Modifying the TSO/E logon procedure to include Application Performance Analyzer user interface

The functional routines of Application Performance Analyzer are executed under ISPF in a TSO/E user’s session. To allow users to start the Application Performance Analyzer user interface, you must make these ISPF libraries available to them.

To make the ISPF libraries available to users, do the following steps:

  1. In members CAZ@SPF and CAZISPS in your REXX exec library hlq.SCAZEXEC, change the high-level qualifier as appropriate.
  2. In member CAZISPS, if your hlq.SCAZAUTH library is not link listed, change IPCALOAD to your SCAZAUTH library.
  3. In member CAZISPS, if you are not using the standard data set names created by Application Performance Analyzer, customize ISPPLIB, ISPMLIB, and ISPTLIB.
  4. In member CAZISPS, if LE is not link listed, set the data set name of your SCEERUN library in parameter IPCACEE
  5. Add the Application Performance Analyzer user interface to your ISPF menu by inserting the additional lines ( NEW ) as shown in the following example:
      9   IBM Products    IBM program development products
      10  SCLM            SW Configuration Library Manager
      11  Workplace       ISPF Object/Action Workplace
      APA AppPerfAnalyzer Application Performance Analyzer for z/OS ( NEW ) 
    ) PROC
      &ZSEL = TRANS( TRUNC  (&ZCMD,’.’)
     MODE(FSCR) NEWAPPL(CAZ3)’ /*Application Performance Analyzer*/ ( NEW )

For more information about configuring your ISPF Primary Option menu, see z/OS® ISPF Planning and Customizing.