Entering a measurement request

Assuming this worked, you have finished the installation. Application Performance Analyzer is ready to accept measurement requests. The panel illustrated above shows a list of Application Performance Analyzer observation sessions and is the dialog from which you access all other Application Performance Analyzer dialogs and reports. Since no measurement requests have been made yet, the list is empty. The next step is to perform the first measurement. From this screen, enter the NEW command.

		===> NEW

Application Performance Analyzer will open a dialog screen into which you specify the measurement parameters. This is shown here:

	File View Navigate Help
R03: Schedule New Measurement 											Row 00001 of 00019
Command ===> 																		Scroll ===> CSR
   1. Job Information     3. Multi Steps      5. Subsystems   7. Schedule
   2. Options             4. Active Jobs      6. Sysplex      8. Sched Options
Panel 1. Job Information
	Job Name/Pattern . .  _________

	Step Specification
		Step No. . . . . . ___			Specify step number, program name,
		Program Name . . . ______		step name or step name + Proc step
		Step Name  . . . . ______		name. Use panel 3 to specify more
		ProcStepName . . . ______		than one step.

Description      . . . . ____________________________________________
Number of Samples      . _____		Measure to step end   . . . N
Duration (min:sec)     . _____		Delay by (secs) . . . . . ___
Notify TSO User      . . _____		Retain file for (days)  . 20 
                                USS observations . . . . _____  Max. 20
Now enter the following input to this panel. This will create a measurement request for a supplied installation verification job named CAZIVP01.
  • Job Name/Pattern, enter: CAZIVP01
  • Step No, enter: 1
  • Description, enter: IVP 01 (or any description you want)
  • Number of Samples, enter: 6000
  • Duration of session, enter: 30

Now press the ENTER key. Assuming you did not make any errors in the input, you will see the following message:

Input more data or ENTER to submit

Press the ENTER key again and your request will be accepted. You will be returned to the observation session list screen. The list will now contain the request you just made.

File View Navigate Help
R02: IBM APA for z/OS Observation Session List                 (CAZ0) Request submitted OK
Command ===> ______________________________________________________________Scroll ===> CSR
ReqNum 		Owned By 		Description 		Job Name 		Date/Time 		Samples 		Status
0001     USER1      IVP 01        CAZIVP01   Jul-20 9:35 6,000     Sched

This shows that the request is scheduled. The Application Performance Analyzer started task will automatically begin the measurement when it detects execution of the job named CAZIVP01. Now we will submit the job. The JCL for CAZIVP01 is in hlq.SCAZSAMP in the member CAZIVPJ. Submit this JCL (after making any necessary modifications).

When the job begins execution, the status shown in the observation session list screen will show Active, and the value under the Samples heading will display the actual number of samples completed. This will refresh dynamically each time you press the ENTER key.

  File  View  Navigate  Help
R02: IBM APA for z/OS Observation Session List (CAZ0)         Row 00001 of 00246
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Reqnum  Owned By  Description     Job Name  Date/Time        Samples  Status

 0001    USER1    my userid        CAZIVP01 Jun-11  6:51          43  Active


Upon completion of the job, the status will change to Ended.

  File  View  Navigate  Help
R02: IBM APA for z/OS Observation Session List (CAZ0)         Row 00001 of 00246
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Reqnum  Owned By  Description     Job Name  Date/Time        Samples  Status

 0001    USER1    my userid        CAZIVP01  Jun-11 19:03      6,000   Ended
