Modifying Application Performance Analyzer procedure for third party products

The REXX procedure CAZRXOEM in hlq.SCAZEXEC must be customized to provide access to third party repository products for source program mapping support. This requires detailed knowledge of the utility used to extract listings from the repository into a fixed block file with a 132 or 133 character record length. CAZRXOEM is invoked whenever a user specifies a repository of T for "Third party" on the Source Program Mapping panel, A01.

Note: CAZRXOEM may only specify standard TSO commands such as: ALLOCATE and CALL. ISPEXEC commands are not permitted.
Edit the member CAZRXOEM in the hlq.SCAZEXEC and make the following changes:
  1. Comment out the line:
  2. Replace “SYS1.LINKLIB(OEMUTIL)” in the statement:
    with the data set name of the library that contains the utility, and the name of the utility to be run.
  3. Increase the space to more than the default allocation of one track, if needed, in the statement:
  4. Modify the ALLOC statements as required for space and format. The following statements might require changes:
    QUEUE "ALLOC SYSUT1 DSN(@repository@) SHR REUSE"
    QUEUE "ALLOC SYSUT2 DSN(@extract@)" ,
          “NEW REUSE SPACE(10 10) TRACKS" ,
          "RECFM(F B A) LRECL(133) BLKSIZE(13300) DSORG(PS)"
    QUEUE "ALLOC SYSPRINT DSN(@sysprint@)" ,
          "NEW REUSE SPACE(1 1) TRACKS" ,
          "RECFM(F B A) LRECL(121) BLKSIZE(12100)"
    Change only the SPACE, RECFM, LRECL, and BLKSIZE parameters. The DSN will be filled in from the input supplied by the user when requesting a listing.
    • @repository@ is the input data set that is the repository for the listings.
    • @extract@ is the output of the utility and used as input to source program mapping.
    • @parms@ contains any input parms required.
    • @sysprint@ contains messages and control statement output from the utility, normally the SYSPRINT data set.