Artefacts of the SDEJ

Artefacts of the SDEJ shows the directory structure of the SDEJ when installation is complete, while Artefacts of the SDEJ gives more details on the contents of each directory. The CURAMSDEJ is the root of the directory structure; the name given to wherever the SDEJ has been set up or installed.

Figure 1. SDEJ Structure
+ bin
+ codetable
+ doc
+ drivers
+ ear
+ lib
+ message
+ rsa
+ scripts
+ util
+ xmlserver
Table 1. SDEJ Structure at Installation




This directory contains all Ant build scripts necessary to build, verify and configure a Cúram application. The build.bat script file delivered with the Cúram application hooks into this directory to invoke the build.xml file contained here. Use of this file is described in Build Files and Their Targets


This directory contains the set of codetable files shipped by the SDEJ. These files use the file extension .itx. Each of these files can be customized, see Localizing SDEJ Code Table Files for more details.


This directory contains the JavaDoc shipped with the SDEJ.


This directory contains the drivers used by the SDEJ to access the database.


This directory contains the deployment descriptors and templates necessary to build application ear (Enterprise Archive) files for the chosen application server.


This directory contains the compiled SDEJ source, Third Party JAR files, XML schemas and stylesheets necessary to fulfill all SDEJ functionality.


This directory contains the set of message files shipped with the SDEJ. Unlike the Cúram application message files these infrastructure message files use the file extension .iml. Each of the files can be customized, See Localizing SDEJ Message Files for more details.


This directory contains the Eclipse plugin artefacts used to provide Cúram functionality in IBM® Rational® Software Architect. See the Working with the Cúram Model in Rational Software Architect for more details.


This directory contains the database independent XML files necessary to create the database required by the SDEJ.


This directory contains useful utilities shipped with the SDEJ.


This directory contains the artefacts and build scripts necessary to run the xmlserver. See Cúram XML Infrastructure Guide for more information