Started task configuration settings
The Application Performance Analyzer-started task obtains these settings from a file allocated to DDname CONFIG. The file is a SYSIN-type member which you edit in order to change the settings. The member CAZCNFG0 in hlq.SCAZSAMP contains the initial settings. A group of configuration settings is specified by a CONFIG statement. Settings are organized into categories or classes. Each CONFIG statement will define settings for a particular class. If the changed settings are for dynamically modifiable parameters, you can issue a CONFIG UPDATE command to put them into effect immediately, without restarting the started task. See Dynamic configuration for further information.
The general syntax for a CONFIG statement is illustrated here:
CONFIG class
keyword2=value2 // this is a comment
keywordn=valuen ; // end with semicolon
You must code a single keyword/value pair expression within a single line; it cannot span two lines. Separate keyword/value pair expressions from each other using one or more blanks. A CONFIG statement, including all its keyword/value pair expressions must be terminated by a semicolon.
A CONFIG statement might be coded anywhere within columns 1 to 72 inclusive. An asterisk in column 1 denotes a comment line. A double slash (//) anywhere in the line indicates the remaining text in the line is a comment.
The following CONFIG BASIC statement, which is supplied in the predefined CAZCNFG0 member, illustrates the CONFIG syntax.
CONFIG BASIC // Basic settings:
STCid=CAZ0 // . Application Performance Analyzer instance ID
HLQ=CAZ0 // . DSN high level qualifier
UNIT=SYSDA // . unit name for new data sets
CheckpointDSN='.CHKP'; // . checkpoint file DSN
// (appended to HLQ)