Starting the ISPF dialog

The next step is to start the ISPF user interface. Start Application Performance Analyzer by selecting APA from the ISPF Primary Option menu, or by typing 'TSO CAZ@SPF' at the TSO/E command prompt.

You should see a panel like the one shown below.

	File View Navigate Help
R02: IBM APA for z/OS Observation Session List 		 (CAZ0) Row 00001 of 00002
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR

 NEW     To define a new measurement
 TNEW    To define a threshold measurement
 CONNECT To connect to another instance of the measurement task
 VERSION To display version information for all instances
 IMPORT  To IMPORT a previously Exported sample file or hierarchy
 HIDE    To remove these commands from the display (recommended)
 /       On top of any ReqNum to get a list of the line commands

ReqNum 	Owned By Description 		Job Name 	Date/Time 	Samples 	Status

| Welcome to IBM APA for z/OS Version 8.1. You are                             |
| currently connected to measurement task id CAZ0.                             |
| Enter CONNECT for an alternate connection, VERSION                           |
| for additional version information, NEW to start a measurement.              |

A list of commonly used primary commands is displayed at the top of the screen to assist those users new to Application Performance Analyzer. Once you become familiar with the Observation List panel, these commands can be hidden from view by entering the HIDE primary command. They can be displayed again by entering the SHOW primary command.

The screen should have displayed a message indicating that you are connected to the measurement task. If this is not displayed, Application Performance Analyzer assumes you are a new user and displays a different message, with a list of available measurement tasks. Enter a CONNECT command specifying your Application Performance Analyzer instance identifier. For example:

If you have configured Application Performance Analyzer to enable the expiry days warning feature, the welcome message may be replaced with a warning message indicating that some observations are about to be deleted. You might see a message like the following.
| Warning: one or more observations are approaching their expiry dates. Enter the SW |
| line command on the ReqNum heading to view all observations that are approaching   |
| their expiry date.                                                                 |