Release Notes

Business Intelligence

Partial Table-of-Contents

  • Business Intelligence Tutorial
  • 26.1 Revised Business Intelligence Tutorial
  • DB2 Universal Database Quick Tour

  • |Data Warehouse Center Administration Guide
  • |28.1 Update Available
  • |28.2 Warehouse Server Enhancements
  • |28.3 Using the OS/390 Agent to Run a Trillium Batch System JCL
  • |28.4 Two New Sample Programs in the Data Warehouse Center
  • |28.5 Managing ETI.Extract(R) Conversion Programs with DB2 Warehouse Manager Updated
  • |28.6 Importing and Exporting Metadata Using the Common Warehouse Metadata Interchange (CWMI)
  • |28.6.1 Introduction
  • |28.6.2 Importing Metadata
  • |28.6.3 Updating Your Metadata After Running the Import Utility
  • |28.6.4 Exporting Metadata
  • |28.7 Tag Language Metadata Import/Export Utility
  • |28.7.1 Key Definitions
  • |28.7.2 Step and Process Schedules
  • |28.8 SAP Step Information
  • |28.8.1 Delay when Specifying Output Parameters for an SAP Step
  • |28.8.2 Input Parameter Values are Shared Between SAP Steps
  • |28.8.3 Access Violation Error when Running an SAP Step
  • |28.9 SAP Connector Information
  • |28.9.1 SAP Connector Installation Restrictions
  • |28.9.2 Performance of GetDetail BAPI
  • DB2 OLAP Starter Kit
  • |29.1 OLAP Server Web Site
  • |29.2 Supported Operating System Service Levels
  • 29.3 Completing the DB2 OLAP Starter Kit Setup on UNIX
  • |29.4 Additional Configuration for the Solaris Operating Environment
  • |29.5 Additional Configuration for All Operating Systems
  • |29.6 Configuring ODBC for the OLAP Starter Kit
  • |29.6.1 Configuring Data Sources on UNIX Systems
  • | Configuring ODBC Environment Variables
  • | Editing the odbc.ini File
  • | Adding a Data Source to an odbc.ini File
  • | Example of ODBC Settings for DB2
  • | Example of ODBC Settings for Oracle
  • |29.6.2 Configuring the OLAP Metadata Catalog on UNIX Systems
  • |29.6.3 Configuring Data Sources on Windows Systems
  • |29.6.4 Configuring the OLAP Metadata Catalog on Windows Systems
  • |29.6.5 After You Configure a Data Source
  • 29.7 Logging in from OLAP Starter Kit Desktop
  • 29.7.1 Starter Kit Login Example
  • 29.8 Manually Creating and Configuring the Sample Databases for OLAP Starter Kit
  • |29.9 Migrating Applications to OLAP Starter Kit Version 7.2
  • |29.10 Known Problems and Limitations
  • 29.11 OLAP Spreadsheet Add-in EQD Files Missing
  • Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide
  • 30.1 Information Catalog Manager Initialization Utility
  • 30.1.1
  • 30.1.2 Licensing issues
  • 30.1.3 Installation Issues
  • |30.2 Enhancement to Information Catalog Manager
  • |30.3 Incompatibility between Information Catalog Manager and Sybase in the Windows Environment
  • 30.4 Accessing DB2 Version 5 Information Catalogs with the DB2 Version 7 Information Catalog Manager
  • 30.5 Setting up an Information Catalog
  • 30.6 Exchanging Metadata with Other Products
  • 30.7 Exchanging Metadata using the flgnxoln Command
  • 30.8 Exchanging Metadata using the MDISDGC Command
  • 30.9 Invoking Programs
  • Information Catalog Manager Programming Guide and Reference
  • 31.1 Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes
  • Information Catalog Manager User's Guide

  • Information Catalog Manager: Online Messages
  • 33.1 Corrections to FLG messages
  • 33.1.1 Message FLG0260E
  • 33.1.2 Message FLG0051E
  • 33.1.3 Message FLG0003E
  • 33.1.4 Message FLG0372E
  • 33.1.5 Message FLG0615E
  • Information Catalog Manager: Online Help
  • 34.1 Information Catalog Manager for the Web
  • DB2 Warehouse Manager Installation Guide
  • |35.1 DB2 Warehouse Manager Installation Guide Update Available
  • |35.2 Software requirements for warehouse transformers
  • Query Patroller Administration Guide
  • 36.1 DB2 Query Patroller Client is a Separate Component
  • |36.2 Changing the Node Status
  • 36.3 Migrating from Version 6 of DB2 Query Patroller Using dqpmigrate
  • 36.4 Enabling Query Management
  • |36.5 Location of Table Space for Control Tables
  • |36.6 New Parameters for dqpstart Command
  • |36.7 New Parameter for iwm_cmd Command
  • |36.8 New Registry Variable: DQP_RECOVERY_INTERVAL
  • 36.9 Starting Query Administrator
  • 36.10 User Administration
  • 36.11 Creating a Job Queue
  • 36.12 Using the Command Line Interface
  • 36.13 Query Enabler Notes
  • 36.14 DB2 Query Patroller Tracker may Return a Blank Column Page
  • |36.15 Query Patroller and Replication Tools
  • |36.16 Improving Query Patroller Performance
  • 36.17 Lost EXECUTE Privilege for Query Patroller Users Created in Version 6
  • 36.18 Query Patroller Restrictions
  • 36.19 Appendix B. Troubleshooting DB2 Query Patroller Clients

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