- Adabas
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.
Specify YES to make the Adabas data extractor available.
Default: NO
- AllExtractorsOn
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.
Specify YES to force all new measurement requests to have all the data extractors selected by default. This parameter should be used in special cases in which a particular instance of Application Performance Analyzer will be used to measure an address space by someone who does not know what activity types are running in that address space. Using AllExtractorsOn ensures that all types of activity will be recorded without the user manually selecting all the data extractors.
Default: NO
When YES is specified, Application Performance Analyzer will not select the WAS extractor by default because it is incompatible with some other extractors.
- AltCICSStepNm
- Optional.
Specifies one to six alternate load module names for your CICS® regions. By default, the load module name of DFHSIP is used to determine if the region being sampled is a CICS region. If there is no match for DFHSIP, the alternate load module names that have been specified are matched. If there is still no match, CICS sampling is turned off to reduce overhead.
Each alternate load module name may be from one to eight characters long and must be upper case. A name may contain a trailing asterisk (*), in which case Application Performance Analyzer will match on all names that begin with the value preceding the asterisk.
For example, AltCICSStepNm=(AFCPSIP*) will look for a match on DFHSIP, and if not found, all names that begin with AFCPSIP, including AFCPSIP.
Default: DFHSIP
- BufSize
- Optional.
Specifies the size that Application Performance Analyzer is to use as the blocksize when allocating a new sample file.
Default: 16,384 bytes.
- Optional.
This is used to specify that the CICS Intercept should be turned on. Specify CICSI=YES to turn on this feature and to make the CICS+ data extractor available. When this feature is turned on and the CICS+ data extractor is selected for a measurement, Application Performance Analyzer will count the precise number of CICS transactions executed during a measurement and record the exact service time and CPU time for each transaction.
Default: NO
- Compress
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.
Specify YES to turn sample file compression on. When sample file compression is activated, Application Performance Analyzer will compress all sample files prior to writing them. When a sample file is opened for reporting, Application Performance Analyzer will automatically decompress the file for the duration of the reporting session.
Default: NO
- Optional.
Multiple DB2EXPLAIN entries are allowed.
The DB2EXPLAIN parameter enables the Application Performance Analyzer EXPLAIN feature for a specified DB2® subsystem. The DB2 Intercept must be enabled if EXPLAIN is specified. (See DB2I below.)
The syntax for the DB2EXPLAIN keyword is as follows:
This entry is made up of from one to three positional parameters. The first parameter specifies a DB2 subsystem name. The next two positional parameters are optional.
The second parameter indicates that the SQL STRING DELIMITER value specified in the application programming defaults panel (DSNTIPF) for the specified DB2 subsystem at installation. The values are as follows:- D - Default
- Q - Quote (")
- A - Apostrophe (')
The third parameter indicates that the USE FOR DYNAMICRULES value specified in the application programming defaults panel (DSNTIPF) for the specified DB2 subsystem at installation. The values are as follows:- Y or Yes
- N or No
The DB2EXPLAIN keyword can be repeated for each DB2 subsystem that you want to enable for EXPLAIN requests. To make it easier to enable EXPLAIN requests on all DB2 subsystems, an asterisk can be specified for the subsystem name. In its simplest form, a single entry can be specified as follows:DB2EXPLAIN=(*)
This specifies that EXPLAIN requests can be run on all DB2 subsystems, with default values for SQL STRING DELIMITER and USE FOR DYNAMICRULES.
A maximum of 22 DB2 subsystems can be identified by 22 separate DB2EXPLAIN entries. If more than one entry is specified, and one of those has an asterisk for the DB2 subsystem name, then the Application Performance Analyzer started task will reject the configuration and fail to start.
- DB2I
- Optional. This setting is used to specify that the DB2 Intercept and DB2 SMF data collection are to be enabled. The syntax is as follows:
The first positional parameter specifies whether the Application Performance Analyzer DB2 Intercept is to be enabled. The default value is NO. Specify YES to enable the DB2 Intercept. Enabling this feature makes the DB2+ data extractor available, which allows additional DB2 data to be collected.
Note: Running Application Performance Analyzer measurements with the DB2+ data extractor turned on causes each DB2 call to be intercepted to collect additional data. This might have a small impact on the performance of the target address space. Care should be taken when using this feature with other products that also intercept DB2 calls because unpredictable results might occur. You might want to restrict its use in production environments. You can use Access Rules to restrict the DB2+ feature to specific users. See UseDB2Plus in Access rule descriptions.The SMF keyword parameter specifies whether Application Performance Analyzer support for collecting DB2 SMF data is to be enabled. The default value is NO. If YES is specified, Application Performance Analyzer will collect DB2 SMF data for all measurements that have the DB2+ data extractor selected. In this case Application Performance Analyzer will produce additional DB2 reports using data from the DB2 SMF record type 101 accounting records (refer to the User’s Guide for report descriptions). When YES is specified, a non-zero value is required for the MemObjSize keyword parameter. If NO is specified for DB2I in the first positional parameter or it is allowed to default, then this parameter is ignored.
Note: The DB2 DSNZPARM ACCUMACC parameter is used to roll up distributed and RRSAF thread information for efficiency. The IBM-provided default is 10. When ACCUMACC is specified with a value other than ‘NO’, the data in the F20 DB2 Class 3 Wait Times report may be inaccurate (or missing) for DDF and RRSAF threads. To improve the accuracy of this report, when SMF=YES is specified for DB2I, assign a value of NO to the DB2 DSNZPARM ACCUMACC.The CONTROLSMF keyword parameter specifies whether Application Performance Analyzer is to control the DB2 Accounting Trace required for SMF data collection. The DB2 Accounting trace (class 1 and 3) must be started with a destination of SMF to enable Application Performance Analyzer to collect the required SMF record type 101 records. The default value is NO. If NO is specified or allowed to default, then it is up to the system administrator to ensure that the DB2 Accounting trace is on for the applicable DB2 subsystems when the measurement starts. If YES is specified, Application Performance Analyzer will start the DB2 Accounting trace (class 1 and 3) on the applicable DB2 subsystem when a DB2+ measurement begins and stop the trace when the measurement has completed. If NO is specified for DB2I in the first positional parameter or in the SMF keyword parameter, or either is allowed to default, then this parameter is ignored.
Note: When CONTROLSMF=YES is specified for DB2I, the Application Performance Analyzer started task must be granted the DB2 TRACE privilege or must have DB2 authorization to issue TRACE commands.The ABENDSTOP keyword parameter specifies the action Application Performance Analyzer is to take after detecting an abend while intercepting an SQL call. The default value of YES will cause Application Performance Analyzer to stop sampling when it detects an abend while intercepting an SQL call. A value of NO will cause Application Performance Analyzer to continue sampling when it detects an abend while intercepting an SQL call. After detecting an abend, the DB2 intercept will be disabled and no more SQL calls will be intercepted for this sample session.
- DB2IMaxTraceSize
- Optional.
Specifies the number of DB2+ SQL call interceptions for which full details will be written to the sample file. Collecting full details on every interception allows the F02 Timeline report to report exact times for all SQL calls. The F02 report will be truncated at the number of calls specified in DB2IMaxTraceSize. The DB2+ data extractor continues to collect the data it requires for the other reports for the duration of the measurement. Use this parameter if you need more or less than the default 100000 entries on the F02 report. It has a range of 0 to 9999000, and must be specified in increments of 1000. Larger values will increase report load time and can cause dataspace overflows. This parameter does not affect DDF tracing.
This parameter can also specify whether the maximum trace size field is to be displayed on Panel 2 - Options, where users can change the value when creating or modifying observation requests.
Examples:- To collect full details for 50,000 DB2+ SQL call interceptions
where this value cannot be changed by the user on Panel 2, code the
- To collect full details for 100,000 DB2+ SQL call interceptions
where this value can be changed by the user on Panel 2, code the following:
Default: (100000,N)
- To collect full details for 50,000 DB2+ SQL call interceptions
where this value cannot be changed by the user on Panel 2, code the
- DB2PlanName
- Optional.
The plan name must be specified if you want Application Performance Analyzer to gather the necessary data to report plan and package BIND timestamps. You must also bind the Application Performance Analyzer DB2 plan to use this feature.
- DB2Qualifier
- Optional.
This entry specifies the qualifier to be used for the PLAN_TABLE that is dedicated to the Application Performance Analyzer started task. If omitted, it defaults to the authorization ID of the started task. It should be used only if more than one Application Performance Analyzer started task is running in the same MVS™ image.
The primary purpose for DB2Qualifier is to prevent using the same PLAN_TABLE for more than one started task. If two started tasks are each processing an EXPLAIN request at the same time using the same PLAN_TABLE, then one will have to wait while the other executes. Giving each started task its own qualifier prevents serializing the EXPLAIN requests among the started tasks.
- DB2X
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.
Specifies whether the Application Performance Analyzer static EXPLAIN feature is to be enabled. Enabling this feature makes the DB2X data extractor available for new measurement requests. If YES is specified, then the DB2 explain (DB2EXPLAIN) and DB2 Intercept (DB2I) must also be enabled.
When enabled for static EXPLAIN and when the DB2X data extractor is active for a measurement, Application Performance Analyzer will attempt to collect the EXPLAIN data for observed SQL statements that were bound with the EXPLAIN(YES) option at bind time.
Default: NO
- DefLocSys
- Optional.
Specifies to Application Performance Analyzer whether or not the local system id is to be used as the default for NEW observation requests. The acceptable values for this parameter are YES and NO. A value of YES directs Application Performance Analyzer to populate the System Name field on NEW observation requests with the local system id. A value of NO populates the field with *. When the System Id field is set to * and a non-active job is specified, Application Performance Analyzer looks at all systems in the Sysplex Group and starts measuring the first one it encounters. When the System Id field is set to * and an active job is specified, the active job list displays jobs from all systems in the Sysplex Group. In any case, the user can type over the field. This parameter specifies how it should initially be populated.
Default: NO
- DescRequired
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.
Specifies whether the user is required to complete the description field on NEW, TNEW and MOD requests. YES and NO are the only valid values. YES indicates a description of at least 8 characters is required.
Default: NO
- Optional.
Specifies whether the Data Extractor Module Resolution User Exit (CAZDEXMR) is called to resolve PSW addresses that were unresolved by the sampling engine. Specify YES to activate. A PSW address might be unresolved because the address was sampled in a foreign address space, or the address belongs to a module that is not managed by Content Supervision Services (i.e. LOAD, LINK, XTCL, ATTACH).
Default: NO
- DSPMaxSize
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.
Specifies the maximum amount of storage in 4K blocks that the sampling data space is permitted to use. This storage limit applies to each sampling session that is running. The DSPMaxSize parameter will not directly limit the data space size used for reporting, but will affect reporting by limiting the amount of data that can be collected for reporting.
The minimum amount that can be specified is 30,000, the maximum is 514,288.
Default: 50,000 blocks (approximately 200MB)
- DuplicateDSN
- Optional. Specifies the action Application Performance Analyzer is to take when the data set name of the sample file it is attempting to create already exists. This parameter is applicable only when the SampleDSN setting has been specified in CONFIG SAMPLE. The acceptable values are REP, GEN and DIS.
- REP – Replace an existing sample data set. This will delete the sample data set with the same data set name and create the new one. The observation for the deleted sample data set is also deleted from the R02 Observation List.
GEN – Generate a sample data set name by using the SampleHLQ setting specified in CONFIG SAMPLE, and follow the standard Application Performance Analyzer naming convention. If the SampleHLQ setting is not specified, the HLQ setting specified in CONFIG BASIC is used.
- DIS – Discard the sample for the active measurement. The status of the active measurement is marked as ‘Failed’.
Default: GEN
- ErrMsgStatus
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.
This setting indicates at what level the ErrMsg status indicator is turned on for error messages produced during sampling. The acceptable values are OFF, WARN and ERROR. The value of OFF will turn off the ErrMsg status. The default value of WARN indicates that messages producing a return code of 4 or higher will cause the ErrMsg status to be set. The value of ERROR indicates that messages producing a return code greater than 4 will cause the ErrMsg status to be set.
Default: WARN
- ExportDSN
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.Specifies up to 50 characters to be used to name export data sets. The value in this setting overrides the default generated export dataset name. The name may consist of system symbols and Application Performance Analyzer defined user symbols, which are substituted with values at the time the export dataset is allocated. The total length is restricted to 44 characters after substitution. If symbols are concatenated with other symbols or hard coded characters, a period must separate the items. The Application Performance Analyzer defined user symbols are:
- &USERID - the user ID of the user requesting the export.
- &JOB - the name of the address space associated with the observation
request selected by the user for export.
If the job name is a dash (-) as it would be for DB2 or IMS™ Multiple Address Space Support, then $MASS$ will be substituted for the job name.
If the job name contains a percent sign (%) for Multi-job support, then $MJOB$ will be substituted for the job name.
- &SAMP - the observation request number of the request selected by the user for export. The value substituted will be in the form Rnnnn where nnnn is the request number.
Note: System symbol &JOBNAME will substitute the name of the Application Performance Analyzer started task, not the observation request’s job name.Example:
Default: none.
- ExportSMSClass
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.
This setting is used to assign the SMS class values that Application Performance Analyzer is to use to allocate the export file data sets. It overrides any values specified in the DefaultSMSClass setting in CONFIG BASIC. Omitted positional parameters use the corresponding positional parameter values from DefaultSMSClass.
The syntax for this setting is ExportSMSClass=(mgmt,stg,data) where the positional parameters are:
- mgmt = The management class name. It must be one to eight alphanumeric or national characters, as defined by the storage administrator at your installation.
- stg = The storage class name. It must be one to eight alphanumeric or national characters, as defined by the storage administrator at your installation.
- data = The data class name. It must be one to eight alphanumeric or national characters, as defined by the storage administrator at your installation.
- ExtractorsOnByDefault
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.Specifies defaults for specific data extractors that are on for a NEW command line measurement request. (NEW entered as a line command on an existing request will ignore this parameter, and clone the target request’s extractors as usual). The data extractor names are listed separated by commas. Valid values are: CICS, CICS+, DB2, DB2+, DB2V, CDB2, IMS, IMS+, JAVA, MQ, MQ+, WAS and SRB. For example, to have CICS, DB2 and DB2+ turned on by default, code the following:
The WAS extractor is mutually exclusive with the following extractors: CICS+, IMS, IMS+, MQ, MQ+, ADA, and NAT. An error will occur if you attempt to include WAS with these extractors.ExtractorsOnByDefault=(CICS,DB2,DB2+)
The parameter AllExtractorsOn, if set to YES, will override this parameter and turn on all extractors.
Default: NO.
- FillDefaults
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.
Specifies whether the installation default values for Number of Samples (NSamples) and Duration (SampleDur) are automatically completed on all NEW and TNEW requests. YES and NO are the only valid values.
Default: NO.
- HFSReqLim
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.
Specifies the limit for the number of HFS files to be observed in each observation request. HFSReqLim specifies the maximum number of HFS files for the entire observation request. The value must be a number from 1 to 64000. Use this parm if you wish to either limit the number of HFS files to be observed, or increase the number above the default maximum of 500. Measuring more HFS file affects the performance of the measurement.
Default: 500
- Optional.
This is used to specify that the IMS Intercept should be turned on. Specify IMSI=YES to turn on this feature. Turning this feature on makes the IMS+ data extractor available, which allows additional IMS data to be collected.
Default: NO.
Note: Running Application Performance Analyzer measurements with the IMS+ data extractor turned on causes each IMS call to be intercepted to collect additional data. This might have a small impact on the performance of the target address space. Care should be taken when using this feature with other products that also intercept IMS calls because unpredictable results might occur. You might want to restrict its use in production environments. You can use Access Rules to restrict the IMS+ feature to specific users. See UseIMSPlus in Access rule descriptions. - IMSIMaxTraceSize
- Optional.
Specifies the number of IMS+ DLI call interceptions for which full details will be written to the sample file. Collecting full details on every interception allows the I02 and I03 Timeline reports to report exact times for all DLI calls and IMS transactions. The I02 and I03 reports will be truncated at the number of calls specified in IMSIMaxTraceSize. The IMS+ data extractor continues to collect the data it requires for the other reports for the duration of the measurement. Use this parameter if you need more or less than the default 100000 entries on the I02 and I03 reports. It has a range of 0 to 9999000, and must be specified in increments of 1000. Larger values will increase report load time and can cause dataspace overflows. This parameter can also specify whether the maximum trace size field is to be displayed on Panel 2 - Options, where users can change the value when creating or modifying observation requests.
Examples:- To collect full details for 50,000 IMS+ DLI call interceptions
where this value cannot be changed by the user on Panel 2, code the
- To collect full details for 100,000 IMS+ DLI call interceptions
where this value can be changed by the user on Panel 2, code the following:
Default: (100000,N)
- To collect full details for 50,000 IMS+ DLI call interceptions
where this value cannot be changed by the user on Panel 2, code the
- J9VMEnable
- Optional. Specifies whether programs running under Java™ are to be sampled using a dynamically loaded JVMTI agent. Specify YES or 64 if you require this ability. A value of YES launches the 31-bit version of Java in the Application Performance Analyzer started task. A value of 64 launches the 64-bit version of Java in the Application Performance Analyzer started task. If YES or 64 is specified, then both JavaHome and USSHome must also be specified. Refer to Customizing Application Performance Analyzer for use with J9VM for further details.Note: Regardless of the whether YES or 64 is specified, Application Performance Analyzer can sample both 31-bit and 64-bit Java applications. If you have multiple versions of Java installed, only one version can be specified for the Application Performance Analyzer started task at start up, but any version of Java supported by Application Performance Analyzer can be run in the target application.
A value of NO means that programs running under Java are to be sampled using a preloaded JVMTI agent.
Default: NO.
- JarSupport
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.
Specifies whether support for mapping source code from jar files is required. If you want Application Performance Analyzer to search for Java source in jar files, specify YES.
Default: NO.
- JavaHome
- Optional. Specifies the path name to the home directory of the most recent Java installation that supports attaching to a target J9VM. If specified, this should look similar to the following:
If your system is different, specify the directory path to Java on your system. This applies only if J9VMEnable=YES or 64. Refer to Customizing Application Performance Analyzer for use with J9VM for further details.JavaHome=/uss/lpp/java/J8.0
Note: Ensure you have the correct Java PTF installed on your system to enable Java monitoring for Application Performance Analyzer. Refer to Customizing Application Performance Analyzer for use with J9VM for further details.Default: none.
- MaxMIPPercent
- Optional.
Specifies the maximum percentage of MIPS (or machine instructions that a computer can execute in one second) that Application Performance Analyzer will be allowed to consume. The MaxMIPPercent parameter is used to ensure that the total number of MIPS used concurrently by Application Performance Analyzer observation requests does not exceed the specified percentage. When this percentage is reached, new samples created will run at a reduced rate for the entire sample. The reduced rate is shown in S01. If it is already over the limit, new requests will be denied due to a resource shortage. It is recommended that this value be set somewhere between 10 and 50 percent. Typically, a lower value is used on a production machine and a higher value on a development machine.
Default: 25 percent.
- MaxSampleRate
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.
Specifies the maximum rate at which a measurement session is permitted to sample. When the user submits a measurement request, the user's requested sampling rate is compared to this value for validity. The value is specified in samples per second.
Default: 1,000 samples per second.
- MaxSampleSize
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.
Specifies the maximum number of samples that a measurement session can record. When the user submits a measurement request, the requested number of samples is compared to this value for validity. The value is specified in samples.
The maximum value you can specify is 175,000.
Default: 30,000 samples.
- MemObjSize
- Optional.
This setting specifies the amount of above-the-bar common storage that a sampling session is permitted to allocate. This storage applies to each sampling session that captures SMF records. Refer to the WAS and DB2I CONFIG SAMPLE settings. The memory is allocated when sampling begins and is freed when sampling completes. The value is specified in megabytes and ranges from 0 to 9999.
A value of 0 (zero) indicates that a shared memory object is not to be allocated.
Default: 0.
Refer to Determining the amount of above-the-bar common storage for the IEFU83 and IEFU84 exits for guidelines on determining the value.
- MLPALibs
- Optional. Application Performance Analyzer can find PLPA library names, but not MPLA library names. This parameter is used to specify up to 10 MPLA loadlib DSNs to be searched for MLPA modules. Add a new MLPALibs parameter for each data set name in the format:
- Optional.
Use the MQI setting to specify that the MQ Intercept must be turned on. To turn on the MQI feature, specify MQI=YES. After the MQI feature is turned on, the MQ+ data extractor are available and extra MQ data can be collected.
Default: NO
If you run measurements when the MQ+ data extractor is turned on, each MQ call is intercepted to collect additional data. The interception of MQ call might have a small impact on the performance of the target address space. If you want to restrict its use in production environments, use Access Rules to restrict the MQ+ feature to specific users. See UseMQPlus in Access rule descriptions or USE.MQPLUS in Defining RACF profiles.
- MQIMaxTraceSize
- Optional.
Uses MQIMaxTraceSize setting to specify the number of MQ+ call interceptions for which full details are written to the sample file. By collecting full details on every interception, exact times for all MQ calls can be reported in Q11 Timeline report. The Q11report is truncated at the number of calls that are specified in MQIMaxTraceSize. The MQ+ data extractor continues to collect the data that it requires for the other reports during the measurement.
If you need more or less than the default 100000 entries on the Q11 report, use the MQIMaxTraceSize parameter. You can specify a range of 0 - 9999000 with increments of 1000. Larger values increase the load time of the report and cause dataspace overflows.
You can specify whether the maximum trace size field is to be displayed on Panel 2 - Options by using the MQIMaxTraceSize parameter. On Panel 2 - Options, you can change the value when you create or modify observation requests.
Examples:- To collect full details for 50,000 MQ+ call interceptions where
this value cannot be changed by the user on Panel 2, code the following
- To collect full details for 100,000 MQ+ call interceptions where
this value can be changed by the user on Panel 2, code the following
Default: 100000,N
- To collect full details for 50,000 MQ+ call interceptions where
this value cannot be changed by the user on Panel 2, code the following
- MultiJobLimit
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.
Specifies the limit for the number of jobs allowed in a multiple job request.
Default: 20
- Natural
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.
Specify YES to make the Natural data extractor available.
Default: NO.
- NSamples
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.
Specifies the default number of samples that a measurement session collects during the measurement session. This value is used if the user omits a value when he creates a measurement request. Normally, the user would enter this value.
Default: 1,000 samples.
- SampleDSN
- Optional.
Specifies up to 50 characters to be used to name sample data sets. The value in this setting overrides the Application Performance Analyzer generated sample data set name. The name may consist of system symbols and Application Performance Analyzer defined user symbols, which are substituted with values at sample data set allocation time. The total length is restricted to 44 characters after substitution.
The Application Performance Analyzer defined user symbols are:- &USERID - the user ID of the user requesting the sample
- &JOB - the name of the address space being sampled
- &SAMP - the observation request number being created, this will be in the form Rnnnn where nnnn is the sample file number.
Note: System symbol &JOBNAME will substitute the name of the Application Performance Analyzer started task, not the job being sampled.Example: SampleDSN=SYS2.CAZ0.&SYSNAME..&JOB..D&LYYMMDD..&SAMP
Default: none.
- SampleDur
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.
Specifies the default length of time that a measurement session collects sampling data. This value is used if the user omits a value when he creates measurement request. The value is specified in seconds. Normally, the user would enter this value.
Default: 60 seconds.
- SampleHLQ
- Optional.
Specifies the high-level qualifier to be used when creating sample data sets.
SampleHLQ can include system symbols for any qualifier. At sample data set allocation time, the current value of the system symbol will be substituted.
Example when the value of &SYSNAME is SYS1:
SampleHLQ can also include the keyword &USERID as the first qualifier. At sample data set allocation time the TSO userid of the user requesting the sample will be substituted for this variable.SampleHLQ=&SYSNAME..CAZ0 resolves to SYS1.CAZ0 SampleHLQ=CAZ0.&SYSNAME resolves to CAZ0.SYS1
SampleHLQ must comply with the JCL rule for specifying a data set name. The length of SampleHLQ is still restricted to 17 characters, including the substitutions.
If this parameter is not specified, the value that you specify for HLQ on the CONFIG BASIC statement will be used.
Default: none.
- SMSClass
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.
This setting is used to assign the SMS class values that Application Performance Analyzer is to use to allocate the sample file data sets. It overrides the any values specified in the DefaultSMSClass setting in CONFIG BASIC. Omitted positional parameters use the corresponding positional parameter values from DefaultSMSClass.
The syntax for this setting is SMSClass=(mgmt,stg,data) where the positional parameters are:
- mgmt = The management class name. It must be one to eight alphanumeric or national characters, as defined by the storage administrator at your installation.
- stg = The storage class name. It must be one to eight alphanumeric or national characters, as defined by the storage administrator at your installation.
- data = The data class name. It must be one to eight alphanumeric or national characters, as defined by the storage administrator at your installation.
- USSHome
- Optional. Specifies the USS directory in which the Application Performance Analyzer USS components have been installed. If specified, this should look similar to the following:
where #PathPrefix is the appropriate high level directory name. This #PathPrefix string must match the specification for #PathPrefix in the CAZWISMK installation job found in hlq.SCAZSAMP. This applies only if J9VMEnable=YES or 64. Refer to Customizing Application Performance Analyzer for use with J9VM for further details.USSHome=#PathPrefix/usr/lpp/apa/v11r1
Default: none.
- Optional.
This setting limits the number of USS address spaces that can be measured concurrently. It is intended to control the number of observations that would be initiated due to measured parent processes spawning or forking new processes. It has a range of 1 to 255. It is ignored if USSSpwnEnable=NO.
This is a system-wide limit for all requests initiated by all users.
This setting causes a control block to be allocated in ECSA. The size can be computed as follows: 80 + (MaxUSSCM x 48).
The control block is created once only and remains for the duration of the IPL. Its size can only be altered by re-IPLing the system.
If you change this value and recycle the STC, message CAZ0080W will be issued if the value has been increased. The increased value is ignored.
Default: 48
- USSMaxObsPReq
- Optional. Dynamically modifiable.
This parameter limits the number of child address spaces originating from the target address space that can be measured by a request. In this sense child address spaces are those created using the spawn, fork or exec functions.
A value of zero prevents any child address space from being measured. The maximum value is 255. This value cannot exceed the value specified in USSMaxCM.
The parameter is ignored if USSSpwnEnable=NO.
Default: 10
- USSSpwnEnable
- Optional.
If set to YES, this setting will enable Application Performance Analyzer to measure USS address spaces that are spun off or substeps that are executed by the original measured (parent) address space.
Default: NO.
Note: USS applications spawn many address spaces. You might need to set USSSpawnEnable to NO if address spaces that are created are not being sampled. - WAS
- Optional. This setting controls Application Performance Analyzer's WebSphere® Application Server (WAS) support. Application Performance Analyzer collects WebSphere activity data from the SMF record type 120 subtype 9 and 10 records. The syntax is as follows:
The first positional parameter specifies whether Application Performance Analyzer WAS support is to be enabled. The default value is NO. If YES is specified, WAS support is enabled and the WAS data extractor is available to collect WebSphere information during a measurement. If YES is specified, a non-zero value is required for the MemObjSize keyword parameter.
The CONTROLSMF keyword parameter specifies whether Application Performance Analyzer is to control recording SMF record type 120 subtype 9 and 10 records. The default is NO. If NO is specified or allowed to default, then it is up to the system administrator to ensure that WAS SMF recording is enabled for the WebSphere Server(s) that are to be sampled. If YES is specified, Application Performance Analyzer will enable SMF recording when a WAS sample session begins and disable SMF recording when sampling has completed. If NO is specified for WAS in the first positional parameter or it is allowed to default, then this parameter is ignored.
- Optional.
This is used to specify whether the Application Performance Analyzer WLM Intercept is to be turned on or off. YES and NO are the only valid values. Specify WLMI=YES to turn on this feature. WLMI=YES enables the measurement of specific DB2 stored procedures and user-defined functions, collateral DB2 (CDB2) data, and WebSphere servant region activity.
When WLMI=YES is specified, Application Performance Analyzer ensures that no other third party product is already intercepting WLM calls. If one is found, a diagnostic error message is displayed, identifying the job name of the third party product that is already intercepting WLM and ignore the WLMI option. To avoid this, Application Performance Analyzer should always be started before any other product that intercepts WLM calls.
Running Application Performance Analyzer measurements with the WLMI data extractor turned on causes each WLM call to be intercepted to collect additional data. This can have a small impact on the performance of the target address space. You might wish to restrict its use in production environments. You can use Access Rules to restrict the measurement of specific stored procedures and user-defined functions, and the use of the CDB2 data extractor to specific users. For additional information, refer to Suggested Application Performance Analyzer rules.
Default: NO.