Release Notes

|28.6 Importing and Exporting Metadata Using the Common Warehouse Metadata Interchange (CWMI)

|28.6.1 Introduction

|In addition to the existing support for tag language files, the Data |Warehouse Center can now import and export metadata to and from XML files that |conform to the Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM) standard. Importing and |exporting these CWM-compliant XML files is referred to as the Common |Warehouse Metadata Interchange (CWMI).

|You can import and export metadata from the following Data Warehouse Center |objects: |

|The CWMI import and export utility does not currently support certain kinds |of metadata, including: schedules, warehouse schemas, users, and |groups.

|The Data Warehouse Center creates a log file that contains the results of |the import and export processes. Typically, the log file is created in |the x:\program files\sqllib\logging directory (where |x: is the drive where you installed DB2), or the directory |that you specified as the VWS_LOGGING environment variable. The log |file is plain text; you can view it with any text editor.

|28.6.2 Importing Metadata

|You can import metadata either from within Data Warehouse Center, or from |the command line.

|New objects that are created through the import process are assigned to the |default Data Warehouse Center security group. For more information, see |"Updating security after importing" in these Release Notes.

|If you are importing metadata about a step, multiple files can be |associated with the step. Metadata about the step is stored in an XML |file, but sometimes a step has associated data stored as BLOBs. The |BLOB metadata has the same file name as the XML file, but it is in separate |files that have numbered extensions. All of the related step files must |be in the same directory when you import.

|Updating steps when they are in test or production mode

|A step must be in development mode before the Data Warehouse Center can |update the step's metadata. If the step is in test or production |mode, demote the step to development mode before importing the metadata: |

  1. |Log on to the Data Warehouse Center.
  2. |Right-click the step that you want to demote, and click |Mode.
  3. |Click Development. |

|The step is now in development mode. Change the step back to either |test or production mode after you import the metadata.

|Importing data from the Data Warehouse Center

|You can import metadata from within the Data Warehouse Center: |

  1. |Log on to the Data Warehouse Center.
  2. |In the left pane, click Warehouse.
  3. |Click Selected --> Import Metadata --> |Interchange File...
  4. |In the Import Metadata window, specify the file name that contains the |metadata that you want to import. You can either type the file name or |browse for the file. |
  5. |In the Import Metadata window, click OK to |finish. The Progress window is displayed while the Data |Warehouse Center imports the file. |

|Using the command line to import metadata

|You can also use the command line to import metadata. Here is the |import command syntax:

|CWMImport XML_file dwcControlDB |dwcUserId dwcPW [PREFIX = DWCtbschema]

XML_file The fully qualified path and file name (including the drive and directory) of the XML file that you want to import. This parameter is required.
dwcControlDB The name of the warehouse control database into which you want to import your metadata. This parameter is required.
dwcUserId The user ID that you use to connect to the warehouse control database. This parameter is required.
dwcPW The user password that you use to connect to the warehouse control database. This parameter is required.
[PREFIX=DWCtbschema] The database schema name for the Data Warehouse Center system tables. If no value for PREFIX= is specified, the default schema name is IWH. This parameter is optional.

|28.6.3 Updating Your Metadata After Running the Import Utility

|Updating security after importing

|As a security measure, the Data Warehouse Center does not import or export |passwords. You need to update the passwords on new objects as |needed. For more details on import considerations, see the Data |Warehouse Center Administration Guide, Chapter 12, "Exporting and |importing Data Warehouse Center metadata."

|When you import metadata, all of the objects are assigned to the |default security group. You can change the groups who have |access to the object: |

  1. |Log on to the Data Warehouse Center.
  2. |Right-click on the folder that contains the object that you want to |change.
  3. |Click Properties, and then click the Security |tab.
  4. |Remove groups from the Selected warehouse groups list or add |groups from Available warehouse groups list.
  5. |Click OK. |

|28.6.4 Exporting Metadata

|You can export metadata either from within Data Warehouse Center, or from |the command line.

|Some steps have metadata that is stored as a BLOB. The BLOB metadata |is exported to a separate file that has the same file name as the step's |XML file, but with a numbered extension (.1, |.2 and so on).

|Exporting data from the Data Warehouse Center

|You can export metadata from within the Data Warehouse Center: |

  1. |Log on to the Data Warehouse Center.
  2. |In the left pane, click Warehouse.
  3. |Click Selected --> Export Metadata--> |Interchange file.
  4. |In the Export Metadata window, specify the file name that will contain the |exported metadata. You can either enter the file name or browse for the |file: |
  5. |When the Export Metadata window displays the correct filename, click the |object from the Available objects list whose metadata you want to |export.
  6. |Click the > sign to move the selected object from the |Available objects list to the Selected objects |list. Repeat until all of the objects that you want to export are |listed in the Selected objects list.
  7. |Click OK. |

|The Data Warehouse Center creates an input file, which contains |information about the Data Warehouse Center objects that you selected to |export, and then exports the metadata about those objects. The progress |window is displayed while the Data Warehouse Center is exporting the |metadata.

|Using the command line to export metadata

|Before you can export metadata from the command line, you must first create |an input file. The input file is a text file with an |.INP extension, and it lists all of the objects by object |type that you want to export. When you export from within the Data |Warehouse Center, the input file is created automatically, but to export from |the command line you must first create the input file. You can create |the input file with any text editor. Type all of the object names as |they appear in the Data Warehouse Center. Make sure you create the file |in a read/write directory. When you run the export utility, the Data |Warehouse Center writes the XML files to the same directory where the input |file is.

|Here's a sample input file:

|Tutorial Fact Table Process
|Tutorial file source
|Tutorial target
|New Program group

|In the <PROC> (processes) section, list all of the processes |that you want to export. In the <IR> (information |resources) section, list all the warehouse sources and targets that you want |to export. The Data Warehouse Center automatically includes the tables |and columns that are associated with these sources and targets. In the |<UDP> (user defined programs) section, list all the program |groups that you want to export.

|To export metadata, enter the following command at a DOS command |prompt:

|CWMExport INPcontrol_file dwcControlDB |dwcUserID dwcPW [PREFIX=DWCtbschema]

INPcontrol_file The fully qualified path and file name (including the drive and directory) of the .INP file that contains the objects that you want to export. This parameter is required.
dwcControlDB The name of the warehouse control database that you want to export from. This parameter is required.
dwcUserID The user ID that you use to connect to the warehouse control database. This parameter is required.
dwcPW The password that you use to connect to the warehouse control database. This parameter is required.
[PREFIX=DWCtbschema] The database schema name for the Data Warehouse Center system tables. If no value for PREFIX= is specified, the default value is IWH. This parameter is optional.

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