Connectivity Supplement
AS/400 Distributed Database Programming contains the following sections which you should read and refer to:
- Chapter 1. Distributed Relational Datbase and the AS/400
- Distributed Relational Database Processing
- DRDA and CDRA Support.
- Chapter 3. Communications for an AS/400 Distributed Relational
- Configuring a Communications Network using TCP/IP
- Chapter 4. Security for an AS/400 Distributed Relational
- DRDA Security using TCP/IP
- Chapter 5. Setting Up an AS/400 Distributed Relational
- Work Management for DRDA Use with TCP/IP
- Setting up the TCP/IP Server
- Chapter 6. Distributed Relational Database Administration and
Operation Tasks:
- Chapter 8. Distributed Relational Database Performance:
- Factors that Affect Blocking for DRDA
- Chapter 9. Handling Distributed Relational Database Problems:
- Handling Connection Request Failures for TCP/IP
- Starting a Service Job for a TCP/IP Server
- Appendix B. Cross-Platform Access Using DRDA.
In addition you will need to know:
- TCP/IP port number and hostname information for the server and the
- CCSID and code page information for the server and the requester.
- Userid and password information required when making database
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