Profiling and logging tools - release notes

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Supported software and specifications
3.0 Limitations
   3.1 Security feature not available
   3.2 Upgrading Agent Controller on Linux
   3.3 Agent Controller may fail to start on AIX
   3.4 Setup will upgrade Windows Installer to 2.0
   3.5 Error 1920 during installation
   3.6 Other errors during installation and uninstallation
   3.7 Out of memory error
4.0 Known problems
   4.1 Opening and viewing the trace files
   4.2 Importing log files
   4.3 Displaying larger files in the Log Interactions view
   4.4 Hiding self-referenced calls ignored by the Log Interactions views
   4.5 Support for Agent Interactions and Process Interactions views
   4.6 Importing log files from Solaris
   4.7 Cannot import a log file containing non-ASCII characters
   4.8 Duplicate method and class data after reattaching agent
   4.9 IBM HTTP Server is not listed in Import Wizard
   4.10 Cannot change agent properties after launch or attach

1.0 Introduction

This release note covers the performance and memory profiling and analysis tools that are available from the Profiling and Logging perspective of the workbench (including the Log views).

Additional sources of documentation

Guide for using the samples
From the Log and Trace Analyzer, invoke File > New > Example... and select the Log Analyzer and Correlation sample tree view. Select the Apache Log Correlation/Analyzer Samples menu item and click on the Next button. Then click on the Finish button. The sample will be automatically created.

Guide for creating parsers, correlation engines and analysis engines
These guides are available at

2.0 Supported software and specifications

Profiling a Java Applet
To profile a Java Applet that was created under Eclipse:

1. Use the Run menu to select Run...
2. Select Java Applet and click New.
3. Select the Arguments tab.
4. Specify the following in the VM arguments: -XrunpiAgent:server=controlled
5. Click on Run. Note that the application will not run until you attach to the process.
6. Switch to the Profiling and Logging perspective.
7. Use the Profile menu to select Attach->Java Process.
8. Use the wizard to attach to the process.
9. Start monitoring the Agent. At this point the application should run.
Note that the process can also be profiled in Enabled mode. See the RAC documentation for more details.

The readme file, Working with the Hyades Apache Commons Logging Sample, does not specify the correct logging agent name in Step 3 of the execution steps section. The proper name of the logging agent is org.eclipse.hyades.logging.commons.sample.HyadesLoggingCommonsSample.

3.0 Limitations

3.1 Security feature not available

The Security feature of IBM Agent Controller is not available. When prompted to enable or turn on Security during installation, select Disable or no.

3.2 Upgrading Agent Controller on Linux

If you are upgrading Agent Controller on Linux from version 5.0.1 or earlier you must first uninstall that version with a command like:

rpm -e ibmrac-5.0.1-0
After uninstalling the older version you can install the new version with the command:
rpm -U ibmrac-5.1.0-0.i386.rpm

3.3 Agent Controller may fail to start on AIX

Agent Controller may fail to start on AIX with the following message:

RAServer failed to start.
This is usually caused either if TCP/IP port 10002 is being used by another process running on the system, or if Agent Controller was just stopped.

Work around: If port 10002 is being used by another process you can change the port number by editing the serviceconfig.xml file. This is described in the documentation.

3.4 Setup will upgrade Windows Installer to 2.0

If the Windows Installer is older than 2.0, setup will automatically upgrade it. This will require a reboot. The Agent Controller installation will resume automatically after system reboot.

3.5 Error 1920 during installation

If you encounter Windows Installer error 1920 during installation, this indicates a problem starting the IBM Agent Controller service. Usually, it is caused as a result of the existence of a file called Program under the system drive. For example, if Windows is installed under the D: drive, the existence of a file called Program under D:\ will stop the Agent Controller service from starting if it is installed under the default location D:\Program Files\IBM\IBM Agent Controller. This is as a result of Windows trying to start the Agent Controller service as D:\Program Files\IBM\IBM Agent Controller\bin\RAServer.exe, which is incorrect.

To work around this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Remove or rename the file called Program.
  2. Install Agent Controller using a directory without spaces (for example, D:\IBM_Agent_Controller).
  3. In the Windows registry, under the key name HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\IBM Agent Controller\ImagePath, add double quotation marks around the name of the executable file for Agent Controller. For example: "D:\Program Files\IBM\IBM Agent Controller\bin\RAServer.exe"

3.6 Other errors during installation and uninstallation

If you encounter errors during installation or uninstallation, this may be due to the fact that the object files of Agent Controller are loaded by running processes. To ensure the object files can be modified, do the following:

  1. Shut down the workbench.
  2. Terminate all java.exe processes which contain either the Java Profiling Agent or the J2EE Request Profiler.
  3. Close the Services window.

3.7 Out of memory error

At times, the workbench may run out memory when dealing with large amounts of data. This will happen at different stages, depending on the JRE that you are using. For example, in some situations, SUN 1.4.1 will run out sooner than IBM 1.3.1 or IBM 1.4.1.

Workaround: Use the -Xmx JVM argument to increase your Heap allocation. -Xmx200M is recommended, however larger amounts may be required depending on your machine configuration and application needs.

4.0 Known problems

4.1 Opening and viewing the trace files

WebSphere Application Server trace files generated using the Log Analyzer trace output format cannot be opened and viewed using the Logging tools.

Workaround: Set the WebSphere Application Server trace output format to either Basic or Advanced before you generate trace files that are to be opened and viewed using the Logging tools.

4.2 Importing log files

Log files up to 25MB can be imported into the workspace and opened into the Log and Trace Analyzer. The amount of time to open the log file depends on the number of log records in the file and you may get an "out of memory" exception.

Workaround: Increase the memory by starting Eclipse as follows:

"eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xmx800M" or add more physical memory to the machine.

4.3 Displaying larger files in the Log Interactions view

When larger log files are displayed in the Log Interactions view, the Sequence Diagram overview does not show any log files. The Overview button is moved from the bottom to the top of the view, but the view itself has no width.

Workaround: None.

4.4 Hiding self-referenced calls ignored by the Log Interactions views

The option to hide self-referenced calls is present on the Preferences page for the Sequence Diagram views (Window > Preferences > Profiling and Logging > Sequence Diagram) is ignored by the Log Interactions views.

Workaround: None.

4.5 Support for Agent Interactions and Process Interactions views

Agent Interactions and Process Interactions views are not supported from the Sequence Diagram view for Log files.

Workaround: None.

4.6 Importing log files from Solaris

Log files cannot be properly imported from Solaris.

Workaround: None. Solaris driver is not stable, and an update will be provided in the near future.

4.7 Cannot import a log file containing non-ASCII characters

If the content of a log file contains non-ASCII characters (for example, 0xFF 0xFB ... ) the log file will not be imported properly.

Workaround: Remove these non-ASCII characters from the log file.

4.8 Duplicate method and class data after reattaching agent

Reattaching to the same agent under the same project and monitor destination will result in duplicate classes and methods being reported.

Detach from Agent is useful when you expect the agent to be attached by another resource.

Workaround: Select Pause Monitoring for stop collecting profile data and, subsequently, select Start Monitoring again to resume profiling.

4.9 IBM HTTP Server is not listed in Import Wizard

The IBM HTTP Server version is not listed in the Import Wizard as a supported log format. This server is used in WebSphere Application Server version 5.0.2. You can successfully import logs from IBM HTTP Server using the

4.10 Cannot change agent properties after launch or attach

Once an agent is created by launch or attach, changes in agent properties, e.g options or filters, cannnot be applied.

Workaround: Detach and reattach agent to a different monitor with the new options and filters.

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