Displaying performance analysis reports

With completion of a measurement, you are now ready to display performance analysis reports. The subject of performance analysis reports and their interpretation is beyond the scope of this manual, but we will demonstrate this here just to complete the installation verification.

To enter the reporting facility, enter the R line command on the measurement request you would like to report on. You will then see a report selection screen like the one shown here.

	File 	View 	Navigate 	Help
R01: IBM APA for z/OS Performance Reports (0001/CAZIVP01)   Row 00001 of 00007
Command ===>__________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR

      Select a category from the list below to view the available reports        
   A Admin/Miscellaneous    I IMS Measurement        E CICS Measurement    
   S Statistics/Storage     F DB2 Measurement        Q MQ Measurement      
   C CPU Usage Analysis     D DASD I/O Analysis      G Coupling Facility   
   W CPU WAIT Analysis      V Variance Reports       X Multi Address Space 
   J Java Measurement       B WebSphere App Server   H HFS Analysis     
   K SRB Measurement   

Enter S to make a selection or enter the report code on the command line

    __S01 Session Statistics         __S07 TCB Execution Summary
    __S02 Load Module Attributes     __S08 Processor Utilization Summary
    __S03 Load Module Summary        __S09 Measurement Analysis
    __S04 TCB Summary
    __S05 Memory Usage Timeline
    __S06 Data Space Usage Timeline

From this panel, you can select from an array of performance analysis reports. As an example, select report S05 (Memory Usage Timeline). You can position the cursor on the S05 item and press enter, or you can type S05 directly on the command line. You should see a screen like the one shown here:

File 	View 	Navigate 	Help
S05: Memory Usage Timeline (0001/CAZIVP01)								Row 00001 of 00015
Command ===> __________________________________________________Scroll ===> CSR
SEQN 	Seconds 	Storage 		<----2650K---------------------------------5830K-->
0001 		1.857 	2924K 	****
0002 		1.935 	3124K 	*******
0003 		1.935 	3324K 	**********
0004 		1.944 	3524K 	*************
0005 		1.927 	3724K 	****************
0006 		1.935 	3928K 	********************
0007 		1.934 	4128K 	***********************
0008 		1.942 	4328K 	**************************
0009 		1.929 	4528K 	*****************************
0010 		1.936 	4728K 	********************************
0011 		1.935 	4932K 	***********************************
0012 		1.934 	5132K 	***************************************
0013 		1.934 	5332K 	******************************************
0014 		1.934 	5532K 	*********************************************
0015 		1.905 	5732K 	************************************************