IBM Books

Connectivity Supplement

Setting Up the Application Server in a VSE Environment

The application server support for DB2 for VSE allows DB2 for VSE to act as a server for DRDA application requesters. The application requester connected to a DB2 for VSE application server can be one of the following:

Provide Network Information

The following steps are required to establish the network connection to the VSE application server:

  1. Establish CICS LU 6.2 sessions to the remote systems

  2. Define the Application Server

Establishing CICS LU 6.2 sessions

The DB2 for VSE application server communicates with its application requester via CICS LU 6.2 links. The CICS partition used for this purpose must have LU 6.2 links to the remote systems with the application requesters. The CICS/VSE Intercommunications Guide contains details on defining and establishing CICS LU 6.2 links with remote systems.

CICS installation and resource definition for LU 6.2 communications 

  1. Install modules required for ISC.

    You must include the following modules in your system by using SIT or initialization overrides:

  2. Install CICS Restart Resynchronization Support

    If the CICS Restart Resynchronization Support was not enabled when the CICS system was installed, you have to update the following CICS tables to enable the CICS Restart Resynchronization capability:

       DFHJCT    Journal Control Table                                
                 A journal used for the CICS system log must be       
                 defined in the DFHJCT specifying JFILEID=SYSTEM in a 
                 DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY macro.                             
       DFHPCT    Program Control Table                                
                 To generate the DFHPCT entry to use the CICS Restart 
                 Resynchronization capability, enter:                 
                     DFHPCT TYPE=GROUP,FN=RMI                         
       DFHPPT    Processing Program Table                             
                 To generate the DFHPPT entry to use the CICS Restart 
                 Resynchronization capability, enter:                 
                     DFHPPT TYPE=GROUP,FN=RMI                         
       DFHSIT    System Initialization Table.                         
                 The DFHSIT macro must include the JCT parameter.
                 Specify JCT=YES or JCT=(jj<,....>)  where jj is the
                 SUFFIX parameter value specified in th DFHJCT
                 TYPE=INITIAL macro defining the CICS system log
                 journal data set.

  3. Define CICS to VTAM for VSE.

    To support LU 6.2 connections, CICS must be defined to VTAM for VSE as a VTAM application major node. The application major node name coded in the VTAM APPL statement is the APPLID for the CICS partition specified in the SIT by the APPLID parameter. It is the LU name used by VTAM (and hence used by the CICS communication partners) to identify the CICS system.

    See Figure 36.

    Figure 36. Example VTAM APPL Definition for CICS

             VBUILD  TYPE=APPL
    *                                                                      *
    *    LU Definition for Toronto VSE SQL/DS System                       *
    *                                                                      *

    ACQ allows CICS to acquire LU 6.2 sessions.

    SPO allows CICS to issue the MODIFY vtamname USERVAR command.

    VPACE allows pacing of the intersystem flows.

    This option specifies the number of network-addressable units that CICS can establish sessions. The number must include the total number of parallel sessions for this CICS system.

    Specifies LUTYPE6 parallel session support.

    Specifies session outage notification (SON) support. SON enables CICS, in particular cases, to recover a failed session without requiring operator intervention.

    This is necessary to let CICS use VTAM macros. CICS does not issue APPCCMD macro instructions.
    Note:SYNCLVL=SYNCPT is not required since APPC=NO is specified. CICS manages all SYNCPT syncpoint level activity for distributed units of work.

  4. Define links to remote systems using LU 6.2 protocol.

    1. Define all remote LUs to CICS.

      Define all remote LUs using the CEDA DEFINE CONNECTION command on resource definition online online (RDO):

      • Specify the remote LU name on the NETNAME parameter.

      • Specify PROTOCOL=APPC to ensure that LU6.2 protocols are used.

      • Specify AUTOCONNECT=YES and INSERVICE=YES so that the connection, when installed, is put in service automatically and so that sessions are automatically acquired.

      • Specify the conversation level security using the ATTACHSEC parameter. ATTACHSEC=IDENTIFY is the minimum security level required by DRDA.

      • Specify the session level security using the BINDPASSWORD parameter. The default is no session-level security.

      For more details on conversation and session level security, refer to Provide Security.

    2. Define groups of LU 6.2 sessions with the remote system.

      For each connection defined above, define groups of parallel sessions for each link to the remote LU using the CEDA DEFINE SESSIONS command:

      • Specify the name of the connection (defined above) on the CONNECTION parameter.

      • Specify the VTAM logmode table entry on the MODENAME parameter.

      • Use the MAXIMUM parameter to specify:

        • The maximum number of sessions

        • The maximum number of sessions that are to be supported as contention winners.

        Specify the values used by the DRDA Application Requester communications software, for example IBM Communications Server for OS/2.

      Note that defining the SENDSize and RECEIVESize with a larger number may improve data transmission rate, however, more virtual storage will also be required across the network. 4 Kilobyte is the size that all layers in the SNA network support. Therefore, when setting up the DRDA Server, set send and receive buffer sizes to 4 Kilobyte. When connections can be made successfully from remote users, adjust these parameters to determine the optimum value.

    3. Define user IDs and passwords to CICS

      Define all users in the CICS sign-on table (DFHSNT). You can test the validity of a user ID by performing a CESN logon at a CICS terminal. The local sign-on must be successful.

    4. Define the load modules (phases) to CICS using the CEDA DEFINE PROGRAM command:

      1. ARICAXED - the AXE transaction

      2. ARICDIRD - the DBNAME Directory, and search routine

      3. ARICDAXD - DAXP and DAXT transaction handler

      4. ARICDEBD - CICS TRUE support enablement handler

      5. ARICDRAD - CICS TRUE itself

      6. ARICDR2 - DR2DFLT control block
      For each of these, the LANGUAGE=ASSEMBLER option should be specified.

    5. For each TPN specified by the application requester, define an AXE transaction using the CEDA DEFINE TRANSACTION command:

      • Use the TRANSACTION parameter to specify the TPN

      • Specify PROGRAM=ARICAXED to specify the phase

      • Use the XTRANID parameter to specify a second hexadecimal transaction name.
      At this time, also define the DAXP and DAXT transactions, specifying PROGRAM=ARICDAXD.

Sample definitions 

Refer to DRDA Connectivity Guide for sample definitions.

Defining the Application Server

  1. Update the DB2 for VSE DBNAME directory.

    Add an entry to the DBNAME directory for each transaction defined above using the CEDA DEFINE TRANSACTION command. With LU 6.2 sessions established, a remote application requester can start a conversation with the DB2 for VSE Application Server. It does so by allocating an LU 6.2 conversation with the Application Server, specifying a TPN (transaction program name). This TPN must be the CICS transaction ID of the AXE transaction responsible for routing requests to or from the DB2 for VSE server. The TPN must be in the DB2 for VSE DBNAME directory mapped to the DB2 for VSE server to be accessed by the application requester. The DB2 for VSE database administrator is responsible for updating the DBNAME directory and informing the remote users of the TPN-to-server mapping.

    Both the TPN and its corresponding server name (database name as defined in the DBNAME directory) must be identified to the application requester:

  2. Use the procedure ARISBDID to build and assemble the DBNAME directory (member ARISDIRD.A).

For more details, please see DB2 for VSE System Administration manual.

Preparing and Starting the DB2 for VSE Application Server

  1. The AXE transaction maintains an error log that is a CICS temporary storage queue named ARIAXELG. This error log contains useful error messages recording communication problems and abnormal termination of the DRDA sessions. Define this log as "recoverable" using the CICS TST.

  2. Run procedure ARIS342D to install the DRDA Application Server support.

  3. If necessary, issue the DAXP transaction to specify the default password and language that will be used when CICS TRUE support is enabled for a particular server. See the DB2 for VSE Operation manual for more details.

  4. Start DB2 for VSE with the DBNAME, RMTUSERS, and SYNCPNT parameter:

  5. All remote users must be authorized by the DB2 for VSE server with different levels of authorization. Refer to DB2 for VSE Database Administration for more details.
Problem determination:

  • If the application requester succeeded in reaching its partner CICS with a valid TPN (TPN defined in the DBNAME directory), an AXE transaction is started. The use count on program ARICAXED is increased by one (verified by issuing CEMT I PR(ARICAXED) ).

  • To ensure that a remote user ID is established in the CICS sign-on table, perform a local sign-on using the CESN transaction with the remote user's user ID and password. The local sign-on must be successful.

  • When the DB2 for VSE server is running and an application first performs DRDA-2 distributed unit of work activity, TRUE support to a server will enable automatically. Look for message ARI0187I, which indicates that TRUE support was enabled successfully. However if message ARI0190E appears, which indicates that an error occurred while enabling the TRUE, look for prior error messages on the console.

  • If your DRDA application program receives sense code X'08063426' or X'FFFE0101', it could be a sign that CICS is running out of sessions. CICS can run out of sessions if all sessions are either in use, or scheduled to be unbound, but the UNBIND has not yet completed. CICS can run out of sessions if there are many concurrent incoming transactions that are short in duration. In this case, increase the number of sessions specified on the CEDA DEFINE SESSIONS MAXIMUM parameter to account for the sessions that are scheduled to be UNBINDed, but the UNBIND has not yet completed.

Provide Security

The DB2 for VSE application server depends on CICS for intersystem communication security. CICS offers several levels of security:

Because the application server is responsible for managing the database resources, it dictates which network security mechanisms the application requester must provide. For example, with a DB2 for VM application requester, you must record the application server's conversation-level security requirements in the application requester's communications directory by setting the appropriate value in the :security tag, as in Figure 37:

Figure 37. Sample CMS Communication Directory entry

|  :nick.VSE1     :tpn.TOR3                                                      |
|                 :luname.TORGATE VSEGATE                                        |
|                 :modename.IBMRDB                                               |
|                 :security.PGM                                                  |
|                 :userid.SALESMGR                                               |
|                 :password.PROFIT                                               |
|                 :dbname.TORONTO3                                               |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|  Where: TOR3    - AXE transaction ID mapped to database TORONTO3.              |
|         TORGATE - VM/APPC gateway.                                             |
|         VSEGATE - APPLID of the CICS/VSE partition serving as gateway          |
|                   to TORONTO3.                                                 |
|         SALESMGR/PROFIT - USERID/PASSWORD defined in the DFHSNT of             |
|                           VSEGATE, and authorized in TORONTO3                  |
|         TORONTO3 - The name specified on the DBNAME startup parameter when     |
|                    the DB2 for VSE application server was started (or the      |
|                    name of the default database determined by the DBNAME       |
|                    Directory if DBNAME was omitted at startup).                |

Database Manager Security

User ID translation is not supported by the VSE application server. CICS uses the user ID transmitted directly from the requester.

After being started by an application requester, the AXE transaction extracts the user ID from CICS and passes it on to the DB2 for VSE server. To set up the required level of user authority on database resources, you must update the user ID into the DB2 for VSE catalog SYSTEM.SYSUSERAUTH.

The DB2 for VSE application server verifies if the user ID given by CICS has CONNECT authority to access the database, and rejects the connection if it does not have authority.

As the owner of database resources, the DB2 for VSE Application Server controls the database security functions for SQL objects residing at the DB2 for VSE Application Server. Access to objects managed by DB2 for VSE is controlled through a set of privileges, which are granted to users by the DB2 for VSE system administrator or the owner of the particular object. The DB2 for VSE Application Server controls two classes of objects:

Represent Data

See Represent Data.

Checklist for Enabling a DB2 for VSE DRDA Application Server

The following checklist summarizes the steps needed to enable a DRDA Application Server, starting with the assumption that your VSE system is installed with ACF/VTAM as its teleprocessing access method, and that VTAM definitions needed to communicate with the remote systems, such as NCP definitions are completed.

  1. Install CICS ISC support and Restart Resynchronization support.

  2. Define CICS to VTAM for VSE.

  3. Assemble the VTAM LOGMODE table with the IBMRDB entry.

  4. Assemble the CICS sign-on table with all remote user IDs and passwords defined.

  5. Start CICS with the right SIT information:

  6. Define the remote systems to CICS (RDO can be used):

  7. Update the DBNAME directory (ARISDIRD.A):

  8. Run procedure ARISBDID to assemble the updated DBNAME directory.

  9. Prepare the DB2 for VSE server:

  10. If necessary, run the DAXP CICS transaction.

  11. Start DB2 for VSE with the correct RMTUSERS parameter and, optionally, the DBNAME parameter and SYNCPNT parameter.

  12. Prepare applications on the VSE DRDA Application Server.

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