Welcome to the integrated suite of WebSphere Studio tools, powered by Eclipse technology release 2.1.1. To view any updates to the README, go to this URL: http://www3.software.ibm.com/ibmdl/pub/software/websphere/studiotools/html/51/wssd/readme.html
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Note: The final step before the install action begins shows the estimated disk size that the install will require.
If you have already uninstalled WebSphere Studio, reinstalled in the same directory, and are trying to start WebSphere Studio with a workspace from your previous install, you will be shown the WebSphere Studio splash screen repeatedly, but WebSphere Studio will not start. To work around this, follow these steps:
1.0 Hardware requirements
2.0 Supported software
3.0 Version 5.1 release notes
4.0 About Eclipse
5.0 Where to find more information
6.0 Description of
downloadable electronic images
See the Installation Guide for the hardware requirements for installing WebSphere Studio Site Developer.
Note: The Documentation updates release note contains several updates to the Installation guide.
For details of software and specifications that are supported by a particular tool in WebSphere Studio, see the list of feature-specific release notes below.
Development platforms | See the Installation Guide. |
Web browsers |
Application servers |
Team servers (Note 3) |
Databases | Refer to the release note for relational database tools (Notes 2,4). |
Eclipse is an open-source project that creates royalty-free technology and a universal platform for tools integration. Eclipse-based tools give developers freedom of choice in a multi-language, multi-platform, multi-vendor environment. Eclipse delivers a framework for developing plug-ins that makes it easier to create, integrate, and use software tools, saving time and money. By collaborating and sharing core integration technology, tool producers can concentrate on their areas of expertise and the creation of new development technology. The Eclipse platform is written in the Java language and comes with extensive toolkits and examples for construction plug-ins. It has already been deployed on a range of operating system environments including Linux, MAC OS X, QNX,and Windows based systems. Full details of the Eclipse community and white papers documenting the design of the Eclipse platform are available at www.eclipse.org.
Toolkits and complementary middleware from IBM integrate with the WebSphere Studio environment, allowing you to quickly and easily add new functionality targeted at specific development needs. Plug-in tools from other vendors, also built using the open Eclipse platform, integrate with the WebSphere Studio environment to provide additional value.
There are fourteen downloadable parts for WebSphere Studio Site Developer. All fourteen parts are self-extracting archives. You must install the first thirteen; the rest are optional. Refer to the list below for details about what each archive contains. Download all required parts and any desired optional parts. NOTE: It is imperative that all REQUIRED parts are downloaded and extracted before proceeding with the product install.
The following is a description of each part:
Copyrights and notices
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2000, 2003. All Rights Reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
AIX, Cloudscape, DB2, IBM, iSeries, OS/390, VisualAge, WebSphere, and z/OS are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
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Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
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