Release Notes

|29.10 Known Problems and Limitations

|This section lists known limitations for DB2 OLAP Starter Kit. |

|Informix RDBMS Compatibility with Merant Drivers for Windows Platforms
|In order for the Merant drivers for Windows platforms to work with the |Informix RDBMS, the following two entries must be added to the PATH |statement: |

|Both entries must be at the beginning of the PATH.

|Possible Inconsistency Between Dimensions in OLAP Models and Associated |Metaoutlines
|Under certain conditions, you can create a dimension in a metaoutline that |has no corresponding dimension in the OLAP model. This can occur in the |following scenario: |
  1. |Create a new OLAP model and save it.
  2. |Create a metaoutline based on the model but do not save the |metaoutline.
  3. |Return to the OLAP model and delete a dimension on which one of the |metaoutline dimensions is based.
  4. |Return to the metaoutline, save it, close it, and reopen it. The |metaoutline will contain a dimension that does not have a corresponding |dimension in the OLAP model. |

|The OLAP Starter Kit cannot distinguish between an inconsistent dimension |created in this manner and a user-defined dimension in a metaoutline. |Consequently, the inconsistent dimension will be displayed in the metaoutline, |but the metaoutline regards it as a user-defined dimension since no |corresponding dimension exists in the OLAP model.

|On Windows 2000 Platforms, the Environment Variable Setting for TMP Causes |Member and Data Loads to Fail
|Because of a difference in the default system and user environment |variable settings for TMP between Windows 2000 and Windows NT, member and data |loads fail when the OLAP Starter Kit is running on Windows 2000 |platforms. The resulting error message tells users that the temp file |could not be created. You can work around this limitation on Windows |2000 by taking the following steps: |
  1. |Create a directory named C:\TEMP
  2. |Set the environment variable TMP for both the system and the user to |TMP=C:\TEMP |

|Installation of ODBC Does Not Replace Existing Merant Driver
|The existing 3.6 Merant ODBC drivers will not be updated with this |installation. If you are upgrading from the OLAP Starter Kit Version |7.1, fixpack 2 or earlier, you should continue using the |previously-installed ODBC drivers

|Using Merant Informix ODBC Drives on UNIX Platforms
|To use the Merant Informix ODBC drivers on UNIX platforms, you must do one |of the following: |

|Mixing service levels of OLAP clients and servers
|IBM recommends that you keep both client and server components of the DB2 |OLAP Starter Kit at the same version and fixpack level. But in some |situations, you might be able to mix different service levels of client and |server components:


|Using clients and servers at different service levels within a version
|IBM does not support, and recommends against, using newer clients with |older servers. However, you might be able to use older clients with |newer servers, although IBM does not support it. You might experience |some problems. For example: |
  • |Messages from the server might be incorrect. You can work around |this problem by upgrading the message.MDB file on the client to match |the level on the server.
  • |New server features do not work. The client, server, or both may |fail when you attempt to use a new feature.
  • |The client might not connect properly with the server. |

|Using multiple servers with a single client within a version
|If you need to connect a client to several OLAP servers on different |machines or operating systems, IBM recommends that you make them all the same |version and service level. Your client should at least be at the same |as the lowest level server. If you experience problems, you might need |to use different client machines to match up with the appropriate host, or |upgrade all clients and servers to the same service level.

|Mixing clients and servers from different versions
|IBM does not support using OLAP Starter Kit clients and servers from |Version 7.1 with clients and servers from Version 7.2. |When IBM OLAP products are upgraded to a new version level, there are often |network updates and data format changes that require that the client and |server be at the same version level.

|Mixing IBM products (DB2 OLAP Starter Kit) with Hyperion products |(Hyperion Essbase and Hyperion Integration Server)
|IBM does not support mixing OLAP clients and servers from IBM with OLAP |clients and servers from Hyperion Solutions. There are some differences |in feature that may cause problems, even though mixing these components might |work in some situations. |

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