Checklists for installing and customizing Application Performance Analyzer
To customize Application Performance Analyzer, complete the tasks in the following checklist.
- If you ordered Application Performance Analyzer using the Custom-Built Product Delivery Offering (CBPDO), follow the steps in the IBM Application Performance Analyzer for z/OS® Program Directory for installation. (If Application Performance Analyzer is delivered through a ServerPac, the installation is completed for you.)
- Ensure that security access is configured.
- Place SCAZLINK in the LNKLST.
- Enable the Application Performance Analyzer system exits.
- APF-authorize libraries hlq.SCAZAUTH and hlq.SCAZLINK.
- Modify the TSO/E logon procedure.
- Choose a started task instance identifier.
- Make the Application Performance Analyzer-started task available.
- Create installation-level settings and settings for the started task.
- Pre-allocate a checkpoint file and common data store file (optional).
- Create your own descriptive program attribution table (optional).
- Modify Application Performance Analyzer procedure to provide access to third party repository products for source program mapping support (optional).
- Start the Application Performance Analyzer-started task.
- Start Application Performance Analyzer.
- Run an IVP to verify the customization of Application Performance Analyzer (optional).
J9VM Checklist
- APF authorize the Application Performance Analyzer USS files.
- Assign USS permissions to the Application Performance Analyzer started task.
- Set up J9VM related security rules.
- Update the J9VM related started task configuration settings.
- Enable the Java Attach API (for a dynamically loaded JVMTI agent) or specify a preloaded JVMTI agent.
Application Performance Analyzer Problem Determination Tools Common Component Extension Checklist
If the Application Performance Analyzer Graphical User Interface (GUI) plug-in is to be used in your organization, you must first complete the installation of Application Performance Analyzer and the Problem Determination Tools common component (PDTCC). Then perform the following steps to customize the Application Performance Analyzer PDTCC extension:
- Choose a high-level qualifier for the data sets created by the Application Performance Analyzer PDTCC extension.
- Establish external security.
- Configure the Application Performance Analyzer PDTCC extension CONFIG settings.
- Customize the PDTCC server for the Application Performance Analyzer PDTCC extension.
- Activate the Application Performance Analyzer PDTCC extension.
Application Performance Analyzer Plug-in for Eclipse Checklist
- Verify that the Application Performance Analyzer PDTCC extension is installed and activated.
- Obtain the Problem Determination Tools Common Server host address and port.
- Determine the default Application Performance Analyzer started task to which you will connect.
- Obtain the appropriate Problem Determination Tools Readme PDF and product .zip file from the IBM® Problem Determination Tools download website.
- Install the appropriate Problem Determination Tools product or package, following the instructions in the Readme PDF.
DB2 Checklist
- Choose a unique authorization ID.
- Create and bind a DB2 access package and plan.
- Create a PLAN_TABLE.
- Provide DB2 authorization.
- Update the started task JCL.
- Update the started task configuration settings.
Further details are found in Customizing Application Performance Analyzer for use with DB2 Universal Database.
WebSphere Application Services (WAS) Checklist
Application Performance Analyzer provides a feature to measure applications running under WebSphere® Application Services by capturing SMF type 120 subtype 9 records. If you plan to use Application Performance Analyzer to measure applications running under WebSphere Application Services, you must also perform the following additional customization tasks:
- Add SAF FACILITY class authorities for CAZ00993
- Add RACF® authority for EMCS consoles
- Add SMF exit CAZ00993 to LNKLST
- Enable IEFU83 SMF record exit
- Calculate above-the-bar common storage required
- Determine who can measure applications running under WebSphere Application Services and then assign the internal access rule UseWAS or RACF external access rule USE.WAS to the appropriate users.
- Determine how recording of SMF type 120 subtype 9 and 10 records is controlled. You may turn this trace on permanently, or you may direct Application Performance Analyzer to start and stop the trace as needed.
- Update CONFIG SAMPLE setting to turn on the WAS extractor and enable SMF capture and/or recording.
- Update CONFIG SAMPLE setting to assign a value to the MemObjSize keyword.
- Update CONFIG SAMPLE setting to enable the WLM Intercept (WLMI=YES), and ensure WebSphere Application Services for z/OS uses WLM for workload queuing (server_use_wlm_to_queue_work=1).
Further details are found in this chapter and in Customizing Application Performance Analyzer
DB2 SMF Accounting Trace Checklist
Application Performance Analyzer provides a feature to capture DB2 accounting data from SMF type 101 records during measurement of applications with the DB2+ data extractor selected. This data will be reported in the Application Performance Analyzer reports, for example, the F20 DB2 Class 3 Wait Times report. If you want Application Performance Analyzer to capture and report SMF DB2 accounting data, you must also complete the following additional customization tasks:
- Add SAF FACILITY class authorities for CAZ00994.
- Add RACF authority for EMCS consoles.
- Add SMF exit CAZ00994 to LNKLST.
- Enable IEFU84 SMF record exit.
- Calculate above-the-bar common storage required.
- Determine how the DB2 accounting trace is controlled. You may turn this trace on permanently or you may direct Application Performance Analyzer to start and stop the trace as needed. If you want Application Performance Analyzer to stop and start the trace, ensure the Application Performance Analyzer started task has DB2 TRACE privileges or DB2 authorization to issue TRACE commands.
- Update CONFIG SAMPLE setting to turn on the DB2I extractor and enable SMF capture and/or recording.
- Update CONFIG SAMPLE setting to assign a value to the MemObjSize keyword.
- Set the DSNZPARM ACCUMACC parameter to NO to improve the accuracy of DB2 Class 3 Wait Times report for DDF and RRSAF threads.
Further details are found in this chapter and in Customizing Application Performance Analyzer