Configuration Files

Applications, sections, tabs and their relevant elements are defined using XML based configuration files. These files are located in the <server-dir>\components\<component-name>\clientapps directory. Application Configuration Files should be consulted for more information on the clientapps directory, and best practices for working with application configuration files.

Each configuration file has a specific extension and an associated schema file detailing the supported attributes. A summary of the file extensions and related schema files is available in Configuration Files.

Table 1. Configuration Files
File Extension Schema File Description
.app application-view.xsd Configuration file to define an application, including the application banner, referenced sections and application search.
.sec section.xsd Configuration file to define the referenced tabs and section shortcut panel in a section.
.ssp section-shortcut-panel.xsd Configuration file to define the contents of a section shortcut panel.
.tab tab.xsd Configuration file to define a tab, including the context panel and referenced navigation and actions menu.
.nav navigation.xsd Configuration file to define the content of a tab navigation bar.
.mnu menubar.xsd Configuration file to define the content of a tab actions menu.

The schema files are all located in the <sdej-dir>\lib directory and can be used during development for validation in any XML editor.

The configuration files for applications, sections and tabs are processed as part of the database target and stored on the database for use at runtime. A standalone target, inserttabconfiguration, is also available for processing the configuration files only. This command is useful during development because it is more efficient than the full database target. For more information on these targets please consult the Cúram Server Developers Guide.

The inserttabconfiguration validates all the configuration files, ensuring that they conform to the XML schema, in addition to ensuring that all mandatory elements and attributes are specified. All files are processed before the build fails, listing all validation errors.