklist for Enabling a DB2 for VM DRDA Application Requester
  • Setting Up the Application Server in a VM Environment
  • Provide Network Information
  • Provide Security
  • Represent Data
  • Checklist for Enabling a DB2 for VM DRDA Application Server
  • DB2 for VSE Overview
  • Application Server Communications Flow Example
  • Limitations
  • Application Server Startup Parameters
  • The RMTUSERS Parameter
  • The SYNCPNT Parameter
  • Setting Up the Application Server in a VSE Environment
  • Provide Network Information
  • Provide Security
  • Represent Data
  • Checklist for Enabling a DB2 for VSE DRDA Application Server
  • Appendix A. Most Common Connection Problems

  • Most Common DB2 Connect Problems
  • SQL0965 or SQL0969
  • SQL1338 During CONNECT
  • SQL1403N During CONNECT
  • SQL5043N
  • SQL30020
  • SQL30060
  • SQL30061
  • SQL30073 with Return Code 119C During CONNECT
  • SQL30081N with Return Code 1
  • SQL30081N with Return Code 2
  • SQL30081N with Return Code 9
  • SQL30081N with Return code 10
  • SQL30081N with Return Code 20
  • SQL30081N with Return code 27
  • SQL30081N with Return Code 79
  • SQL30081N with Protocol Specific Error Code 10032
  • Most Common Problems with DB2 UDB DRDA AS
  • Communication Errors during CONNECT
  • DRDA Error during CONNECT
  • Database Not Found Error during CONNECT
  • Security Error during CONNECT Over APPC/SNA LU 6.2
  • Errors during BIND
  • Appendix B. Contacting IBM

    Appendix C. Notices

  • Trademarks
  • Trademarks of Other Companies
  • Index

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