Checklist for migrating Application Performance Analyzer

To migrate Application Performance Analyzer, complete the tasks in the following checklist.

  1. If you ordered Application Performance Analyzer using the Custom-Built Product Delivery Offering (CBPDO), follow the steps in the IBM Application Performance Analyzer for z/OS Program Directory for installation. (If Application Performance Analyzer is delivered through a ServerPac, the installation is completed for you.)
  2. Obtain and apply applicable PTFs as described in Applying service APAR or PTF. For a list of available PTFs, refer to Latest Application Performance Analyzer for z/OS® service information.
  3. Replace the following libraries:
    • hlq.SCAZEXEC
    • hlq.SCAZAUTH
    • hlq.SCAZLINK
    • hlq.SCAZMENU
    • hlq.SCAZPENU
    • hlq.SCAZTENU
    • hlq.SCAZDBRM
    • hlq.SCAZPAX
  4. Migrate any changed members from the existing hlq.SCAZSAMP to the new hlq.SCAZSAMP.
  5. Customize hlq.SCAZEXEC members. Refer to Modifying the TSO/E logon procedure to include Application Performance Analyzer user interface and Modifying Application Performance Analyzer procedure for third party products for more information.
  6. APF-authorize libraries hlq.SCAZAUTH and hlq.SCAZLINK.
  7. Change the hlq.SCAZAUTH and hlq.SCAZSAMP library names in the Application Performance Analyzer-started task.
  8. Start the Application Performance Analyzer-started task.
  9. Start Application Performance Analyzer.
  10. Run an IVP to verify the customization of Application Performance Analyzer (optional).
The following changes are needed for your DB2 Universal Database™ when migrating to the latest version of IBM Application Performance Analyzer:
  1. Run CAZBIND with the new hlq.SCAZDBRM library.
  2. If the PLAN_TABLE was changed in your current version of IBM Application Performance Analyzer, then you need to recreate the PLAN_TABLE.