Dynamic configuration

Some configuration parameters can be dynamically modified, without having to restart the Application Performance Analyzer started task. After changes have been made to these parameters in the configuration member CAZCNFG0 in hlq.SCAZSAMP, a MODIFY command can be issued to the started task by the system operator. An example of the command is shown below:


Here stcname is the job name of the Application Performance Analyzer started task. If the changes are syntactically valid, dynamically modifiable parameter settings are implemented immediately. Any parameters that have changed but are not dynamically modifiable will not take effect until the Application Performance Analyzer started task is restarted.

Dynamically changed parameters will not affect measurement sessions that are already in progress. New measurement requests will take on the dynamically changed values. Front-end users (ISPF or GUI) might have to logoff and logon again for their sessions to acquire the new values.