Release Notes

|28.2 Warehouse Server Enhancements


|The following improvements have been made to the warehouse server |for FixPak 5: |

|Updating configuration parameters
|The server will no longer update critical configuration parameters such as |service names to an empty string.

|Message DWC7906 updated
|Message DWC7906 now contains names of predecessor steps when reporting |dependency problems.

|Trace changes
|Extra low-level (level 5) tracing was added in FixPak 4 for Data Warehouse |Center control database access. Normally, this trace is turned on only |when requested by IBM service. In FixPak 5, the server will only output |the new control database trace when DDD trace level is set to 5. |

|The following improvements were made to the warehouse server for FixPak |4: |

|Error on agent shutdown (rc = 7170), secondary rc = 6106.
|This error occurred when the agent was shutdown before the server sent a |shutdown request. This error was reported unnecessarily and will no |longer be reported.

|System Message and Comment written to log file
|When a user-defined program has finished running, the System Message and |the Comment will be written to the warehouse log file. These messages |are now visible from the Work In Progress display window.

|Incremental commit now works correctly
|If an error occurs when a step is populating a target database and the |value of Incremental commit is greater than 0, all of the results that were |committed prior to the error will appear in the target database. Prior |to FixPak 4, partial results were deleted.

|Unable to run warehouse server after changing trace level error corrected
|The warehouse server retrieves the name of the logging directory from the |system environment variable, VWS_LOGGING. If VWS_LOGGING is missing, or |points to an invalid directory name, the TEMP system environment variable is |used instead. If TEMP is missing, or points to an invalid directory |name, the logger trace files are written to c:\. This corrects an |error in versions prior to FixPak 4 that was caused by the retrival of an |invalid logging directory name from the registry.

|Additional support for commit commands in stored procedures
|The warehouse server sends a commit command to the agent after |user-defined stored procedures have run.

|Sample Contents enhanced
|The warehouse server no longer has to wait for an agent shutdown message, |so Sample Contents runs more efficiently.

|The size of trace log files can now be controlled
|You can now control the size of a trace log file using the new system |environment variable, VWS_SERVER_LOG_MAX. If you set the value of |VWS_SERVER_LOG_MAX to greater than 0, the warehouse server will stop enlarging |the log file when it reaches the a size that is approximately equal to the |number of bytes indicated by the value of VWS_SERVER_LOG_MAX. When the |log file reaches the maximum size, the newest trace log entries are retained |and the oldest entries are overwritten. When doing extensive tracing, |VWS_SERVER_LOG_MAX=150000000 (150M) is a reasonable size. |

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