Application Configuration Files

The application configuration files for defining application, section and tabs can be added to the <server-dir>\components\<component-name>\clientapps directory, where <component-name> is a custom component. Sub-folders are supported within the clientapps folder. Any artifacts added to this directory will override files of the same name in the <server-dir>\components\<component-name>\tab directory. The tab directory contains files that are shipped with existing components within the Cúram application and these files should not be modified.

Note: The OOTB Cúram application uses fragments of configuration artifacts that are merged into single files at build time, this is not supported for custom application configuration artifacts. (i.e.) you should not have a tab folder in EJBServer\components\custom.

When customizing application configuration files that ship with the Cúram application, the XML configuration file file should always be customized as a unit. For example, a change to the file, associated with the file, should result in adding both and to the clientapps folder. These files should be based on the merged version of the files. The inserttabconfiguration target can be used to get a development copy of the merged file. See the Cúram Server Developer Guide for more information.

There are a few general rules and best practices when working with the application configuration files: